Spoiler: The Goddess 

As mentioned in the spoiler tag, I've finished the main story. Now I have a much better grasp at what exactly it means to complete this game 100%. Let me just say that the guy who did this in 770-something hours - and who was celebrated for accomplishing such feat - didn't really obtain 100%, depending on how you see it, but not by my standards. He was still open to playing it more to get there though, lol.
Anyway, my point with this is that I can see this game never ending in the quest for 100%. There are some key notes I want to point out to enhance my point here.

1. The thing I said with 600-something grottos needing completion has nothing to do with the completion. At least not directly. You can complete as many grottos as you want. But you will need to play more or less than that to obtain 100% at any rate. Most likely at least. Also, a grotto does not have to take an hour at all. Actually, my experience with most grottos so far is that they are pretty quick to complete, depending on what you want to gain from going through them. They will expand and grow longer the higher the grotto level and name becomes though.

2. To obtain certain accessories and accolades needed for 100% completion, you have to revocate every job 10 times each with the Hero. Revocating means to reset your job level to level 1 from 99. The first time you do this with a job - let's say Warrior, for example - you obtain a unique onetime accessory for revocating that job. Seeing as there is an accessory for each job, you have to reach level 99 with all 12-or-so jobs and then revocate.
Now that sounds pretty crazy imo... But what more is that there is an Accolade per job you have revocated 10 times... So to obtain every Accolade, you have to reach level 99 with 12 jobs, 10 times each. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK!

This is what mainly has led me to believe that I after all will NOT be aiming for 100% completion of this game. It's just mad... If nothing else, due to my list of games to play and KH + Theatrhythm coming up.

3. There's also the age-long project of completing the Alchenomicon list which will take most of the time, probably... And the Wardrobe, which already requires you to play the game as Multiplayer, allowing people to be guests in your game with WiFi. It requires local WiFi, mind you, so my chances at getting 100% are pretty screwed anyway, lol...

To sum it up, I really don't see myself rounding the true 100%. I will however attempt to complete all the quests including the downloadable ones. They are lots of fun. I also want to try completing the Wardrobe and Alchenomicon (to the best I can without anyone to play with) and finishing the bestiary etc. In short, I want to get 100% in the 4 categories of the battle records section or as close as possible. My minimum would be the quests, but I still don't know if some of them require me to achieve insane things to even complete them, lol. I don't think so though. As long as it's still good fun, like usually with any game.
Also, I take my sweet time completing stuff, spending as much time on the games as possible while doing all sorts of things that often aren't related to completing the game as well, lol.. My game time for reaching 100% would probably be loads more than for a lot of other people...
Just a good thing that I have honest excuses for not going there, lol. Just thought I'd point out things to keep in mind if anyone else plans to aim for 100% or have thought about what it might take... While explaining why I'm most likely not going there, lol. The longest process lies in getting all Accolades if you want them.

bla bla bla now for sidequests <3.