thats a nice one, i really like it much different that usual avi's i like the border and the text real nice ^_^
thats a nice one, i really like it much different that usual avi's i like the border and the text real nice ^_^
Sadistic Smile? Isn't that the huge teddy bear thing? =P It's a cute avatar anyway love ^_^
*~ Chronicles of Semotus Stella : Bellum Lugeo ~*
*~ Xeddy: Derek? Constructive? Lololololol ~*
*~ Don't forget to check out the newly created Auron skin! ~*
Spoiler: Quotes for lulz
Thank you all for the delightful comments.
Eva Longoria/ Gabrielle Solis [Celebrity/Desperate Housewives]
Another fabulous banner! ^_^ I really love the colours, and that little part under the text... the explosion type thingy; however, I do feel that the design is overused.
And we both know why you made it so good!
*~ Chronicles of Semotus Stella : Bellum Lugeo ~*
*~ Xeddy: Derek? Constructive? Lololololol ~*
*~ Don't forget to check out the newly created Auron skin! ~*
Spoiler: Quotes for lulz
Well, here are some...unrelated graphics. All made for my game project. and
And this how they both look together.
Forgot to ask this the other day... but which one is the gay one?
And you already know what I think of them. xD
*~ Chronicles of Semotus Stella : Bellum Lugeo ~*
*~ Xeddy: Derek? Constructive? Lololololol ~*
*~ Don't forget to check out the newly created Auron skin! ~*
Spoiler: Quotes for lulz
The male achers...which, btw, will be an axman now.
Here is another randomly made avatar that sucks.
[Sheena Fujibayashi~ Tales of Symphonia]
And...a banner. o.o Very simple.
[Harold Besrelius ~ Tales of Destiny 2]