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Thread: Crystalis Elementare

  1. #111
    Khan of Clan Wolf Mechwarrior21's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare

    This wasn't looking good for any of us. Kenji keeps sending out shock waves and forcing us to dodge. The protection spell was holding firm but it was losing strength at an incredible rate.

    I sent bolts of lightning and railgun rounds at Kenji but he would either sidestep them or just block with his claymore. The others were trying to get closer but he would just use the shock waves to force them to stay away.

    "Come on you half-breeds. Is that all you got? At least make me try to fight you seriously," Kenji taunted, lazily looking at us.

    "Guys, we're not getting anywhere at this rate. I got a plan," I said, transmitting my plan to them.

    "Looks risky but lets try it out," Ares replied, quickly erecting some stone walls around Kenji.

    "Is that all?" Kenji said, breaking them down like tissue paper. Morito and Ruby flung ice and fire bolts at him but the collided just in front of him, creating a very thick fog. It was going as planned, the fog should blind him for the time being. Ares quickly charged him, raising his hammer for an attack, Ruby doing the same. Kenji blocked them both.

    "Really did you think I'd fall for a simple smoke trick?" he taunted again, swinging his claymore and knocking them back. Just then did he realise that he was stepping in a large puddle. I smirked and sent large quantities of lightning though the water to him causing him pain. Ruby and Morito had done their job perfectly. We all rushed him raising our various weapons to finish him.

    "Looks like this is the end of you," Morito commented, about to hit Kenji with an ice blade. Kenji just smirked as he raised his claymore above his head.

    "Yes this looks like the end indeed," he said. I then realised that his sword was glowing with dark energy.

    "Dark Explosion" was the last thing I heard before the energy erupted outwards and engulfed us all. When I woke up a while later, I realized how badly hurt I was. I was covered in various cuts and bruises. I looked around as the others slowly got up. They were in no better shape than I was. Ruby seemed to have broke her left arm. Morito was trying to stand but it was impossible as part of his femur was sticking out of his leg. Ares was trying to pull out a steel rod that ran right through him. Kenji strolled up to us, very much unharmed.

    "Do you realize how futile it was to fight me now? You haven't even made me sweat," he said, brushing dirt off his clothes before looking at us. "Stop your fighting right now and I'll make your death as painless as possible."

    "Stop? If we do, you'll just destroy this planet and revive Cedric. I will not let that happen," I declared, slowly standing up. Kenji just looked at me as I stumbled back to my feet.

    "And do you intend to fight me alone? You are foolish. You have nothing left in you," he stated.

    "Wrong. I have 1 more trick up my sleeves," and with that I closed my eyes and concentrated. Suddenly my shattered armor glowed yellow and detached from me. I was left standing in my normal clothing but my veins glows with power.

    "What is this? All I see is that....." was all that Kenji said before I suddenly appeared in from of him and punched him though a wall.

    "Surprised? Did you know that contrary to popular belief that lightning CE is the hardest to control? Did you also know that all lightning MES's have a limiter installed? This is used to regulate and lower the power useage but in turn increase the control. Now what happens when that limiter is disengaged huh?" I said, before dashing towards him, emptying my railgun at him, doing some damage. I drew my short sword which crackled with energy.

    "Of course there is a downside. The longer the limiter is off, the closer I get to CE death. And before you ask, yes I am staking my life so I can defeat you," as I fought him. I should be able to fight him evenly but for how long?
    I'm like you.....I have no name - Mr. X

  2. #112
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! McLovin's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare

    After the blast, i laid almost unconcious with a large steel rod jammed through my chest. It must've been due to the velocity of the rod, because i never felt anything. Even with still lodged in my chest, it didn't hurt, until i tried pulling it out.

    "Well, damn. I cant exactly fight with a metal stick poking out of my chest.....but i cant do alot about it either." But then I realised that there are more types of earth than just rock. I concentrated on the area of my body where the steel rod was, and it turned into sand. The rod fell out of place, so I chucked it to the side and reformed my body.

