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Thread: Final Fantasy Desino

  1. #21
    It's alright. Mirage's Avatar
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    ([ Eos ])

    I looked through the window of my room to this small group of blue birds resting on a tree’s branch. I’ve been noticing how, for two days, these birds have shown the same behaviour: they sit on the same branches every time, sing the same song and pretty much act like all the other birds. Usually, this would be no matter for me think about, if it wasn’t for the fact that these birds did not belong there.

    “Azul Levitas…” an hybrid species only existent on the Southern Continent. Read it in one of my books… Never have I seen or heard of them here on the East Continent. How do they manage to survive, I wondered. Their home territory’s climate is subarctic while this continent’s plain conditions, there’s no way these birds could neither make a trip this far, nor survive with this weather; let alone, Allura’s extreme humidity due to ocean reach.

    “Whatcha up to, Linos?” I turned around to find Setyk entering through the hole on the wall… I like to call it my modest door. He’s the one and only person I ever talk to in this entire town. He’s only 8 years old and I only know him for a couple of weeks. The boy finding this place was nothing more than a coincidence. Child’s curiosity, if you will.

    “Hm?... Nothing… I was wondering how these little fellows manage to survive in here.” I pointed to the birds still singing on the branch.

    “Hmmm…” Setyk came closer to me to watch them. “…They look like plain birds to me...” He shuddered.

    “Not quite. You see, these birds come from a really, really cold territory. Their feathers are one of the most heat conservative materials in the world. They are known for always carrying small ice crystals on some parts of their body. These crystals are so small, they don’t get in the way of their flight, though.” I chuckled a bit with excitement over this… futile subject that was obviously boring for Setyk who looked at me with sleepy eyes.

    “…Never mind it all. It’s just something that should not happen. These don’t belong here, see. But what are they doing here?”

    “Linos, you seem to be a cool guy ‘n all but… Gee, you’re kinda the geek, ya know?”

    Well, try spending some years on the same space with only books to entertain yourself with and then let’s have this same conversation again.

    “Haha…”… I need to control my bad feelings. He’s just a kid.

    “Say, don’t you ever come outta here? I met you here and I never saw you outside ever since, dude.”

    “…I like it here. There’s no point for me to leave the place where I feel safe.”

    “Yeah, ‘kay. Whatever you say. Just remember even those birds got away of their home.” He waved at me, leaving through the same hole he came in.

    What was he thinking? Trying to use my own words to give me some kind of lesson? Such cliché. These birds are here due to either some climateric readjustment in their home-territory or some unknown event, they didn’t simply “decide” to venture away. Don’t use it against me like that!
    Once again... I started noticing how irritable I was becoming. My head exploding with thoughts! Is it frustration that causes me to become so annoyed at the tiniest things? Or is it just loneliness finally taking over?... I’m afraid both are reasons… and not the only ones.

    I started feeling anxiety, like I have felt so many nights throughout my life. Suddenly I feel alone again. My sister, what of her? Forgot about me?
    “You’re thinking too much as always…” I thought… everyday I fear the thought of succumbing to these bad feelings. Last time that happened, Daman got killed by my hand. Anger and frustration seem more and more empowered as time flies by. I have to remain on the bright and lucid side.

    It’s getting difficult, though…

  2. #22
    Cheapskate Laïna's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Battle Participants: Shyla (100%), Reese (100%)
    (Shyla is faster, so the turn order makes sense here)

    Boss Battle: Nicholai (100%), Lackey A (65%), Lackey B (100%)

    "Ehehehe!" the other enemy snickered during his approach. My daggers were ready for a few good swipes at the moron's throat. "Make this easy on yerself, lass." He licked his lips in anticipation prior to knocking my weapons away with his short sword, and then coming up with it, intending to strike my face.

    I tilted my head to the side but the blade caught my shoulder. I jumped back, spinning, and struck my intended target with both daggers. I stood there and watched as he held his throat with a hand. Blood dripped from between his fingers. "That's what you get," I said.

