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Thread: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar

  1. #11
    Playa' Please! Ryan T. Loveless's Avatar
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    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar


    Home? What is, home? Is it that place where we live the rest of our lives? What if I are never in one place? guess that can not be home then. Is it the place where you grew up? What if you got ran out of the village? What if they do not want you back, except for your services? Is that still considered.... home?

    I woke up from a terrible dream. A dream that always seems to haunt me whenever I come back to this place. I looked towards the direction of Winhill and saw the people actively starting thier day. It was morning after and it appeared to be a beautiful sunrise. I looked off towards the horizon to catch a glimpse of something worthwhile for once. But that chance was ruined.

    I heard machinery in the distance. Nothing that Winhill possessed. Only two places did. Garden Lunar and Garden Solar.

    Great, just want I needed. SeeD.

    I headed towards the small village, I quickly though that if they saw the job had been completed they would leave. I doubled my pace to the village knowing I would beat them there, but the thought of battle started pumping in my veins.

    It will either be protecting the village or fighting SeeD. But something tells me that fighting SeeD is unavoidable.

    As I neared the village a man popped out in front of me, sword drawn, but not in attack posture and he spoke in a very rough grunty voice. He looked as though he hadn't shaved in months, and looked extremely aggravated, not to mention, bored. "Oy! Who are you there stranger?"

    "I am but a citizen of this poor village. I grew up here as a kid. I'm just coming to visit, and reclaim lost memories," I spoke, touching the hilt of my sword, not drawing it, but gripping it tightly. The man leaned closer and spoke to me.

    "Is that so?" he said letting out a breath that smelled oh so much like achool. I hate achool. Nasty stuff. He picked his sword up wobblying back of forth as he walked closer, almost falling and tripping many times. I found he wasn't worth my time. I released my grib on my sword, and decided to walk around him. He grew very offended, moving his blade to block my path, nearly cutting me.

    "Oh ho ho, where did you think you are going sunny-boy?" He said, obviously looking for fight, waiting to see my move. "I may be a bit drunk, but you haven't seen what I can do yet."

    He drew his sword back, letting out a battle cry that was loud enough to be heard on the next continent. SeeD would come to investigate this scream. Great, more bull****.

    The drunk raised his sword coming at me with faster speed than before. He swung before I could grab hilt of my sword again, and I had to jump out of the way. The blow to the earth shattered the ground.

    "Ah, so you do move?" He said, in a sly voice, picking up his sword and facing me, apparently no longer drunk. I drew me sword, not saying a word. I didn't know what to do. The village is behind me, but he could catch up to me and get me in the back, which would end badly for me. Or I could stand and fight him, even though SeeD was not far off at all. SeeD would not fight me unless they knew who I was exactlly, and only two people do. I doubt they came, so SeeD will not pose a problem, unless they interfere with my work. I looked straight at the guy.

    "I will end this quickly, I have some place to be today."
    Getting Married on September 15th, 2012!!!

  2. #12
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
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    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar


    Following the incident with the cow snatcher, I decided I should leave the bluffs less they return for another sample. As per instruction, we were to mingle, er, gather information from the locals. I made my way back into the town and scanned the areas for my teammates. Finding no one, I decided they were further on and entered the pub.

    Spotting the nearest townsman, I gave a simple greeting, "Hey, there."


    Extending a hand, I said, "SeeD Hopeful, Arashi."

    "I'm Gregory Winston."

    "Nice to meet you, Gregory Winston."

    ”You mind flirting outside?” Kali M muttered, brushing past us.

    "I was just saying hello." I said in defence, noting the arrival of my team captain.

    Turning her head with a wink back to me, she noted, ”For you that's flirting.”

    It was then that a scream erupted from outside. From the pitch, you could tell it was some distance away, but it had been loud enough to reach this far. With a quick glance at Kali, we both headed off. For a while, we weren't sure we were going the right way until a light tremor found its way to us. Further ahead, towards the entrance of Winhill stood two people, both wielding blades. The one closest to us seemed to be on the defencive as he stalled any chance to counter his assailent.

    Eventually, however, he would choose to fend off the opponent, "I will end this quickly, I have some place to be today."

    With ease, he lunged for the other man, feinting a few times as if to gather a brief amount of information to help his course of attack. Once he'd done that, it was a simple matter of securing an opening and the other man was dead in one strike. This character wasn't just any fighter. He had battle training much like our own SeeD program, though he was definitely not one of us.

