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Thread: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar

  1. #1
    In Your Dreams James's Avatar
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    Nov 2004

    final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar

    To join first read about the role play here


  2. #2
    In Your Dreams James's Avatar
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    Nov 2004

    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar

    Alexander was running down the long corridors of the garden. He had been in the libary, so much in to a book he had'nt heard the message from the speakers. The head master had called all thouse who would be going on the SEED test to his office, to brief them their mission. Reaching the lift he bumped in to a few other students.

    'Hi, sorry, pardon me. Coming through!'

    he said pushing his way through to press the lift's button. The lift shot high to the gardens tops floor. Lucky he was't late, he saw others he knew from class who would be going on the SEED test. He Arashi, Alexander didn't really know him all that well. But he seemed nice enough. There was also Kal, he knew she was skilled when it came to gunblade combat, but other than that he did'nt know alot about her. Suddenly from the lift behind Alexander appeared Instructor Gaston, he was strict but fair. Alexander had him from a few class's he was unaware of what he really thought of Alexander, Alexander always tired hard in class and put in all his energy, but he wondered if it went noticed.

    Instructor Gaston walked in front of all the students and opened the doors to the headmasters office. He told everyone to enter. Alexander had never been in the head masters office. It was very plain, simple, white and clean. Sorcer Aden was stood there in a black pin sutie, looking as dashing as ever. He was smiling, he was a very warm, kind, happy man.

    'Welcome students, please come in. I don't have much time so I'll make this quick. You will be put in to teams and be lead by a instructor. You are heading to Windmill. They have been having some trouble with a large group of gangs attacking the villiage. Windmill is only a small villiage and does not have that much noney and so Garden is not being paid for such a mission. However no matter the task but before you, you must act as if it was the most important mission of your life. A few SEEDS will be going with you to take the lead. You will all be given your own jobs. Now I'm sorry but thats all the time I have, I must be off. Good day' he left via the lift.

    Instructor Gaston walked forward and called out names, saying who was in what team and explaining them their jobs. Alexander was put in a group with
    Arashi and Kai, Gaston would be leading and supervising the mission. He explained how their mission was to talk to the villiagers and collect information from the group.

  3. #3
    The Divine Retributer Nemesis's Avatar
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    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar

    [la]”Today is the day.”[/la] I thought to myself looking at the photo of my brother next to my bed. Today was the day I finally fulfilled the first part of my dreams and become a SeeD. All I had to do first was to pass the final exam.

    Sitting up I looked over the other side and saw Hailey lying there still asleep. She was lucky enough to pass the exam last time round. The exam, which I could not enter due to being in the garden infirmary after being attacked by a T-rexaur in the garden training facilities just days prior to that one exam. I only survived the encounter after Yvette Dryden scared off the beast. I don’t know how she did it but her powers were phenomenal. Since that day I knew I had to be like her, strong and powerful. That way I would be able to protect those I love. Of course my training already had made me strong but her powers were off the charts.

    But for now I would have to take one step at a time. The first one would be to pass today’s exam. I climbed out of bed, preceded to get dressed into my student uniform before leaving the dorms. The sun shined brightly through the glass ceiling in the corridors. Solar garden was quite large, slightly bigger than Lunar I believe and always looked beautiful during a clear sky.

    Outside I could see other students, most of which were on free time today lazing about soaking up the sun. Some of which were eating hotdogs, others just sandwiches. Other students were just hanging around in their groups. Some were popular others less so.

    I came to the elevator when the announcement was made for all of us who were taking part in today’s exam to report to the headmaster’s office immediately. Arriving beside me almost instantly was Arashi. His unmistakable purple hair distinguished him from the rest of the Garden.

    “Going up?” He asked pressing the button to call the elevator. I just nodded and waited. Soon the elevator arrived and took us up to the headmaster’s office.

    Few minutes have passed before the third student arrived with us. It was Alexander who was a year older rushing his way towards us. [la]”Late as usual.”[/la] I whispered to myself in jest of his tardiness. Instructor Gaston quickly followed him; and stood in front of us and the other students that had arrived before us. Leading us forward into another room. This would be the true office of the head master, Sorcerer Aden who proceeded to give us our briefing.

