Mission 1
Chapter 1: Difference
Maya Lewis
Manhatten High, New York City
10:25 a.m.
Maya slowly twiddled her No. 2 pencil quickly between her fingers trying to pass the time. Mr. Dawson, Mayas history teacher, in his slow and monotonous tone was now in the middle of his lecture about WWII and what was significant about it and how drastically our world would have changed if it ended any differently. Maya thought this was just a bunch of bull.
She watched the clock continuously hoping that somehow time would speed up, but she knew that would never happen, nothing ever happens to poor, little, defenseless Maya. At least there was only 30 minutes left in her least favorite class. As she painstakingly watched the clock, the real reason she hated this class was behind her laughing and cracking jokes at Mayas expense. Her name was Claire and she was a cheerleader, the kind you would just like to wring her neck just for being the way she is. Maya had to put up with it for years, since they were childhood friends before life at Manhattan High.
Maya wanted to be different, something that could just show people that she has a purpose in life besides the butt of everybodys jokes. She stopped caring though; she always knew there was nothing she would be able to do besides just sit there wishing she had a new life, one without the consequences of being a teenager.
As Mr. Dawson droned on about how Martin Luthers Anti-Semitic book was a major influence on the Nazis of Germany, Maya dreamt of better things: home, friends, family, and all of which were in complete disrepair. Suddenly those thoughts became dark, images of her father beating her half to death, her mother constantly drinking and blaming her for everything that happened in their god forsaken life, even her friends, if thats what you call them, can care less about her. She tried to shake the thoughts from her head but they just kept flashing, images of all her bad moments in life flashed before her eyes, over and over again. Suddenly her head was flooding with pain, it felt as if her head would split in half. She tried to open her eyes but they wouldnt or her eyes just werent working. Soon the agony was too much to bear and she bolted straight out of her seat.
help was all she could say before collapsing into darkness.
Chapter 2: Fear
Maya Lewis
New York Police Department
6:00 p.m.
Threads of light flitted through her eyelids as she opened them slowly. Blurry images of gray concrete walls, metal, and a toilet came into view as her eyes adjusted to the light. Maya sat up to get a better look at things and finally took notice where she was, a prison cell! Not knowing what to do she started to cry, she didnt remember anything about what happened, why she was in there, how did she get there, and who the man was standing in front of her prison bars. Scared, she huddled into the corner, too frightened to react to anything.
Maya Lewis, come with me, were the words that came from the silhouette of a man. He unlocked the doors and started to dig through his pockets as he approached Maya. Before Maya even knew what was happening she was being handcuffed and was being read her Miranda Rights. Too scared to say anything, Maya complied with the orders of the now clear officer in uniform. They walked down a fluorescent filled hallway and stopped in front of a thick metal door with a single window. The officer opened the door and led Maya into a room with two chairs, a single table and a big reflective window. Mayas seen this room before a hundred times on TV; She just never expected to be in one herself.
Sit down, ordered the officer in a gruff tone, theyll be in here shortly, and with that the officer took off her handcuffs and left her. Maya took a seat across from the window and stared at her reflection. Her favorite shirt was torn down her midriff and her hair was matted up, if she was watching this scene on TV, Maya would have thought the girl looked like ****, but now it was the other way around, and Maya thought she still looked like ****.
After calming down a bit, she tried to think back to earlier in the day but she doesnt remember anything, only the memories of going to sleep in her bed. She pondered this subject for a while before the doorknob started turning.
As a lady, by the looks of her she seemed to be late 30s, walked in with an expensive looking three-piece suit, sat down from across the table of Maya. The lady who was reading papers from out of a folder, and didnt even to seem to acknowledge Mayas presence finally spoke.
Ms. Lewis do you know what you did at 10:30 a.m. this morning? she said with a very heavy undertone. All Maya could do was shake her head from side to side.
So youre telling me that you have no recollection of anything from this morning? said the interrogating lady. Maya once again replied with a shake of her head. Sighing, the lady continued her inquiry into the matter that concerned Maya.
Well, since you have no memory of what happened let me refresh your memory, the lady said with a very harsh voice, You killed 17 of your classmates and your teacher! You are honestly denying you did this?! I need an answer Maya!
What are you talking about I would never do that! Im just a girl from Manhattan, how can you even accuse me of something like that! Maya shouted angrily, appalled by the brash accusation.
You where found in your classroom unconscious with everything in the classroom pushed to the walls including the rest of your classmates and the teacher, now how would you explain that?! the lady shouted even more harshly. Maya sat there astonished and speechless. Answer me dammit! and with that the lady slammed her fist down on the table.
I dont know! Maya shouted desperately, and suddenly her thoughts of class slowly came back, all I remember is passing out in class from a searing pain in my head and then waking up here!!
So your telling me that you had a headache and passed out?
It wasnt like any headache I have ever had before, it felt as if my head was going to split open! and with that Maya could not help but bursting into tears.
I notified your mother about what happened and guess what she said Maya? She said Maya who!? Now how do you explain that? the lady nearly screamed into Mayas face.
Get away from me!!!! Maya screamed with her eyes closed. In that second of her screaming, a deafening banging of metal erupted form the din. All was quite after that. Slowly opening her eyes she saw the lady in a bloody pool underneath the heavy metal table. Scared to death Maya didnt know what to do. Immediately after the clamor an alarm went off with orange flashing lights. Maya knew that they were coming for her she had to escape.