    Slowly approaching him, I would raise my hands the moment he noticed my presence. After I was sure he had confirmed that I wasn't a danger to him, I carefully offered a hand, which he took.

    "SeeD Hopeful, Arashi, and who are you?" I said with a wink.

    "SeeD..." And with that, he removed his hand and placed it back on his weapon.

    "Am I missing something?" I asked, noting the different reaction I was getting from him.

    "Arashi, battle formation!" Kali ordered, unsheathing her gunblade.

    Nodding to her, I quickly conjured my corrosive magics and channeled them into my forearms and fists. SeeD protocol; Arrest any hostiles for later questioning. Use any necessary measures to secure the arrest.

    "Two against one, huh? Just like SeeD." He growled and charged.

    Kali would intercept, clashing her blade with the man's to allow me the opening to go for the capture. Charging in, I socked him in the chest to send him back a few yards before cartwheeling into a flip over him and putting him into a standing headlock to subdue him.

    "Is that the best you guys can do?" He choked out.

    "Enough for you, friend."

    He only grinned, taking hold of my arm with his free hand and hip-throwing me to the ground before going for a stab. Kali's gunblade slid between us to deflect, his blade planting itself into the ground just above my right shoulder. I grabbed the blade before he could pull it back out and activated the corrosive forces to begin eating away at the weapon.

    "Now now, play nice students." He scolded, holding out his free hand at us before casting Fire at point blank range.

    Kali was blown back a few steps while I was sent into a daze, the force of the spell having pressed me further into the cobblestone. By the time I had my wits about me, he was already on the move, having sent a leg into Kali's gut and following through to send her into me.

    Again, a daze, but I noticed something soft pressed against my lips for a second before I felt pressure on my chest. Shaking off the daze again, I sat up asking, "Was someone kissing me?" to which I would be answered, ”Not the best time for twenty questions.”

    Kali was locking swords with the unknown assailent, neither gaining any ground. Suddenly, Kali broke the lock and spun for a right parry, hitting the trigger for further effect. With our quarry momentarily stunned, I quickly bounded for him and took an elbow to the back of his head, effectively sending him to the floor. Rolling, he would distance himself from us, taking ragged breaths as he put a hand over his injury. Looking over at Kali, I noted the fight wasn't over yet and we were both tiring fast.
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  3. #13
    In Your Dreams James's Avatar
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    Nov 2004

    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar

    'So let me write this down, there are two rival gangs, both of which are fighting over the 'right' of land. And no one knows where they come from, they don't use magic and are mainly armed with guns. Raning from the ages of twenty onwards' Alexander said to a nodding old lady.

    Then from the corner of her his ear Alexander heard in a crash, not to far off.

    'what the.....pardon me' turning from the old lady he began to run towards the sound. Were the gangs here, were they attacking?! Alexander was a little worried, but at the same time this was what he wanted to be, to be a SeeD, to keep the peace and save the innocent.

    Turning a corner he saw both Arashi and Kali on the ground on top of each other, it almost looked like they were kissing.

    'Am I in the middle of something?'

    'I wish' Arashi said jumping to his feet

    'Nows not the time for Jokes Alexander'

    'Yeah, sorry 'captain'' reaching his arm out his pin wheel moved setting it self to attack mode rather than defense.

    'So, whos the bag guy then?' Alexander said looking up at his foe

    'We don't know, just some trouble caser'

    'It does'nt look like he's with one of the rival gangs, looks to old, he's not using a gun and to take you two down he must be smarter than some brainless thugs'

    'Who you calling old?!' the foe said leaping forward with his sword pointed towards us

    'whoa! Hold it hot shot! quickly aiming and firing my pin missle, it was'nt to attack but to put the attacker of his balence, and it worked, the pin missle hit his right leg and caused him to slip.

  4. #14
    The Great Gig in the Sky Finisterre's Avatar
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    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar

    Innes tried to ignore the gazes of the people as he moved throughout the town. Soft, unnatural whirs emitted from his legs with each step, accenting the oddity (and to his embarrassment) of his presence. Normally, they were not easily heard, but the city was quiet, and by nature so was Innes, and so were the people around him, and the silence caused his ears to listen more carefully for things, whether he wanted to or not. The other citizens seemed to be the same.

    I really do not like these looks some of these people have....

