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Thread: Final Fantasy Desino

  1. #11
    It's alright. Mirage's Avatar
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    Jul 2005
    ([ Chara ])

    “She sure could have given me some exact time.” I grumbled, staring at my cell phone. "But nevertheless! A mission is always a mission!”

    “What was that, miss?” The driver overheard me.

    “Nothing, nothing. Can’t this go any faster?”

    “Easy. This is no jet, but it’ll get you to your destination in no time. Teenagers, haha.” He mocked. I rolled my eyes. He kept on going slowly or so it seemed to me.

    “Had I known, I’d have walked instead.” I wasn’t exactly losing my patience but it wasn’t particularly comfortable to ride that motorbike. “You’re exaggerating now! This is the fastest vehicle running on the eastern coast!” …Right….

    The road was clear and that’s a plus, at least. Im not exactly in a hurry but I don’t want to let Virginia down. Ever since she called me about the mission, all I care is making to the designated destination on time.

    “Helia’s already not far… Be sure not to forget about the payment for this trip that you promised me…”

    “Yeah, yeah, Eternal Life Earrings, SexyUp-Plus Bracelet, whatever.” Do I like to fool people in order to get my objectives? Not exactly. Unless it involves theft. Then it’s thrilling!... This was kind of an emergency and he seemed easy. I’ll make sure to pay him in some way at any rate... Maybe not today though… If I ever see him again?

    “Cool.” He gasped.

    I looked at my cellphone once again. “Z5”, the initials were marked on it. I smiled with excitement just before putting the phone in my back pocket. Why do I feel uneasy beneath the excitement, though? I take all of this seriously, Im no “teenager” like that. But why do I feel something’s missing?

    I could sight the sign of Helia already. Shouldn’t be too long now.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    I set the unopened envelope in my bag and picked up my phone.

    "Yes. I'll be there shortly."

    I closed my phone and sat down on the bed, and slowly opened up the letter from my sister, bracing myself for the worst.


    I know, probably the worst time in the world to be saying this, but Mom is sick. She's dying Quillan. I know it's hard for you to get away from everything and face it but you have to see her. She doesn't have much time left. Please try to hurry.

    I'm terrible at being subtle about things. I love you very much and please hurry. Send my love to the others.


    The letter crumbled in my hands. I threw it in the trash and got my things and headed out the door for Helia.

    "This better be done clean and quick."

  3. #13
    Cheapskate Laïna's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    ooc: Okay so this post will start our first mission. :D And D, let bee's character be part of it! :P


    "I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't know they'd call," I apologized.

    The old man laughed. "Ginny, it's fine! It's your job!" he said. "I'll be in Helia for a while. Call me when everything is finished, okay?" He parked before a clothing store. My door opened on its own. "Show them who's boss tonight." He winked and smiled.

    I couldn't help but laugh at his words. "You bet I will," I replied before stepping out of the car. I gave a small wave before the door closed. The old man drove off down the highway.

    A smile formed on my face as I eyed the store. I grabbed for my phone and dialed Chara's number. She answered within seconds. "Hey, Ginny," she answered.

    "Chara, I think us girls will need some nice dresses for tonight," I said before laughing softly. "I'll be at Mivaldi's clothing store."

    "Mivaldi's? Got it."

  4. #14
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    Jan 2004
    I walked through the gates of Helia, and made my way down the sidewalk and took out my cell.


    I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. It had been awhile since I had heard her voice. "Hi Keegan."

    I moved the phone away from my ear and winced at the squealing. "Quillan! You haven't called in ages!! Shame on you!" She half giggled and yelled as she said it.

    "Yeah yeah, you say that every time I call. I got your letter just this morning. How's Mom doing?"

    There was a sigh on the other end of the line and I closed my eyes again. The sighs were never good, and always over dramatic.

    "She's doing a little better since I last sent the letter. She wants to see you though. You haven't been home in two years. When are you coming back?" Keegan whined softly into my ear.

    I sighed impatiently, dodging a couple walking toward me, and laughing children playing tag. "You know exactly why I can't right now. It's the reason why you went back to Mom and why I stayed."

    "I know that...but..." She sighed again. "It's just that, she's dying. She's dying Quillan, and there's nothing more I can do about it. You wanna know the worst part though? I just wanna leave and help. I sound horrible saying that, but I hate watching her suffer, and part of me just wants to leave."

    My heart ached dully for my sister and my mother. I pushed it away and stored it for later, cursing myself for the sadness I felt. "Just wait a little longer Sis, I'll be home soon, I just need to take care of something. Then I can come back, stay with you guys for awhile....and then bring you back with me."

