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Thread: Chronicles of Semotus Stella : Bellum Lugeo

  1. #11
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! Kazei's Avatar
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    Sep 2006

    Re: Chronicles of Semotus Stella : Bellum Lugeo

    (OOC- That was a hell-of-a-first-post Mirage o.o Neither short or pointless!)


    Alex Delacroix

    There was a silence.

    Just as suddenly as it had appeared it was punctured again by an earth-shaking explosion. Just the signal Alex had waited for.

    After years of warfare, Alex had attuned finer reflexes than a cat's.

    His team, in reciprocation, had come to understand certain nuances about his person, knowing them to be small preludes to actions and orders. They remained virtually undetectable to an enemy, but to them it offered a life-life, it offered the ability to react a step behind their captain; as he expected them to.

    His body was pulsing with them now.

    Almost as a singular entity Alex and his team tensed.

    Inside Alex's head his mind whirred, his concentration solely upon timing the advance...


    The great creak of a Tiva roared overhead...


    The mortars pounded once again...


    The following explosiong rocked the battlefield...


    Upon that thought, just after the mortar fire, Alex broke into a run over the entrenchment.

    The surge followed in his wake, barely half a step behind him.

    Alex leapt the distances between the trenches easily, as he surveyed the field for a possible point to carry out his team's mission. A jangling sound followed behind him, the tell-tale signs of poor equipment strapping for minimal noise; he knew who it'd be. Still, only that tiny noise echoed from his teams well timed advance.

    "So much for stealth"
    Alex criticized of himself, unjustly. Only the most attentive of guards would have noticed the slight sound in the explosion filled air, and there wasn't a guard posting for another three-hundred yards at the least.

    barely breaking a sweat under the weight of his full gear, Alex signaled towards the safety of a ruined outcropping; again slamming into the defensible location. First in, first out; last in, last out. that's how his team worked, always.

    After he was content that his team were well placed and present, he pulled his Binoculars from his pack. Wiping his mouth with a dirty hand he surveyed the route before him. Intel was good, this was most probably the least defended point into the compound, he only counted a five guard placement with a turret and sandbag-defenses.

    He put the device away, turning to see his marksman, "Wolf", doing the same. Wolf held up six fingers; Alex always missed one.

    Alex nodded back, and began a complex arm movement.

    Immediately his team separated, each group running silently along the tracks leading towards the guard. Once the first three groups secured the advance positions, he and the fourth group crawled along the main by-way.

    In a flurry of activity it was all over. Quickly.

    Alex himself had lead the small group over the wall, silently killing the guards, then signaling to the rest of the team.


    Not a sound.

    The other contingents of his team swarmed over the walls to meet back up with his advance element, each muttering; "Clear" when they had done so.

    Then Alex realized why so little resistance resided here; this approach only need be defended against infantry, not the Tiva that were in use. Silently, he appraised the foresight of his commanders...

    As his team secured the guard post, he squatted, seemingly surveying the compound ahead that was their objective, but again he began questioning the mission.

    It rankled with him to kill his own kind, and not the real enemies.

    And why was it so important that the place of such interest to seemingly both Exter and Human alike be completely destroyed?

    It just didn't make any sense what-so-ever.

    Turning to his ever-present second in command, "Nova", he sighed.

    "I miss the old days..."
    his slurred voice announced "...back when our job was simple"

    Nova smiled, adding his own wisdom, with a flourish of his beret and a wipe of his brow.

    "It's just as simple as always sir" He replied as his smile turned into a grin "You're just a lot more cynical than you used to be"

    Alex chuckled, a deep roughish sound.

    "You're probably right"
    Alex mused, pausing for thought.

    "Nothing to be done"

    With that remark he left Nova smiling and shaking his head, as he began issuing commands to ready the explosives and the forward march...

  2. #12
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! bee happy's Avatar
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    Re: Chronicles of Semotus Stella : Bellum Lugeo

    *~ Tony Rivera ~*

    With a final thrust I felt my body tremble as the orgasm overwhelmed me, my semen rushing inside her. Panting, I withdrew and began to pull up my underwear and trousers. She had been nothing special, just a mere pawn with which to pass the hours.

    “Are you going to stay here forever?” I asked, sitting back into my office chair and placing my legs atop the desk on which she still laid, her rounded backside facing me. Reaching into my jacket, I collected a cigar and lit it, breathing its toxic fumes.