    The leader Nicholai fired his weapon from far behind his other wounded lackey, aimed in my direction. "Enough of ye!" he yelled. Again, I avoided a fatal wound, but my arm was skimmed by the flying bullet. "Ha!"

    I pressed on the wound with a hand, with my weapon still in it. "I hate sharp shooters," I groaned before composing myself.

  3. #23
    The Divine Retributer Nemesis's Avatar
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    [nem] Alexandros

    I looked at Cid in a pretend puzzlement mixed with astonishment expression. [nem]"Plan B?" [/nem] I mockingly asked with a slight laugh [nem]"Aww come on Cid this is me you are talking to here when have I ever let you down."[/nem] I finished.

    "That's not the point" Cid scolded back "This is a really important operation we can't afford any mistakes, got it!" He walked out the room slamming the door.

    [nem]"Man lighten up for once you are too serious all the time you might get a heart attack!" [/nem] I thought to myself testing myself on how quickly I could put together the rifle. After about four or five times I returned the pieces into the case and set off. The ball was quite a distance away and I have to get myself into a good location for the mission.

    I grabbed my things before walking out the front of the hotel. Still absolutely pouring down [nem]"Does this rain ever stop?"[/nem] I thought to myself as I put on my helmet and sat on my bike. Just then someone grabbed my right shoulder, I turned to see who it was. It was Cid. [nem]"What is it now?"[/nem] I asked while raising my visor

    "Just a little reminder to don't screw this up." He told me in a stern unsympathetic serious voice.

    [nem]"Don't worry I won't"[/nem] I replied lowering the visor, revving up the bike and sped off. I am certain that Cid said something else but the bike was too loud to hear anything more.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    I rummaged through my bag, looking for my keys. I found them, almost dropping the bag of groceries in my other hand. The door unlocked and I went in. There was an eerie silence in the house as I walked through the house and into the kitchen. I put the groceries down and went to check on mother.

    The faint smell of fresh death filled my nostrils as I opened her door and found her on the floor, a gash in her head.

    "She must have fallen..." My whisper seemed to echo in the room as I kneeled on the floor and picked her up and propped her on my lap. I cradled her head in my hands and rocked.

    The tears fell heavy. Even though I knew it would happen soon, I didnt stop them. My lips touched her cheeks then her forehead. I picked up her body gently and placed her on the bed. My finger swept down her cheek, as I touched her one more time and left the room. I closed the door and silently walked to my room.

    My cell phone came out of my pocket and I dialed my brothers number. I waited a few rings and heard the beep. "Quillan...You don't have to worry anymore. Take your time. There's no rush to come home now..."

    I closed the phone and placed it on my lampstand and laid down on my bed, and let the tears continue to fall.

  5. #25
    It's alright. Mirage's Avatar
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    Jul 2005
    ([ Eos ])

    I picked the bag of coins Chara left me weeks ago and decided it’s time I stopped being so dependable.
    “It’s all you fault!” I screamed at the wall only to soon realize what I had just done... Whose fault? The words came out of my mouth without me thinking about them. Spontaneously and meaningless. I sat back in my bed for a bit wondering what was wrong with me.

    “It’s just stress.” I thought. I am angry at the world and had all the right to scream at walls. At least that’s what I decided to go for.

    I walked out through the hole on my house’s wall, climbed the stairs and came out into the city… It had been a long time since I saw the streets of Allura. This was the perfect time though. It was night and heavy raining marked the weather. Not many people could be seen, only some business women and men packing their tents before going to their home. I was hoping people would not remember about me, the time everyone knew me didn't bring good memories.

    “Where should I go now?” I wondered as I got close to the city’s gates. I felt I was crazy. I can’t battle with only one arm… I wouldn’t do it with both anyway, what was I to do in a trip with no destination? I despise kids who think they’re rebel but my case was different. I must leave this place.

    “What are you saying?! She didn’t!...”

    I have a feeling urging me to find a meaning for me. A part of me wants to give up of everything… but I’m not that weak. That won’t be my weakness. I’ve got plenty as it is right now.

