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Thread: Final Fantasy VII: Terra Saviores

  1. #1
    - Névi et du Sancta - Gemini's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy VII: Terra Saviores

    OOC: If you wanna join, discuss, or whatever, do so in the relevant thread in The Cloak & Dagger sub-forum.

    Here's the synopsis:
    Dearest Friend,

    I won’t take up much of your time, but please read my letter, if nothing else.

    I assume you know of ShinRa. To the world, it was once the leader in technology and power supply. Yet, it was what lied underneath the cloak, which select others around the globe fought against.

    What was hidden away, you wonder? Corruption, illegal research and experimentation, murder... and the list could go on. So long as the pretty words and politics covered it all up, the world felt safe. I, of course, knew better than that, but refused to acknowledge it.

    I’m probably dead by now, but I would like to tell you what happened. Everything to do with the war ShinRa waged against some of its greatest foes... the troupe setting the stage to uncovering the company’s wrongdoings: the Terra Saviores. And the people who lived on, scarred from it all... my protégé Nicholai, his rival-turned-brother-in-arms Mikail, Nicholai’s sister Faith, and my little cousin Eliza.

    (To Nicholai, and to everyone else, if you’re reading this: I ask for your forgiveness. What I did to you all was unforgivable. I couldn’t see beyond my own pride and fame. In the end, that cost ended up being too great. I am sorry.)

    What I have written in the following pages are to the best of my knowledge. You will most likely come across disturbing, saddening, and many unimaginable things. But, it is your choice to continue.

    Whoever you are, I hope you live in a strife-less time, free from the darkness that once took hold of the world. Please be in peace.

    Rachelle “Royce” Stenson,
    The first Silver Agent of ShinRa

    Just feel free to start, anyone.
    Can we pretend that airplanes
    In the night sky
    Are like shooting stars
    I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)

  2. #2
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! bee happy's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VII: Terra Saviores

    *~ Dhan Drekan Shinra: The Hallowed Prince ~*

    “How is it possible that my brother can avoid my SOLDIERs, Lysa?” I asked, turning to the beautiful woman beside me. Her hair was a brilliant purple, which fell to her shoulders in simple curls. Her eyes were nothing special, small and dark, and hidden behind a pair of glasses.

    “I do not know, Mr President sir. Perhaps we need to try something new?”

    I leaned back in my chair, swirling the wine within the glass in my right hand, “continue.”

    “Well all direct approaches seem to be failing; perhaps we should attempt to plant one of our silver agents within this band of renegades. Not only would this provide information to the location of your brother and his spectacular blood, but will also provide invaluable data regarding their next attack.”

    I sipped at my wine as I thought about the proposition. “It’s a sound plan, but wasting one of our valued agents for such a pathetic cause seems futile in my opinion. You called them a band of renegades… I would not. They are simply a handful of humans who need their lives erased for the better good of mankind. Now tell me, how fares Mother?”

    Lysa lowered her head, as if ashamed. She remained silent.

    “Oh come now,” I began, rising from my seat and walking over to her. Placing one hand upon her shoulder, and another on her chin, I lifted her face to my own before continuing, “you know you can tell me. I’ll ask you again. How fares Mother?”

    Lysa’s cheeks tainted the softest of red, “not well I’m afraid sir. She’s not responding well to the new experiments and deteriorates daily. I fear her life will end before we can even begin to understand her blood.”

    I sighed, “why is it that our pets never last long enough for us to understand them?” I bowed my head in mock dissatisfaction before smiling cheekily at the young woman. “You may go now, Lysa. I will visit Mother.”