    “Welcome students, please come in. I don't have much time so I'll make this quick. You will be put in to teams and be lead by an instructor. You are heading to Winhill. They have been having some trouble with a large group of gangs attacking the village. Winhill is only a small village and does not have that much money and so Garden is not being paid for such a mission. However no matter the task but before you, you must act as if it was the most important mission of your life. A few SEEDS will be going with you to take the lead. You will all be given your own jobs. Now I'm sorry but that’s all the time I have, I must be off. Good day” He left after his speech down the elevator into the main part of the Garden

    [la]”That is it?”[/la] I thought. That was not much to go on. I was so distracted by the small briefing that I almost didn’t hear instructor Gaston calling out my name.

    [la]”Uhh yes sir.”[/la] I replied in an almost startled tone.

    “Kallisto pay attention, I don’t want to repeat myself.” He half jokingly responded, “Now listen, you, Arashi and Alexander will be with me. Our well your mission is to talk to the locals for any information that might be helpful for the other groups to eliminate the gangs.”

    [la]”WHAT!”[/la] I yelled in disgust. [la]” You mean to tell me we are going halfway round the world to talk to locals. Pardon me but we are training to be SeeDs NOT messengers.”[/la]

    “Kallisto being a SeeD also means knowing to take orders and not talk out of place.” Gaston scolded. “If you don’t want to do the mission you can always go back to your dorm and miss out. Do you want that?”

    [la]”No sir.”[/la] I sat down and decided it would be best to remain quite.

    A few minutes later we were walking down the car park before being driven to Balamb port. There were many numbers of landing craft waiting for us. We boarded the first one. Which to my surprise had as the SeeD backup on board Yvette Dryden.

    I tensed up looking over at her. Her calm look on her face made it seem like she had been through many of these before almost as if this was second nature to her. She glanced over at each of us before turning to Gaston whispering something to him. I just hope it was nothing about the incident in the training facility before the previous exams, as it might not look well upon me for the final grade.

  4. #4
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar

    My sepia eyes glinting with contempt, I haughtily shot my squadron a penetrative stare, laced with the utmost disdain. Intimidation, as in battle, is integral to my teaching philosophy. This instinct of arrogance was often merely a pretence, a ploy to spread that necessary spark of anxiety in students, yet on this occasion, among these substandard Garden Solar cadets, it felt entirely genuine.

    Having already analysed the field data on this party, I dismissed both male pupils as verging on worthless, seeing potential only in the girl (my student), the gunblade specialist, for whom I maintained the slightest of soft spots. However since this was primarily an intelligence mission, her brute force would be of no advantage.

    "Alexander, Kallisto and Arashi. Squad A. I am Instructor Gaston, your supervisor for today’s field examination. We will also be met by a SeeD escort. In approximately an hour’s time Garden Solar shall be entering Balamb airspace. I trust you will profit from this time to ensure that you have junctioned yourselves appropriately for a mission during which you must focus on communications and the gathering of intelligence. You must also take the time to elect a field captain, who will be responsible for maintaining harmony within the group. Further mission details will be elaborated upon en route to Winh—Kallisto!" I paused, the girl was not listening.

    [la]"Uhh yes sir."[/la]

    "Kallisto pay attention, I don’t want to repeat myself. Now listen, you, Arashi and Alexander will be with me. Your mission is to talk to the locals for any information that might be helpful for the other groups to eliminate the gangs."

    [la] "WHAT! You mean to tell me we are going halfway round the world to talk to locals? Pardon me but we are training to be SeeDs NOT messengers. " [/la]

    "Kallisto being a SeeD also means knowing to take orders and not talk out of place. If you don’t want to do the mission you can always go back to your dorm and miss out. Do you want that?"

    [la]”No sir.”[/la]

    As I scolded, internally I laughed at the sound of my own hypocrisy. It was bland missions such as these that had temporarily driven me away from Garden Lunar and into the embrace of journalism. I couldn’t help but sympathise with her.

    "Well then. We shall reconvene at 11:00 hours at Balamb port, where you must reveal whom you have elected field Captain. Dismissed.

    As the students left I scrutinised my surroundings. Sorcerer Aden’s office had a clinical, minimalist feel, far from the opulence the room had held under the reign of his predecessor. I preferred it this way, it was more akin to Garden Lunar, more like a command centre and less like an office. Yet something was off. Somewhere in my memory I instincively felt that something was ... awkward?

