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Thread: Kingdom Hearts Coded

  1. #11
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts Coded

    QuoteOriginally Posted by 01habbo View Post
    Noone is excited because the games sounds dull and boring
    This. It's just an excuse to further mess up the already ****ed up canon. Plus it's a mobile phone game, so who cares? Also it's limited to a few select phone models, in Japan only. Should it by some fluke come to the US, it still won't come to Europe.
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  2. #12
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts Coded

    I imagine it won't come to EU if it does get English voice overs, but I'd still be happier than if it stayed in Japan. It's the only chapter of KH I haven't experienced and I think it sounds exciting in many ways. You 2 are just... Yeah, that, THAT! Hmph >___>

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  3. #13
    Brothean xephon's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts Coded

    QuoteOriginally Posted by KoFF View Post
    I imagine it won't come to EU if it does get English voice overs, but I'd still be happier than if it stayed in Japan. It's the only chapter of KH I haven't experienced and I think it sounds exciting in many ways. You 2 are just... Yeah, that, THAT! Hmph >___>
    No, the game is ****.

    You're just a fanboy.

    Cut. It. Out.

  4. #14
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts Coded

    I don't get how people who like KH can't be interested in all of it's chapters. The things I read about the game made me hyped. And I'm truly eager to experience how it supposedly connects the story from KH to KHII and explains some mysteries that never were solved.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  5. #15
    the one and only ^_^ crazzygurl20043's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts Coded

    I agree with KoFF. I too am rather curious to know how it connects to the series and what things about the story does it explain more in detail. It always bugged me that we wouldn't be able to play the game because of the platform it was made for. Why must our cell phones be so cheap???

  6. #16
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts Coded

    ^Finally xD. I guess it won't be in vain to post the full version of a translated interview then. Only a part of it was out before.

    As a main planner, he was in charge of regulating each section - the main specifications, data production - so that everything ran smoothly.

    Square Enix's Jun Kato


    -- Tell us about the features of this game.

    Kato: Like previous games in the 'Kingdom Hearts' series, it's an action RPG - a tale where you control the protagonist Sora, a tale that progresses as he defeats the enemy Heartless. You travel into the data world, where there are powers called debugging abilities unique to the digital world. The worlds have been afflicted by a disaster of bugs, and we've put in many devices suited to the data world. In the ending you can see a connection to 'Birth by Sleep' on the PSP and 'Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days' on the Nintendo DS.

    -- The events of the game happen after 'KHII', but the story is based on 'KHI', right?

    Kato: That's right. Fans of the series can enjoy it as the latest story, but we made it so people who don't know the series can enjoy it too. It also looks back over the journey so far, so people playing for the first time can naturally get into it.

    -- It seems like in each world there are stages with particular features.

    Kato: As the initial concept of this game, Nomura said, "I want to make something where people can enjoy the attractions of the digital world," so in each world there are things like side scrolling or inward scrolling areas, and you can enjoy nostalgic games you feel like you've played long ago - that's the core of the gameplay.

    -- Many Disney characters appear in the 'Kingdom Hearts' series. Is the development process different from that of other games?

    Kato: Unlike normal games, in order to check all the connections between each distributed chapter, release dates were determined ahead of time - and there were points that needed to be amended to satisfy supervisors, that was different. People from Disney would check each world, making sure there was nothing improper about the events that happened or characters' lines, and sometimes offered their opinions about the gameplay in each world.

    -- I see. With the release of the 8th chapter, the game is now complete - what would you say are the highlights?

    Kato: This game is kind of an overview of the story so far, but within that framework, the choices the user makes can lead to differences in the ending. So even after playing through once, you can enjoy it many more times. Moreover, in the final battle you fight with an unexpected character, so I really want people to look forward to that.

    -- And there are connections to things like 'Birth by Sleep' too?

    Kato: Yes. But that comes right at the end, so it's a secret (laughs). Although I think people who have played 'Birth by Sleep' will definitely be surprised.

    -- How about further developments of 'coded'?

    Kato: There aren't many devices on which it can be played, so I think it would be good if we could work on something to increase the number of users who can play it...

    -- So finally, tell us about the appeal of this game.

    Kato: It's a fun, lighthearted game, so please try it at least once. Also, 'coded' is finished, but there are mutual connections with other titles in the series, which I think can give various impressions, so look forward to that.

    Been a while since we had good new info on this game. The connections to the rest of the series are wider than I thought and it even takes place later than I thought. After KHII? Must have a good explanation, lol. Please release this in English, SE X_X

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  7. #17
    the one and only ^_^ crazzygurl20043's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts Coded

    What I don't understand is why would they jam pack the game with connections to every game in the series, and not make it available to a wider audience? That was a completely dumb move on their part. There is clearly some juicy information in this game and I'm sure more people would be interested in playing it if it was more available to them. So, SE would be pretty stupid not to make an English release. I would definitely play it but with my luck, my phone will be one of the phones that are unable to play it >_<

  8. #18
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts Coded

    I doubt games like FFVII Dirge of Cerberus: Lost Episode and KH Coded ever will be available on phones outside Japan. They are basically made for special Japanese phones over there and to run on their networks etc. But what we're hoping for, and what we're likely to get, is a console port of the game, like a DS or PSP game. But I can also see this working as a Wii Shop product, like it was with FFIV: The After. They had chapters released on a running basis, like with Coded. It would also make KH's debut on the Wii.
    I suppose there's also PSN as an option but I somehow find that less likely, dunno why. X-Box is probably out of the question and should be, ha ha.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  9. #19
    Armored Avenger Iron Man's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts Coded

    It's good to see that they care for the fans.


    Way to go Disney. Continue to disappoint me.

  10. #20
    Needs a Custom Title FFan's Avatar
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    Got this game on my DS (was released for this handheld for NA). Wish it was on the PSP for it would have been better in grafics and usage. But anyway it's not to terrably bad or exciting to play. More of a filler till the next Kingdom Hearts game comes out. I would rank it a 6 out of 10 considering it still has the feel of playing it on a phone rather then a handheld. Wish they would have tweeked that part. For any Kingdom Heart freak it's an ok buy and the price is not drastic.

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