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Thread: SHIELD

  1. #1
    In Your Dreams James's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    This Role play is a spin off from Doctor who and Torchwood. It has been made up my me and the idea is that we all join together with very little exprience of aliens or other worlds and defend the earth. After the first few posts I will create missions for us to complete and the role play will continue from there.

    I came across SHIELD when I was making my way across the world, I had got out of university a few months back and before I tried to enter the big world of work I needed to venture out on a gap year. It was during my time in Russia. I had gone alone and made so many friends alone the way. However that one night I was all on my own, the hostel I had been staying at had set on fire and it left me looking for somewhere else to stay. Only knowing a bit of the language and being so late I did have trouble finding somewhere with a bed, so I found a campsite and set up my tent.

    Just as it had got dark and I had set everything up I got in my tent, opened a tin of cold beans and set my maps on the floor, making plans for the next few days before moving on. Getting fed up of the cold baked beans, I set it aside and tired to get asleep. The night was cold and I had been well wrapped up, but soon enough I fell asleep.

    During my sleep I dreamed, there was a sort of glow, small bright pale colours and there was a song, so light and sweet. It filled all my senses with a soft feeling, as if I was floating. Waking up I sat up and I could still hear the song. It was coming from outside. I grabbed my boots and ran outside. It was the dead of night, but there were still some people awake along a camp fire. Walking over I thought I would see one of them singing or with a musical but there was nothing, they just gave me odd looks, and so I smiled and walked over back to my tent.

    I could still hear the song, it was becoming stronger, and my senses were filled with such a light. It was as if it was calling out to me. I needed to find it. Then I saw it, the light, it was coming from the next field in the woods. Always up for an adventure I grabbed my torch from my tent and made a run for it. Jumping over the fence I made my way in to the woods, I found that I didn’t need my torch the light was becoming brighter. I didn’t know how but I knew that I was the only one who could see the light, the only one that could hear it. It was behind a bush, gently moving it aside I saw it. It made so much sense at that moment. It was inside my mind, it knew who I was and I knew who and what it was. It spoke to me. The light had come from a very small crystal like rock, glowing different pale colours, I lifted it and held it in the palm of my hand.

    ‘Hello’ I said with a smile.

    For some reason I wasn’t shocked when it answered back

    ‘Hello, James. My name is’

    ‘Shield, yes I know. You’re in my head, and I’m in yours. Well your mind, your core?’

    And that’s how I came across Shield, since then we travelled together over earth, learning new information from each other and I learnt so much. So much indeed, of other worlds, different planets and of wonderful places. Now together we search for other alien’s those who may be lost or those who need help.

    Ok so that was my first post in to the role play and basically you will start the role play with your own first alien encounter, you can have someone like shield if you wish but nothing like a Tardis, you must not have travelled in time or space and nor have you met or know of the Doctor, Torchwood or UNIT. After your first post of your encounter which has opened your eyes to the many bigger worlds out there I will make the post which will drag us all together. If you could live in England (as it will be easier for us to travel). Any questions ask away.

  2. #2
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! bee happy's Avatar
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    Nov 2003

    Re: SHIELD

    Another boring day: the same old customers waltzing in and buying the same old games. I loved gaming, don’t get me wrong, but selling the games was another matter entirely. It bored me to the bones, yet it was the only work I could get. Having left school at 16, my options were very limited. I didn’t mind much though, as education had never really appealed to me. My GCSE’s had been… average at best.

    “That’s £39.99 please, do you have a Reward Card?” I asked the customer, trying to sound cheery as I completed his transaction. It was tough though.

    Niki and I had had a fight this morning. Our first one. It was petty and I’d started it. I’d seen her with an old boyfriend of hers and had become jealous. She wasn’t a lezzer like me, she was bi. I knew there was nothing to worry about, yet something kept gnawing away at the back of my mind. Was she finally getting bored of me?

    The two had been close until he had cheated on her. Niki hadn’t spoken to him for years, but he’d sent her a text a few weeks ago, apologizing and asking to meet up. I’d agreed to it at the time, telling her that she should go and give him a piece of her mind, but after seeing them, it made me wonder if she’d completely forgiven him and rekindled her own emotions.