    She seemed embarrassed as she turned her head toward me, her eyes wide in confusion. Evidently she had been expecting more.

    Turning to me, her breasts plump, nipples still hard, she pleaded, “but Tony… I’m not satisfied…” she began to place a leg over my own, “you sure you want to just leave me now?”

    Drawing deep on my cigar, I turned to look at her crystal eyes, exhaling the fumes into her face. “Oh quite sure.”

    Suddenly angered, she reached for her clothes, dressing hurriedly as she yelled, “you selfish pig! I should’ve known better than to believe you could love anyone but yourself! You can forget ever seeing me again. I QUIT!”

    Unperturbed, I kicked my feet from the desk and onto the floor, before crossing both arms and placing them onto the solid-oak feature, “they all say that… and yet, they all seem to stay. I’ll see you tomorrow, Laura. Same time.”

    Slamming the door behind her in frustration, I smiled. It was true, they always did come back. Whether they were expecting a promotion or some sign of affection from me, they never got it. Maybe they simply wanted bragging rights. It bothered me not. I used them. That was all. One had spoken out against me once… she had disappeared one rainy night and was never seen again. No one complained now.

    Closing my eyes I thought back to one of my greatest “lovers”; Katie Taylor. Her black, grey streaked hair and azure eyes still aroused me, her toned body simply an added extra. She had also disappeared one day not long ago, but that was not my doing. I had no idea where she had vanished to, and my scouts had reported nothing. It saddened me to lose such a wonderful “partner”, yet I knew I would find someone equally as adequate soon. People were always desperate for a job, and there was only one real requirement for being my secretary. They had to be pretty, not too intelligent, and most importantly, female.

    Taking another draft from my cigar I reached down and began to stroke myself, the thoughts of Katie arousing me much more than I had anticipated.

    *~ Chronicles of Semotus Stella : Bellum Lugeo ~*

    *~ Xeddy: Derek? Constructive? Lololololol ~*

    *~ Don't forget to check out the newly created Auron skin! ~*

    Spoiler: Quotes for lulz 

  3. #13
    Khan of Clan Wolf Mechwarrior21's Avatar
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    Re: Chronicles of Semotus Stella : Bellum Lugeo

    Jason Khan

    I rushed the company under clock, just as the commander, IDed as Alex Delacroix, started to give orders. I sliced though a small pack on a soldier's side, effectively destroying the ammo case held there and rendering him without any addiotional ammo. I spun and cut thought the electical circuits on another, disabling his suit. I brought my sword down on the rifle of another cutting it in half. All of this was done in less than 4 seconds.

    That caused an outbreak of chaos as soilder's tried to find out the cause. During all this commotion, I disabled another 2 suits and also destroyed the long range comm system on the commander's suit. I quickly pulled back, not wanting them to find out where I was. Just then my comm system came to life.

    "Spectre, we have a problem. Our seismic sensors detect some incoming. Judging by the signature, its a group of Andalias."

    "Count?" I asked. This was not good at all.

    "Unknown but by the looks of it, around 10 or so," Hunter replied.

    "Roger. I'm heading back. Give me an estimate on where they are and brace yourselves," I said, sprinting back.

    I quickly hid in an area where the Andalias were soon to arrive in. I activated my infrared vision and scanned the area. I spotted a very faint signature which would be them. I had learned early in my career that the Exter's clocking was on our level. However, they emit a very faint heat signature which could be passed off as the ambiant air. Also the 02 sensor registered their breathing. I pulled out my sword and charged, attacking the closest one.
    I'm like you.....I have no name - Mr. X

  4. #14
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
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    Re: Chronicles of Semotus Stella : Bellum Lugeo

    ~₪lEli Tryraal₪~
    It had been going on for quite the length, hadn’t it? I had allowed communications with the Dux Ducis in hopes of halting the irrationality, but the work of the joint taskforce didn’t appear fruitful. Research into the “crux” sickness encountered hostilities and further drawbacks frequently making progress slow to a near stasis. The armies were driven by honour, pride, confusion, and yet more irrationality, which held operations, development, and advancement of both peoples. This was dangerous.

    “Madam Matriarch, daily reports incoming. Shall I proceed?” One of my council announced, taking my mind from my home’s blight.

    “Yes, proceed. To whom have I the pleasure of this time?” I remarked with a sigh.

