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Thread: Kingdom Hearts Coded

  1. #1
    Tezcat Dan's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts Coded

    Kingdom Hearts coded is an upcoming game in the Kingdom Hearts series that will be released on the mobile phone as a puzzle game using 3D backgrounds. It is an installment in the best-selling Kingdom Hearts series that focuses on King Mickey. The game was announced at the 2007 Tokyo Game Show. Currently, the title is only confirmed for a Japanese release, though Square Enix has plans for releases in other territories. Although its release may be halted since Square Enix said some of their mobile games have been halted, there were no names of any games though. There is a possibility that it could be released on the PSP.

    From Kingdom Hearts Wikia

    Set after Kingdom Hearts II, coded sees Sora, albeit in a digitalised form, embark on a new quest to find out the source of some text from Jiminy's journal

    All new talk in here please

    More info can be found in 3 new Kingdom Hearts games announced!

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  2. #2
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts coded

    It's going to suck!!!!!!!!!! Like COM did!

    there I think that's a clear opinion :P

    ^Made by Tinychikn

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  3. #3
    Tezcat Dan's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts coded

    CoM wasn't awful, i enjoyed it first time through but that was mostly becuase i was so hyped over having a new KH game

    I agree that this will suck if it stays on the mobile. I think it'll suck less if it gets a new platform

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  4. #4
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts coded

    It needs to be released for the PSP!!!

    And CoM was greatness packed in greatness. Re:CoM is no exception. Please look forward to the English release *copies Nomura*

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  5. #5
    In Your Dreams James's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts coded

    COM was'nt great but i put tyhat down to the battle system, i'm not really bothered about coded but I'll keep my eye open

  6. #6
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts coded

    Interview with Tetsuya Nomura

    Q. It's a matter of concern whether or not it'll be released on a platform other than the mobile phone.
    A. There are no plans to release it off the mobile at this stage. Since I want to continue introducing this specialized system on the mobile phones more in the future, I think that's something to consider after the distribution of this title is finished.

    Q. It look like it'd be fun even if you haven't played Kingdom Hearts...
    A. With this game as a start, people will become interested in the other Kingdom Hearts games.

    Q. Isn't it difficult to play an action game on the mobile phone?
    A. It's been tuned to be played by a simpler input method compared to the that of the normal Kingdom Hearts games. Additionally, this game comes preinstalled on the P-01A mobile phone, which can connect to a television with the appropriate cable, so it can be enjoyed on the big screen as well.

    Q. Like with Before Crisis FFVII, can you communicate and play with other people?
    A. This is different from BC, there are plans to play by an interesting communication.

    Source: khinsider

    ^Made by Tinychikn

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  7. #7
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts coded

    Old response, sorry. But yeah, I remember that interview... I just still hope they will release the game on a console when the episodes are over with =(... Same goes for Before Crisis. They know they could earn money by doing it, so why not >_>...

    But anyway, just popped in to say that the first episode of Coded now has been released... And I ache at the thought of all the knowledge and pleasures people now will gain as I sit here without a chance to play it >_____________>. I remember this feeling when Before Crisis was released.


    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  8. #8
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts Coded

    Hints at an NA Coded release! Or?

    Hey everyone, today we've got some interesting news. Eddie Carroll, the voice of Jiminy Cricket, was e-mailed by a Kingdom Hearts fan and asked if he would be reprising the role of Jiminy in the upcoming Kingdom Hearts game. Eddie replied, stating that he would in fact be providing the voice of Jiminy once more, however, Jiminy Cricket isn't featured in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.

    Could this mean that Eddie will be voicing Jiminy in a North American coded release? Seems likely.
    It's too early to get hyped but I am crossing my fingers as hard as I can. Both for an NA and EU release, but even if just for an NA release. The only KH game that only Japan has had their hands on. To me, this is potentially big news. Been waiting for it.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  9. #9
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts Coded

    Oh, yeah, don't overspam the thread with your hypes... >_>

    In an interview with Japanese gaming magazine Otona Fami, Kingdom Hearts coded's senior planner Jun Kato talks about his personal wishes for the game's future. Though this by no means confirms the game's release in the west, it gives us hope that the game will be brought to us in the future. Take a peek at the English translation:
    When asked about the future of the game, whose last episode has been out for a few weeks, Kato apparently confided his desire to be able to put the game to a larger audience, given that relatively few people can play coded on its current platform (NTT DoCoMo phones). Alas, it's not easy to understand what he means by that, whether it be that he wants the the game to be more available on a real console or simply on other phone models.
    The way I see it, tied in with the last hint of a Western release, he's probably talking about exactly that, branching out overseas. At least I'm still hoping.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  10. #10
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts Coded

    Noone is excited because the games sounds dull and boring

    ^Made by Tinychikn

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