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Thread: Tekken 6

  1. #21
    Cheapskate S. Carter's Avatar
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    I know...I don't want that to happen also. It's just too bad he became emo. If only he stayed as cool as he was in T4...

    Anyways, some more new tidbits:

    What do you guys think of "Item Moves?" If you haven't seen an example, check out this vid:
    - At around 1:56, Bryan launches Jack into the air and blasts him with his shotgun

    Seems like an interesting addition to the gameplay. Just think if King/Armor King whipped out a chair from out've nowhere and began smacking his opponent.

  2. #22
    Armored Avenger Iron Man's Avatar
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    These new item moves sounds interesting. It could make things slightly more fun. And Yoshimitsu has changed the most, again haha. Will be interesting to trie him out as well, seeing as he will be quite difficult to master.

    Really looking forward to the game.

  3. #23
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! JayStorm's Avatar
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    Yes, although I thought he was always quite tricky to use. lol

    Really hyped about this game, one of the reasons, i'm going with the PS3.

    I've been playing Tekken 5 pretty solidly recently as I just can't wait.

  4. #24
    Cheapskate S. Carter's Avatar
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    Some new updates to the T6 story and character profiles have been added to

    ^ Don't forget to check the site once in a while.

    So now we've got an all out war, father versus son - Kazuya and G Corporation, versus Jin and Mishima Zaibatsu. That...is....awesome.
    And Yoshimitsu's character design just gets better and better with each progressing Tekken game.

  5. #25
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! JayStorm's Avatar
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    Yeah sounds excellent.

    Pretty well lined up but I still see a Mishima winning. lol

    And I hope we can see several Yoshimitsu attires again.

  6. #26
    Member Gunblade X's Avatar
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    I'm looking foward to the new tekken game but there are quite a few things anooying me:

    1. Jin is now like a villain, his character has been completely ruined and he will not be the same.
    2. Why in the hell did they make it so that Heihachi is playable in Tekken 5 but wasn't in the tournament (in canon), I find that stupid.
    3. Why have they done things like bringing people back from the dead like Baek (or Bruce?), that messes it all up (although it is good that they're part of the roster).
    4. Two new uninteresting characters
    5. Other stuff as well

  7. #27
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! JayStorm's Avatar
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    Making Jinpachi non-playable in Tekken 5 annoyed me greatly but if I can in Tekken 6 then it will be worth it just for that.

    It was inevitable what they did to Jin and if it means a larger roster then screw the storyline.

  8. #28
    - Névi et du Sancta - Gemini's Avatar
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    A storyline makes the game, whether it's filled with hot *****es and/or bulky mother****ers.

    Anyway, Jinpachi's time is over. He was a nice transition from "easy boss" to "difficult boss", but that's about it.
    Can we pretend that airplanes
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  9. #29
    Cheapskate S. Carter's Avatar
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    QuoteOriginally Posted by Gunblade X View Post
    I'm looking foward to the new tekken game but there are quite a few things anooying me:

    1. Jin is now like a villain, his character has been completely ruined and he will not be the same.
    2. Why in the hell did they make it so that Heihachi is playable in Tekken 5 but wasn't in the tournament (in canon), I find that stupid.3. Why have they done things like bringing people back from the dead like Baek (or Bruce?), that messes it all up (although it is good that they're part of the roster).
    4. Two new uninteresting characters
    5. Other stuff as well
    You know Namco. They like to twist the storyline quite a bit. Technically, no character is dead, but I still don't see Jun coming back anytime soon. She's really the only "confirmed" dead character. Maybe Kunimitsu will return this time.

    Heihachi is one of the most popular Tekken characters in Japan, so Namco had to include him.

    Jinpachi is playable in the PS3 version of T5 Dark Resurrection.

    And I prefer Jin as "evil" rather than "emo." So I don't mind the change.
    That first E3 trailer of T6 is starting to make sense. Lili and Hwoarang both attacking Jin.

  10. #30
    - Névi et du Sancta - Gemini's Avatar
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    Sweet. Lili will be my ***** in T6. I know it.
    Can we pretend that airplanes
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    I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)

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