    Excited at the discovery of my new power, I called Ghost over the intercom. "Ghost, this is Ares. I gotta plan."
    "Ok, shoot."
    I told him the plan, and then gave it out to Morito and Ruby, who also had also recoverd from the Dark Explosion.

    Ghost fired lightning bolts from his railgun while Morito tried to encase Kenji in ice. Mere distractions, the real actors for this part of the play were me and Ruby. When Kenji seemed adequately occupied with Morito and Ghost, I launched my self off of a stone pillar I had erected and onto Kenji. In midair, I turned my whole body into a cloud of thick sand. Ruby launched a powerful fireball from the pillar at the cloud, which melted the sand as I wrapped myself around Kenji's body, forming my body into solid crystal.

    I held on in my crystal form as hard as I could onto Kenji, trying to prevent him from moving or attacking. It seemed to work long enough for the other three to launch a combo move at him, a powerful stream of melted ice with an electric current surging through it. The blast gave Kenji a big jolt, but wasn't as powerful as we had hoped. I stalled for a minute, building up power, and then broke himself out of my hold, shattering my crystal body and scattering the pieces all over the area.

    "OOOOWWWW!!! Damnit!"
    "Ares! You're still alive?!"
    "It seems as though I am.....but man, that hurt like HELL!"
    "Ares, stay like you are, I have another idea."
    "Go for it, i'll be like this for awhile."

    As Kenji stood in the center of my scattered body, he taunted Morito and Ghost, but I didn't care to listen. I was more worried about reforming my body. Then suddenly, Ghost jumped up and fired several streaks of lightning at the ground around Kenji, which deflected off the crystal shards. The bolts bounced around, reflecting off the crystals, and trapping Kenji in a cage of electricity. As long as he kept up the supply of lightning, I could keep the cage up.

    "Hmm. Clever plan. No matter." Kenji stuck his claymore into the streaks of lightning, absorbing the bolts and escaping his prison.

    His sword glowed with blue lightning, as Ghost began to feel faint. "Guys, i may have stayed in this form too long....."
    "No! Ghost! You can change back, cant you?"
    "I can try.........but it'll take a minute. A minute I may not have."
    "Try anyway! You have to make it!"

  3. #113
    Kendo Level Shodan! Makenshi's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare

    ”Crap! Ares and Ghost recover as wuick as you can. Ruby you and me will divert Kenji for the time being, Ghost im giving you a minute.”


    Kenji looked at me and Ruby and said, “So its only you two this time who are going to play. What do you intend to do boy if I have your weapon.”

    ”Don’t underestimate me!

    Instantly a large ice shard appeared from the ground and began to grow in length until I grabbed hold of it.

    ”Ice Spear!

    Using the spear as a javelin I tossed it at Kenji who dodged the incoming however was unaware that another ice spear appeared before my disposal.

    The javelin toss kept Kenji preoccupied long enough for Ruby to concentrate for her attack.

    Within seconds Ruby had conjured enough fire that her body began to glow red. I instantly, stopped the conjuring the spears and began to create a blizzard around Kenji, as if it were a tornado. The cold frost immediately took effect slowing down Kenji’s movements. At that moment Ruby launched her strike.

    Immediately Ruby followed the motion of the blizzard and using her speed began to surround Kenji in a fire pillar. I stopped the spell and watched Ruby continue her fire attack at Kenji allowing the fire piller to get thicker and closer to Kenji. Kenji out of fear began to swing the claymore, however it had little or no effect in absorbing the flames.

    A loud shriek was heard as the flames began to burn Kenji’s skin. I looked beside be and Ruby stood beside me with a grin of satisfaction.

    ”How much for time guys?

    ”Almost there.”

    Instantly an explosion occurred from the pillars causing a heavy stream of air pushing us back. I held onto a piece of hardware allowing me not to be thrown off.

    As the wind died down Kenji stood there his eyes blood shot red, his skin burned to a crisp. His wings appeared tattered and broken.

    “I did not want to do this but I guess it is needed.”

