Started: June 10th, 2008
War, what is it good for? Yup, out again, back in the mud and watching these people kill each other. Good grief. It really irks the harmony of the self when one must dodge blaster bolts and corrosive globs. The Matriarch had briefed us on a lab under fire, one that had been secretly researching the cause of the Crux, deciphering its genetic code and composition. Fighting had broken out in the neighbouring locations surprisingly as the facility was chosen for research due to its seclusion from the war.
Currently, I was having Soraoi offer his ingenuity to mount up a proper defence grid, though his materials were quite limited in a chemical laboratory. Of course, I mentioned he do whatever he could with the resources at hand. Elsewhere, Anna was on scout patrol with one of my Exter units, an Andalia or whatever they were called. She had personally requested one for her mission, and not surprising; this area was becoming more volatile. The more invisible we were the better.
I, and the remaining few took to securing a perimeter around the lab. Shells were falling, Hulk shrapnel, and even a few corpses of those intriguing magma creatures. Should the battles continue, we may have to hasten a call for evacuation.
Sir, 2 oclock! Spectre exclaimed, notifying me of the breech.
Good eye. Lets move in!
The two of us flew into position as the Tira rained down from the sky, flesh searing from re-entry. We began blasting it with our best, breaking the poor soul into smaller chunks before allowing the remains to hit the roof. Nodding to Spectre, I scanned the air, noticing my uncles regiment breaking atmo.
Zhao le. I grumbled under my breath, Looks like well have to head out by weeks end, if were lucky. Damn fools.