    *~ Chronicles of Semotus Stella : Bellum Lugeo ~*

    *~ Xeddy: Derek? Constructive? Lololololol ~*

    *~ Don't forget to check out the newly created Auron skin! ~*

    Spoiler: Quotes for lulz 

  3. #3
    In Your Dreams James's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VII: Terra Saviores

    William Serendipity

    William was making his way to the bar Wing that he wored at, everything was normal, the regular riff raff were hanging about. The same stink was in the air and it was dark, just like always. William was one of the few bar staff at the bar. Now they would often get some rough people coming in and often fights would start but the staff knew how to handel these things. They had a pump of freezing water under the war for starters. But all staff were allowed to carry there wepons at all times. William always had his dual pistols at his sides. He had named them 'Angel' and 'Devil' he had never killed anyone before, but he had delt damage to muggers who had attacked him when he had gone out at night.

    Once he got behind the bar he said hello to the other staff and saw that the bar was dead, although it was only early.

    'God its quiet' he mumbled to the other bar man

    'Well its only earily, I'm sure we'll get more people in. Oh and by the way, the Boss is'nt in a great mode, so I'd try and stay out of his way'

    'When is he ever in a good mood? the two joked

    There was a banging from upstairs, the boss would often use a punch bag and knock it of the chain when in a mad mood, but as long as the staff didn't get in his way they would be fine.

    'Gonna be another fun filled night' he said scarcasticly.

  4. #4
    The Divine Retributer Nemesis's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VII: Terra Saviores

    “It is a beautiful night.” He said looking up at the stars through the window. We were at the inn in Costa del Sol. Even inside the light smell of sea air filled the room and the sound of waves could be heard from the outside calmly rolling up and down the shoreline.

    I walked over to him carrying two glasses of wine I had just poured especially for this moment. I handed over his glass while looking out the window, the stars shined brightly in the night sky and the moon full and bright reflected on the calm ocean.

    [nem]”You are right the night sky is beautiful.”[/nem] I replied as we both took a sip from our glasses. I turned back towards the table and returned the glass before sitting on the chair next to it.

    “Aren't you going to finish that?” He asked finishing off his glass.

    [nem]”I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling good right now. Why don't you come over and finish it off?”[/nem] I replied holding the glass in his direction. He nodded then proceeded to walk over, two steps along he suddenly froze and dropped his empty glass smashing into a thousand tiny shards.

    “What.. What is happening.” He gasped out staggering a few extra steps in my direction and clutching at his chest. I stood up and started to laugh right at his face as he struggled to grip onto my shoulder. “You.. did this !?”

    [nem]”Pathetic fool.”[/nem] I replied trying to control my laughter at him struggling to breathe, gasping for what ever air he could inhale. [nem]”Did you honestly believe a disgusting slob like you had any chance with any woman. You make me want to vomit, which would have been a good idea for you five minutes ago.”[/nem]

    He fell to his hands and knees, his breathing became more erratic. He was now perspiring at a heavy rate, the sweat was falling all over the floor beneath him and his mouth was foaming with saliva. “You won't get away with this.” He struggled out.

    [nem]”I know I will, you are not my first. It will be concluded that you suffered a fatal heart attack a completely natural cause.”[/nem] I gloated pouring my own glass of wine on his head before kneeling down to his ear and whispering [nem]”My friend you just been killed by Lady Starlight.”[/nem]

    With that he breathed his last breath, his body now laying on the floor with no signs of life. I rose up and grabbed my cellphone taking the picture of the corpse before calling my employer. [nem]”Corneo, you will be pleased to know that Alejandro is dead.”[/nem] I informed sending the image over to him. [nem]”Sector 6 slums and everything within Wall market is now all yours.”[/nem]

    “Woo-Hoo, That is splendid news.” He yelled down the phone in delight “How about you meet me at my place for your payment.”

    [nem]”I'd rather meet up in a place more public.”[/nem] I replied knowing his reputation as a womaniser.

    “Okay then how about the Honey Bee Inn?”

    [nem]”Only if you promise to behave yourself.”[/nem]

    “Aww fine, so tomorrow then.”

    [nem]”Fine, just remember this. You try anything and you will be joining your former partner. Only I will make it a lot more painful.”[/nem] I warned hoping he would get the message. [nem]”Till then Don Corneo.”[/nem].