    * * *

    Aboard the sea vessel I was met by the SeeD escort. Yvette Dryden, a new recruit of whom I knew very little. Having partaken in the necessary social formalities, an awkward silence rang through the air while we waited the arrival of the cadets. Once they had boarded, she approached me and dryly whispered:
    “I have a proposition for you...”
    » msn : cosmicdeathray@hotmail.com //
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    Spoiler: PSN 
    Spoiler: rEtrO_o 
    Spoiler: etc. 

  5. #5
    Playa' Please! Ryan T. Loveless's Avatar
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    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar

    OOC: Hope this works guys.

    I sighed a little reaching a small knoll overlooking Windmill. I recentlly got a message that they had been having some trouble with some local gangs. Since work was surprisingly slow, I decided I should do something, even if it meant no payment. Plus, Winhill is what I like to consider my homeland.

    I stood up stretching in the morning horizon. It was still a half days walk to Winhill and SeeD was likely on thier way. I scowled at the thought of meeting SeeD here. Them killing his father, and then covering everything up. I hated them. I wanted to burn everything SeeD stood for at the point. A flash back went through my mind as I remembered the day...
    "We simply can not tell him," the headmaster said.

    "Aye, but otherwise he might never know that his father was sent on a death mission," Gatson, his instructor at the time.

    "It is out of the question. Some things were never meant to be said. Jeremy must go without knowing. The time will come when he will need to know," he replied pounding his fists on the desk. Then there was a small knock on the door. "Come in."

    "Is it true?" I said as I walked in through the door.

    "Is it true? Everything?"

    "How long have you been there Jeremy?" Gaston asked with such an astonished look on his face he seemed to be scared to look into my face.

    "Long enough to know that I quit," I said running out. Gaston started to reach for my arm, but by now the headmaster stood up and grabbed his arm.

    "Let him go, he needs to find his true calling."
    Damn them all to hell. If I see a SeeD I will fight them. I will avenge my father.

    I started walking towards the village, then decide I had been walking for much too long. Around noon I decided to make camp and head towards home tomorrow.
    Getting Married on September 15th, 2012!!!

  6. #6
    In Your Dreams James's Avatar
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    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar


    Sitting down in his seat on the boat alongside his team mates a question poped in to his head.

    'Why are we doing this?' he said aloud to the others

    'What do you mean?' Kallisto asked back

    'Well, Lunar Garden is alot closer to Windhill than we are. they are on the same island. Why is it that we are going out to do this?'

    Kallisto shook her head as if to say she didn't know nor care.

    'I wonder what Lunar garden is like' he said aloud again

    'You talk alot don't you?'

    'Sorry. I've just never been. From what I've heard its alot more hard core. More strict mean, I could'nt image moving there now after being at Solar for so long'

    'Then don't. Just keep quiet'

    Alexander thought about speaking again but thought it might be best to not open his mouth again.

    Instructor Gaston had over heard Alexnader's questions and having spoken to Yvette Dryden he came over and sat by our squad.

    'Alexander, the reason we are traverling so far is because you must get used to it. Garden Solar and Lunar work very differently, you do not have certain areas under your protection. If you wish to be a SeeD then you must learn to go no matter what distance to keep others safe. As for your questions on Lunar. Yes it is different. I would'nt like to say if you could cope or not'

    Then there was silence.

    Alexander was offended, but knew his place not to lose his temper and speak back. He knew he would have to prove him wrong and become a top SeeD for sure.

    It was'nt long untill they landed. The ship opened, the sunlight blinded him for a second, covering his eyes the party got off the ship. They had landed on the edge of the sands of the desert prison, it was currently underground.

    'From here we travel by foot. Be prepared for monsters that might attack, if you have not yet done so be sure to junction your GF'

    Having said that Alexander was sure to junction Carbuncle and of course his GF Alexander.

    'Lets get going then'

  7. #7
    The Great Gig in the Sky Finisterre's Avatar
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    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar

    ‘Innes Fitzgerald, please report to the headmaster’s office.’

