([ Chara ])
~in mission, post 3~
Quillan was right about something. Someone should call Reese. I know it wont be me, though
something about him makes me feel uneasy and a bit uncomfortable at times.
You know, I was thinking
We both directed our attention to Quillans dressing room, expecting something insightful about the mission.
It really is just a Ball. When I said suit it wasnt exactly this formal kind, I had in mind!
Ginny and I looked at each other for a second and I released a small giggle.
Its a Royal Ball, you dont want unnecessary attention, do you? We have to fit in.
I know but-
Common, Quillan! Come out of there and let us see how you look.
.Fine. He finally revealed himself with the suit me and Ginny chose for him. He had the look on his face, though. The look that says I want to dig a deep hole on the ground and jump into it. But it was cute.
That will do just fine. Virginia said, smiling while I nodded with agreement, winking at Quillan. So we are all set then! I said energetically. Her smile faded away a bit as she looked to her watch.
Easy, Chara
Responsability once again weighted heavy on the three of us. It has been fun
but we really need to stay focused. As we were told, tonights Royal Ball is very likely being targeted by unknown individuals aiming at the Chancellors life. Her seriousness was contagious
It's not like we will let that happen, though.
Yup, yup! I smiled as my admiration for Virginia kept growing. Oh, oh, thats right! I knew I was forgetting about something. I now present to you your Ball invitations, Mr. Wales and Mrs. Windsor. I took the invitations out of my bag and handed them out to Ginny who was smiling a bit, and Quillan who looked a bit confused.
Okay, question. Couldnt you have come up with better names? The fake invitations do look real though, Ill give you that.
Oh, they arent fake at all. I borrowed them at a local Dry-Cleaning store. I have one as well! He scratched the back of his head. Right
your kind of borrowing, I get you. What were you doing at a Dry-Cleaning store, anyway?
It doesnt matter. Good job, Chara. Ginny said to me. I glanced at Quillan in a cocky way.
The Ball should be starting as we speak
but we dont necessarily need to be the first to show up.
Virginia headed out of the door of this MenWears store as we followed her.
Not sure if I agree
the sooner we get there, the better I think. He said, right behind Virginia.
I think Ginnys right, though
I get your point of getting there soon, but we gotta have that whole low-profile thing going on, Quill.
I hastened my step right to Ginnys side. Think there will be plenty of goodies to borrow in there? I asked her who smirked in a particular way.
Probably. But do focus on our mission as a priority, Chara.
We kept walking towards the Helian Royal Ball. We decided we wouldnt be the first to show up so we werent with a haste, at all.
This suits itchy.
of course, we werent safe of Quillans occasional mumble.