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Thread: Dragon Quest IX

  1. #1
    Brothean xephon's Avatar
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    Dragon Quest IX

    Continuing SE's bombardment of the DS with popular franchise titles, it seems Dragon Quest IX will be hitting the popular handheld as well. Anyone excited?

    Here is a small trailer:


  2. #2
    It's alright. Mirage's Avatar
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    I swear I don't understand. Alright, Nintendo is 'fun' and interactive... but, release a main installement like that on a portable DS? I can't understand Square in that...

    No, Im not a "graphics" person. And graphics dont always make a game better. But this game will never give the relaxing and soothing feeling of Dragon Quest VIII on the PS2... dunno if Im making sense. But Dragon Quest VIII was beautiful. I can't see a sunset on the DS being more beautiful than the one we managed to see on the PS2...

    Still, I bet it'll be fun and I bet it'll be huge. But it still looks like a drawback, imo. I wouldn't if this wasn't Dragon Quest IX. The trailer didn't impress me at all, sadly... I was expecting something better...

    I guess I'll have to see more =|.

    As for your question.... personally, it doesn't excite me as Im far from getting a DS. If I did get one though, I'd probably still get it if I could... but I wouldn't be hyper about it. Nor would I build my expectations too high. Could the Dragon Quest franchise be relying on Japan's madness over this series? It's now a crescent tendency throughout the Europe as well. But I can't help to think they're using their name too much. Just like Final fantasy seems to be lately. Profit over Passion.

    GOD where has Square's love when making games gone to? Psh...

    Yeah... I'll stop, Im entering a subject that could do a whole new thread. But still! Seriously!

  3. #3
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    I thought this had already been posted many months ago... Maybe it's just because I remember seeing the trailer that long ago, dunno... But my opinion remains the same as when I saw it first, it looks sweet. I am kinda in agreement with Mirage, though. We have spoken of this on MSN a few times and I feel the same way about the handheld x stationary issue. SE really wishes to release their games for multiple consoles and crave as much money as they can from the franchises. That they'd release a main DQ-game for the DS is a dangerous thing to do... I can accept it this time around since the series seems fitting for this console anyway, but the feeling is never the same as when playing on a PS2. The sensation, that is... In that aspect, it belongs more on a PS2.. And a legendary series such as this... If they ever release a main-FF game for a handheld console, I won't support it for once. I will want and buy the game of course, but I do not approve of it...

    As far as the graphics go, the FMV's are very beautiful and I am looking forward to seeing them in the game (since we never saw any in DQ VIII). But the in-game graphics has the typical DS-touches which just seems weird for a main DQ-game. Could be seen as a drawback but as I said, I accept it this time and I actually kinda think the graphics of DQ are fitting for the DS so the new DS-look doesn't bother me that much......... But now it looks too much like FF III X_X

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  4. #4
    Brothean xephon's Avatar
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    QuoteOriginally Posted by King of FF View Post
    That they'd release a main DQ-game for the DS is a dangerous thing to do...
    Not really;

    The Japanese love their DS. In fact, it dominates most of their game charts a lot of the time, and hell SE knows the Japanese love DQ as much as FF, it's by far their best market for the franchise.

    It's not dangerous, it's almost genius.

  5. #5
    Custom User Title Nostalgia's Avatar
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    It seems really wrong for me. Unless this goes multi platform then i'm pretty much against it. It looks as if the old school system that i loved in the previous DQs is gone with real-time battles now. Also a game as big as DQ shouldn't be a portable game. IMO it would feel really uncomfortable. They really should of tried and made this one of the last great PS2 games or at least for the Wii.


  6. #6
    Square Forums LOVE Vol.5 ArnaSB's Avatar
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    I can't see a sunset on the DS being more beautiful than the one we managed to see on the PS2...
    Agreed, though the graphics you could compare to the FF3 opening, that was breathtaking.

    I might get this after I complete DQVIII.
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  7. #7
    Needs a Custom Title Shadow_Strider's Avatar
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    QuoteOriginally Posted by Save the King View Post
    They really should of tried and made this one of the last great PS2 games or at least for the Wii.
    They already have a new Dragon Quest game in the works for the Wii. It's called something like Dragon Quest Swords or something like that, where the Wiimote acts as your sword. That is probably one of the reasons they didn't create DQIX for the Wii.

  8. #8
    Most DQ games are like 100+ hours, dont know how there going to make a DQ game on a DS 100+ hours.

  9. #9
    Well the trailer looks good. I'm not too sure about the logo though and from what I can see the battle system looks too much like FFXII's for my taste.

  10. #10
    Does anyone know if and when this is coming to the US?

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