    Such was the announcement that arrived only minutes after the other students departed for their final SeeD exams. Rising from his favorite chair in the library, he walked out into the hallways, contemplating what he was summoned for.

    He found his way to the elevator door. A push of the button would close those doors, and lead him to the top floor. The sanguine figure of the headmaster Aden would greet him upon their opening.

    Then, conversation had arisen, lasting for several minutes before ending with the boy leaving Solar Garden in a hurry.

    * * * * * *

    I’m late… the instructors are going to kill me…

    Innes came running as fast as he could through Balamb port, ignoring the curious gazes of the citizens as his mechanical limbs pushed him forward, sometimes through pools of people. How on earth did he wind up late for his final SeeD exam?

    Well, okay, maybe technically I’m not late; I was added at the last minute, so unexpected at least. But still, this is a bit.…

    As his mind raced, he found himself facing a motorboat. There was nothing special about it; it was small enough to carry a small number of people. There were two reasons it caught his attention, one being the easily recognizable emblem upon its sides that indicated it was the property of SeeD. The second being an actual member of SeeD, a female several years older than Innes, was standing right beside it, looking stiff and miffed. It seemed she was had been standing there for quite awhile.


    “Innes, you’re late,” she declared bluntly. “Would have been fine if you’d take the car, but no, had to play marathon man and run all the way here.... never mind, let’s just get you over there, A-sap. We’ll talk more on the boat. You know what your task is, I assume?”

    “I got the gist,” said Innes, pretending not to hear the side notes as he and the woman entered the boat. “We’re there to take care of some problems in Winhill, right?”

    “Innes, you can’t just ‘get the gist.’ As a SeeD, you need to make sure you understand every detail, even if you are in a hurry. If you can’t do that and misunderstand something, it’s going to spell disaster for you and your teammates eventually. Understand?”

    Her words left ambivalence in Innes’ heart, but after a moment of silence: “Yes…”

    The SeeD woman sat in the driver’s seat, starting up the boat. After a few moments, it finally moved, turning it around to face the Galbadian continent. It moved at a slow cruising speed, and gradually picked up pace until a spray of white foam had been jetting from behind.

    “We should be there in about half an hour at this speed. So, let me ask again, what is your mission?”

    “A large number of gangs have been giving Winhill some trouble lately, and so we have been hired to rout them. We won’t be getting paid, and Lunar Garden is closer to them than we are, but we’ve decided to help nonetheless. This will be good for gaining experience for other faraway missions such as this.”

    “Very good. And did you remember to bring a couple GFs with you for this mission? As you know, you cannot pass the SeeD exam without at least one.”

    “Yes, and I’ll junction them now. Thanks for reminding me.”

    After that which he had said was done, and feeling a little less guilty about himself, Innes decided to rest awhile. No sense in turning the trip into a hellride when everything seemed to be proceeding smoothly. He stretched out, hands behind his head, and watched Balamb shrink as the distance between him and it grew larger. The sky was terribly bright, only a tuft of cloud or the tiny gray silhouettes of gulls occasionally smudging onto otherwise bright blue painting. There were no signs of storms coming to brew as far as the eye could see.

    Yes, everything would be perfectly fine—

    “Oh, I almost lost tract of the time,” said the woman, whose voice had a hint of glee within it. “This is your punishment for being late. I’m aware of the predicament you’re in, but as a SeeD you should also not hinder your task because of your fears. As such, I will make you listen to whatever it is I put on the radio for the rest of the way.”

    “Wait… what?”

    She didn’t answer, but stretched out a hand to fumble around with the various knobs that poked out from one region of the controls on the boat. White noise gargled in response, until finally voices and jazz-like music began to swim out and dominate the speakers. But it all weaved together to form something that Innes knew and hated.

    “No…!” said Innes.

    “But it is,” said the other. “Dmitri Lebedev’s abhorrent Kvass Channel of terrible music and even worse jokes! Right from Timber!”

    Innes’ eyes widened at the very name of the channel. “No!”

    “It’s half past a raven and time for the news.” said a fake-masculine voice on the radio, followed by simulated laughter at the pun. “Well... aside from finding a noose in the Timber school’s teacher’s office this morning, I don’t have much to say! Ha ha ha!”

    There was more simulated laughter, even louder than before.

    “Auuugh! Nooo! My ears!! This–can’t be happening!!”