    There was silence after I spoke. As I passed Mivaldi's I saw Virginia twirling in a scandalous dress and spoke into the phone again. "Keegan, I have to go now. Tell Mom I love her and miss her, and I'll call you as soon as I can."

    Keegan sniffed and spoke softly. "'Kay... I love you Quillan. Be careful, be safe, and say "Hi" to everyone for me, please."

    "I will. Love you too." I closed my phone shut and walked into the store. I took a long look at Virginia and then Chara, who just emerged from the dressing room. "So this is what they consider dresses these days?"

    Virginia twirled around and smiled mischievously. She modeled a slinky, blue number, complimented by lots of leg, and other admirable assets. I cleared my throat and got an eyeful of Chara as well. She was wearing something similar only in a shade of green"That sure is some dress Chara."

    I watched her cheeks color and turned toward Virginia. "I hope you don't plan on wearing that tonight. It wouldn' well with the task at hand."

    She grinned and winked. "Oh don't get your panties in a bunch Quillan. We've both decided to go more conservative this time around. Though you must admit, it is a pretty sexy blue." I saw Chara make her way back hastily to the dressing rooms and Virginia laughed.

    "It looks better on Chara." I dodged the fist aimed for the gut and settled in one of the plush chairs. "I hope you two are almost done. I need help with my.." I shuddered in distaste at the word that was coming out of my mouth. "Suit."

    "Yes, we're done, and don't act like being fancy and looking proper is a bad thing. And get that look of disgust off your face. We'll help you out" She laughed again and went into the back and changed. She and Chara came out with two dresses, different from the ones I'd just seen and payed for them.

    "Let's go Quillan, time to get you a suit."

    I started to panic and searched for a topic change. "Has anyone called Reese yet?"

    "Lame." Chara exclamed as she and Virginia grabbed my hands and half dragged me out the door. "Come on Cowboy, we'll discuss Reese after we get you your suit." Chara giggled.

    I groaned and prayed that it would be a quick and painless death.

  5. #15
    In Your Dreams James's Avatar
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    Nov 2004

    Locket had heard news of the Helian Royal Ball and the rumours that a group would try and kill someone. it was good to know that some people still knew how to have fun. He thought since he had nothing planned on his travels to see his mistress he might as well may a detour to see what was going on, who knows he might even convince some of them to become followers of his queen. he walked over to the captain of the boat that he was on and smiled.

    'Good captain sir, i've changed my mind on where we are to go next, take me to the Helian Royal Ball'

    The captain laughed as if it were some kind of joke.
    'Lad I'm taking this ship back to the port, I've got people to take there and raw materials that need selling. Its not kind you own this ship'

    'I'm sorry I must'nt have made myself clear. You will be taking me to the ball'Locket placed his hand on the tip of his valentine sword
    'That is if you wish to live'

    The captain looked shocked and worried.
    'We...we have guards on this ship boy, all I need to do is call and they will come running to help me. Not that I should need any help with a punk like you!' The captain took out his spear that had been on his back.

    'Very well'

    It was not long before the cpatain changed his mind on where they were going, Locket hated wasting his time and energy on the weak but it seemed to be the only way to get what he wanted. Although the Captain should be thankful, at least locket left him with one eye.

  6. #16
    Darkness Eternal Vash's Avatar
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    Sep 2004
    "What a miserable day. Will it ever stop raining?" I complained as my horse trotted down the worn forest path. It had been raining all day, and I was soaked to the bone. My cloak could only prevent so much water from reaching me before it became useless.

    With a sigh I thought about the warm meal and bed that awaiting me in Farstask. If only I could get their sooner, but I was still a few hours away. "And I know you want to dry off to huh my friend?" I asked my horse, reaching over and patting its head as it snorted its agreement. I smiled and laughed quietly, but the smile was removed from my face in an instant as I heard the sound of steel striking steel. "What the hell was that? Who could be out here in weather like this?!"

    Curious I tied up my horse and silently made my way to where I heard the sounds. The same sound came again followed by a scream of pain. Peaking out behind a large rock formation I could see five men surround a girl, and a sixth man was on the ground screaming in pain. I noticed that the girl was breathing heavily, and the men eyed her wearily now that they must have seen what she was capable with.

    "You will pay for that girl! No one steals from the Shaal Clan and gets away with it! Lets finish her boys and then be n our way home!" The others agreed with this man who seemed to be the leader of the group as they all drew swords and advanced on her. I was about to run in and help her when in a blur of steel the five men were shredded to pieces as they fell to the ground in a bloody mess. I stood there stunned as she drew back the chain of her weapon and held it at the ready in case there was someone else coming to get her. That’s when I noticed that she was clutching at her side as if she was injured.

