Now it feels like I have a grip on the game and what it's about. It seems like that whole wedding thing indeed is the reason behind her secret past. Tragic
*snap snap snap* Don't get it Twisted![]()
Now it feels like I have a grip on the game and what it's about. It seems like that whole wedding thing indeed is the reason behind her secret past. Tragic
*snap snap snap* Don't get it Twisted![]()
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
More (of the same)
As detailed last week, the mobile version's key image, shown to the left, represents an early point in The 3rd Birthday's story timeline as the Twisted first begin their attack on Manhattan. The PSP version's image, shown to the right, is meant to be later in the story.
There's actually a pretty good reason for the change in key image art. As detailed by Tetsya Nomura in the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation, the area corresponding to the beginning of The 3rd Birthday's story was tossed out when the game shifted from mobile to PSP.
Dengeki asked if Square Enix was considering doing something with the thrown out content. Nomura replied that they're currently looking at a variety of possibilities, but it all depends on how things go with the game itself.
We've been hearing a lot about The 3rd Birthday over the past few weeks, but Nomura still managed to reveal a number of interesting bits in this interview. This isn't too surprising, as his recent Famitsu interview on the game was only a few questions long, with Famitsu's editors asking most of their The 3rd Birthday questions to the main development staff.
As detailed in the brief Famitsu interview, development on The 3rd Birthday began a long time back. Nomura revealed to Dengeki that the initial design document for the game consisted of such elements as the Twisted and the Overdive system -- in other words, the basics of the game systems and plot. Nomura gave particular thought initially to how the Overdive system would relate to both the plot and the gameplay.
Nomura's official tile for The 3rd Birthday is "creative producer and concept designer." Dengeki asked Nomura if his main role on the game is as overall supervisor. This is basically correct, he said. The concept design part of his role means that he came up with the fundamental design for the game, and the creative producer part of the role means that he oversees the overall development. He's also working directly on voice recording. He does constant checking on the game.
Nomura is not the game's director. That role goes to Hajime Tabata, who Nomura himself apparently appointed. Dengeki asked Nomura if the choice was made because of Tabata's supposed love of gun action games. This actually wasn't the reason. The real reason, explained Nomura, is that he and Tabata work well together. Nomura actually wanted to direct, as he's had interest in making a third person shooter for some time now. However, he was busy with other titles, and so decided to go with the person he felt most at ease passing the game off to.
Nomura's name also appears in the credits as character designer. His work here involves designs for characters who are reappearing from past Parasite Eve games, and a few new characters. Even for these, however, he only did the rough face sketches and left the rest to other designers, checking up on their work. He describes his character design role on The 3rd Birthday as "thin."
His design work did not include the Twisted. He only explained to his design staff what the Twisted should be, but did not design the creatures himself.
Even though he didn't design them, Nomura seems to like talking about the Twisted. He noted to Dengeki that the creatures are faceless because he felt that getting rid of this particular element would help to give the impression of a disturbing, mysterious creature.
This faceless requirement initially wasn't in place, and the designs returned by the staff looked like the kind of creatures that could appear in a Final Fantasy game. For The 3rd Birthday, Nomura wanted an enemy that would be unique for the game at hand, similar to how Kingdom Hearts has the Heartless. This is one area that they placed importance on during development.
It should be noted that just because the Twisted don't have faces doesn't mean they necessarily don't have mouths. Some "probably" do have "mouth-like things," Nomura said.
As you might guess based off Nomura's comments, there are a large number of Twisted types. Nomura checks the creatures himself, and noted that they all have incomprehensible forms. This is true even of the creatures who were designed in the motif of animals.
As previously detailed, Nomura first suggested the gameplay system that sees main character Aya's clothing tear off as she incurs damage from the Twisted. As Aya incurs damage, she shows more skin, but enemy hit rates also become higher. Nomura believes that players who want to see Aya show more of herself will be faced with a dilemma as they play. During the game's design phase, he told Tabata that they should make sure Aya got weaker as her clothing tore off precisely because some players might purposely make her take damage just to see more of her body.
So how far can you go with the clothing? Nomura wouldn't say for sure. However, he recalled that when the staff had asked him how far they should go, he'd responded that bikini level should be okay. This is one area that we're going to have to experiment with on our own.
Closing off the interview, Degenki asked Nomura to list the main attractions of The 3rd Birthday. Nomura first responded with the "speedy battles that make use of Overdive," noting that other TPS games, no matter how fast, do not have the instantaneous movement that the Overdive system offers. At the same time, he said to look forward to the game's strategic element. On the production side, he said the graphics used during event scenes are of "extremely high quality."Source
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Lots of screens. Apparently you can dive into Oscar Wilde, lmao:
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Interesting about Nomura and Tabata. Nomura sounds more and more like a boss. But he has been a few times by no so I guess it figures.
And what do I spy? Infinite ammo for a regular gun? Or maybe it won't be like that in the final game :P
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
Official site has opened. Click.
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The following news comes (indirectly) from the T3B official Twitter, run by Nomura. (All posted separately since the forum is broken and shit.)
Wrote Nomura as his first Tweet of the morning, "Regarding The 3rd Birthday, as Taba-chan wrote here, production is about to enter the final stage. Starting this month, we should release constant information in magazines and the likes, so look forward to it."
Nomura previously Tweeted that upcoming magazine coverage would offer closer looks at the game's characters, including Hyde, who appears to be one of the main forces in Aya's CTI (Counter Twisted Investigation) force.Source
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Someone asked if enemies and characters from part 2 will appear in the game. Regarding enemies, The 3rd Birthday's foes are the Twisted creatures, so enemies from PE2 will not appear in the game. Nomura feels that the strange form of the Twisted will become one of The 3rd Birthday's symbols.
As for characters, Nomura has previously hinted that we will see other series characters in the game, due to The 3rd Birthday taking place in the same time frame as past Parasite Eve games. He said to wait for a followup report.
Aya was 25 years old in the first Parasite Eve. When The 3rd Birthday was announced, she was set to be 35 years old. However, the setting was changed to make her around 39 or so. The reason they're so concerned with the specifics of Aya's age is that the game takes place in the real New York, and if they don't have Aya age with accordance to real time, she won't match up with the game's time setting.
Visually, none of this matters because due to the effect of her special cells, Aya's physical appearance stopped changing at 25. This is a setting that carries over from Parasite Eve 2.Source
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Nomura posted some photos of the T3B script, which you can see here:
Elsewhere, Nomura mentioned that T3B's voice recording is nearly complete.The one at top was part of a post meant to test posting images to Twitter. The pic depicts two of The 3rd Birthday's scripts. The one in back is for the scenario. The one in front is for the game's battles. It has text for the wireless navigator voice and battle voices. Recording is set to begin shortly, said Nomura.
When is shortly? In a following post, Nomura said that he's headed to Osaka tomorrow (Friday), and so the team won't be able to do recording this week. Next week comes Obon break, and although there will be a team in place, they may not be in a state to do recording. Finished Nomura: "I wonder if I will be able to take a vacation?"
The second image shows a conversation from the beginning of the game as you head off on your first mission. The conversation is between Aya and and Hyde (whom I believe is a higher-up with the Counter Twisted Investigation forces).
Based off the dialogue, it looks like Aya is in a prison cell. Hyde has just removed a watch over her and offers her a new room, but she refuses. After leading her out, Hyde tells her that she should value herself more.
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Development on this game has been pretty fast, especially considering the quality of it. And damn is she an old bitch. I'd tap that regardless.
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
No shower scene.
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