    Nodding as she offered a sympathetic smile, she answered, “Surprisingly, the Prim Yan Xi’ar. I hoped this would lift your spirits, Madam Matriarch.”

    “You would think so, but I only wonder the when now. Let us continue.”

    Together we descended to the Hosenki where the Prim Yan Xi’ar and his accompanying Vesnyk-han awaited. He was busy reviewing his and the Gala Xi’ar stratagem for causing more death and destruction to our Human neighbours all in the name of protecting we Exter. I would admit to hatred for the sickness, but as Matriarch, that sort of concept would be unfit and equally unproductive.

    “Madam Matriarch, the eastern division are en route to Vega. You may recall the installation we discovered in that Human city. Rest assured, it will not pose a threat. Additionally, the siege on Kiera was halted. No further casualties were reported, but anyone still not evacuated sustained extensive injury. My apologies, it could not be avoided.”

    “What news have you of Bergen?” I asked.

    “What? All I know of any sector around that city is that there was a battle. As I recall, the battle ensued from the construction of a new weapons depot in Loire. Shall I have the local battalion prepare a report?”

    “No, that won’t be necessary. Have you anything more to report?”

    “No Madam Matriarch.” He then drew closer, “We shall claim victory in this war I assure you.”

    “I know you will. Thank you. You are all dismissed. Please attend to your duties.”

    Following the meeting, I returned to my personal study, speaking to the A’Ruhaxia Viryn Eschar on further political endeavours. There was a commission to be sent to Sol and I wanted the joint operatives to be among them. It would take them away from peacekeeping and defence for the time being, but the site where the original mutation occurred could prove worthy.

    “Yes, your intentions will be prosperous. You should carry on immediately.” The soothsayer told me.

    “And what of the wise woman?”

    “As with most in possession of our seer’s gift, that will have to be seen, however, I am acquainted with the particular one. Your wisdom should not be denied either, Matriarch.”

    “Good, then I shall depart. I received contact moments ago.”

    “I know. You’ve had conflicting resolves in all current actions. Why else would you have seen me?”

    “Family ties?” I mused lightly, “May the Venoch keep us.”

    Soon I left Viryn, anxious about meeting with the divined “wise woman” who, like me, was familiar though not a part of the A’Ruhaxia ways. Her influence and intelligence would be a great asset to the cause, though her confidence was what I feared failing to achieve. Once she appeared before me, I chose to be direct and explicit knowing well enough that any attempt at coercion would result poorly.

    “Lady Roth’Agluth, I am sure you are aware of the Human-coined ‘Crux’ that plagues our people and that our researchers have been searching for a remedy.” I sighed again, the troubles of Concero, and Alaiya on a personal note, demonstrating their toll on me, “I wish to enlist your services for an initiative expedition to Sol. Our people need a cure and it was the origin.”

    “Why would my Matriarch think I’d refuse?”

    “Because the Humans are not a popular bunch these days and they will be accompanying you there. What say you?”
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  5. #15
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! Kazei's Avatar
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    Re: Chronicles of Semotus Stella : Bellum Lugeo

    (OCC - Couldn't find Eli's colour, just used Magenta instead. :thumb


    Roth appraised the powerful young woman before her. The way she sat, the way she spoke...confidence, pure confidence.

    Roth felt as if she looked into a mirror, a mirror that looked into her own past, for before her sat someone as close to herself at that age as she would ever find. A new found respect for the matriarch welled up throughout Roth.

    Considering the Matriarch's proposal, she shuffled uncomfortable on her seat.

    She decided not to address the issue of Humans helping, as this was barely prudent and Her matriarch did not come across as a woman who liked to waste time with simple issues.

    She stared blankly as she thought, remaining so as she asked the most important question to her;

    "Would this benefit your peoples, Matriarch?"

    Her question was met by a barely checked, severe gaze.

    "It would most certainly benefit our people. And, by and large, our neighbors people."

    Roth looked up into Eli's eyes, each gaze measuring the other, trying to discern her true meaning.

    "I hold no hate in my heart for our neighbors, as you label them, except in their killing of our people, matriarch."
    Roth replied, without even a hint of coldness or venom "If you yourself deem this band of humans, as I label them, as an honourable and loyal group, then I will gladly work with them to solve any problem that my Matriarch confronts me with"

    She bowed, trying to convey some of the respect that she felt, feeling that she had failed in that she almost immediately rose to again meet the Matriarch's beautiful eyes.