    Instantly, Kenji’s fangs began to grow slightly and his wings began tore from his back and began to revolve around his body as a shield. Instantly, Kenji plunged his hand into his chest. Trickles of blood began to form on his chest but that didn’t stop Kenji.

    For within seconds Kenji took out his hand covered in blood. Grabbing the blood Kenji began to apply it on the claymore causing the blade to change shape revealing a cat like eye near the hilt.

    [i]”Kenji what is it this time?”[/color]

    “Shut up you know why I summoned you,”[/color]
    ”Gate Moaet?”[/color]
    “Yes hurry up and open the gate.”

    Huge amounts of Dark CE began to gather in the sword.

    ”You guys hold on!”

    I instantly, casted a ice barrier however the magnitude of Dark CE that was being gathered shattered the barrier in moments.

    Instantly, Kenji stabbed the sword in the ground causing the entire room to be filled in darkness. I looked around in terror as to what was happening. For within seconds I realized we were in space standing on a piece of glass. I looked around and noticed the sword was still were it was releasing large amounts of Dark CE. Kenji stood not far from the sword and said. “Gate Moaet! One of the gates of Death as proclaimed by the Creator, that is if you believe in God. The source of my power.”

    ”What are you talking about?” Ghost said as he stood up and placed his arm on my shoulder.

    Kenji just shook his head, “We, Ascerbus are a new race by God blessed by God. Enough secrets I will end this here.”

    Instantly I was pushed back several meters from Kenji’s Dark CE causing me to cough out some blood from the impact.

    “Morito!” Shouted Ruby

    “As for you little girl!”

    Instantly, Kenji appeared before Ruby and using Ruby’s sword plunged the blade into her chest.

    A look of pain appeared over Ruby’s face as she fell down.

    I felt helpless and fear struck over me. I quickly scanned Ruby and noticed that though she had taken a fatal blow there was a sign of life within her. It must be the Astray within her trying to cling to life.

    I slowly stood up from the impact and yelled out a loud blood cry and charged at Kenji with only my fist at my side.

    "Because I exist, my enemy exits. If there is no self, then there can be no enemy." Yamaoka Tesshu

  4. #114
    Khan of Clan Wolf Mechwarrior21's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare

    I watched in shock as Kenji took down Ruby. I quickly went to her side and did a scan. She still had a small life sign which was good but unless her Astray had a card it hasn't played yet, she would die.

    I looked to see Morito charge Kenji in a blind rage.

    "Morito! Stop!" but it was too late as he was blasted back by the shield protecting Kenji. Morito got up and almost charged him again but I stopped him by holding his shoulder.

    "Morito! Get a hold of yourself!" I ordered even as he struggled against my hold.

    "Let go Ghost! I'm gonna kill that....." was all he got out before I punched him across the face, effectively flooring him.

    "Morito I know you're angry but we can help her later. Right now I need you man, we all do,"

    He looked at Ruby for a moment before getting up again and nodding at me. I nodded back as Ares finally got himself back together.

    "So Ghost, any ideas?" I looked at the current situation before dodging spells Kenji flung.

    "We need to get that sword. If we do so, it will close the Gate Moaet and we stand a better chance. Either that or kill Kenji," i said.

    "Looks like a plan."

    "Then lets go," and with that we charged Kenji.

    "Foolish half-breeds," as he launched dark spells as us. I dodged him and fired back at him but it did no good. The others also attacked but it was no good. Kenji retaliated by using a blast to throw us back. I stood up only to cough up blood.

    "We need to get that sword but the 3 of us would be killed before we could," I said. Suddenly, a burst of energy caught my attention. I turned back to see Ruby get up, her wounds completely healed up.

    "Nice to see you back up," was my comment. It seemed that Morito has forgotten that she didn't have her Astray fuse with her until this point.

    "So shall we then?" I simply smirked and we charged.
    I'm like you.....I have no name - Mr. X

  5. #115
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! McLovin's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare

    The four of us charged at Kenji, not really having a plan besides take his weapon and try to destroy it. He chopped us down as we approached, and we got right back up and charged again.

