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Thread: The 3rd Birthday [Parasite Eve]

  1. #61
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    I'll just leave this here.

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  2. #62
    Needs a Custom Title Gil's Avatar
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    This movie makes a lot of sense.

    QuoteOriginally Posted by .A²
    I have a free pass to molest anyone I want

  3. #63
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    So in order to unlock the shower scene in the video viewer you have to beat the game 50 times... This is no joke. It also reflects the old words from SE. At least I feel like I remember them saying that they didn't wanna include the Shower scene and if they did, they would just come up with some stupid-ass way of unlocking it.. Which is what happened.
    Also, after 50 playthroughs to finally unlock the scene, you can watch it 10 times to unlock an alternate camera angle during the scene. Lol, wtf is this? It certainly is in line with the PE series and its several playthroughs to get everything in the game, but 50 playthroughs? Like, reeeally?

    Yes really

    It just had to be mentioned. I'm about to start playing the game now... And god have mercy on my soul if I decide to go for it. The good thing is that I read the game can be completed in an hour after the first few playthroughs, since every playthrough gets easier and easier with things carried over into New Game+. It's still a LOT though. 50 playthroughs... 50?... 50.

    It does say something about the length of the plot though, if it can be completed in an hour. I guess it means cutscenes are skippable and traversing from place to place is fast and easy once you become a killing-machine.
    Should probably point out that I read the shower scene CAN be watched a few times throughout the game by choosing to have Aya take a shower before specific missions. I know nothing of the game yet, so I don't know how credible or accurate that is. But for the scene to be unlocked in the video viewer and to get the additional camera angle, 50 playthroughs must be done. It supposedly also unlocks a PSP trophy. Again, I do not know any more than what I am writing. Haven't started the game yet.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  4. #64
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    They have this thing now, it's called YouTube.
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  5. #65
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    QuoteOriginally Posted by .A² View Post
    They have this thing now, it's called the Devil
    He was always there.

    So I'm well into episode 2 now. My GOD this game has gorgeous graphics. Already seen it before of course, but when sitting there with the PSP and all it's just... But really, I am mostly thinking of the non-CG cutscenes in this case. Already spoke of the CG graphics earlier on. The cutscenes are so well animated for a PSP game that it's close to CG in some scenes. There were 1 or 2 scenes so far where I wasn't sure if it was CG or not for the first seconds.
    The gameplay and concept is slightly different from what I had imagined. I got the general gameplay right but a lot of the details and the way the game progresses is a bit different. In a good way though. It really works well for the game and it's loads of fun. Also, the difficulty modes are lovely. On Hard Mode the first few enemies are able to kill you in 2 blows <3_<3.

    The grow aspect of the game is a bit complicated at first. I still have to play around with the DNA system. There are a good deal of different customization and grow aspects in the game that contribute to the feeling of a Parasite Eve game and also packs the game with action and possibilities. Loving the plot and the music so far. It's like Shimomura took the OST from the first game and cast GOD on it 8D.
    But yeah, overall a fantastic experience so far. It takes dedication to get into the gameplay aspects of the game though, as like I said, the growth systems require some level of understanding and the general battle gameplay has many functions and uses you need to master or would do very well to get the hang of.
    Last edited by KoFF; 07-31-2011 at 10:54 PM.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  6. #66
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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  7. #67
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Begone, satan. I will not fall to temptation.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  8. #68
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Alright so... thought I'd point some stuff out here.

    I can confirm that you indeed unlock the shower scene after 50 playthroughs. It will be named "Aya's Time" in the Video log.

    HOWEVER! The part with there being an alternate angle to the video after watching it 10 times in the Video Log is false. I am pretty sure this is not true as I did not find any way to get it myself and couldn't find anyone online who found it either. Also, the videos on youtube all show only the regular version of the video. Altering the Camera position angle in the Config menu does not bring about any alternate angle to the shower scene, so if you want to complete the game 50 times just for the alternate angle, don't do it.

    On the bright side, in the same Camera View option mentioned above, you can change the in-game camera to "Special" whereas only Normal and Behind were available before. This will focus the camera on Aya's butt while you play. I suspect this is where the misunderstanding lies, since the original statements about the 10 shower scene views suggested you got to see more of her butt. So either a translator got it wrong, or the message was misguiding.

    So you might be thinking I must be feeling like I wasted a good month or 2 of my life, but I am satisfied with the new angle and the unlocked angle. In fact, I am doing one last playthrough now, lololol. <3

    But keeping in line with the unlockables, it should be mentioned a lot of the descriptions for unlocking various things (especially the Lightning costume and Blaze Edge) are wrong or inconclusive. In the European and US versions, you can unlock everything before playthrough 10 or 20 (I don't remember when I got everything anymore). After that, if you unlocked everything possible, it's just playthrough after playthrough till you reach 50. Fun.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  9. #69
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You got trolled. 50 playthroughs trolled.
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