    A smile fluttered across Eli's lips.

    The rest of the conversation passed as a blur to Roth, as she sat dumbfounded.

    Not for the first time, she wondered how she had gotten herself into such planetary affairs.

    Following her mistress through to an adjoining room with an inward sigh, she recited an age old truth to herself;
    "Nothing to be done."

  6. #16
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! bee happy's Avatar
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    Re: Chronicles of Semotus Stella : Bellum Lugeo

    *~ Ai Lux ~*

    “Ah-d-d-d-d-d-d-d.” I groaned as for the umpteenth time, I fell backwards onto my bottom in the mud. A rock happened to be quite conveniently placed just under my left cheek.

    “Listen Ai! You’re not going to get anywhere unless you try harder!” My Mother scolded, handing me back my staff and ordering I practice the Ritual Dance once more. It was one of the more basic Ritual Dances, one to help guide the spirits of the deceased in their Rebirth, yet with two left feet, I felt completely useless. Students half my age were able to achieve this simple Ritual.

    “I am sorry Mother, I do try.” I whispered, standing and taking the beginning position once again.

    “Not hard enough.”

    Concentrating hard, I raised my staff and called upon the spirits. Slowly it began to glow a soft green as I began spinning it over my head, before bringing it down and alternately spinning it behind and in front of me. Twisting, I concentrated all of my energy into ensuring the intricate footwork was performed properly, whilst also ensuring my arms did not slack. A smile began to form on my face as tiny pinpricks of glitter began to flow from each end of my staff; the first stage had been completed successfully. I had come further than before!

    Scrunching my eyes again in concentration to ensure I would not slack, I continued the dance. Taking a step back, I felt my balance waver as I set my weight upon a root of the tree behind me. Shaking, I tried to regain my composure but quickly felt myself falling back into the dirt. Perhaps it was best that I stayed down here.

    My staff flew some feet away and landed in a puddle. I groaned, remembering the recent rainfalls and relishing the idea of wielding a muddle staff.

    “You’re such a clutz, Ai Lux.” It was Uli Tyu, my neighbour and rival. Ever since I could remember, Uli had excelled in her training and had thus become one of the youngest A’Ruhaxia on record. She was destined to higher levels, and it was even rumoured that the Matriarch was interested in her.

    “The Humans are going to Curse you, Ai Lux!” She taunted. It was customary for anyone not in the immediate family, to refer to each other by their full name; most were short in Tibi.

    “Oh hush you.” I replied bluntly, not wishing to anger my Mother with petty fighting.

    “I think that’s enough of that, Uli Tyu. Please leave.” My Mother commanded. She was one of the few women not blinded by Uli Tyu’s gift.

    With a grunt, she left and Mother came to assist me back up, “better, but you still have a long way to go. Continue to practise and do not return for Supper until you have mastered it.”

    Nodding, I watched her leave and groaned audibly as I retrieved my staff and began to practise once again.

    *~ Chronicles of Semotus Stella : Bellum Lugeo ~*

    *~ Xeddy: Derek? Constructive? Lololololol ~*

    *~ Don't forget to check out the newly created Auron skin! ~*

    Spoiler: Quotes for lulz 

  7. #17
    It's alright. Mirage's Avatar
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    Jul 2005

    Re: Chronicles of Semotus Stella : Bellum Lugeo

    OCC: btw, I will personally put all recurrent NPCs as default font, bolded out.


    Peace and quiet… No stress to shed cold sweat… only tranquillity filling one’s mind and body…
    Unfortunately I was feeling the opposite of all that right now.

    “Tic-tac, people! Tic-FREAKING-tac!” I rushed my (un)trusty group.

    “Ahh don’t stress us up, Pomme!” Roger pleaded as he continued writing the papers frenetically.

    “No time to waste! You don’t want to keep working on this project during holidays, do you?!”

    “Jeez, relax?” Ivory said, unstressed as she always is. “Professor Hogarts gave us 5 more minutes to finish this assignment, eh.”

    “I finished my part half an hour agooo. Hurry you~~”

    But it was too late.

    “Okay, class. Time to deli-“ Nyan!

    “Nooo, 2 more minutes! In our defense, we were the last ones to be given an assignment! It’s only fair! Please…?” I need to… look cute now!

    “You had enough time.” He bluntly said, destroying my hopes.