    Indeed, more than a few fish eyes directed toward him were not pleasant ones. Some were nothing more than curious stares, for it was not every day a quasi-android made his presence known–especially in a rural, peaceful area such as Winhill. Most of these gazes came mainly from children who had stayed the day with their grandparents, but spent most of their days out in cities like Deling. Other gazes, mainly from said grandparents, were hardly as welcoming – in fact, it seemed that because he was a SeeD, he was merely tolerated to take care of the gangsters. After that was done, he was no longer welcome; his mechanical limbs bore too much resemblance to the somewhat controlled chaos that was Deling, especially when they made those noises with each joint movement. Thugs that would know his reason for being here were unlikely to be any friendlier.

    To attempt to forget the discomfort, during the time which the trainees had seemed to split up, Innes took the time to head to the pub. Why not? He was young, but such was usually the best place to gather information on things in general, especially hot topics. What information he had at the briefing was rather lacking for him, and if part of the orders was to gather information regarding the gangsters, this could get that part of the assignment done quickly and effectively, provided there were people there.

    And there were plenty to go around, as Innes noted when he took his first steps into the pub. Hearty laughter and the high pitched rings of glasses colliding subsided gradually as heads turned to look at the boy, and the air grew suddenly heavy. A light sweat crawled out from his forehead as he moved forward to the stand at the other side of the bar, where a young woman (compared to the age range of the general populace, otherwise she appeared to be in her late 20s, early 30s) looked back, neither welcoming nor unwelcoming.

    Innes ordered a soda, which was brought to him within the minute. As the bartender left to fetch the glass Innes could hear the door slam behind him once, but the lack of hollowed thuds inside indicated someone was leaving, rather than exiting. The regular noise, very slowly, rose back up, although not to the same level it had been just moments before Innes stepped in. After finishing the glass, Innes asked the woman about the gangsters; any odd behaviors, clothing and accessories, preferred weaponry, etc., to which she answered:

    “Well, it’s more than one gang. There’s actually two, fighting over a territory, which just so happens to be here. Why here of all places, I haven’t got a clue. I haven’t paid attention to the clothes they wear, so it either doesn’t stand out or they don’t go around advertising themselves unless it’s something big for them. But one thing I’ve noticed is that they don’t use magic; they prefer guns and sometimes knives.” She then paused to review her words, then finally added: “And they’re relatively young. Not much older than you guys.”

    “I see....” said Innes. “Well, at least they don’t use any magic (especially not Thunder…). In any case, we’ll get rid of them as soon as possible. Thanks for the info.”

    “It’s not a problem,” said she, before then bending toward Innes and speaking in a lower voice, as not to disturb the other customers. “Although, it looks like you’ll be in for a fight sooner than you thought.”

    “Why do you say that?”

    “I think a pair of them left the bar while I was out grabbing your soda. They had guns strapped to their hips, and now they’re gone.”

    “That is odd,” the boy commented, looking back at the door. Could those have been the same people that he heard left the bar? In any case, he knew there were at least two nearby. If they were in fact the gangsters, there were two people whom he and the other students could take capture of, and extract information from, bringing them a little closer to their goal. “Well, I’ll go check it out. Thanks for the soda.”

    The waitress said nothing, but Innes rose anyway, heading for the door, gloves ready and a hand near his heart to sling out the gun as quickly as possible if the situation called for it.

    And it did, for after closing the door, eighteen steps away from the building were met with the appearance of a man that approached Innes at an abnormal pace and an expression more hostile than any old nanny had given him yet. A gun rested in a coiled hand of his.

    “It’d be one thing if they brought actual SeeDs,” said he, “but, these faces… did they actually think kids this young were able to do it?”

    “Garden wouldn’t have sent us if we couldn’t,” Innes replied. “Well, would it make it even more irritating to say that, technically, some of us aren’t actually SeeDs yet? That taking you out is all part of our exam?”

    The gangster halted several meters away, and Innes turned forty-five degrees, so his mechanical arm was concealed behind his body, and pushed the button situated just above his chest. The gun emerged, hidden from the man’s sight.

    Suddenly, the sound of metal clashing metal, and eruptions, filled the otherwise silent atmosphere.

    “What was that?”

    A smirk passed the gangster’s lips. “Sounds like it’s behind me. Why don’t you hurry over there and find out?”

    Suddenly: “He’s armed, Mara! Watch out!” a voice shouted from behind Innes. Innes, in turn, swung around, throwing his fist in a small range behind him to meet the new presence. Of course, it only punched air, but he could see the other man, holding a gun just a couple meters away from his face. Using the momentum of his swing, Innes allowed his body to lean to the side, barely dodging the bullet. Then he raised his mechanical arm and fired his own shot, piercing the other gangster’s knee.

