It looks great. I see you haven't lost the touch. I like the style and everything. Only thing I don't like is the extraction. It doesn't seem to be as good as you usually make them. Especially not with Ishida's hair
It looks great. I see you haven't lost the touch. I like the style and everything. Only thing I don't like is the extraction. It doesn't seem to be as good as you usually make them. Especially not with Ishida's hair
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
Haven't made one of these in ages. C/C is appreciated.
Ah yeah, the circles and bright stock plus flowers. Nice balance and colour usageOnly see one tiny thing I'd like better differently but otherwise it's pretty nice buh, well done
Made this for the SOTM.
C/C, please.
Spoiler: Announcement to all Hotties!
Spoiler: I'm a BIG Fan!
New AWESOME set by Ben! Fab job luv!
I'm assuming it was you who made your and Chip's new signatures. They're very nice. Simple, but eye-catching pop-art style. Did you change the Iron Man one? I seem to remember it having transparent monochrome sections in it before, which I think I liked better. Anyway, good job.
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» psn : Ben2289 //
Spoiler: PSNSpoiler: rEtrO_oSpoiler: etc.
I had such a "wtf?" moment when I saw that someone had posted in here. xD
Yep, they are my creations. I got the inspiration for the design from the in-game menu from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2.
I made two versions of each; one with monocrome images in the background and one without. We can't use the matching avatars because of site errors. *grumble*
Thank you for commenting. =)
On reflection, the ones you ultimately went with are better lol. And have you tried today? That problem ought to be fixed by now, the rest of them have been.
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» psn : Ben2289 //
Spoiler: PSNSpoiler: rEtrO_oSpoiler: etc.