This wasn't looking good for any of us. Kenji keeps sending out shock waves and forcing us to dodge. The protection spell was holding firm but it was losing strength at an incredible rate.
I sent bolts of lightning and railgun rounds at Kenji but he would either sidestep them or just block with his claymore. The others were trying to get closer but he would just use the shock waves to force them to stay away.
"Come on you half-breeds. Is that all you got? At least make me try to fight you seriously," Kenji taunted, lazily looking at us.
"Guys, we're not getting anywhere at this rate. I got a plan," I said, transmitting my plan to them.
"Looks risky but lets try it out," Ares replied, quickly erecting some stone walls around Kenji.
"Is that all?" Kenji said, breaking them down like tissue paper. Morito and Ruby flung ice and fire bolts at him but the collided just in front of him, creating a very thick fog. It was going as planned, the fog should blind him for the time being. Ares quickly charged him, raising his hammer for an attack, Ruby doing the same. Kenji blocked them both.
"Really did you think I'd fall for a simple smoke trick?" he taunted again, swinging his claymore and knocking them back. Just then did he realise that he was stepping in a large puddle. I smirked and sent large quantities of lightning though the water to him causing him pain. Ruby and Morito had done their job perfectly. We all rushed him raising our various weapons to finish him.
"Looks like this is the end of you," Morito commented, about to hit Kenji with an ice blade. Kenji just smirked as he raised his claymore above his head.
"Yes this looks like the end indeed," he said. I then realised that his sword was glowing with dark energy.
"Dark Explosion" was the last thing I heard before the energy erupted outwards and engulfed us all. When I woke up a while later, I realized how badly hurt I was. I was covered in various cuts and bruises. I looked around as the others slowly got up. They were in no better shape than I was. Ruby seemed to have broke her left arm. Morito was trying to stand but it was impossible as part of his femur was sticking out of his leg. Ares was trying to pull out a steel rod that ran right through him. Kenji strolled up to us, very much unharmed.
"Do you realize how futile it was to fight me now? You haven't even made me sweat," he said, brushing dirt off his clothes before looking at us. "Stop your fighting right now and I'll make your death as painless as possible."
"Stop? If we do, you'll just destroy this planet and revive Cedric. I will not let that happen," I declared, slowly standing up. Kenji just looked at me as I stumbled back to my feet.
"And do you intend to fight me alone? You are foolish. You have nothing left in you," he stated.
"Wrong. I have 1 more trick up my sleeves," and with that I closed my eyes and concentrated. Suddenly my shattered armor glowed yellow and detached from me. I was left standing in my normal clothing but my veins glows with power.
"What is this? All I see is that....." was all that Kenji said before I suddenly appeared in from of him and punched him though a wall.
"Surprised? Did you know that contrary to popular belief that lightning CE is the hardest to control? Did you also know that all lightning MES's have a limiter installed? This is used to regulate and lower the power useage but in turn increase the control. Now what happens when that limiter is disengaged huh?" I said, before dashing towards him, emptying my railgun at him, doing some damage. I drew my short sword which crackled with energy.
"Of course there is a downside. The longer the limiter is off, the closer I get to CE death. And before you ask, yes I am staking my life so I can defeat you," as I fought him. I should be able to fight him evenly but for how long?