    The gangster cried out and swore as he sunk to one foot, but before he could do anything else, the bulky figure of Innes was already in front of him, a leg reared and swinging forward, connecting with his nose with a distinct crack. The pain of a violently broken nose for the gangster was overwhelming, and as he was sent several meters backwards, he let out another curse as his eyes rolled upward, before losing consciousness.

    But that small diversion came at a price. While Innes was focused on that gangster, Mara took his own gun and fired, hitting Innes in the lower abdomen. Blood flowed out from the entry and exit of the wound, onto his shirt and pants.

    “That wasn’t too bad, trainee,” said Mara, “But you have made a serious mistake.”

    “And what might that be?” asked Innes.

    “You think that you’ll be allowed to leave here alive.”

    “I can’t speak for anyone else, but that’s what I plan to do.”

    “There are a lot of ways, you know, that travelers can meet their ends in these backwater parts of the world.”

    “Yet a SeeD is perhaps one of the last people to have simple accidents happen to them.”

    “All the better, then, that you are merely an in-training—one that let the possibility of becoming a SeeD get to his head and make him arrogant, so that he might stupidly take on a group of enemies by himself. How many people do you think will feel bad for a student that got cocky on the field and was killed for it? Not many, I’d wager. Even a mother will feel embarrassed that her child went out in such an idiotic way.”

    Innes’ brows moved a quarter of an inch lower and closer together.

    “And to answer your other question,” Mara continued, “No, probably not, simply because there are quite a few of us to go around, and so little of you, making the possibility rather unrealistic. Then there’s the other gang you’ll have to take care of. With a larger group of real SeeDs, maybe, but a small group of simple students and an instructor or two? Seriously? What do you have, kid, which makes you think you can actually pull through? It just doesn’t—”

    “Before you continue,” Innes interrupted, “I’d just like to point out that you seem to be making a big mistake yourself.”

    “Oh? And why do you say that?”

    “You think that you’ll be able to beat us. As I said, Garden only dispatches people to do a job if they can do it. If our job means taking out two gangs, we are capable of doing this. In this sense, I have more than enough to take you out, despite my mistake a few moments ago.”

    Now it was Mara’s turn to shoot an ugly look at his opponent.

    “I don’t like long speeches, so I’ll be plain: come without a fight, and provide our team with some information regarding your gang and the opposing one, and the worst you’ll receive is some few years in prison. Fight us, and you’ll wind up with that and a few broken bones.”

    But Mara shook his head. “As I said, you’re getting rather cocky, kid. Don’t even start proclaiming my options, when you don’t even come close to being a judge. Once you’re dead, I roam free.”

    The gangster raised his gun and fired it at Innes, who dodged the shot before it could meet his chest. In response Innes fired his own gun, which Mara also dodged, shot again, scraping his side slightly, but not enough to hinder him. Exchanging shots for half a minute before finally running out of ammo, the two paused to reload their weapons. Innes, whose arm was built to be used and reloaded quickly, was able to fire again first, and his first shot was lucky enough to hit Mara’s hand before he completely slipped the new ammo clip inside the gun.

    Mara yelped as the gun bounced off his bleeding hand and onto the street, some feet away from him, the ammo clip still miraculously attached to the gun. Innes strode forward.

    Mara fell back a step.

    The two stood for about three heartbeats, and Innes moved forward two paces, and Mara backed away again. Perspiration glistened upon their brows.

    Finally, Mara spoke: “Fine. We’ll have it your way.”

    Innes nodded. “Stay where you are.”

    But Mara did not, for as Innes came closer to knock out the man (it was safer for the moment, as Innes did not have any cuffs available), the gangster swung out a knife and charged Innes once he was close enough to take the boy by surprise. But despite that, Innes moved his mechanical arm to block the blade, and as the two collided, the knife snapped and Innes moved the arm upward to fly and collide with Mara’s jaw with stunning strength.

    The gangster remained conscious, though, and so, Innes reared the arm back while Mara was in a daze, and sunk it into the pits of his stomach. Even if he were able to remain conscious after that, the pain would last for a good week before subsiding. As it was, the pain would be too unbearable to allow movement, which gave Innes time to take the other gangster (whose nose was now terribly swollen), and tie the two up together with some rope at the request of the bar owner.

    He left the two tied up in the storage room in the pub, and moved onward to locate the source of all the other noise.