    And so a half minute boat ride became a preview of Hell.

    * * * * * *

    Finally, the pair arrived on the same grounds as what the other SeeDs had embarked on. Innes, lying on his side in a fetal position and trying his best to cover his ears even after the radio had been shut off, had to be lifted up by the SeeD woman and pushed off onto the sand to be brought back to his senses.

    “If you hurry, the team won’t be too far off,” said she. “Do you have everything?”

    “I think so,” said Innes, stretching his gloves over his hands, and pressing the button on his chest to make sure his gun was available. Check. Ammunition, check, placed in a little satchel on his right hip. His GFs were junctioned at the start of the boat ride.

    Horrid memories of the ride… still fresh.

    “Yes, I do.”

    “Good luck, then.”

    “Thank you.”

    Innes turned and ran across the sand fields, desperate to catch up to his teammates. It did not take long before he saw he was almost upon them as silhouettes that drew nearer and more detailed as he ran to them.

    “Hey! Hold up! You’ve got a friend in m—no! I’m a student at Solar Garden, here for my exam! I’m not late, I’m just unexpected!” he shouted as he came within earshot of them, raising an arm to garner more attention. Eventually he caught up to them, panting and sweating a little, but quickly regaining his ability to keep talking, and standing up straight. “The headmaster put me in at the last minute… I’m here to give you guys a hand with the Winhill incident. Innes Fitzgerald, reporting in.”

  8. #8
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
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    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar


    After the announcement, I grunted, my eyes switching back and forth between scanning the hallway further out and the lovely bookworm I had pressed to the back wall of the janitor's closet. I decided to end off with one last kiss before I propped her chin up, winked at her, and made my way out.

    At this point, the announcement sounded one more time, but by then I had my headphones in place and my music blasting. As I walked, I kept my awareness up to spot any would be catches for the day. Following the test thing, I'd want a way to relax. Ahead was Kali M, one of three of our lovely band who was already in a relationship, though hers was by far the most interesting to me and not just for her partner. As I arrived, I greeted her and hit the button for the lift. Moments later, the doors opened and we entered. It had been this way always. Kali M and I, along with a couple of others could be exactly where we needed when we wanted. Others...

    'Hi, sorry, pardon me. Coming through!'

    ... weren't so fortunate. Still, the lad had his cute moments and losing track of himself was one of his best. Sadly, he would come just a few seconds short of riding up with us so we exited to the headmaster's office first.

    [la]”Late as usual.”[/la] I noticed Kali M mutter to herself when Alex arrived.

    Brushing up next to her, I would add an "on the contrary...", passing my watch before her eyes as we were led into the next room.

    First to speak to us would be Sorcerer Aden, our headmaster... and by headmaster, I do mean to imply more.

    “Welcome students, please come in. I don't have much time so I'll make this quick. You will be put in to teams and be lead by an instructor. You are heading to Winhill. They have been having some trouble with a large group of gangs attacking the village. Winhill is only a small village and does not have that much money and so Garden is not being paid for such a mission. However no matter the task but before you, you must act as if it was the most important mission of your life. A few SEEDS will be going with you to take the lead. You will all be given your own jobs. Now I'm sorry but that’s all the time I have, I must be off. Good day”

    Following the headmaster was none other than Mr. OCG, our instructor. Apart from the innate contempt we had for each other, I enjoyed picking at the pride he held in structure and hierarchy, which only irked him further. He had come from Garden Lunar, which held a firm and rigourous military-like code of discipline and other sticks up one's arse of the like.

    "Alexander, Kallisto and Arashi. Squad A. I am Instructor Gaston, your supervisor for today’s field examination. We will also be met by a SeeD escort. In approximately an hour’s time Garden Solar shall be entering Balamb airspace. I trust you will profit from this time to ensure that you have junctioned yourselves appropriately for a mission during which you must focus on communications and the gathering of intelligence. You must also take the time to elect a field captain, who will be responsible for maintaining harmony within the group. Further mission details will be elaborated upon en route to Winh—Kallisto!"

    Skip the two step here where the hidden pride and joy of Mr. OCG's private gallery of rouges disappoints and jump straight away into...

