Home? What is, home? Is it that place where we live the rest of our lives? What if I are never in one place? guess that can not be home then. Is it the place where you grew up? What if you got ran out of the village? What if they do not want you back, except for your services? Is that still considered.... home?
I woke up from a terrible dream. A dream that always seems to haunt me whenever I come back to this place. I looked towards the direction of Winhill and saw the people actively starting thier day. It was morning after and it appeared to be a beautiful sunrise. I looked off towards the horizon to catch a glimpse of something worthwhile for once. But that chance was ruined.
I heard machinery in the distance. Nothing that Winhill possessed. Only two places did. Garden Lunar and Garden Solar.
Great, just want I needed. SeeD.
I headed towards the small village, I quickly though that if they saw the job had been completed they would leave. I doubled my pace to the village knowing I would beat them there, but the thought of battle started pumping in my veins.
It will either be protecting the village or fighting SeeD. But something tells me that fighting SeeD is unavoidable.
As I neared the village a man popped out in front of me, sword drawn, but not in attack posture and he spoke in a very rough grunty voice. He looked as though he hadn't shaved in months, and looked extremely aggravated, not to mention, bored. "Oy! Who are you there stranger?"
"I am but a citizen of this poor village. I grew up here as a kid. I'm just coming to visit, and reclaim lost memories," I spoke, touching the hilt of my sword, not drawing it, but gripping it tightly. The man leaned closer and spoke to me.
"Is that so?" he said letting out a breath that smelled oh so much like achool. I hate achool. Nasty stuff. He picked his sword up wobblying back of forth as he walked closer, almost falling and tripping many times. I found he wasn't worth my time. I released my grib on my sword, and decided to walk around him. He grew very offended, moving his blade to block my path, nearly cutting me.
"Oh ho ho, where did you think you are going sunny-boy?" He said, obviously looking for fight, waiting to see my move. "I may be a bit drunk, but you haven't seen what I can do yet."
He drew his sword back, letting out a battle cry that was loud enough to be heard on the next continent. SeeD would come to investigate this scream. Great, more bull****.
The drunk raised his sword coming at me with faster speed than before. He swung before I could grab hilt of my sword again, and I had to jump out of the way. The blow to the earth shattered the ground.
"Ah, so you do move?" He said, in a sly voice, picking up his sword and facing me, apparently no longer drunk. I drew me sword, not saying a word. I didn't know what to do. The village is behind me, but he could catch up to me and get me in the back, which would end badly for me. Or I could stand and fight him, even though SeeD was not far off at all. SeeD would not fight me unless they knew who I was exactlly, and only two people do. I doubt they came, so SeeD will not pose a problem, unless they interfere with my work. I looked straight at the guy.
"I will end this quickly, I have some place to be today."