    On the third attempt, he swung his sword horizontally at me, but I caught it in my stone hands and held it tight. Before he could take it back, the other three landed a few hits on him. They did little damage, besides distracting him and thus loosening his grip on the sword. I yanked it away, and held it high in victory.

    "Ah ha! Who's the big man now?"

    Kenji held out his hand and the claymore broke itself free of my grasp and flew back to him.

    "Ok, plan B." We all charged again, but this time Morito hung back a little bit. He casted a freezing mist on Kenji as we got to him. His hands froze like ice, hard and brittle. I smashed his icy hands with my fist, and he dropped the blade. Before he grew his hands back, as i assumed he would, Ghost picked up the sword and hurled it the in the air, where the four of us landed a combined hit on the blade.

    "NO!!!" Kenji screamed as the blast of lightning, fire, ice, and stone hit the sword and broke it into pieces. The metal shattered like glass into a million pieces, and the hilt landed not far from there with a clank. I heard Kenji yell behind us as he felt his power leaving him.

  6. #116
    Kendo Level Shodan! Makenshi's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare

    The stars around us began to fade away as the entire room began to grow dark once again. I felt my body lose control as I realized we were falling into a void. However, within seconds we landed back into the facility where we were earlier. I looked up and the black hole disappeared closing the dimensional door to the other reality.

    Kenji continued to yell in anger only of his hands had regenerated while the other still oozed out blood.

    Kenji quickly grabbed hold of his other arm and yanked it out tearing his shoulder. Grabbing hold of his other shoulder he began to infuse Dark CE within.

    ”Man this guy doesn’t quit!”

    ”So do we!”

    Instantly, Ghost grabbed out his rifle and released a clip each bullet was infused with lightning hitting the shoulder destroying the remains.

    “Good job”

    ”You know you don’t have to be a hero”
    Ghost grinned at my words.

    Kenji shouted in rage gathering his Dark CE in his palm of his hand and began to charge at us.

    "Because I exist, my enemy exits. If there is no self, then there can be no enemy." Yamaoka Tesshu

  7. #117
    Khan of Clan Wolf Mechwarrior21's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare

    Kenji roared and charged us again. We quickly dodged as he passed us. I shot him in the back as I dodged as did the others. He screamed in pain before turning and charged me, swiping his claws back and forth.

    "Why can't you accept that the time of men is over?!? Your actions has left you unfit to continue to live in this universe!!! All you've done is expand and expand till your kind has oversaturated this galaxy!! The Acerbus will cleanse this galaxy till order is restored!!!! Why can't you accept this? WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT THAT WE ARE YOUR GODS?????" Kenji screamed, swinging and firing Dark spells at us.

    "Because we do not need someonw to rule us. We will rule ourselves. Our kind may have done some evil things but we must fix these things on our own. Besides, you intend to kill a majority of us and I cannot allow that. We all deserve our freedoms. No one will take it away. ESPECIALLY YOU!!!" was my response, shotting him in the back.

    "I will not let your kind do any more damage to our kind. Your campaigns have caused enough sadness. I will not let you make anyone else sad!!!" Morito said, dropping in front of him and smashing an ice spear through him.

    "You are not gods. If there is such thing, your kind is far from it!" Ares declared, smashing Kenji with his hammer.

    I quickly ran up to him and grabbed him, holding him in a headlock. Morito grabbed his arm and pinned it. Ares grabbed his feet and held it there.

    "NOW RUBY!!!!!!" as I continued to hold him. Ruby held her sword upright as it became covered with flames.

    "Now die already" she screamed, plugging the sword towards his heart.

    "I cannot die!!!! I WILL NOT DIE HERE!!!!!!!!" Kenji screamed. Suddenly I felt a massive surge of power.

    "Oh ****, everyone....." was all I could say before the energy erupted outwards, swallowing us all.

    I woke up and felt pain. Lots of it. It proves that I was still alive. I slowly and miraculously got to my feet. Thought I was in very bad shape. There were numerous cuts on my body. My clothes were soaked in my blood. I couldn't open one eye as there was blood pouring out from a cut above it. I looked around to see that Kenji was up but in no better shape than me. The others were down but I couldn't tell if they were alive or not.

