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Thread: Dead Fantasy

  1. #121
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    Some interesting wind physics going on there, lol. Not sure how her dress(?) can be blowing in all those directions at once. Also seeing it HD really doesn't serve it very well. The animations are mostly great, but the characters models start to look way too glossy. Of course, though, very impressive for amateur work. I'm reminded of how I used to like D'awwminé despite the terrible game she sprouted from.

    Also I forgot Kairi had a keyblade, why isn't she taking the exam in 3D?
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  2. #122
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    so this thing hasn't been updated in a while, what I can gather though from a combination of his twitter etc.... is that he is still using all his spare time to work on dead fantasy it's just that he doesn't have alot of it.

    I have heard news that at Akon he says he wont deal with Rinoa until Dead fantasy X or later but despite that, lookie at what I found

    It looks absolutely stunning and so pretty, it looks like the quality of his work is improving it's just <3

    As far as I know he hasn't said anything about not releasing a video this year, but I have a funny feeling he'll make an announcement saying there will be no video this year either.

    Pretty picture <3

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  3. #123
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    I think the quality looks more or less the same o_O. I think it's just because it's a screen and the fact that the background settings are different. Also, there's some warped quality in there, suggesting speed captions. Doesn't give a good impression of what things actually look like un-blurred.
    Of course it could be that it's gotten some visual enhancements, since like with any projects, quality tends to rise with the years as better equipment and enhanced skills come into play. Meh.

    Either way, jets?.. Really? =/. DF is already a mess, so why not. I guess the one good thing about a project like this is that there doesn't need to be any limitations. I just think it keeps spinning further out of control... It was better when there wasn't story-telling involved or... Jets.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  4. #124
    The Lol Ninja!!!! Tinychikn's Avatar
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    does it have pirates and ninjas?? :D everything is better with pirates lol!

    I tried watching the first link.. its gone.. ill try the insider link later.. maybe when im not at work =p

    :alcoholic: :haha:

    lol lol those were the only emotes that appeared :D

    What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. (This hasn't changed since 2003 oO)

  5. #125
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    Have updated the first post with all the links to the completed episodes.

    Dead Fantasy may be a mess but a fricken love all the ff reference and kh references and recognising all the spells

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  6. #126
    Memento Vivere R.Kyra's Avatar
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    I love that picture!!!!! I know what my desktop picture will be when I'm out of school. xD I don't understand why the jets are there, but I like it. I feel like saying: 'No Rinnie, jets are good things. Don't shoot them xD.' As lame as that was, it sounded better in my head. I'll just keep that in. This picture might not relate to the DF series. It's just his love for Rinoa <3

    I'm also eagerly awaiting updates. Just knowing that this thing hasn't been forgotten makes me happy.

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  7. #127
    The Lol Ninja!!!! Tinychikn's Avatar
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    hahaha tiffa chugging down the pots wow they are pretty long clips..

    :alcoholic: :haha:

    lol lol those were the only emotes that appeared :D

    What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. (This hasn't changed since 2003 oO)

  8. #128
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    so Monty Oum was recently asked on twitter about Dead Fantasy, it seems that he would love to work on it but he has said his job comes first and since now he's going to have his own show on Rooster Teeth, RWBY I think it will be a very long time yet til we see another Dead Fantasy if any.

    Although I'm quite sad about this I can't say I'm surprised as soon as it RWBY was announced I predicted that Dead Fantasy might be put on the shelf.

    So long Dead Fantasy.

    ^Made by Tinychikn

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