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Thread: Final Fantasy VII: Terra Saviores

  1. #11
    The Divine Retributer Nemesis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: Final Fantasy VII: Terra Saviores

    We had only recently docked in Junon. The upper city stood almost magnificently out of the cliffs that over looked the ocean. It also holds a darker secret beneath the city there was a small polluted village. This village in the old days was said to be a semi wealthy fishing village with everyone comfortably well off. But now with the City above it and pollution all the fish have gone leaving the people below impoverished.

    I was walking along the main street that looked over ocean. ShinRa troops were everywhere, the complete blue uniforms made them stand out completely over the few civilians that were lucky enough to live up here. There were also fewer red and green uniformed troops around as well. These would be the higher ranking officers in the military. Looking at them took me back to the days when I was in training with these guys to join the military just like them. Before leaving after the incident.

    Also in the distance I could see a group of Turks and Soldier discussing something. I'm guessing with the security so tight around here with an escalation in the war with Wutai and bribes to be allowed to freely come and go around here being higher than normal I would guess it was I.D checks and perhaps a mission briefing but that did not concern me one bit.

    "Excuse me Miss." A voice from behind called out to me

    [nem]"Yes, what is it?"[/nem] I replied turning towards the voice. It was a news reporter with his camera man sidekick. Just my luck the nosey bastards would pick me for an interview even though I have no idea of what is so special for today.

    After a quick glanced I turned away again and continued on my way looking for a helicopter to take me back to Wall market.

    "Miss please we would like a word on..." He shouted at me trying to get my attention which just pissed me off even more.

    [nem]"Does it look like I give a **** about what you would like?[/nem] I interrupted in a threatening tone. [nem]"Now leave me alone before I rip out your throat."[/nem] I again took a few more steps away.

    "You know I wonder how your mother and daughter were to react if they found out how you really earn your money." The reporter responded to my threat in a confident almost check mate calm like voice. I stopped and just stood there frozen. How did he know about my family and myself. Who was this guy and his companion, and what did they want with me. "Ahh not so confident now are we. Shall we discuss business."

    I turned back towards the pair who indicated that we moved to an alley between two buildings where it seemed we would be out of the watchful eye of the ShinRa goons that are running around all over here. As soon as we entered the alleyway the pair took off their hats and finally revealed their faces in clear view of my eyes. There was no mistaking where they were from given their oriental look these people were from Wutai.

    [nem]"I'm guessing this is not a news interview then."[/nem] I commented leaning my back on a wall with my arms folded in front of me.

    "Indeed not. We are sorry about the ruse and threat but considering the location and your refusal to talk you left us no choice." He replied. His partner standing there still silent.

    [nem]"So what do you want. Spill it fast and I might consider it."[/nem]

    "We know that ShinRa are preparing a major offensive against our town in about a week. Our spies within the Shinra hierarchy have told us this and their strength. We would like you to be part of a small force to stop this from happening."

    [nem]"Sounds interesting.[/nem] I replied [nem]"What exactly would my mission be and how much would it pay?"[/nem]

    "Straight to the point as usual with you Lady Starlight." The so called camera man replied walking forward. "Our lord Gordo will fill you in on the details of the mission in Kalm when you arrive. As for your pay I have been given permission to tell you that it will be over one million gil upon mission completion and 5000 up front now if you accept."

    I thought for a moment. One million gil meant that I could easily retire from this life in one mission. But knowing it will be a war effort for Wutai means it could be dangerous for me and my family if I am found out.

    [nem]"Ok I will do it but under certain conditions."[/nem]

    "Name them." The first one replied

    [nem]"Firstly you get me to Wall Market and guard me as I collect my fee from that sick bastard Don Corneo."[/nem] I informed


    [nem]"Secondly I get 48 hours alone with my family after you take me to Kalm."[/nem]

    The two paused for a moment to discuss this term. It would seem they would want my mission to be started as soon as possible.

    "You drive a hard bargain but yes we will agree to that." The first one replied "Are there anymore."

    [nem]"Yes considering that this is part of your war effort against Wutai. If I am killed or captured I want you to take my Mother and Daughter and keep them safe from the ShinRa."[/nem] I informed them of my final condition.

    "That is acceptable." He stopped and both of them got back into their reporter disguises. "Now if you would be so kind as to follow us to the Chopper we will get you on your way to Wall Market right away."

    As much as I hated to be interrupted by them at the start of our meeting I was actually quite pleased as it turned out. One final mission, a ride out of here and enough money to retire completely and as I stepped on the Chopper for the ride to Wall Market which at the last time I saw it was just outside the far reachings of the ever growing Midgar plates. Soon it would just be another slum like sectors 1 through to 4 and along with a few other villages will just end up impoverished just like the village below us now.

    As we took off I closed my eyes and finally could rest for the first time on the journey deciding to sleep on the way back to Wall Market.

  2. #12
    In Your Dreams James's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Re: Final Fantasy VII: Terra Saviores

    William Serendipity

    William was on his break and had decided to go out and buy a few things for his dinner later. He only had a bit of time but it was enough to get what he needed. The bar Wing was in sector 2 where as the shop he needed to go to was near the entrance of sector 3. He had to run a fair bit but it was good exercise for him.

    He was making good time when suddenly from the shadows of a dark alley way jumped out two men. They wore all black and looked rough, blood shot eyes and had a nasty smell. One was holding a small knife where as the other had a gun.

    ‘Give us your money!’ the one with the knife yelled

    They were going to try and mug him, but it wasn’t the first time something like this had happened.

    ‘Move out of my way’ William took his guns Devil and Angel from his side pockets; he didn’t want to have to use them. But it wasn’t the first time something like this had happened.

    They grunted and charged towards him. William dodged the one with the knife and knocked devil across his bold head, it didn’t knock him out but it left him dizzy for a moment, giving him just the right amount of time to kick him in the back, throwing him to the ground.

    The other man aimed his gun at William. It was clear he had no idea what he was doing with the gun; it wouldn’t shock him if the safety hadn’t been turned off. However he couldn’t take that risk. William scanned the area, seeing if there were any places he could jump out of the way to but there was none; he was going to be shot dead by some loser.

    However it seemed as if lady luck was on his side that day, the mugger with the knife had gotten up and ran towards William, putting the gunner of, William took the one chance he had and back flipped behind the knife holder. He put angel to his side and with his free hand he grabbed the knife and put it toward the man’s neck. The gunner looked as if he was drunk, or just really hung over, so much so that he took a shot, hitting his friend in the chest.

    The hit man grunted in pain and fell to the ground; he wasn’t dead but bleeding badly. William held devil up to the gunner.

    ‘Drop your gun, take your friend and get out of my way’ he said calmly.

    Without a second thought he did as he was told dragging his friend to the side, William walked away, just another day in the slums.

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