    I left Allura’s gates for the first time in my life. Any desino will do fine for me… as long as it won’t be in that cursed town.

  6. #26
    - Névi et du Sancta - Gemini's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    OOC: This post will end the tut. battle.


    Battle Participants: Shyla (75%), Reese (100%)

    Boss Battle: Nicholai (100%), Lackey A (65%), Lackey B (75%)

    I fired a few rounds to ward off my approaching foe, then using my other weapon to fire rounds in Nicholai’s direction. He ceased fire upon Shy and rolled away, evading my bullets. “Ah, bloody hell!” he cursed.

    The phone in my pocked vibrated. I fired one last shot at my close-ranged foe before holstering a weapon and taking the call; the call was from The Alliance’s main headquarters. “Reese here,” I answered, speaking above the ruckus.

    “Agent Glabados, the other agents have been given an assignment,” they began, then clearing their throat; my weapon clashed with my foe’s a few times. “Is this a bad time?”

    I ducked to barely dodge the oncoming blade, then coming back up, severely gashing the enemy’s chest before kicking them back, and lastly pulling the trigger to fire a round; the bullet passed through their collarbone. Blood was pouring. “It’s as good as any,” I replied to the caller.

    “Well, anyway, we’re advising you to partake in this mission. Apparently, some unknowns are after Chancellor Lorrez’s head. We received an anonymous tip saying they’ll be at the Helian Royal Ball tonight. Lorrez will be there, too.”

    Shy was in a bit of trouble, so I approached her and her foe, firing a few rounds to break them up. The enemy rolled away to Nicholai’s side. I stood at Shyla’s side, glaring at Nicholai and his wounded idiots, still aware of my caller. “I don’t know why you guys bothered sending us in there. I’m sure Jun will have his own bodyguards with him tonight.”

    “Ya ain’t seen the last of us, Glabados!” Nicholai shouted, screeching off in a jeep. The sirens of police cars could be heard. I fired a round in the foes’ direction, forcing them to speed up, and finally holstered my weapon. Sweat dripped from my forehead.

    “We’re certain they won’t be enough,” the caller continued.

    I placed a hand on Shy’s shoulder, and gave a nod. She returned it to confirm she was OK. “Let me think on it,” I replied, then hanging up. “Well, that was fun.”

    Shy’s eyes narrowed; she shook her head some. “You’re sick, Reese.”

    (Battle over. No experience gained.)
    Can we pretend that airplanes
    In the night sky
    Are like shooting stars
    I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)

  7. #27
    Darkness Eternal Vash's Avatar
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    Sep 2004
    OOC: Well guys I am going to be participating in this mission after taking over Nat's spot in the Z5, so here I go :D

    .: Phage :.

    After what seemed like hours we finally made it into town, though we were soaked to the bone from all the damn rain. I had removed my cloak and wrapped it around the girl's body to try and keep her warm after patching up her wounds as best as I could with what little bandages I had with me.

    As soon as we entered the town I rushed over to the nearest hospital after stopping a passing woman and asking for directions. After arriving at the hospital I rushed inside, carrying the girl as I shouted for assistance. A few nurses ran over and asked what had happened to her, and after a brief explanation we were being rushed into a room where the doctor was waiting to examine her injuries.

    I was asked to wait outside, though I really wanted to stay with her. I was told to sit in the waiting room down the hall and they would inform me of their progress and her condition. As I waited for any news I noticed a faint noise coming from my pocket. Wondering what the hell it was I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, with the realization dawning on me that it was a message from HQ.

    After reading through the details I closed the phone and returned it into my pocket with a sigh. "Damn, I didn’t think a mission would turn up so soon. And a formal ball to boot. God I really hate dressing up..." I complained with another groan. "But what will I do about her? I really don’t have a choice, I have to go on this mission, but I at least to make sure she is ok before I leave."

    As I was about to get up one of the nurses came over to me and asked if I was the man who had brought in the wounded girl. "Yes that’s me. How is she doing?" I said with a nod. "She is doing fine, though she has lost a lot of blood. There isn’t any permanent damage or lasting effects, though if you had gotten her any later her condition might have been a lot worse. She is awake if you would like to see her?" I replied with a nod and followed her to the room where the girl was resting.