    I started moving in towards her, being careful not to startle her. As I neared this strange woman I noticed her side was filled with blood and she looked like she was about to collapse. My foot then stepped on a twig and before I could blink her weapon flew right by my head and embedded itself into a tree behind me. The girl struggled to pull back the weapon while I moved in closer to her, my arms in the air to show her I was unarmed and meant no harm.

    "Its ok, I am not here to hurt you. Why were those men after you? You look injured, I can help you if you will let me?" The girl looked at me and I could see that she wore a band over her eyes, which would prevent her from seeing. Is she blind? She then looking into my eyes and spoke something softly that I could barely hear, but sounded like "Why can I see you?" With a sigh she then collapsed onto the ground and passed out from blood loss. I ran over to her and tried waking her up but she wouldn’t move. Panicking a lifted her up into my arms and grabbed her weapon, carrying them with me back to my horse as I told her to hang on, that I would not allow her to die...

  7. #17
    The Divine Retributer Nemesis's Avatar
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    Sep 2003

    I was riding my way into the Skys, the treacherous weather made the journey difficult to control my motor bike. Any normal person would have given up and taken a car, walked or not even bothered . Rush hour didn't make it any easier either having to swerve between cars stuck in traffic in this condition was dangerous.

    The only reason why I am here is because of orders from Cid if it was not of that there would have been no chance in hell I would come to a city so far from home, backward culturally and just basically full of people with a massive superiority complex.

    But still why would Cid want me out here this far, it's not like he always tells me his reasons but usually when it involves going this far from home it does. Must be something big that or he wants me out of the way for some reason. No I know he is here too so can't be that.

    Soon I arrived at the hotel, quite small and quiet on the back roads. Not one that many people go to and the no ask questions type.

    "Excuse me sir please remove your helmet." The receptionist asked. I obliged putting the helmet under my left arm and looked directly at the receptionist. "Thank you sir now do you have a reservation?"

    [nem]"Yes, Under the name Alexandros."[/nem] I replied trying not to sound too pissed off after the rain.

    "Ahh there you are sir, room 13 I hope it is to your satisfactory sir."

    Letting off a slight smirk i picked up my belongings, took the room key and walked to the room. As I entered the room i threw all my stuff on the floor, threw my jacket on the back of the chair collapsed on the rock hard bed and thought to myself [nem]"Cid this better be worth it"[/nem]

    OOC: my first go in ages hope it is okay for you guys

  8. #18
    - Névi et du Sancta - Gemini's Avatar
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    I made my way down the hallway to the room Alex checked-in to. Without consideration, I opened the door, slamming it behind me after entering his room. He jumped from the bed; his look was priceless. "You inconsiderate -" he began in a scolding tone.

    I held out my hand, and said in a careless fashion, "Save it, will you?" I looked to the clock resting on the stand beside his bed. "When did you get in?"

    "30 minutes ago," he replied, reaching into some luggage. "But, I take it the task isn't here in Skys." He pulled out a damp sheet of paper. It appeared to be a flyer. "The Helian Royal Ball is being held tonight." He crumpled the paper and tossed it into the small garbage can. "Do ya mind telling me what's up your sleeve, Cid?"

    I walked up to the window, watching the rain fall outside. "I have some people there," I began. "The goal is to lure Reese Glabados to the celebration. The Alliance has been alerted, just as planned, so The Zodiac Five will surely be there before the party begins."

    "What's the cover-up?"

    I smirked. "To make it appear some assassins are out for Chancellor Lorrez's head. That, alone, might be enough to give Reese some reason to show his face at the celebration. Let's hope his Z5 buddies give him that extra push to go." I turned to witness Alex open a large case. In it: parts to a sniper rifle, and some ammo for it. "You read my mind."

    He scanned everything, probably making sure it was all there. "Will I have to worry about Z5?" he wondered, speaking in a firm tone. "I don't want any trouble coming my way."

    I gave a small nod. "I'll have my boys tend to them, but don't take your precious time," I said, dropping an advance in payment on the bed. "If Reese doesn't show up, or if you're compromised, we move to plan B..."
    Can we pretend that airplanes
    In the night sky
    Are like shooting stars
    I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)

  9. #19
    It's alright. Mirage's Avatar
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    Jul 2005
    ([ Chara ])
    ~in mission, post 3~

    Quillan was right about something. Someone should call Reese. I know it won’t be me, though… something about him makes me feel uneasy and a bit uncomfortable at times.

    “You know, I was thinking…” We both directed our attention to Quillan’s dressing room, expecting something insightful about the mission.