    I hung up, grabbed my coat and left the room. “That was a quick night, anything the matter?” The inn keeper asked as I walked towards the exit.

    [nem]”Let's just say his heart was not in it.”[/nem] I replied leaving the inn and heading for the passenger ship to Junon on my journey back to Midgar.

  5. #5
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    Re: Final Fantasy VII: Terra Saviores

    ~Gavin Iver~

    My eyes met the sun as the opened up to the light peaking through my window. I stretched lazily and let out a yawn. Seeker made a low chirping sound and flew from his perch over to my extended arm.

    "Hey there. Ready to search around today?"

    He cocked his head and made a squawking sound and flew off toward the food. "Ah. Food first then? Alright alright."

    I took out some meat from a tiny ice box and threw it over to Seeker. It barely missed his head and I winced. "Sorry."

    Letting him eat his breakfast, I stepped outside my "house" and took in the Midgar Slum air. My eyes scanned the area and chills ran down my spine. "Today has to be the day. I can feel it. Something is going to happen." I muttered to myself, contemplating all the exciting possibilities.

    A rare wind came through, whipping at my clothes and traveling up beyond the plate. I felt it beckon to me, to go up there finally, to continue my quest. "We're going above the plate today Seeker. Today is the day."

    He squawked in response and I grinned, gazing back up at the glimpse of sky. "I know you're out there Father. I hope you're ready for me."

  6. #6
    - Névi et du Sancta - Gemini's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VII: Terra Saviores

    June 23
    6:55 AM

    The morning was perfect. The sun was rising in the west, warming my skin. The breeze was light, blowing my bangs gently. The birds were chirping merrily. The morning dew from the grass lightly wet the bottoms of my pant legs and sneakers as I walked for the bench; I stretched after sitting, still only somewhat awake.

    Yesterday was my day off, although it was busy. My aunt Shelly and I spent the day preparing Nicholai’s birthday bash while he was out on an assignment with that asshole, Reno. They were on friendly terms outside of work, too, but only to a certain extent. Nicholai was never persuaded into Reno’s life outside of work, which consisted of girl hunting, and sitting at home to have drinks with Rude.

    My protégé preferred working out, playing basketball, studying, or even doing volunteer work around Midgar. (Of course, he had to keep his agent life under wraps outside of the company.) He kept himself busy, and out of trouble. I suppose I can thank Aunt Shelly for that. Still, though, he wasn’t much of a talker. He’d always been pretty reserved. I would need to break him of that, one day.

    I crossed my arms and sighed. I wonder if he’s awake? I thought. A sudden movement in the bench diverted me from my thoughts; I found Shelly sitting at my side. “Oh, you scared me,” I said before taking a deep breath, a hand firmly on my chest. “Good morning.”

    She gave her usual, pleasant smile. “Good morning, Rachelle,” she greeted. “You looked as if you were in thought.” She tilted her head slightly and blinked. “Is everything okay?”

    I blew some stray hairs out of my view and nodded. “Oh yeah. Everything’s just fine,” I said. “Just wondering how Nicholai will react to everything today. We’ve never done this before.” I glanced at other, lower ShinRa employees as they walked by. “This didn’t even happen on my golden birthday!” I laughed some as Shelly nudged my arm.

    “Now, now, Rachelle,” Shelly said, half chuckling. “It couldn’t be helped that you were on an assignment then, like all of your birthdays since you joined ShinRa.” She looked off into the distance, with a small frown on her face. “I swear you work too much. You and Nicholai both. It wouldn’t hurt to take a vacation one of these days.”

    A long sigh escaped me. “I know, I know,” I said, picking at the wood on. “But you know why I don’t take a break. And you know I’m not stopping Nicholai from taking one, either.”

    Shelly placed a hand on my shoulder, caressing it harmlessly. “Okay, Rachelle,” she said in a soft voice. “I just worry about you two. I’m sorry.”

