([ Chara ])
~mission post 6~
I said impatiently, holding my phone next to the ear, listening his cell ringing on the other side.
Strange, hes not picking up
I shuddered to Quillan. Ginny was still talking with Reese on the phone some meters away from us.
Quillan said, rolling his eyes a bit. Theres no emergency though, Chara.
Yeah, yeah, I know, its just that-" my speech was interrupted with a sudden sound on the other side.
Finally, Phage. What took you soooo long? I said in a desperation sigh.
Meh, nevermind. So, hows life?
Chara, we dont have all night
He glared at me.
Sorry, I cant hear you very well. I was just getting ready for the ball. The HQ told me about it quite late, eh."
Yep, we know. I said, nodding a bit at Quillan. But Phaaage, hurry up! Ive got your invitation right here. I kept looking at him while listening to what Phage was telling me.
Ah, yes I know the place. Thats where we got Quillan's suit as well. I paused for some seconds making up my mind. You know what? Ill meet you there in some minutes.
Sure thing, then.
As I closed my cell phone, Quillan was already questioning me with his eyes. He does know the way, I assume?
Yeah, most likely. But its not like we need to get inside all at once. I smiled a bit, starting to walk away from Quillan and Ginny. Ginny seems distracted right now, but tell her Ill get to the ball with Phage. You two can go ahead if she wants.
Quillan gave me a positive nod and I made my way far from them, hastening my pace. I started realizing the sound of music coming from the Alliance facility was getting lower and lower as I got farther. Luckily, Phage wasnt that far. This dress is practical but its hard walking under the rain with an umbrella without getting the slightest humidity. Gotta let this dress make it to the ball.
Only one glance of stairs away, I could sight the clothing store where Phage was. I went down the small block of stairs and got to the door of the store where I closed my umbrella ready to get inside. As I walked in, Phage waved at me, discretely, just for me to spot him.
Heey, been so long since I last saw you, Phage! I said, in a cheery fashion.
Huh? We saw each other about two weeks ago, remember? At the Headquarters when you were officially made part of the Z5 group?
I didnt have the slightest idea of what he was saying
A Z5 meeting to make me part of the group? Havent I been part of it ever since
heck, ever since I can remember? My head felt a bit funny, but it shouldnt be a big deal, I thought. If it was, this wasn't the time to make it big, at any rate.
Haha, still clumsy, girl. He teased, to which I giggled a bit hiding my concern.
Anyway! Your ball invite, Mr. Ambrose.
Cool. Where you got th- Dry-Cleaning stores are my new favourite hang-abouts apparently. I interrupted with a smile.
He stashed the invitation in his suits pocket.
Ginny and Quillan are three blocks ahead near the Alliances facility already. I told him while he got all of his attire fixed and ready to go. I dont know if by this time they already are moving inside or not, but we should get going, guy.
He didnt say a word but nodded positively. He seemed distant, like he was thinking about something else.
Everything alright? I asked, right behind him who was opening the stores door. The rain had apparently stopped.
Everythings fine
It was a long day, thats all. He smiled to me.
I see... Well, this is bound to be an equally long night so lets stay sharp! I said with daring eyes. He nodded looking ahead at our way while the door closed behind us.