    I walked in with a smile at seeing her well as I neared her bed. "So how are you feeling? The doctors say you will be ok in no time, your wounds aren’t serious but you will need a lot of rest." The girl just sat there without looking up, but spoke in a quite voice, "Why did you save me? We don’t even know each other, yet you brought me here and saved my life. Why?"

    Moving over to her bed I sat down in a chair next to the bed and looked over at her, thinking of an answer before I spoke. "Well the truth is because I couldn’t just leave you there, wounded and alone in the cold. Its not easy being alone, I know that feeling all to well. I guess what I am trying to say is that I felt compelled to help you, not out of pity or mercy but because I know it was the right thing to do."

    She looked as if she were thinking this over, but before she could give me an answer I asked if I could get her name, since I still had no idea what it was. Her head lifted and she looked over into my eyes and she answered, "My name is Kirstyn. Kirstyn Trayst." I smiled at hearing that and replied, "That is a nice name. Well its nice to meet you Kirstyn, my name is Phage Adama. What will you do now? Well after your wounds are healed up? Do you have any family or a place to stay?"

    Kirstyn shook her head "No I don’t have anyone, nor a place to stay. I usually travel alone and sleep wherever I can." "I see." I said thoughtfully, thinking about what I could possibly do for this girl. "Well Kirstyn, I have to leave for a few days to go take care of some business. I can arrange for a place for you to stay till I come back if you would be willing to wait for me? Then I could take you to wherever you would like to go. How would that sound?"

    "Why would you want to do this for me? Is there something you want from me?" She asked, tilting her head in curiosity. I shook my head "No not at all. I am just curious about you more than anything. And I want to learn more about you, and spend some more time with you." I started blushing when I finished saying that, realizing what I just said. She thought about this and then nodded her ahead "Alright Phage, I will wait for you till you get back. I am kind of curious about you as well."

    "Alright then we have ourselves a deal." I said with a smile, taking her hand in mine and shaking it. She laughed and shook it as well, and then I got up and told her that she should get some rest, and that I would see her in a few days. After leaving the room I went over to the main office of the hospital and made arrangements for Kirstyn to stay there for a while till I got back and paid them money in advance. They agreed that they would look after her while I was gone. They knew of my reputation as a Z5 member and knew what that meant.

    After leaving the hospital I wandered around in search of a clothing store. "I am so not looking forward to this..." I said with a groan.

  8. #28
    Cheapskate Laïna's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    ooc: Mission post 5!


    The Alliance facility was only a block away. "Hold on, everyone," I said. "Let me see if our fair Prince answers his phone."

    "A bunch of cops just flew by," Quillan noticed. "Reese and his band are always out doing some good around the world. Maybe he's around already."

    "I think I'll call Phage," Chara said while taking out her phone. "I'm pretty sure he got the message by now."

    My call went through and the phone rang. Someone eventually picked up, but sounded exhausted. "How goes it, Ginny?" Reese asked. "I'm guessing this is about the ball tonight."

    I tilted my head and laughed softly. "How right you are, hun," I said while giving the others a nod. "Tell me you're coming." There was a long pause. "I'm serious." I could hear police radios in the background. Quillan was right.

    "Keep your pants on, Virginia," Reese responded. "I'm still thinking about it."

  9. #29
    - Névi et du Sancta - Gemini's Avatar
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    Nov 2003

    “You better not,” I said as Alex sped off.

    Since traffic died some, all there was to worry about was the rain. It remained heavy. Surely, it wasn’t enough to stop Alex. For, as much crap as I gave him, he was still my top man, and knew he was dependable. The only problem: he was also loyal to Rae, so I kept an eye on him, only to make sure he wasn’t reporting to my sister about any of our operations.

    “Sir?” someone asked. I looked to my side to find a young lady gazing upon me. “A-are you Cid Vaimont, by ch-chance?” She was a fan, obviously. How flattering it was.