    I once saw a crematorium that gave discounts for burn victims.
    Claymore icon by obscuraomen @ livejournal

  5. #15
    The Divine Retributer Nemesis's Avatar
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    Sep 2003

    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar

    [la]”Great an opening.”[/la] I thought to myself as Alex’s attack had made our rival lose balance in front of me. [la]”You guys cover me.”[/la] I ordered as I rushed to our rival.

    I knocked him to the floor before placing my blade up to his neck, while also kneeling on his sword-wielding arm putting it out of action. [la]”Surrender now and I will spare your life.”[/la] I threatened believing I had the battle won.

    ”Typical SeeD, It’s not over yet.” he responded in an almost mocking tone. Looking down I caught a glimpse of him reaching down and pulling out what looked like an automatic pistol.

    Instinctively I jumped out the way as he swung his arm towards me. For someone complaining to be outnumbered he sure did have enough weaponry to balance it out. I glanced at him once more to see that he also had on him one other gun on the inside of his coat.

    I could feel myself getting more excited. This was what I wanted in the mission a good test of my abilities. Arashi and Alex with me as back up I was now more certain than ever it was only a matter a time before we would be victorious.

    [La]” Well Alex there goes your ‘has no gun’ theory out of the window.”[/la] I joked towards my comrade rising up from kneeling position. Looking directly at our opponent I took two steps back behind my comrades as Alex smirked at my comment. [La]”Alex I need you to do that attack again. And once it hits both of you need to charge in and grab his arms disabling him. Then I will take over.”[/la] I whispered into their ears.

    [La]” NOW!”[/la] I ordered. Alex fired his shot at our opponent, making him lose balance again before both he and Arashi charged in and grabbed our opponent grasping firmly onto his arms restraining him so that he could not retaliate in any kind.

    I felt relief that my plan had worked. Our opponent was struggling hard to escape, but the grasp of two SeeD cadets was too much even for a skilled and strong guy as he was.

    [La]”That is it, keep hold of him tightly.”[/la] I applauded as I slowly walked towards the three, slowly pulling off my gloves menacingly.

    ”What are we going to do with him?” Alex asked struggling to hold on.

    [la]”Well we are here to get information from people we find right.”[/la] I replied putting my right fist into my left hand. [la]”Well I think we have a prime candidate to interrogate information right here.”[/la]

    The look in the eyes of Arashi and Alex was one of disbelief. My use of torture that I had just implied went against everything Garden and SeeD stood for. I had to know if after electing me as their leader they would follow my orders blindly or think for themselves.

    ”Torture. I never thought even SeeD would sink this low.” Our opponent said in disgust.

    [la]”Low or not it can be effective given the right situation.”[/la] I reached into my pocket looking at the wound I had inflicted on him earlier. [la]”But this is not one of those situations.”[/la]

    Taking my hand out of my pocket I pulled out a potion. Pouring it down his mouth I ordered him to drink it before throwing the bottle on the floor. I took a step back before ordering the others to let him go.

    ”You think healing me will gain my favour SeeD?” He barked taking a step towards me before falling onto one knee. ”What is this? You have poisoned me.”

    [la]”Poison? Hardly, you see while you were busy downing that potion my friend Arashi here was able to cast a sleeping spell on you.”[/la] I explained to him as he fell onto his hands and knees.

    ”Curse you SeeDs. I will get revenge for this.” He muttered before collapsing into unconsciousness in front of me.

    Kneeling down to him I said in his ear [la]”I’m sorry but I can not have you getting in the way of our mission and costing us our places in SeeD.”[/la] With the other two I helped pick up our fallen opponent.

    ”What are we going to do with him?” Alex asked as I looked around for some kind of cover.

    [la]”Over there a small alleyway.”[/la] I said pointing between two buildings just a few yards away. [la]”we shall put him there, the gangs shouldn’t find him and this sleep spell you gave him Arashi should keep him out cold for a while right?”[/la]

    “Right.” Arashi nodded as we all carried him to the alleyway. “I guess we will have to report all this to the headmaster when we get back.”

    [la]”Yeah perhaps then we can find out who this guy is.”[/la] I said placing him down before drawing out my Gunblade and pointing them directly at Arashi’s groin. [la]”But if you add at any point or tell anyone that we kissed I will personally slice them off.”[/la]

    Arashi stood there in shock before I laughed and wandered off. [la]”Keep up guys we have more villagers to talk to and gang members to beat up.”[/la]

  6. #16
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar

    It was with bitter and unrelenting impatience that I waited, together with the rest of the elected Instructors, for the mission to conclude. Aboard one of Garden Solar’s many remote mobile command centres, stationed along the perimeter of Winhill, it was our job to both maintain a steady flow of communication with the SeeD candidates for whom we were responsible, and also to ensure their safety.