    [la] "WHAT! You mean to tell me we are going halfway round the world to talk to locals? Pardon me but we are training to be SeeDs NOT messengers. " [/la]

    "Kallisto being a SeeD also means knowing to take orders and not talk out of place. If you don’t want to do the mission you can always go back to your dorm and miss out. Do you want that?"

    [la]”No sir.”[/la]

    ...the father/daughter quip. Of course, unbeknownst to the rest of my company, I had read a few articles written by Mr. OCG and knew these words were nothing short of hypocrisy, though the good instructor had been working ever so hard to hide it.

    Before we were to board, I noticed in the distance another lovely in our class, the stoic Ms. Yvette Dryden. Kali M seemed starstruck by the girl and very abashed whenever around her, which wasn't helped by the cold exterior Ms. Dryden displayed. Smiling to myself, I took hold of some equipment and made my way to the ship.

    After sharing mutual looks of distaste and insubordination with Mr. OCG, I placed the equipment down on a seat before making my way further inside where Ms. Dryden had departed to. Now, I had mentioned her hardened exterior, but if there was anything that would get through to the soft chewy center, it just may be this:

    "Hello, Ms. Dryden." I cooed with a wink.

    "Oh, hello." She replied with the faintest blush appearing on her cheeks.

    "Stop it." Mr. OCG grumbled, making his way past us.

    "I was only saying hello."

    "I don't mind." She noted before heading back out to take her seat near Kali M and Alex who had boarded by this time.

    Mr. OCG brushed past me at this point, having overheard the conversation that had been going on between those two, and with a grumble said,

    'Alexander, the reason we are traverling so far is because you must get used to it. Garden Solar and Lunar work very differently, you do not have certain areas under your protection. If you wish to be a SeeD then you must learn to go no matter what distance to keep others safe. As for your questions on Lunar. Yes it is different. I would'nt like to say if you could cope or not'

    Alex seemed to take offense to that, but remained silent. Actually, after I had gotten to my seat, the only sound that could be heard was that of the engines. It would appear that Kali M was still beside herself being so close to Ms. Dryden, hence her unusually cold demeanor towards Alex's questions earlier. While I had not paid much attention to the content of the conversation, I was still hearing it and noted her stern responses. As for me, I began looking through my playlist for specific hits I'd want playing in our mission. I had been assigned reconnaissance following my unauthorised "hello."

    We landed about an hour later, Alex stumbling out of the ship as he was blinded by the light reflected off the sands. They would all proceed directly into Winhill, but I would have to survey the area and set up automated scout posts for the perimeter. I went around the area to get those posts planted, fending off a few Bite Bugs in the process. Naturally, I drew some Fire magic from them, but I could only gain so many before the Caterchipillar reinforcements would arrive. When I was done with the perimeter, I radioed in to Mr. OCG who just grunted acknowledgement before cutting off. With my job done, I sat myself down on some grass, surveying my current position near some cattle and lay on grass. After a while, static started coming from my headphones and I had to remove them. I heard a strange noise from above and when I looked...

    You know, we'll leave it at that. One less cow to worry about, I guess.
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  9. #9
    - Névi et du Sancta - Gemini's Avatar
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    Nov 2003

    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar

    .:[ Yvette ]:.

    - Winhill Mission -
    T Minus 5 Hours

    "I leave in 5 hours," I repeated to my Mother over the phone. "Open your ears, will you?"

    "Hush, hush," the doctor scolded. "Just be sure to call me when you arrive there. Be sure to set an example for the SeeD trainees." I heard a quiet snicker from her end. "Remember that you're overseeing the trainees, though."

    "I'm not a showoff, doc. You know me better than that."
    A soft laugh escaped me. "Tell Cid I said hi. Now go inject another moomba. Bye, Ma."

    "Goodbye, darling."

    A newer cadet passed by as I shut my phone, giving a nod. The corner of my mouth raised slightly in acknowledgment; they continued on. The hard bench was losing its comfort, so I stood, stretched, and began my trek down the marble-floored hallway, to my dorm.

    - Winhill Mission -
    T Minus 3 Hours

    Just passing through the first gate of the training facility, I noticed a figure out of the corner of my eye. There, atop of the small bridge, stood Gregori, a new cadet from Timber. He was a tall, well-built man whose parents worked in Esthar, employees of my Mother.

