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Thread: ~Final Fantasy Exigo: Legend of Quenthra~

  1. #1
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    ~Final Fantasy Exigo: Legend of Quenthra~

    ========To Join Exigo========
    ========For Information regarding Exigo’s Optional Systems========

    Started: August 10th

    Kileya Surge

    “Fifteen incidents since the last report, sir. Five were near Kolonia, but no damages have been recorded to the capitol. Others occurred throughout Gaia 1 and Ivalice. Major Gaul and Noyan have stationed themselves accordingly, but Colonel O’aka III would like you to head a relay to Gaia 1 before long.” One of my men stated, weary from battle, but fierce nonetheless.

    “Thank you, Royce. I’ll see to it Major Gaul gets my support as soon as my troop cleans up after the good Captain.” I told him, taking my leave.

    While the Fifth Division of Sanctum would be relocated soon to Gaia 1, most likely to the Balamb Garden Ruins, this was an opportune moment for the L.O.S.T. to investigate the Fathom sites to procure new developments of Daeva activity. Gemini had gone underground since its last ambush in Corel and Ares and Leo had mounted heavy fortifications following their subsequent conquests of Fort Condor and Rocket Town. There were still a few more of them that should surface within the next few cycles and the remainder before year’s end, though they’ve arrived out of character from Ojiisan’s predictions.

    Heading to the hidden loft behind my office, I first contacted Gen to have her take over in Nibelheim after the Captain’s sortie there. She made a mention to me that Fayth had wanted an audience before I departed to Gaia 1. How he already guessed my relocation assignment was beyond me. Something a little pyrefly told him, I’d bet he’d say. After Ojiisan was taken from me, his confidante was all I had. It was just a few days after that incident, when I first met and was aided by Private Yuki, but he had been a great guide to me.

    Next, I contacted the L.O.S.T. and told them of the relocation and the exploratory mission to hopefully snag a couple Daeva before they debut. A few of them elected to remain home on Gaia 0, though, believing they’d be necessary in dealing with Daevas Leo and Aries. Finally, I returned to my official center to direct the proud men of Sanctum to the loading strip here in the Junon HQ.

    Once they had their orders, I signed out from HQ and made my way to one of the older Fathom springs, a pathway to the Farplane where they originated. Fayth met me halfway, appearing among the mild collection of Lifestream. He would inform me of dangers on leaving a familiar environment. The Daevas that loomed within Gaia 1’s core were adapted well to the system’s structure, which would be a clear advantage. With the L.O.S.T.’s furthering activities, awareness of it and its leader would soon come to the full attention of the Daevas. Once that occurred, it was a sure bet the ranks would be headed for me, though we’d try our best to keep it on the team.

    Fayth would depart immediately following his warning, but my journey back to the surface would not be without event. As I traveled, I noticed the faintest drop of temperature, one of the newly discovered signs that pyreflies were being manipulated against their benevolent wills. As the creature appeared, I sighed in relief. It was merely a pawn, and a haphazardly built one at that. It was probable, this Fathom was the workings of fractured magics splintered from a main spell.

    Kileya Surge vs. Fathom spawn
    Roll set 1
    Die rolls: [9]
    Roll total: 0

    It came at me sluggishly with a larger, off-balanced left claw to which I easily sidestepped. Noting the weakness the limb posed on the creature’s joint, I quickly cast Cripple on it, disabling the arm on the spot. Dragging it across the ground, it attempted to use its weight to hurl the limb at me like a mace. Missing the first couple strikes, it managed to back me to a bend within the tunnel before unleashing a full lunge. Thankfully, it estimated too high and I got under it, pushing my longsword through most of its length before it collapsed at my feet.

    End Battle!
    EXP = 9/100
    Overdrive = 9/100

    Following the battle, I quickly returned to Junon and awaited my men.
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  2. #2
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Re: ~Final Fantasy Exigo: Legend of Quenthra~

    Genevieve Kreidler

    My mind is a blank, I don't remember anything, not my family, who my friends were, nothing about myself. The only thing that I do know that my name is Genevieve Kreidler, and that I must of been in some kind of battle, because my body is aching all over.

    I lay on a bed in what looked like an old tent, everything in the room looked worn and old. What was I doing here? Well that I didn't know, for all I knew the people or things that did this to me could be watching me right now. That unnerved me. I tried to sit up but it was much too painful so I laid back down.

    A few hours past as I lay there as I tried to figure out who I was and what had happened. But there was nothing, my mind was a complete and utter blank. Just then I heard muffled voices just outside the tent, but try as I might I couldn't make out what they were saying. This was ridiculus, and I just grew more restless as time passed on.

    After another hour I decided to take matters in my own hands, Friend or foe I just couldn't stay here, I needed to go out and rediscover myself. I gritted my teeth as I sat up, and I open up the drawers by the bedside table. I needed just a potion or something just to get me through the rest of the day. But there was nothing!

    "****" I said to myself, I would now have to walk out of the tent if I wanted to go and get a potion. It strained me to swing my legs out of the bed, but it also bothered me that someone should of come in by now, and heard me moaning about the pain. But they didn't. I pushed that awful thought to the side and focused on standing, half of me just wanted to crawl back into bed but I knew I had to do this.

    I spotted a sword at the other side of the room, was it mine? I walked over to it still very much in pain but I managed it. Did I mention that my head felt like that a Chocobo had pecked through it? But anyway I picked up the sword because you know it could be useful, and I attatched it to my hip. Then I continued to struggle out the door.

    Deserted! Yeah there wasn't a person in sight! I continued to walk through the camp on the dusty road, there wasn't a single person around, and that gave me a very bad feeling. I went into the nearest tent and completely shifted through the contents in the cupboard. I was still looking for that dam potion, because the pain was doing my nut in.

    Finally I had found a blue bottle, which was the potion and I gulped the contents down. I stantly I began to feel relief and it felt so good, I still wasn't completely healed but at least the pain was bearable now. Yeah I know I'm a comple wuss when it comes to pain. I went outside to go and find some clues now about what had happened to me. At the other end of the camp I could see a huge tent and it looked pretty official so I decided to start there.

    Inside the tent there was a desk and some official papers on it, I sat in the chair and began shifting through the papers, looking for anything that would tell me who I was. Then suddenly I found a piece of paper with the words L.O.S.T on it and underneath it I found my name amongst some others, it explained that L.O.S.T had recently assigned to go after the Daeva. Which is all well and good but what the hell are the Daeva? The report also told me that someone called Kileya Surge had ordered this.

    This explained to me that I wasn't on enemy territory, which is a relief, but I was still worried why the place was deserted. Something told me that it couldn't be good, so I took the report and decided that I had to find this guy. Maybe then I would be able to remember.

    ^Made by Tinychikn

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