    The corner of my lip rose slightly. I patted Shelly’s thigh. “I know you do.”
    Can we pretend that airplanes
    In the night sky
    Are like shooting stars
    I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: Final Fantasy VII: Terra Saviores


    "You're late, dude."

    "Don't call me a dude, Hobbs." I looked over to the skinny man with big rimmed glasses. He looked the part of a nerd but his mind was always on women. I met him a few years after I became head of the weapons department at ShinRa. He was a weapons specialist and top airship designer of ShinRa. Hobbs was a horn dog but he was a genious, so I kept him around, and dealt with his prying questions and disrespectful manner and excused them.

    "It must have been that busty blonde number you brought to that dinner last week."

    Merely an accessory for my arm, Hobbs." I looked over some charts as I continued to speak. "Unfortunately for you and your over-active imagination, it wasn't her or any woman. I had trouble sleeping last night."

    He shot me a leery grin. "Ohh I see what you mean."

    I stared at him hard, my eyes narrowing. "I had trouble sleeping last night. Alone."

    He threw up his hands in surrender and changed the subject. "I just put the finishing touches on Nicholai's new airship about an hour ago."

    "Has he been in at all today?"

    "No, but his sexy mentor was." He made a purring sound and grinned.

    "What did she want?"

    "Just to check up on the progress of the ship. It's supposed to be a birthday present for him. She said he would be around to get it later this week. He doesn't know that yet." He let out a heavy sigh and sat back in his chair. "If I were him, I'd ask for her as a birthday present."

    "Keep it in your pants, Hobbs. She's out of your league. Did she say when he would be in?"

    He shook his head and shrugged. "Nope. She just said that he would be in."

    I nodded. I had met Nicholai five years ago, when he came in asking for reconstruction on his weapons. We've been friendly aquaintances since then. From time to time we would play basketball or discuss a blue print for specific weapons for missions. It was strange for me to feel a certain kinship with him. Having friends was not a priority of mine but he was an easy person to talk to. I never said much about myself but he always brought out things about my past. I wanted to forget and he always seemed to bring it out of me. It pissed me off.

    "Hey boss, you alive?"

    I mentally shook my brain and put my thoughts aside. "Yes I'm here. What is it?"

    "The president decided to send us another memo about his weapons of mass destruction. He wants models shown tonight at their meeting. He's been asking about them for a month now."

    I frowned and became tense, a hard edge creeping into my voice. "Impatient bastard isn't he? Alright. Let's get it started so I can go on with my many projects and shut the son of a ***** up."

    "Roger that, Captain."

  8. #8
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    Jan 2004

    Re: Final Fantasy VII: Terra Saviores


    Junon greeted me as I leaned over the side of the cargo ship. I returned the hello with a look of distaste. Captain Greggory Shinu came up beside me, bushy mustache twitching with amusement.

    "You don't seem too happy to arrive." He gave me a grin that was contagious.

    I grinned back."Junon is never pretty. I don't like going to places that aren't pretty." I laughed and shook my head. "I must sound silly."

    He kept smiling and spoke. "Not at all dear. I quite agree with you actually."

    We both stood there as the ship docked. I could smell the smoke that came out of his pipe. I turned and looked at this man that had been a grandpa to me for many years.

    "You really should be out to sea on a real ship instead of hauling supplies from place to place."

    His smile dimmed a bit and he sighed wistfully. "Ah my dear, duty calls. Sailing aimlessly around was an old hobby of mine." He looked out to the sea, contemplating his next words. "It's best to be left in the past."

    He turned back to me and smiled sadly. I smiled back but dropped the subject. I heard the crew in the backround biting back and forth at each other.

    "Sounds like my cue to leave. Thank you so much for bringing me over here. I hope it wasn't too much of a hassle for you."

    "Of course not darling. I'm always happy to bring you along. Keep yourself out of trouble and give my regards to your mother and father the next time you see that."

