There's no date for USA yet. Even Japan hasn't gotten an official date yet. But seeing as it's release was pushed from 2007 to 2008, I suppose the Japanese release date at least soon will be announced.
There's no date for USA yet. Even Japan hasn't gotten an official date yet. But seeing as it's release was pushed from 2007 to 2008, I suppose the Japanese release date at least soon will be announced.
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
I couldent believe it when i first heard the news....WHO RELEASES A MAIN SEIRES GAME TITLE ON A HANDHELD!!!! Im sorry but i think square honestly isent even trying that hard anymore. I mean first ff3 on the ds which was a waste of 30 bucks now this. I love DQ but now i have to go out and buy a handheld and play the game with less then avarage ps1 graphics great...:grr: Either that or all they care about is buisness over making a game as good as they can...dont get me wrong im sure it will be a good game but not as good as it could have been on a real console. By me saying buisness i mean most japnese have DS alot of the time DS games sales are very good in japan so why not release one of the most succesful games ever in japan on the DS see what im saying?
Not that it hasn't been out for long, but it's time for this thread to get some news updates regarding the Western releases
[ame=""]YouTube- DRAGON QUEST IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies U.S. Trailer Video English[/ame]
And the newest E3 trailer
[ame=""]YouTube- Dragon Quest IX Trailer E3 2010[/ame]
NA release date Jul 11, 2010
Yum... Although I still have a hard time seeing a main series game past DQVIII hitting a DS. Seeing the graphics less updated than it's former title.
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
Ah I thought there might of been a thread on this here
This is the first Dragon Quest in the series I have picked up I literally just brought it today after I decided now would be a good time to spend my game points since Game is closing.
I'm really enjoying it so far, it reminds me of old school final fantasies with the towns and open world and the load of npcs you can talk to.
^Made by Tinychikn
Spoiler: awards
Spoiler: quotes
Make sure to use those smilies otherwise full blown arguements can start!
Another one joins the DQ train![]()
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
I lol at all the "omg it's on DS noooooooo" comments though I don't think the ds hinders the game, you don't feel you are restricted and the world is massive. :o
^Made by Tinychikn
Spoiler: awards
Spoiler: quotes
Make sure to use those smilies otherwise full blown arguements can start!
The only "bad" thing I can think of about it, is that your fingers might get sore if you try to obtain 100% of just want to complete most of the stuff the game has to offer. Long-term use of a DS can be stressing imo. Same goes for PSP. It lies in the controlls and the fact that you have to hold the console you are playing on. Naturally it also depends on the game in question.
I still have yet to play it and I really do look forward to playing it, but I know I'm consciously stalling it in favor of shorter games or less mind-consuming games because I know that completing DQIX might be one of the longest gaming experiences I will ever have. Just gotta make sure I have the time and capacity to get it all started some day. It looks so good... And it's the only DQ released in EU that I haven't played yet (main series).
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
I started playing it too now. Been trying to put it off till after KH 3D so I wouldn't fall into conflict with the release of said game while still playing DQ. But after I recently used inFAMOUS of all games to try and prevent me from going there, I caved and started playing it :P. It's sort of been like a cork in a bottle because I can't advance to Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 till I've finished DQIX either, lol. The reason is because I'm almost certain there will be big monster spoilers from IX in it... Like the final boss etc. At least that was the case with the first Joker, although I didn't feel all that phased by it at the time... Maybe because the bosses were all from games before IX and I had only played one main series DQ at that time; DQVIII.
Useless information, lol... Point is, I started playing it. I also loosened up a bit when I looked into the whole 770+ hours for 100% completion thing again and found out that a lot if not most of the time spent on the game is just related to the bonus dungeons that were released weekly via the wi-fi shop... That means basic completion probably only will take a sensible amount of hours to complete, leaving the more simple dungeon stuff as extras to relax with after. It would probably have worked better to play the game when it was first released though, as you'd have to wait a week per dungeon or 2... Now it's a buttfuck load of dungeons to deal with at once, lololol. I hope they are a lot of fun. I think I read the dungeon amount to be something like 600+ which is already insane, lawl. An I can expect an hour per dungeon perhaps. Sweet. Hello again 3rd Birthday
As for my initial impression of the game: It seems really great so far. A true DQ... But seeing as my DQ time over the past years has been filled with remakes that did not include full scale cutscenes and 3D DS-like characters, I had forgotten to expect it from the newest main series DQ that obviously is supposed to live up to its name as an advancing franchise past its 8th title...
The start of the story seems slightly different to other DQ's I have played but you get the same kind of feeling like it because while the story is fresh, the old core values and opening concepts are still there. Typical RPG style and very much DQ style.
One thing though... WTF happened to the benevolent goddess? D=... Granted I have not played titles that were not released in the EU as an original or remake title, but I never heard of a DQ where the deity of faith was anything but the Goddess... Now it's "the Almighty", referred to as a he? o_O. Maybe it will change later on or something will happen that explains it. But if not, I'm not sure if I should assume they have broken their long core tradition of having a goddess in play.
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
The whole Almighty / Goddess thing would be a spoiler, but since you asked:
Spoiler: Not too shocking but the Goddess
This game shines in multiplayer, I have to add.
Would never do multiplayer for my single player playthrough. I do need the DLC though... Which stupidly enough requires me to use a WEP connection, and especially where I am, I can expect someone to hack my network if I make the jump. I have solutions to work out the problem to an extent at least.
It does sound like it would make for a fun alternate experience to do multiplayer. The game was practically made with that intention after all.
Anyway, the thing about the Goddess, my question was purely rhetorical, lol. I don't want any spoilers. That said, I've been wondering if it has anything to do with Yggdrasil seeing as how they refer to it as a "she" and it's kind the big center of the Celestrian world... But it's probably nothing like that. At least from you words it sounds like there is a good explanation to come. Looking forward to it.
Now, more stuff I can comment on;
Once again I was reminded that this is a newer DQ. Been stuck on those remakes so I forgot much more than I thought I would about how the games are working now. Like the random encounter thing being eliminated in favor of monsters running around on the map that you can decide whether you wanna fight or not.
The skill point system when you level up is also something I completely forgot, although I think I only ever tried that with VIII anyway. It's awesome. Just loving the fresh experience of being back in the new. I'm not far but it seems good so far.
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~