    Watching the customer leave my head snapped up as I watched Niki walk in with her ex. Was she doing this to make me even more jealous?

    “Hey Kay!” She called cheerily as she jogged over to me, “how’s it goin’ girl?”

    “Meh, same old, same old. Why did you bring him?”

    “I wanted him to meet the new woman in my life!” She cried, grabbing my jacket and kissing me on the lips. She’d always been spontaneous. “Ralph, this is Kay, Kay, Ralph.”

    I tried to withhold my laughter as I heard his name and waved a quick hello.

    “Kelly! Are you slacking again!?” The manager.

    “Sorry David!” I yelled back and gave Niki a look which she knew meant that she would be punished later.

    “Haha, get back to work then babe. Catcha later!”

    Watching her leave, I knew there was nothing to worry about, but as she linked her arm in his, the same gnawing emotions caught me again.


    Glass flew everywhere as I hid behind the counter. Hearing the noise subside, I dashed around to find Niki lying on the floor, shattered glass piercing her perfect skin.

    “Niki! Niki are you okay?! TALK TO ME!” I screamed, hysterics taking over me.

    “Ah calm down babe, i’m fine.” Nodding, I turned to Ralph who seemed no worse than Niki, and was already regaining his consciousness.

    Rushing to the door, I looked out and could hardly believe what I saw. A giant, purple/pink spider stood before me, its giant hairy legs twitching as it watched me. Unable to scream or move, I just stood there and stared back it.

    *~ Chronicles of Semotus Stella : Bellum Lugeo ~*

    *~ Xeddy: Derek? Constructive? Lololololol ~*

    *~ Don't forget to check out the newly created Auron skin! ~*

    Spoiler: Quotes for lulz 

  3. #3
    In Your Dreams James's Avatar
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    Nov 2004

    Re: SHIELD

    'This is not what I had planed!'

    I shouted at Shield as I ran down the shopping center. Shield was a large alien rock that stayed at James's house however Shield had snapped a piece of itself of and told James to add him to a watch or something. And so he had, this way Shield could be in more places at once. However Shields Larger form was more powerful, but none the less Shield and James were one, body and mind.

    Shield echoced in James mind

    'Well I just wanted to spend the day at the beach, but when theres giant spiders on the run sod the beach this is a chance of a life time'

    The more time Shield spent with James the more of the modern language he picked up.

    'Remember to tell me if any members of UNIT or Torchwood pop up. Remember'

    'We can't be caught by them'

    'We can't be caught by them, yes I know. If they were to find out about me then I would be hidden away and would never see the light of day again yes I know. But I'm sure they are'nt that bad.'

    'Maybe, you're right. Maybe not but we can't take that chance. After all we only know figures and numbers from there computer system you hacked in to. We have no idea if they can be trusted or not and to be honest I'd rather not find out'

    James finally turned the corner to where he saw the huge spider. He saw a few people on the floor scared and screaming, and there was another girl stood infront of the spider, just looking at it. From his pocket he took out what looked like a metal flute, it looked as if it had been burned anmd was going to fall apart.

    'We can only use that once, you must get it right. If not..'

    'I know, it will snap in half. If only we knew it didn't have such a short life span I would'nt have practised with it so much.'

    James walked slowly towards the creature. It was still looking at the girl, but it was now shwoing its fangs.

    'If music calms the beats, play'

    James blew gently on the flute like device, from it came a sweet light sound, James pressed a few buttons on it, being careful not to play the wrong 'chords'. The spider twisted its head suddenly looking at James. It began to move towards him, but as it got closer it got more slow.

    Thanks to Shield no one could see James, so it looked like the spider was looking in to blank space, but the sound was clear to everyone.

    'This spider, it grows in size, it becomes bigger when scared. Just complete the music and it would become smaller, grab it and lets get out of here. My cloaking device won't last much longer'

    And with that the spider did begin to get smaller. So small James was able to grab it and put it inside a box, which he locked.

    'Right lets get out of here!'

    At that moment the cloak device run out of power and Shield's cloak was down. The girl from down the hall saw James.

    'Shield, everyone can see me, can't they?'


    James lifted his finger to his lips as if to say 'shhhhh' to the girl, turning around he made a run for it.

