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Thread: Eden and The Darkness

  1. #1
    In Your Dreams James's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Eden and The Darkness

    The boy found on the island was tested positive for 'The Darkness' already in the coma stage there were only a few weeks until he would be fully taken over. What has this world come to, the planet taken over by a illness. Now the boy would fall victim to the same fate as many have before him.

    Officer Walkman walked in to his office to find a open file on his desk, looking at it he soon read that a Dr Cid from the Bio Teck section of Eden had come with the theory that certain items could stop 'The Darkness'. Without hesitation he made his way to find this Dr Cid.

    Walking in to a full classroom of students age ranged from teenagers to people in their mid fifties, Officer Walkman looked at the class and dismissed them, after a few hours of discussion Dr Cid managed to explain what his idea was all about. It was ground breaking. Dr Cid was asked why he hadn’t come to himself but Dr Cid simply answered, he had a class to teach.

    After many hours of debates with the other officers and senior founders of Eden a decision was made. A group would be taken from Eden to go out in to the world and find certain items which might fight back against the illness. Only the best would be chosen. It would be a life and die mission, some would die and some would survive. It was only a matter of hope, at the end of the day Dr Cid's idea could never be tested without the items he said were necessary. It was now up to Officer Walkman to pick his team.
    Going through files and reports on members of Eden’s action teams he finally decided on a group, sending messages to them they only had a day to get ready, soon they would be going out in to the world and be fighting for the last hope.


    Willow was the gymnasium, he had a tight grip of the balancing pole, and with one jump he swung his body around, landing perfectly on the pole. Tired after working out for a few hours he had become tired, so with one jump somersault he jumped off the pole and on to the mat below him. That’s when his phone beeped; walking over to it he saw it was a message from Officer Walkman.

    ‘Officer Walkman? What does he want? He’s not my Officer’ he muttered under his breath.

    Willow was actually part of the medical team, trained as a first aider, to heal against almost any illness or wound. He found his way to Eden when it was still being built, helping out where ever he could he used his skills to good use. When Eden was being made there were some ‘people’ who had ‘The Darkness’ he watched as they turned in blood hungry beast’s the action teams had no choice but to kill them. Willow helped make the injection that prevented people from getting ‘The Darkness’ which lasted a very short time. Nurses and Doctors had to have this injection every time they went near someone with the darkness so that they could test them.

    Willow read the message
    ‘You have been chosen to join a special action team; you have a day to get your things ready. We will be leaving for England tomorrow at nine in the morning. We will be looking for certain items that might help fight the darkness. You will be briefed fully on the way there. Meet at the Med lab at eight, there you will be prepare, do not be late.’

    Willow’s eyes opened wide. Did he read that right?! He would actually be going out in to the world, to try and find a cure for the darkness! It was then when it all sunk in that he became scared but excited. He would get to see his home again, England. He knew it would be a pile of rocks, but to leave this ‘safe place’ seemed like a beautiful thought. No matter what he was going to be on the mission.

  2. #2
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    OOC: Yea, long time coming, but at least I got it out.

    ~*{Cyprus Ankara}*~

    As I walked through the second floor hall of my house, I could feel the changes. Megara left a whole in my life with her departure. I would never forgive my father for that. It didn’t matter to me what afflicted him. He should have gotten help. He should’ve been there for us if he expected us to be there for him! Why did my little sister have to pay for his poor brand of parenting!

    In anger, I threw a vase into the opposite wall. I was normally not like this. A month had passed me by without any of this kind of emotion spewing out of me. But it was always there. I could still see it when I closed my eyes, how my sister’s limp body collapsed onto the floor downstairs. When it was quiet, I could even hear the thud, still hear it no matter where I was, even if I tried blocking it out. I failed to protect her. Megara’s death was on my conscience, not Siegfried’s. Mother had gone lethargic with grief. That was my fault, too. Who was there to take care of my family besides me? I was the strong one, not Megara. If anything, I should’ve been the one to die. I wasn’t useful enough! Now… now I have “The Darkness”. That disease was worming its way through me, slowly taking from me my only gift in this world, the gift I couldn’t give to my sister.

    Maybe it was hopeless. Even if they did find that miracle they’d been searching for, how viable would it be? Could it be used late term since my affliction would then have evolved to such a stage. How much testing would need to be done to follow up on subtle anomalies, side-effects of the remedy?

    Well, my mother needed me, that much I knew. She had taken to calling me both Cyprus and Megara when she would actually speak. I had to be both of us now. The daughter she had, that I would be forever, but I needed to tack on the labor of being the daughter lost to her, as well. Innocent and naïve Megara… could I accomplish this? I knew I had to, but was I capable of it?

    I left my house and entered my car, sighing as I closed the door and went for the ignition. This world keeps getting murkier and murkier and it isn’t the troublemakers that pay; it’s those whose lives have already met with enough hardships that must suffer even more unto the breaking point. Taking another sigh to relieve these depressing and counterproductive thoughts, I set the car in reverse and pulled out of my driveway to head over to Eden.
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

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