    Having remained out of contact with Squad A for a considerable amount of time, I donned my metallic CommLink device and radioed the party.

    "Field Captain Meliah, this is Instructor Gaston. Do you copy?

    An excessive pause. Instantly, I knew something was wrong...

    "Come in Kallisto."

    [la]"Kallisto receiving, sir."[/la]

    "Good." A sigh of releif. "Requesting immediate progress report Captain..."

    [la]"Squad A have regrouped and resumed to tackle our primary objectives: interrogation and intelligence. We will tar-"[/la]

    "Resumed?" I snapped, clearly frustrated by my protégé's response "As you ought to know Kallisto, -- indeed, as I myself have taught you – the most fundamental of SeeD protocol explicitly dictates that deviation from one's primary objective is acceptable under only exceptional circumstances. Given the usually secure, isolated and rural setting of your field examination, exceptional circumstances are hardly something one would expect you to encounter. A comprehensive explanation. Now."

    Don't disappoint me...

    I listened with great interest as Kallisto (and inevitably Arashi too since if something was going on, then he had to be involved) meticulously described their unexpected and bizarre encounter with a mysterious assailant of unknown extraction.

    Relieved that the circumstances were indeed, extraordinary, I sternly replied, "You need back up. I’m sending in Yvette. Restrained or otherwise, this attack is something which was not accounted for. You’re only cadets. We need an expert there. Continue to focus on interrogation, as discussed and Yvette will deal with this man should he pose any further issues. Understood?"

    [la]"But sir, we have the situ-"[/la]

    "A SeeD follows orders unquestioningly. Understood?"

    [la]"Understood. Sir."[/la]

    "Good. Instructor Gaston out."
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  7. #17
    - Névi et du Sancta - Gemini's Avatar
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    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar

    Gaston, as expected, was demanding and frank regarding my "ordered" dispatch to aid the trainees. "Understood?"

    I used a leg to rise up to both feet, sneering some. "Yeah, sure. I'm on it." I flipped some hair back. "Next time, don't be so pompous, and remember that we have the same level of authority during this mission." No more words were said as I walked off... none that I could hear, at least.

    I pressed onto the earpiece. "Kali, I have your locale. Gaston so-pleasantly asked me to come to your aid."

    [la]"There's only a certain one, ma'am. The rest we haven't had too much trouble with."[/la] There was a short pause. [la]"I'm sure we could've taken him if he didn't -"[/la]

    "Kali, let's drop the 'brute' attitude. It'll lead to carelessness." The town was in my sights; I knelt behind a solid, wooden wagon. "Remember: remain focused on your objective. Let nothing blind you from it; it's an ongoing challenge you'll have to face as a SeeD." I peeked from the side, noticing a faint figure upon the tavern's rooftop; that would be my destination. "Besides, Kali. The sooner we complete everything here, we just might make it back in time for dinner. And who knows, Gaston may inch that stick out of his ass a little."

    A faint laugh could be heard from the other end. [la]"Roger that. Kallisto, out."[/la]
    Can we pretend that airplanes
    In the night sky
    Are like shooting stars
    I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)

  8. #18
    In Your Dreams James's Avatar
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    Nov 2004

    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar

    'So, now he's alseep do we just leave him here? Anyone might find him. Do we go on with the mission talking to the locals? I mean I think I've got all the information I'm going to collect up. I dunno, what do we do?' ALexander said while paing back and forth. He was a little dissapointed with himself. It started before when Gaston questioned if he could handle being at Lunar. Now all day he's just been talking to a few old people and some kids.
    'What do you even do with the information? Do we use it? Are we going to go look for the gangs? Are we going to fight them?! I........'

    '[la]Alexander stop your ranting. Its true I'm not sure if we should just leave the body but Yvette is coming and will be his job to sort this mess out[/la]' she said kicking the body's hand in to the bush more'[la]So untill then we will continue to talk to the locals, what information have you so far?[/la]

    'There are two rival gangs, they are fighting over land, they both believe this is their 'turf'. No one knows where they come from. They have never been seen to use magic and have only been seen using guns.' Alexnader wondered if all he was good for was collecting information, that was not what he wanted to be known for.'