    "Greg," I called. "I don't see you here often."

    He looked around a bit, surprised, until his eyes were set on me. "Wow. Ya surprised me, Nera."

    "Sorry about that." I steadily paced over to the cadet. "You know, the Rexaurs are out about this time. They're not the friendliest bunch of lizards." Just then, the roar of one could be heard close by. "Speak of the devil."

    Greg drew his standard, Garden-issued sword. "Man, oh, man. This is bad." He glanced around frantically. "And not even an ounce of magic on me."

    I sighed, drawing my weapons from their holsters. "Would've been nice to have, you know?" I scolded. "Just stay alert."

    Greg only walked a few paces from the bridge before the trees shook, then swept in the tail from those very trees. Greg was swept off his feet, and landed on his back with a loud thud. "Ugh!" The tail came for a second hit, but the cadet rolled away before being smashed; the Rexaur roared and leapt from the trees, onto the bridge, glaring at Greg as if he were dinner.

    I fired a bullet in the lizard's direction, getting its attention. "That's right, buddy. Over here." The creature charged at me head-on, bearing its teeth. "Let's dance."

    - Winhill Mission -
    T Plus 1 Hour

    Instructor Gaston seemed peeved. At last minute, I decided to not "make him that deal", figuring he wouldn't be adequate for my request. Little did I care for the man anyway, as well as the pig Arashi; he needed to learn how to properly talk to a lady, but playing along was fun.

    I remained paces behind Kali and the stubborn Alexander, Gaston only feet beside me. I was to oversee the trainees, only lending my assistance under dire circumstances.

    You know, I get the feeling something might go wrong, I thought. From the corner of my eye, I noticed something upon a rooftop, which disappeared from my sight once I looked. Just might.
    Can we pretend that airplanes
    In the night sky
    Are like shooting stars
    I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)

  10. #10
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar

    » » Olivier Cross Gaston » »

    The tender breeze caressed the angles of my face as we disembarked our vessel, departing from the shoreline. To the east, lay our destination, concealed in a thicket of russet and emerald. Though a Galbadian national myself, I had never much cared for Winhill. Granted it was quaint, even picturesque, but I’d always thought the notion of an idyllic village life, abstracted from the trappings of modernity, to be not only contrived, but naive.

    “From here we travel on foot. Be prepared for any monsters that might attack, and if you have not yet done so, be sure to junction your GF.”

    As I’d expected, Squad A had elected Kallisto, the most capable candidate of the party, as their field captain. Much to my appreciation, her first action was to delegate Arashi, a self-indulgent, egotistical narcissist, for whom I had very little time, the initial task of surveying the town’s perimeter. Meanwhile, Alexander and Kallisto would carry out the more direct investigation of interviewing the townsfolk, until he could join them a little later.

    On our approach to Winhill, I took a moment to consider my colleague, the enigmatic Yvette. Tall, and haughty, she wasn’t exactly beautiful. Rather, elegant seemed to be a better fitting word for a woman so poised. She moved with the delicately lethal grace of a panther, and appeared decidedly detached from her current context. Her self-important demeanour and confident attitude had piqued my curiosity, but with a mission at hand, now was not the time to indulge this instinct. Consequently, I focused my attention on the two remaining students, Kallisto and Alexander.

    “So, apparently, there’s this spell – Aurora or something – that makes you fight better? You got any stocked?”

    Upon hearing this, I was torn between the urge to cringe or to sigh. The Advanced Magic class with my beloved colleague, Miyu was no longer compulsory for Garden Solar cadets under 18, but nonetheless, there was no excuse for a lack of independent research, especially when Solar had an incredibly extensive library, with an elaborate anthology of magic-related folios, rivalled only by Esthar’s own national collection. Though it required much self-persuasion, I eventually put this slip of the tongue down to nerves on Alexander's behalf, while my less forgiving, mysterious, colleague snickered to herself.

    [la] “It’s Aura Alex. It doesn’t exactly work like that. And no. All I have is some basic curative magic. Anyway, we have to devise a plan of action. You take the restaurant and the pub, and I’ll deal with the shopkeepers. We'll cover more ground, and quicker if we split up.”[/la]

    At least someone was demonstrating the focus required of a SeeD…
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