    “It really is just a Ball. When I said “suit” it wasn’t exactly this formal kind, I had in mind!”

    Ginny and I looked at each other for a second and I released a small giggle.
    “It’s a Royal Ball, you don’t want unnecessary attention, do you? We have to fit in.”

    “I know but-“

    “Common, Quillan! Come out of there and let us see how you look.”

    “….Fine.” He finally revealed himself with the suit me and Ginny chose for him. He had the look on his face, though. The look that says “I want to dig a deep hole on the ground and jump into it.” But it was cute.

    “That will do just fine.” Virginia said, smiling while I nodded with agreement, winking at Quillan. “So we are all set then!” I said energetically. Her smile faded away a bit as she looked to her watch.

    “Easy, Chara…” Responsability once again weighted heavy on the three of us. “It has been fun… but we really need to stay focused. As we were told, tonight’s Royal Ball is very likely being targeted by unknown individuals aiming at the Chancellor’s life.” Her seriousness was contagious… “It's not like we will let that happen, though.”


    “Yup, yup!” I smiled as my admiration for Virginia kept growing. “Oh, oh, that’s right!” I knew I was forgetting about something. “I now present to you your Ball invitations, Mr. Wales and Mrs. Windsor.” I took the invitations out of my bag and handed them out to Ginny who was smiling a bit, and Quillan who looked a bit confused.

    “Okay, question. Couldn’t you have come up with better names? The fake invitations do look real though, I’ll give you that.”

    “Oh, they aren’t fake at all. I borrowed them at a local Dry-Cleaning store. I have one as well!” He scratched the back of his head. “Right… Borrowed… your kind of borrowing, I get you. What were you doing at a Dry-Cleaning store, anyway?”

    “It doesn’t matter. Good job, Chara.” Ginny said to me. I glanced at Quillan in a cocky way.

    “The Ball should be starting as we speak… but we don’t necessarily need to be the first to show up.”

    Virginia headed out of the door of this MenWear’s store as we followed her.

    “Not sure if I agree… the sooner we get there, the better I think.” He said, right behind Virginia.

    “I think Ginny’s right, though… I get your point of getting there soon, but we gotta have that whole low-profile thing going on, Quill.”


    I hastened my step right to Ginny’s side. “Think there will be plenty of goodies to borrow in there?” I asked her who smirked in a particular way.

    “Probably. But do focus on our mission as a priority, Chara.”

    We kept walking toward’s the Helian Royal Ball. We decided we wouldn’t be the first to show up so we weren’t with a haste, at all.
    “This suit’s itchy.” …of course, we weren’t safe of Quillan’s occasional mumble.

  10. #20
    In Your Dreams James's Avatar
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    Nov 2004

    Locket had finally made his way to the town that was hosting the Helian Royal Ball. It had taken some time getting there but soon enough the boat had arrived at the port. Making his own quick get away from the ship before it got to the docks he had jumped and swam the rest of the way about a mile of before they had reached the land. He could only imagine that a few guards had been called, ready to take Locket in to the jail for causing such a nasty scene with the captain. But that was in the past and now Locket needed to prepare himself for the ball, get some clean dry clothes and some where to stay the night. The town seemed quiet busy and alive, full of people running about with their business. It seemed that pretty much every one else was getting ready for the ball.

    'Looks like I don't have to must time to get ready'he thought to himself. Rushing of in to the streets he did get a few funny looks, being wet through and all he was sure to cause a bit of a scene, but it was no matter. He had been in far worse situations. He found himself a pub that also did rooms, so he booked himself a room and had a hot shower, a quick meal and by this time his clothes were dry. He soon went off to get a suit. It had been so long since he had worn one, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

    He made his way to a shop and the man selling the suits was nice enough, nice enough that Locket didn't wish to tear of his throat anyway. And that was rare to come by in these times. He asked him about the ball.

    'My wife has been bugging me about making sure we don't loose our invites, she was talking to the girl who owns the local Dry-Cleaning store and she swears blind that her invites have been stolen'

    'Oh really'Locket pretended to care so he muttered back as he tired on a black suite with a dark purple tie. Although it bring up the point of an invite, it would seem a bit of copy craft would be needed at this point.
    'May i see your's? I just think the pattern on them is so well done i love the pattern'Locket was making it all up as he went on but he manged to get the invite in his hands he mumbled about something on the ink to keep the guys attention long enough to get a perfect picture of the invite inside his head. Giving back the invite and leaving the shop with his suit he clicked his fingers and small rose petals glowed floating around his hand too the shape of a invite with the name 'Mr Smith'. Granted it wasn't the best thought of name in the world, but it would do. After all he was only going to the ball to see if the rumors on the killers were true.

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