    One by one, the groups delivered their assignment about Mecha Projection. Some sort of personal clairvoyance based on theories, on what we think the next big technological boom will be focused on. My group thought it was obvious itwould be focused on the war. So we presented two sides of the coin: a negative and a positive… Well, sort of.

    “Hey, at least we managed to deliver the negative side!” Roger smiled, looking for “yays” and “we rock” kind of stuff.

    “…Yeah… That’s great. But since we didn’t finish the positive side, we have the penalty of working on it in the next couple of weeks.” Ivory grumbled, kicking some rock on the ground as we left Markovia Tech School.

    We turned the corner right before the Magic Store I work in, following the road’s side until we’d get to my building.

    “So like,” Ivory started “is, erm, your brother home?”

    “Brother?... Oh, Aether? Nah.” I answered, stepping onto the cylindrical elevator.

    “Shame…” She muttered earning her a weird look from my part.

    “grncWhatng are mnchna do here?” …Eh?

    “Don’t talk with your mouth full, Roger.” We told him in a chorus. He gave it a second to swallow, finishing the bagle he was eating.

    “What are we going to do here?”

    “Discuss.” Ivory bluntly replied as we entered into my apartment.

    Getting into the main room, I could see everything was upside down, books all over the floor, cushions thrown all about. Pretty upsetting as I had cleaned everything before going to school, earlier. I stared at it for a minute, but I was too down due to the work assignment to over think it. Probably Aether came home while I was away and made a mess or whatever. When I snapped out of it, I noticed Ivory and Roger sitting on the sofa.

    “So like,” once again, Ivory starting off “We agreed on how the negative side of the next technological boom, concerning the war of course, will be some sort of weapon.”

    “Yeah, that’s a given. I can already picture Markovia-Y’alta Inc. coming up with something.”

    The three of us looked to each other. Seriousness was starting to weight a bit now. We are all young ones but… yeah. This war sucks. “This has got to end…” I sighed sitting next to them, placing a pillow over my lap.

    “But moving on. Concerning the positive side of the next technological boom…”

    “…It's going to be the complete opposite of a weapon?” Oh wow. Roger’s interruption was so elucidative.

    “…Let me finish?” Ivory proceeded. “The positive side will be anything that helps to put an end to the war.”

    “Yep, yep! Anything that helps people!”

    “Ah, I get it. Like restorative gadgets to help the soldiers in the battlefield?” I laughed.

    “Hmmmmm. More like, gadgets that enable Exter and Humans to get to a common ground. I mean, seriously, who cares about who ended up spreading the crux?” I asked rhetorically.

    “I have a feeling this is just a money war…” First clever thing he said all day.

    “I suppose so, as it is always about money, sadly… but there’s a very big sense of pride coming from both races this time. It’s almost… immature.”

    “Yeah, because you know about mature.” Ivory sarcastically said, smirching.

    “Girls, let’s focus now:” He had our attention as we looked at him expecting something, erm… what’s the word? Stupid.

    “We’re on holidays. We have to develop our positive side of the assignment as the penalty for not having delivered it.” Yesss? “So… why don’t we just make it a practical assignment?”

    “Ouuu, cool idea!”

    “I wasn’t finished though…” he grumbled.

    “No need, I’ll take it from here. Let’s promote our Atelier!”

    “Excuse me?” teehee… “I meant: it can’t be difficult to look for stuff to make. We have enough knowledge; if we get the different parts, we can build our own gadgets and, who knows! Maybe we can help with ending the war!”

    “Okay, corny. Im out.” Nyan, Ivory!

    “Silly, you can’t. It’s our group’s work, remember? Though, I won’t really see it as an assignment. I swear, I want this war over with. It had enough.”

    “So where and when do we start looking for the items then?” Roger asked pertinently.

    “I’m sure Aether can give me some guidelines on where to start looking for information.” I got up my sit. “It can’t be that hard to figure out ways to help.”

    “Surely someone in the world has thought about this too, anyway.”

    “Exactly, Ivory! We won’t be alone.” Yay at support.

    “Niiice. It’s also good to do this ‘cause I’m sure us Humans would end up losing the war anyway.”

    “Yeah, if Exter’s Goddess is real, Humans can try to bomb them all they want, it’s gonna make little difference.” Ivory said, clearly half joking.