    'Very good Alexander, you've collected quiet alot of information there' Yvette had arrived, she had heard all of the information Alexander had collected 'Where is the body?

    Arashi pulled back the bush to show the sleeping man. Yvette nodded.
    'Very good, I shall deal with him. As for you three, I want you to call in to Gaston and let him know all the information you've found out. You will then wait on his orders.

    As the three got together ready to call Gaston they heard a loud noise. It sounded like bikes, motor bikes. Roaring sounds echoced over the villiage.
    'Looks like they are here. Stay here and allow the SeeDs to deal with them' Yvette said as she serched the body of their sleeping foe.

    They did as they were told,they had tired to call in to Gaston but the phone was no longer working.

    'You reckon the gangs cut off the mobile lines?'

    '[la]It would seem they are smarter than a few kids, ones coming this way! Prepare your self'[/la] she said pulling his sword out

    The youth on his bike was wearing black and blue leater from neck to feet, his helmet was black with hints of blue on it, with the image of a blue flan on it. He lifted his gun to the group. As he got closer he fired, hitting Alexander in the shouldar.

    'Arrr!'the pain took over, causing him to fall to his knees.

    The others tired to fight back, but he was to fast on his bike. alexander could'nt remember much after beening shot, the pain took over his body. It felt like a sort of magic was draining all his energy. He closed his eyes for what felt like a second, to open them to find himself half alseep on the back of the bike, leaving the villiage with the dirver infront of him.

    Alexander had been kidnapped.

  9. #19
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar


    ”Yeah perhaps then we can find out who this guy is.” She said as she began walking back into the town.

    Our sleeping assailant was left in my care, so I lifted him in a fireman's carry to proceed, but just as I took my first step, a gunblade positioned itself at my gut, the owner then adding, ”But if you add at any point or tell anyone that we kissed I will personally slice them off. Keep up guys we have more villagers to talk to and gang members to beat up.”

    The comment took me aback at first, considering I was still adjusting to the extra weight on my shoulders, but it took no time at all for the memory to return to me and I felt my lips curl into a smug grin for the rest of the trip.

    Hauling the Anti-SeeD around town while Kali M made up her mind what to do with him was all that occupied my thoughts since the battle. His identity, his background, and just how he could've been so well trained that it took all of us to finally bring him down were taking up all my attention so, despite being very heavily-equipped, the weight didn't bother me. I was truly concerned with him, what his enmity toward SeeD was and how he wasn't attracted to me. He must have really hated SeeD. No, it couldn't have been a mild vendetta that distracted him from me. It must have been something serious.

    '...just leave him here? Anyone might find him.'

    The sudden outburst had come after Kali M stopped us somewhere on the side of Winhill. Immediately, I dropped the guy, his body crashing into some scrubs and tall-grass behind me. Walking forward a few steps to stretch out my shoulders and back, I noticed Kali M glance at me a couple times as the little one continued to rant.

    'What do you even do with the information? Do we use it? Are we going to go look for the gangs? Are we going to fight them?! I........'

    To this, Kali M groaned and walked towards our captive. '[la]Alexander stop your ranting. Its true I'm not sure if we should just leave the body but Yvette is coming and...[/la]'

    I stretched my back again during this time with my eyes closed. When I opened them again, I was staring straight into her eyes as she continued, '[la]will be his job to sort this mess out[/la]'

    Taking her eyes off of me, she went ahead and kicked the guy deeper into the scrubs before continuing, '[la]So untill then we will continue to talk to the locals, what information have you so far?[/la]

    My eyes traced her step towards Alex before moving on back into Winhill. Smiling slightly, I moved to the nearest person and introduced myself the same way as before. He told me about the Malleus Maleficarum, a gang of riley bikers who have been terrorising the women in Winhill and nearby towns. It was due to them that another gang arrived, composed entirely of women. I was nearly ready to burst at this impromptu battle of the sexes when Ms. Dryden arrived to take my attention off this guffaw of a story.

    'Where is the body?

    To that, I walked back over to the tall-grass and brushed away some of it to reveal “the body”. Moments later, we were surrounded by the... Malleus Maleficarum...

    'Looks like they are here. Stay here and allow the SeeDs to deal with them'

    Kali M tried to dial up Mr. OCG, but that just wasn't happening. 'You reckon the gangs cut off the mobile lines?'

