(OOC- That was a hell-of-a-first-post Mirage o.o Neither short or pointless!)
Alex Delacroix
There was a silence.
Just as suddenly as it had appeared it was punctured again by an earth-shaking explosion. Just the signal Alex had waited for.
After years of warfare, Alex had attuned finer reflexes than a cat's.
His team, in reciprocation, had come to understand certain nuances about his person, knowing them to be small preludes to actions and orders. They remained virtually undetectable to an enemy, but to them it offered a life-life, it offered the ability to react a step behind their captain; as he expected them to.
His body was pulsing with them now.
Almost as a singular entity Alex and his team tensed.
Inside Alex's head his mind whirred, his concentration solely upon timing the advance...
The great creak of a Tiva roared overhead...
The mortars pounded once again...
The following explosiong rocked the battlefield...
Upon that thought, just after the mortar fire, Alex broke into a run over the entrenchment.
The surge followed in his wake, barely half a step behind him.
Alex leapt the distances between the trenches easily, as he surveyed the field for a possible point to carry out his team's mission. A jangling sound followed behind him, the tell-tale signs of poor equipment strapping for minimal noise; he knew who it'd be. Still, only that tiny noise echoed from his teams well timed advance.
"So much for stealth" Alex criticized of himself, unjustly. Only the most attentive of guards would have noticed the slight sound in the explosion filled air, and there wasn't a guard posting for another three-hundred yards at the least.
barely breaking a sweat under the weight of his full gear, Alex signaled towards the safety of a ruined outcropping; again slamming into the defensible location. First in, first out; last in, last out. that's how his team worked, always.
After he was content that his team were well placed and present, he pulled his Binoculars from his pack. Wiping his mouth with a dirty hand he surveyed the route before him. Intel was good, this was most probably the least defended point into the compound, he only counted a five guard placement with a turret and sandbag-defenses.
He put the device away, turning to see his marksman, "Wolf", doing the same. Wolf held up six fingers; Alex always missed one.
Alex nodded back, and began a complex arm movement.
Immediately his team separated, each group running silently along the tracks leading towards the guard. Once the first three groups secured the advance positions, he and the fourth group crawled along the main by-way.
In a flurry of activity it was all over. Quickly.
Alex himself had lead the small group over the wall, silently killing the guards, then signaling to the rest of the team.
Not a sound.
The other contingents of his team swarmed over the walls to meet back up with his advance element, each muttering; "Clear" when they had done so.
Then Alex realized why so little resistance resided here; this approach only need be defended against infantry, not the Tiva that were in use. Silently, he appraised the foresight of his commanders...
As his team secured the guard post, he squatted, seemingly surveying the compound ahead that was their objective, but again he began questioning the mission.
It rankled with him to kill his own kind, and not the real enemies.
And why was it so important that the place of such interest to seemingly both Exter and Human alike be completely destroyed?
It just didn't make any sense what-so-ever.
Turning to his ever-present second in command, "Nova", he sighed.
"I miss the old days..." his slurred voice announced "...back when our job was simple"
Nova smiled, adding his own wisdom, with a flourish of his beret and a wipe of his brow.
"It's just as simple as always sir" He replied as his smile turned into a grin "You're just a lot more cynical than you used to be"
Alex chuckled, a deep roughish sound.
"You're probably right" Alex mused, pausing for thought.
"Nothing to be done"
With that remark he left Nova smiling and shaking his head, as he began issuing commands to ready the explosives and the forward march...