    The mood had brightened up a bit. This was exciting! I rushed with them to my Hyper Atelier four floors above, we would try to figure out anything we may get to use for now. Aether isn’t answering his phone so I’ll just figure some way.

    “Oh right... I need to ask for my mom’s permission…” …Oh great. Roger’s gonna be the stall, I can see it already.

  8. #18
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
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    Re: Chronicles of Semotus Stella : Bellum Lugeo


    The Andalia squadron took a heavy toll on my exo-suit, but repairs to the structure should be completed within the next few days. Luckily, Spectre wasn’t too damaged and none of my group sustained too much damage, though a few of the Exter Vesnyk we had with us were mildly injured. The situation was averted and my uncle’s troop progressed further to the north, which held a deserted mining facility. Hopefully, he could contain the fighting there where no civilians would come to unnecessary harm.

    In the meantime, we had received orders from a representative of Concero’s Matriarch to report to Suo and aid the research into the Crux, though also to run a sweep ourselves for any signs of sabotage or malicious intent. Therefore, I would commission Aether to aid in the research while Anna and I scanned the base. Spectre would be sub-commander for this mission as I’d need a professional perimeter around the Suo for any wayward unit who’d note our troop as being malapropos. I wanted to keep our presence low-key, especially with our mixed band. I knew Spectre could situate the group into positions that could both be advantageous and inconspicuous.

    “Aether, I leave you to your duties then.” I nodded to my best engineer once we arrived on the Suo.

    “Understood. I’ll report back in 0600 hours.” He notified, beginning his departure.

    “No need. Take your time. I have faith that Spectre will keep our presence under wraps so we’ll remain stationed here until further details are attained.”

    With that, I nodded to Anna and we were off. At first, I figured we’d be looking for any loose wires or miss-marked test tubes, but Anna pointed out how corporate espionage could have also played a part, that being manipulative more so than accidental. Her idea was that we search for potential investors in the Suo or the Suo experiments. I approved of this and noted that, while her theory may be correct, it could have been both, as manipulation or pressure from a large funding source would harass any person, especially a conscientious scientist. The next few hours, however, would turn up nothing. Perhaps we weren’t meticulous enough, but we had turned over every stand and carton, read as many of those chicken scratch notes as we could comprehend. Anna wasn’t ready to give up, though. She explained that big business was a heavy motivator for certain things, but also noted that they do well to cover their dealings, honest or otherwise. We’d merely need to double our search and…

    “Eureka! Markovia-Y’alta, Inc.” She announced, her fingers tracing across a small plate at the foot of one of the incubators.

    “What? The military buff? Didn’t some representative say they were expanding into a research department?”

    “It’s a subsidiary of a company currently orbiting Tony Rivera.”

    “But can you confirm he’s behind it? Fagarazzi, your obsession will have to wait.”

    “It’s not an obsession since I know… Okay, but we should look into the MYI regardless.”

    “That, I agree. Let’s keep searching, though. If you were able to identify one potential, perhaps we overlooked certain other items.”

    What I didn’t let her know was that I had heard of Tony Rivera, as well. My family was well-connected with the inner dealings of Orsa. One word has a way of popping up whenever mentioning people like him: Nocturne. I had never known what it signified, but from encyclopaedia searches, I noted that it was a French word to describe creatures that prowled in the night. Mr. Rivera was a known swindler and ruthless in running his companies, but there had been nothing to implicate him with any operations of the Suo.

    “Well, let’s get a move on. Clues aren’t going to find themselves.”
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  9. #19
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! Kazei's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Chronicles of Semotus Stella : Bellum Lugeo

    (OCC- Sorry for the short post, my computer ate my longer and decidedly better one, only remembered the main parts of the post, not the details. >_<)

    Alex Delacroix

    Alex spun as he heard the unmistakable sound of a sword slicing through the air.

    The next thing he saw took a few seconds to comprehend as parts of his squads equipment severed themselves mysteriously from their bodies.

    NOVA turned to watch along with Alex, but it was over before it had even begun.

    Alex rushed forwards, pulling back soldiers from where he had last seen something sliced, shouting warnings to the rest of his team.

    "Get Back!"
    He screamed "Fall back to the tents!"

    At that moment he sensed the rushing of air towards his body, he flexed backwards as the invisible sword sliced through his long range comms. He had reacted far too late to the attack, now he had no way of contacting his superiors at all.