    I gave a cocky, “superstar” smile, then replying, “That I am, Miss - ?”

    “O-oh! I’m May!”

    “Ah, May,” I began, keeping my “cool” demeanor. “I was just on my way, but I suppose I could spare a moment. I always have time for lovely ladies, like yourself.”

    The girl giggled and blushed.
    Can we pretend that airplanes
    In the night sky
    Are like shooting stars
    I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)

  10. #30
    It's alright. Mirage's Avatar
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    Jul 2005
    ([ Chara ])
    ~mission post 6~

    “Phaaaage…” I said impatiently, holding my phone next to the ear, listening his cell ringing on the other side.

    “Strange, he’s not picking up…” I shuddered to Quillan. Ginny was still talking with Reese on the phone some meters away from us.

    “Great…” Quillan said, rolling his eyes a bit. “There’s no emergency though, Chara.”

    “Yeah, yeah, I know, it’s just that-" my speech was interrupted with a sudden sound on the other side.

    “Finally, Phage. What took you soooo long?” I said in a desperation sigh.


    “Meh, nevermind. So, how’s life?”

    “Chara, we don’t have all night…” He glared at me.

    “Sorry, I can’t hear you very well. I was just getting ready for the ball. The HQ told me about it quite late, eh."

    “Yep, we know.” I said, nodding a bit at Quillan. “But Phaaage, hurry up! I’ve got your invitation right here.” I kept looking at him while listening to what Phage was telling me.

    “Ah, yes I know the place. That’s where we got Quillan's suit as well.” I paused for some seconds making up my mind. “You know what? I’ll meet you there in some minutes.”

    “Sure thing, then.”

    As I closed my cell phone, Quillan was already questioning me with his eyes. “He does know the way, I assume?”

    “Yeah, most likely. But it’s not like we need to get inside all at once.” I smiled a bit, starting to walk away from Quillan and Ginny. “Ginny seems distracted right now, but tell her I’ll get to the ball with Phage. You two can go ahead if she wants.”

    Quillan gave me a positive nod and I made my way far from them, hastening my pace. I started realizing the sound of music coming from the Alliance facility was getting lower and lower as I got farther. Luckily, Phage wasn’t that far. This dress is practical but it’s hard walking under the rain with an umbrella without getting the slightest humidity. Gotta let this dress make it to the ball.

    Only one glance of stairs away, I could sight the clothing store where Phage was. I went down the small block of stairs and got to the door of the store where I closed my umbrella ready to get inside. As I walked in, Phage waved at me, discretely, just for me to spot him.

    “Heey, been so long since I last saw you, Phage!” I said, in a cheery fashion.

    “Huh? We saw each other about two weeks ago, remember? At the Headquarters when you were officially made part of the Z5 group?”… I didn’t have the slightest idea of what he was saying… A Z5 meeting to make me part of the group? Haven’t I been part of it ever since… heck, ever since I can remember? My head felt a bit funny, but it shouldn’t be a big deal, I thought. If it was, this wasn't the time to make it big, at any rate.

    “Haha, still clumsy, girl.” He teased, to which I giggled a bit hiding my concern.

    “Anyway! Your ball invite, Mr. Ambrose.”

    “Cool. Where you got th-“ “Dry-Cleaning stores are my new favourite hang-abouts apparently.” I interrupted with a smile.

    He stashed the invitation in his suit’s pocket.

    “Ginny and Quillan are three blocks ahead near the Alliance’s facility already.”
    I told him while he got all of his attire fixed and ready to go. “I don’t know if by this time they already are moving inside or not, but we should get going, guy.”

    He didn’t say a word but nodded positively. He seemed distant, like he was thinking about something else.
    “Everything alright?” I asked, right behind him who was opening the store’s door. The rain had apparently stopped.

    “Everything’s fine… It was a long day, that’s all.” He smiled to me.

    “I see... Well, this is bound to be an equally long night so let’s stay sharp!” I said with daring eyes. He nodded looking ahead at our way while the door closed behind us.

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