    '[la]It would seem they are smarter than a few kids, ones coming this way! Prepare your self'[/la]

    My eyes focused on the nearest one, this one wielding a Walther P99, as the rest of them made their way to surround us. Before any of us could react, the gunner targeted Alex and quickly acquired him. With a grunt, I went back to back with Kali and the two of us began assessing the situation. Meanwhile, I noticed Yvette closest to our captive. We needed information from him so he was an asset we couldn't lose, especially to these morons. Looking on as Alex and his captor faded further in the distance, I bumped shoulders with Kali.

    “You or me, one of us has to help Alex.”

    [la]”I'll go. I can get to him faster than you. You should try to get to the bushes.”[/la]

    “Actually, I have that covered, as well as a path for you. Just head out, okay?”

    With her hair brushing the back of my head, I knew she nodded so I signaled Yvette and directed her to the bushes nearby with my eyes. She understood immediately and even understood what I was about to do, turning her back so that she could secure our captive. Feeling Kali depart, I closed my eyes, sensing the encircling gangsters drawing nearer. Taking in a few breaths, my body lurched and released the Guardian Force.

    Unlike what I'd heard of most GFs, this one had an issue within itself. Calling it forth was painful to say the least and my mind could only sustain it for so long. I felt my form being overlapped by it, taking me into the air as it expanded its long fingers and limbs. From darkening eyes, I could see the panicked gangsters and then I unleashed the spell. Pools of corrosive fluid rushed from my legs, drowning their vehicles and turning them to ash. With the GF's spindley fingers, it grasped the nearest gangsters, its touch poisonous. As soon as they saw their friends shriveling, they retreated in a flash.

    Taking a breath with a racing pulse and blurring vision, I returned from its fading presence. Yvette noticed the fleeing gang and knew to turn her attention back to me. She brought the captive toward me and braced herself the moment I fell losing consciousness in her arm.
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  10. #20
    In Your Dreams James's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Re: final fantasy 8: Garden Solar/Lunar

    Alexander woke up with his head throbbing. He rubbed his eyes to find himself sitting down against a cold stone wall. His wrists had chains around them; he was tied to the wall. Standing up he was able to move a few steps forward before the chains held him back. He appeared to be underground in some sort of cave. He could smell sweet incense. There were torches hanging of the walls lighting the long corridor in front of him. The corridor ended at a wooden door.

    'Where the hell am I?' he wondered

    'So you finally woke up! Its been two hours since we took you!' Alexander wasn't sure where the voice was coming from. Searching around him he couldn't see anyone else near him or in the dark corridor.

    'Above you' said the voice again

    Alexander noticed the voice wasn't very clear. Looking up he noticed a speaker poking out of the rocks.

    'Who are you? And what do you want from me?!' Alexander shouted pulling on the chains

    'We are the Blue Flan Group!'

    '...The blue flan group......your group name is from a flan? Your kidding right? Why not something scary like a dragon?

    'You in a odd position to be cracking jokes Seed wanna be!'

    He was right, Alexander was trapped, and he had best keep his cool

    'What do you want? Why are you attacking windmill?' he said politely

    'Our business with Windmill is none of your concern. However the reason we took you, Seed wannabe is because we have taken you hostage. Seed being at windmill is stopping us from fighting the red Imps. So unless Seed leave, we will kill you!'

    This stuck a cord with Alexander. For the first time with talking with the speaker he was scared.

    '......one life won't matter to Seed. They will just continue to fight on, and will stop you and the other gang' Alexander tired to sound brave, but he wasn't sure if it was coming across

    'Trust me, if it was up to me you would be dead by now but our leaders have a different plan. You leaders are about to be sent a message where they will see you here trapped.'

    the door from the corridor smashed, as did the wall around it. A wall of large metal spikes had pushed forward.

    'What is that?!' Alexander was starting to loose his cool

    'That is how you are going to die unless your Seeds leave. Your Seeds have two hours to leave, as the seconds go on the wall will get closer and closer to you. If they don't leave then you will become a very red wall pattern'

    '......Like.....Like I said one life won't matter to them.'

    'We're very good at kidnapping people dear seed wannabe. Who knows who could be next? The children of windmill?'

    'You monster!' Alexander shouted, tiring to swing his arms

    'Pictures of your situation have been sent to your leaders, lets hope they come for you, eh?'

    Alexander knew he couldn't show that he was panicking. In his head he was screaming and wanted to breakdown. He wanted to give up and beg but he couldn't like them break him.

    'The Blue Flan Group?' Alexander looked directly in to the speaker and said with a smile
    'What a stupid name!'

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