    "I've had it with you humans. I will destroy you along with this planet. Then nothing can stop us. Not even you Astrays," and with that he flew towards space at incredible speeds before I could even respond.

    Kenji flew up till he was at the edge of space. He stopped and looked down. "Begone human scum," and held his hand up and started gathering energy.

    I looked up and saw a small speck of dark. It was slowly getting larger and larger by the second. I got a reading and was frightened. It looks like Kenji's going to destroy this planet and us along with it.

    I grimced before slowly raising the railgun and pointed at the black speck in the sky. I concentrated and felt the gun starting to charge. With that a ball of lighting energy stared to appear at the end of it. I channeled more lightning energy into it but I knew it wasn't going to be enough.

    "More. I need more power," I muttered, hoping for a miracle to occur.
    I'm like you.....I have no name - Mr. X

  8. #118
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! McLovin's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare

    "Here, let me help," said Ruby as she went over to Ghost. She was hurt badly, like the rest of us, but probably also in the best condition of us all. She placed her hand on the railgun and channeled her Fire CE through the gun to help charge the ball of lightning at the tip. "Tell me when," she told Ghost.

    "Ok, now!" Ruby let go of the rifle and Ghost pulled the trigger, firing the ball of lightning and fire into Kenji's dark aurora. Morito and I watched from the ground, laying there in pain.
    "Its almost over man," I said, grasping his hand as the power orb shattered Kenji's still charging attack. Ghost's attack caused the dark CE to overload in Kenji's hand, causing a surge of power before he was ready to hold it.

    Kenji fell back the the planet and crashed nearby, forming a crater. I climbed to my feet and we all walked over to the crater. Kenji rose from the dust, badly scarred. The impact had ripped a large area of his skin off, but instead of blood a mist of dark CE seeped out of the wounds.

    "Im done. With you human dogs." He began rapidly firing fireballs of dark CE at us, throwing us back with each hit. Morito threw up a shield of ice, which protected us from the fireballs but not for long.

    "We need a plan! This guy just doesn't let up!"
    "I have an idea." I communicated the plan to everyone else over the team channel.

    Ghost came behind me and lifted me up. We flew up into the air and Ruby followed, as Morito kept up the ice shield. Ghost, using the strength of his MES, grabbed me by the feet and began to spin around in the air. As he spun us faster, i turned my body into solid rock and Ruby casted her fire CE on me. I was becoming a human meteor.
    "Hopefully this wont kill me," I said jokingly, but no one laughed. "Ok, now!"

    Ghost let go of my feet as I came around to where Kenji was. I smashed through Kenji and into the ground creating an even bigger crater. The force sent me through a tunnel in the ground. How well my plan worked, i'd have to see when i got out.

  9. #119
    Khan of Clan Wolf Mechwarrior21's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare

    "Ares, you better be alive or I'll find your soul and kick its ass for dying right now," I said, looking at the crater.

    "No need to get hostile on my ass man. I'm good but it's gonna take a while for me to get out," was his reply. I sighed a bit before seeing Kenji. He was badly injuired by Ares but incredibly still standing. He had a huge hole though his chest and it was leaking CE. He yelled and started firing spells in random directions.

    "Man can't this guy just die already?!?!" as Morito sent ice shards at him. It impacted him and it seems to anger him more, causing him to fire more spells.

    We split and ran circles around him till I caught a small break in Kenji's pattern and took it. I closed the distance between us. I charged CE into my fists and uppercutted him, lifting him into the air. He couldn't dodge as I pummeled him with my fist.

    "Morito! Catch!" as I kicked him in Morito's direction. He stopped and formed ice spears around him. He threw each one, impaling him with them. After a dozen or so, he blasted him with cold air, sending him to Ruby.

    Ruby charged her sword with flames and stabbed him while he was in mid-air. She then kicked him into the ground. She landed just at the edge of the crater and send down fireballs, causing massive explosions.

