This Role play is a spin off from Doctor who and Torchwood. It has been made up my me and the idea is that we all join together with very little exprience of aliens or other worlds and defend the earth. After the first few posts I will create missions for us to complete and the role play will continue from there.
I came across SHIELD when I was making my way across the world, I had got out of university a few months back and before I tried to enter the big world of work I needed to venture out on a gap year. It was during my time in Russia. I had gone alone and made so many friends alone the way. However that one night I was all on my own, the hostel I had been staying at had set on fire and it left me looking for somewhere else to stay. Only knowing a bit of the language and being so late I did have trouble finding somewhere with a bed, so I found a campsite and set up my tent.
Just as it had got dark and I had set everything up I got in my tent, opened a tin of cold beans and set my maps on the floor, making plans for the next few days before moving on. Getting fed up of the cold baked beans, I set it aside and tired to get asleep. The night was cold and I had been well wrapped up, but soon enough I fell asleep.
During my sleep I dreamed, there was a sort of glow, small bright pale colours and there was a song, so light and sweet. It filled all my senses with a soft feeling, as if I was floating. Waking up I sat up and I could still hear the song. It was coming from outside. I grabbed my boots and ran outside. It was the dead of night, but there were still some people awake along a camp fire. Walking over I thought I would see one of them singing or with a musical but there was nothing, they just gave me odd looks, and so I smiled and walked over back to my tent.
I could still hear the song, it was becoming stronger, and my senses were filled with such a light. It was as if it was calling out to me. I needed to find it. Then I saw it, the light, it was coming from the next field in the woods. Always up for an adventure I grabbed my torch from my tent and made a run for it. Jumping over the fence I made my way in to the woods, I found that I didnt need my torch the light was becoming brighter. I didnt know how but I knew that I was the only one who could see the light, the only one that could hear it. It was behind a bush, gently moving it aside I saw it. It made so much sense at that moment. It was inside my mind, it knew who I was and I knew who and what it was. It spoke to me. The light had come from a very small crystal like rock, glowing different pale colours, I lifted it and held it in the palm of my hand.
Hello I said with a smile.
For some reason I wasnt shocked when it answered back
Hello, James. My name is
Shield, yes I know. Youre in my head, and Im in yours. Well your mind, your core?
And thats how I came across Shield, since then we travelled together over earth, learning new information from each other and I learnt so much. So much indeed, of other worlds, different planets and of wonderful places. Now together we search for other aliens those who may be lost or those who need help.
Ok so that was my first post in to the role play and basically you will start the role play with your own first alien encounter, you can have someone like shield if you wish but nothing like a Tardis, you must not have travelled in time or space and nor have you met or know of the Doctor, Torchwood or UNIT. After your first post of your encounter which has opened your eyes to the many bigger worlds out there I will make the post which will drag us all together. If you could live in England (as it will be easier for us to travel). Any questions ask away.