    I touched to fingers to my forhead and saluted him. "Aye aye, Captain. You do the same."

    My lips curved into a smile again as I walked down the ramp and onto the dock. I pulled out a piece of paper and examined it for a moment, contemplating directions. With my paper back in my pocket, I headed down the dock and onto the street. It took a few twists and turns but I arrived in front of the house described on my piece of paper. I knocked three times, banged once and tapped with my knuckle, waited for a minute then knocked again twice before the door opened. Faith Stellar greeted me silently behind the door as I walked in. She shut it calmly and went back to her computer, typing furiously.

    "Interesting place you decided to pick, Faith."

    Her response was the sound of keys being pressed on. I sat down on the other side of the table and looked around. Every clock imaginable covered pink and red wallpaper. Roses peeked out in open spaces. The shelves were covered in dusty books and tea cups and pots of all color shapes and sizes. I heard the floor creak and saw an old woman come out with a tray of tea.

    "Here you go deary."

    Faith paused and looked up to the woman, smiling softly. "Thank you, Granny." She looked at me and smiled. "I had a taste for Granny's tea."

    Granny turned to me and smiled. "Would you like some tea deary?"

    I stared at her for a few seconds longer before I answered. No. Thank you though...Granny."

    She nodded and returned to what I assumed was the kitchen. Faith sipped her tea and resumed typing. I sat there listening to the ticking of the clocks, waiting for her to speak. Just as my paitence was about to disappear she spoke.

    "How was your visit?"

    I blew out my breath, not having expected that question and thought about it for a moment. "It was nice. Papa is in Gongaga on business so I didn't get a chance to see him. Mama and Talia are fine. Talia has a mouth on her though."

    "That's good to hear. I'm sorry you had to cut your visit short."

    I shook my head. "No, it's okay. They know and understand." Ticking took over for a few more mintes before I spoke again. "So...what are you doing."

    "I just finished analyzing the facility's security system. It looks like it's been updated. More motion sensors. A new batch of SOLDIER straight from Midgar two days ago. There's a few turks with them as well, but they're there for other reasons so we shouldn't have a problem with them."

    "What is our objective?"

    "Shut it down. The president is supposedly going to be here in two days to pick up developing blue prints for new weapons."

    I grinned. "How do you propose we go about doing that?"

    She looked at me for a moment. "You're very chatty today."

    I laughed and tapped my nose. "Yes, I suppose I am. I haven't been this talkative in a long time. I guess I'm just excited."

    "I didn't say it was a bad thing. You need to open up more anyway." She looked at one of the clocks and spoke again. "As far as our course of action, I wanted to wait until Deuce got here."

    "He's late. Again."

    Faith shrugged and turned her attention back to her laptop. "He should be here soon."

    I got up from my chair and headed for the stairs. "If that's the case, then I'm going to take a nap. Sea trips are tiresome. Let me know when he gets here."

    She nodded as I went up the stairs. I picked the closest room and flopped down on the bed closing my eyes, hoping that my enthusiasm would be gone when I opened them again.

  9. #9
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VII: Terra Saviores

    Alexander Mulrey

    The journey to Junon wasn’t too much trouble, a few monsters to fend off across the Grasslands Area, but nothing renting out a couple of chocobo didn’t solve. Faith and Roe were to rendezvous via cargo ship within the next sunrise, my friend to seek out the Buoy once we made it there. As planned, we arrived outside Junon by nightfall before the girls. I’d have the next twelve hours to scout from above and recuperate my energies for the mission in the morning.

    Taking “flight”, I used the darkness to prevent discovery as I surveyed for possible routes. From what I perceived, ShinRa had taken up heavy defenses for their newest acquisition. Construction had nearly completed on the weapon they dubbed “Project White Light”. The small town had become another tool for them and they were protecting the base well. Mechs flooded from arriving transports and ShinRa guards were stationed at each entryway and along each hall. A few patrol parties lined the exterior hall and handprint scans were required to open most of the doors.