    Though at that moment his mind was bent on getting his team to safety and warding off the threat with minimal casualties...

    As he bent backwards he drew a blade from his boot, throwing his heavy rifle to the floor and un-holstering a custom .45, knowing that he would be better suited to fight a hand-to-hand battle with the lesser weighted pistol and knife.

    As he fell backwards and raised himself up, he tensed and used his eyes to scour his surroundings for the unknown enemy...

    "Show yourself, you bastard"
    He muttered as curious heads poked over the tents.

    WOLF ran forward to his panting commanders side, pulling his rifle up to aim through the scope.

    "Nothing sir..." He whispered after a short silence.

    "What the hell was it?" Came NOVA's voice from behind Alex.

    "Whatever it is, it's gone now." Alex panted. "Double future patrols, tell the teams to stay alert for atmospheric changes, that's the only way we'll see something invisible..."

    As his squad retained their perimeters, doubling the watches on all sides, Alex pulled NOVA and WOLF aside, into the command tent.

    "WOLF, NOVA, this mission is compromised."

    The pair looked at each other, in questioning glances.

    "I won't risk my team's lives if we're coming up against those Andalia."

    "Andalia? Are you sure?!" WOLF asked, with a serious expression.

    "I can't think of what else it could have been. The COs have seriously misjudged the defenses placed here."
    Alex turned to NOVA "NOVA, you need to take the squad back to HQ, the mission is over for them, I won't risk their lives here."

    NOVA nodded, pulling immediately from the tent, beginning to issue his own unique style of commands, instantly the rest of the team gathered together whilst Alex talked to WOLF.

    "Grab the explosives, and wait for me at the tunnel entrance." Alex ordered "We must continue the mission alone."

    WOLF nodded and left without a sound, leaving Alex to contemplate how best to explain to his men, and more importantly his Commanders, his decisions...

  10. #20
    It's alright. Mirage's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Chronicles of Semotus Stella : Bellum Lugeo


    Roger, Ivory and I were standing right outside my Atelier. We had discussed a few things about our practical assignment and some stuff was settled… However, it wasn’t getting to be so easy. We happened to stumble upon Mr. Leaman on our way to the elevator. Mr. Leaman is the building’s administrator and for a long time – well, a couple of minutes – I had been trying to convince him to help me. I mean, help us. However, he was proving to be relentless…

    “Ohh na-na-ni-na-no! What do YOU mean, sir?” I asked pointing a finger at him. Preposterous! Absolutely senseless! I could hear Ivory and Roger behind me unsettled, probably wanting me to calm down, but nyan!

    “I already told you what I mean, Miss. No banners – and I mean NO banners - allowed. This building is public domain, I can’t allow anyone to hang a giant private Banner advertising whatever they feel like advertising.” …!

    “Amazing!” It’s not like I don’t *get* it, but it’s just a little banner and that’s what I wanted and needed to express…

    “…But it’s just a little banner…!” And so I did.

    “Actually, 20 meters per 5 isn’t that little you know.” I glared at Ivory, expressing my You-Quiet-Now look.

    “What if we pay for it?” I could sense those two behind me looking at eachother. “Yes, I said we I audably whispered looking back at them.

    “…Now that would be a different case.” Ha. I am so clever. I thought as much.

    “Cool! Then we hang it and we’ll pay you in… let’s see… 5 months…?” I smiled embarassadely awaiting a confirmation.

    His silence was petrifying.

    “I’m sorry; I won’t fall for that again. I think we’re done here.” And with it, he turned his back and hopped onto the elevator.

    I fell on my knees. It’s been failure after failure, it’s wearing me out.

    “Great… This is just great…”

    “Erm. Was I the only one who noticed he said ‘I won’t fall for it again’?” I looked at her, eyes half closed, dramatic. I noticed air coming out of her lips which were shaping a subdle smirch. I think… she’s talking but… I’m... I'm too down to hear her right now...

    “Ah yeah, I heard it too.” Roger nodded frenetically. “So?”

    “No nothing; I just found funny to think he got tricked before. I thought you’d find that funny as well, Pomme.”

    Feeling tired and weak… My hair was now mopping the floor...

    “…Oh, please. Less drama, Pomme. It was just a banner.”

    “But Ivory,” – I started to slowly stand up on my legs once again – “How are we to promote my Hyper Atelier now?”