    As this was going on, a fist broke though the ground, signeling Ares's return. Just as Ruby ran out of energy, Ares responded by forming a stone hammer and smashing the crater where Kenji lies. I grabbed my rifle and walked down, stopping at Kenji.

    There was little left of the body. In fact the only remains of his body was the head. As I looked down, his eyes opened and looked up.

    "How could I have lost? How could I have been defeated by filthy half-breeds? How could I who has the power of god have lost?" he said softly.

    "I told you already, you are no gods. Now sleep forever," I replyed, raising my rifle and shooting his head with a concentrated blast of lighting. All that remains was ashes. As the ashes slowly blew away in the wind, I looked up at the sky and closed my eyes. This fight was finally over.
    I'm like you.....I have no name - Mr. X

  10. #120
    Kendo Level Shodan! Makenshi's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare

    We all fell down to our knees, as our MES deactivated revealing our civilian forms. The power that I had obtained during this struggle began to slowly slip away as I soon began to feel pain in my shoulders and chest. I struggled to stand up and so did the others.

    We had consumed so much CE that our Astray form couldn’t take the damage and beating from Kenji, that without realizing the impact of the attacks began to externally wound our bodies.

    “I guess it will take some time, before we can move like normal,” Ruby said as she dragged her leg.

    ”Lloyd!” I suddenly remembered as we all began to walk towards his body.

    The town that we were sent to protect from the Ascerbus had crumbled from our fight. The school my home everything. Nothing remained of the town, it even seems that the townspeople just vanished.

    We soon arrived at the crumbled building were we first engaged Kenji and there lay Lloyd still, as if nothing happen not a dust on his face.

    I reached my arms forward as I grabbed hold on Lloyd’s body and began to hold onto him tight.

    ”Sorry! Friend….if only I were stronger.”

    We all knew what had to be done and even though we couldn’t move our bodies we prepared for Lloyd a soldier’s burial.

    ”Am I not good at anything?” I whispered to myself as despair began to sink within me.

    ”We did our best! We did what we could for this world, I have no regrets.” Ghost said out loud.

    ”I am sure Lloyd would think the same.”

    “Lets get going,” Ruby said.


    “To the City of Astray, the place we call home.”

    I smiled at Ruby’s words and began to move forward until I suddenly felt a dark shadow on my back. I suddenly turned around and looked up and began to notice the sky turning black.

    ”What the hell is that?”

    The black clouds began to emit lightning and thunder that soon reached ground level.

    “No it cannot be!” Shouted Ruby.

    ”What? Ruby what’s going on.”

    “Its begun! This world is finished. The Ascerbus have begun their raid on this world.”

    ”You cannot be serious!” Ares quickly picked up a rifle nearby and held it in his hand.

    “There is not much time, we must leave or find shelter.”

    Ghost extended his hand blocking Ruby as he pulled out a pistol from his belt.

    ”Sorry! But it is our duty we were assigned to this world to protect the people and we will do that.”

    I quickly joined in picking up Lloyd’s sword, ”You know what your kinda cute when your angry Ruby!”

    Ruby blushed at my comments and just watched us three standing tall and firm. Our mind and soul were one and we were determined to fight. Our eyes were locked at the clouds awaiting the incoming Ascerbus raid.

    We were the remaining forces left on the planet to fight the Ascerbus invasion, stadning between life and death, but we all had a smile on our faces. Why? This wasn’t the first time that we had knocked on death’s door.

    Ruby walked beside me and kissed me lightly on the cheek and said, “If you strongly believe I will join you. I will follow you Morito.”

    ”The name is Kiyomari.”

    With that the first wave of Ascerbus emerged from the clouds and began to descend from the clouds.

    ”Lets go guys! Lets kick some a ss.”

    ”Now now! Lets not get hasty shall we.”

    ” For Lloyd!”

    In union we all let out our war cry flying into the fray………


    "Because I exist, my enemy exits. If there is no self, then there can be no enemy." Yamaoka Tesshu

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