    Landing at the pier, I made sure to maneuver low enough so that the attention above could shield my presence. The morning should suffice for easier infiltration once the new units were stationed. Conversely, there’d be more to deal with, but my assumption: they were using mechs to replace the large personnel expenditure as construction was coming to a close. Once I was on the pier, I made contact with my friend who was still in the final stages of the set-up.

    The next few hours were spent plotting routes, which would then need to be singled out once Faith’s report came in, but I’d get to that once the supply shipment arrived. Once dawn came, my rest was interrupted by a morning patrol and I was forced around to the other side of the base before managing to duck under some shade to bypass them. The ship made it to the pier before I could get back, but eventually I arrived and just in time to hear dear sweet Roe.

    "If that's the case, then I'm going to take a nap. Sea trips are tiresome. Let me know when he gets here." Yay team.

    I knocked as per my personal identification signal and Faith greeted me with a light smile. Roe had taken to yawning and informing me of my tardiness, but what mattered was the mission.

    "Stellar, report." I commanded.

    "Heavy defenses are being moved to the area. Motion sensors have been doubled and placed in each possible breach point to the infrastructure." She replied.

    "Yea, they’re probably to remotely automatically activate the mechs they brought in last night. Carry on."

    "More fun, eh? Anyway, they also recruited several of SOLDIER and there are Turks commissioned for the site, though if my sources are correct, they’re supposed to supervise preliminary testing of ‘Project White Light’."

    The presence of SOLDIER was going to be a problem. That lot had things done to them much like the experiments performed on me, though they were the product of something new and refined. They would be our major concern and more reason to be discreet until the end.

    After Faith finished her report, I announced a few of my routes to which she agreed on one in particular, "Excellent. So, I shall take you to the bridge where your sorcery will take center stage. We will then activate the lift entry to the town for Roe who will rendezvous in the cabin area. Afterward, we are all to exit via the town to the pier where DD will be waiting with the Buoy. Your move, Stellar."
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  10. #10
    Brothean xephon's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VII: Terra Saviores

    A few hours ago
    Helicopter rides are never usually eventful; but then again I’ve not been on many helicopter rides with a rookie pilot. Reno was especially brash and a bit of a loudmouth, so that made it all the more difficult to sit through a journey with him flying us from Midgar to Junon. Sure he was learning but I don’t want to end up dead before I get my retirement benefits.

    It was good to be home; mind you. Not that I could call the current Junon home. After the company built this monolithic fortress over the small harbour town where I grew up things changed. My sisters still stayed below; despite my pleas to get them into a luxury apartment on the upper levels, shame I can’t visit . . . Business is business.

    We got to Junon around sunset and were greeted by some Junon guards. “Welcome to Junon; may we see some ID?” the captain said putting his hand out. I had heard they beefed up security for something concerning the weapons development department but to ask a Turks for ID? Nevertheless I gave him my card to inspect.

    Whilst he scanned it; I noticed another presence in the area unfortunately so did my subordinate. “Oi, oi . . . here comes the freakshow!” Reno blurted out as a small SOLDIER group walked past carrying equipment, they turned around and gazed at him then promptly walked off.

    “Reno; show some tact for god’s sake. You’re a turks. . . Remember that.” I ought to have hit him for such a remark. Despite the various mako-enhancements to their bodies; they were still part of the company.
    At that time the captain gave me my card back “Sorry for the scan, sir. We are current-“ I cut him off mid-sentence “Don’t worry about it; we got our orders you got yours. We’ll take our leave.” I began to walk off “Let’s go Reno, Rude”.

    Rude was so silent compared to Reno; it’s like he was never there. As we took the Gondola towards HQ;I wondered to myself why was there no 1st’s present? Then again it’s none of my concern; we were here for our own matters. My phone started to ring in my pocket it must be the boss.


    OOC: Just using a red for Reno to give some colour!

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