    Huh? Why were they glaring at me?… Oh! Oups, teehee.

    “I mean," – I made a quick head shake with eyes closed, signing that I was about to rephrase – “How are we to get attention to our Peace cause slash Practical Assignment?” I asked, looking at Ivory, then at Roger. He responded to it.

    “Hm… well, we only need help when it comes to knowing what sort of devices would be helpful to the war, Yes?” I nodded. “Then I would be right if I assumed we need a list of items, yes?” I nodded again, this time slower with a lift eyebrow.

    “What he’s getting to is,” – Ivory interrupted, thank Goddess – “We are going to make our own devices to help towards Peace between Humans and Exter. Incidentally, our easiest root is fighting against the root of the war – the Crux. To build said devices, we need a set of items we have already *partially* established.” She showed a Digital Writing Board “Now, after calling Sir YumYum Soraoi, your brother, we have an idea of the items we need for our first device! So we can thank him for it.”

    Amnesia… I’m in a state of amnesia. Mr. Leaman got on my nerves so badly I had forgotten about it all for some minutes.

    “Let me see that again!” I snapped the board from her hands; I wanted to refresh my memory. It showed:

    [ Prototype’s name: Chronolex
    SummDescription: A device able to detect bio activity within objects/structures. In addition, it calculates the amount of time it has been in that same analyzed status.

    Items Required for Construct:
    - Cellular Dec
    - Opal screws
    - Digital Hourglass
    - Micro Processor

    Situation 01 of 01: Bucket of water - By installing the Chronolex by the base or on a side of the bucket, it’s fast to detect biological movement and/or development within it’s content which is, in this case, water.

    Intent – to detect and conclude the existence or inexistence of contaminated organisms in said water with simultaneous comparison of the Crux’s organic behaviour.

    Observations by Developers, arranged by logs:

    - 0001 Pomme: Yours truly came up with this baby’s structure, so you know it’s gonna be good!

    - 0002 RogerRules: I want to note that the Bucket of water scenario that I came up with can be enlarged in scale, thus used for bigger applications! Everyone could have their own Home Chronolex to detect the levels of bio activity within! No doubt, it'll awsome against the fluidborn menace.

    - 0003 Pomme: Genius!

    - 0004 RogerRules: I know, right?

    - 0005 Ivory: I just want to note this already exists. It was created some years ago and it’s scientific name is Bio-Analyzer.

    - 0006 Pomme: Bummer. Well… I knew that! Bio-Analyzers are so dull in name, lol. But you know, the Chronolex SHOWS the time it has been like that AND we plan it would be something that not only the wealthier are able to get!

    - 0007 Ivory: …Ah yeah, true.

    - 0008 Pomme: Cool, now we just need to find the items for it then!

    - 0009 RogerRules: edited Oi, sorry this log was a mistake how do I delete this again? Delete button… I can’t find it, help?


    There were more logs written but I didn’t need to read more. I could remember our reunion perfectly… and I could also remember why I was so mad at Mr. Leaman!

    “Well, this brings back the problem about help! Where are we going to get these items that we need? Aether's out of the matter because, for some reason, he can't give me the items." Go figure. "So I was hoping people would notice us with a huge banner on the building etc, etc…”

    “The man in the Electric store can probably help us. Micro Processors are really easy to find and get, but the others… yeah, I haven’t got much of a clue where to get them.” She was right about that.

    “Oh, by the way,” – Roger said in-between his bites on an apple – “I wanna be main synthethizer.” We both looked at him.

    “Erm… We’ll all do it. And don't call it that, this is not alchemy; we’ll build it together.” Ivory said, ruining it…

    “Ohh but Synthethizing sounds more fun! Im with you Roger!”

    “I give up.” She rolled her eyes.

    We went down the elevator to the base of the building, planning to go to ElectrocomP to ask for help for the items. Somehow though, I thought I’d be a bit more excited. Something in my mind isn’t letting me completely at ease. It feels Aether has been acting a bit peculiar these days, I wonder what’s up…
    But regardless, this was really happening! It doesn’t seem like the holidays are going to be so boring afterall. And also-

    “Oh my Goddess!” I exclaimed, stopping suddenly.

    They both shushed me obviously because I said the forbidden word in the middle of the busy city's street. They looked at me, the three of us halted on the sidewalk with a few people passing by turning their necks to me. I mean, to us.

    “We totally need a name for our Group!”

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