    'The next time I'm about to appear out of nowwhere to everyone's eyes try giving me a bit more notice!' he shouted at Shield

  4. #4
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
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    Jan 2004

    Re: SHIELD

    ~©Cerys Mitchell©~

    Not attending again. That one sure has his head in the clouds. Not a bother this time, though. This time, I didn’t have the worry to stomach his daft excuses. I had better.

    I had been researching that encounter I had with the brain/squid thing from before, the same night that was the last I’d seen of normal James. He was my oldest and dearest friend, but the James that sat with me in class these recent days, that wasn’t my James and I needed to find out just what happened, especially if he’d become one of those brain-in-hand things. I couldn’t bear that thought.

    The moment Professor Hawthorne released us, I went straight for the library. I wanted to refresh my head of all those reports from London and I knew archives would have it. They were all there, staring at us in the face, but nobody noticed, nobody cared. Big Ben, the Christmas Star, the ghosts, Harold Saxon’s terrorism, all of it, right in plain sight and nobody notices. However, apart from the ghosts, it seemed everything revolved around London so I needed to go there.

    And even if I have so much work and that research paper due in a week, I had to go. Yes, you have to go. Great, yelling at myself. Maybe I need my brain in my hand.

    Besides, two hour drive, nothing fancy, what could happen? … I jinxed myself just now, didn’t I? Bullocks.

    I quickly got in my car and set aside all my daft thoughts for later. Traffic was always a grief, but never mind that for now. London. London London London!

    Three hours later… London!

    I immediately went to 10 Downing St… And had no idea why I was there. When Big Ben was destroyed, later this building was blown to bits. Harold Saxon took his title here, became our Prime Minister… I voted for him, too… before becoming our “Lord and Master”.

    Suddenly, the doors opened and I knew only that I was in a bad place so I hid. Luckily, it was just a couple blokes with their reefers. The doors were fortunately still open and those two seemed amused by something in the distance. Why I was inside, I’ll never know and if I was shot, it’d be all for the best, but here I was, smack the middle of a really bad place.

    Somehow, I managed to get to where a computer was being kept and as I was in hiding, I decided I should sit and pull some leverage. However, the moment I touched that keyboard, the monitor glitched. A voice rang out of it, and then a face coated in databits.

    “You are Cerys Imogen Mitchell.”

    “Don’t call me that!”Yes, I know, floating face coming out the computer and I’m fuming because of a name.

    “Ms. Mitchell, things are about to change.”


    “Yes. You must speak with James Knight.”

    “What’s he to do with you?”

    “Speak to James Knight. That is all.”

    “Hold on a minute! Who are you?”

    “… lost.”

    And that said, it was gone.
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  5. #5
    In Your Dreams James's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Re: SHIELD

    James woke up late, after his little trip with the spider he was so tired that he had'nt woke up on time for his university class. Throwing his pillow at his alarm clock he only knocked it to the ground, it still rang over and over again.


    'I'm not your maid, you should have been up hours ago. Your definitely late'

    Groaning as he threw his arms around the floor he picked up the alarm clock he turned it of, only to drop it in the bin.

    Do you ever sleep? I mean you seem to be so awakew all the time' he mumbled as he threw a shirt on

    'I rest, if thats what you mean. However unlike the human race I enjoy every moment of the time we all have. Be it day or night. I am happy to be alive. Where as you waste the day in bed'

    'Harse much? Its not my fault scanning that spider took hours on end'

    'The spider is harm less, it just needs to be kept under control. Untill I can find out where it came from I suggest we keep it inside its box'

    James looked over to the small metal box, although it was metal it was see through, a very simple alien box shield and him had found one day while scanning for something else. Its come in handy.

    'Right I'm of to uni, see ya later' James left the large crystal floating in his living room and made his way to his car. Of course he still had his wrist shield on as well though.

    'What reason do you think you'll give the teahcers for being late today then?'

    'I was thinking about telling them the truth, ya know how I was up all last night looking at an alien spider and working out if it was any danger'

    'You are always the witty one'

    When James made it to university he was able to sneek in to the last few minuites of his class without his teacher seeing. From acorss the class he saw his friend Cerys. He waved and she just shook her head and smiled. He wished he could tell her about Shield and what he did, but he felt as if he could'nt.

    After the class he walked up to her


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