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Thread: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

  1. #11
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! McLovin's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    The enemy swarmed to attack Sarina, but I whipped out my rifle and began firing super-heated plasma at them. What rounds did hit did moderate to light damage, but not enough. I channeled my CE through the rifle and gave it another shot, this time shooting a super-cooled liquid that was below -25 degrees. I concentrated my fire on one enemy first, covering it with the gooey liquid and dropping him out of the sky.

    But by the time I switched targets, but they too close for the plasma rifle to be effective. Tossing it aside, i unsheathed my sword and flew up to take the fight to them. The others used their CE to help take the remaining 3 down and to keep me covered, but it was slow going.

    The hardest part was keeping the 3 of them off Sarina, who they shot at whenever they weren't defending themselves from my vibrating sword. I slashed at one, hoping to chop his arm off and preventing him from shooting at the others, but when i made contact a fog of cold mist emanated from his arm and my sword. My only assumption was that it was a bad mix of my ice CE and probably his fire. I jumped back away from the fog in case they tried to launch a counter attack while hidden. But when the mist cleared they were gone. I landed back on the ground with the others, who were as confused as me.

    "Maybe they ran away?"
    "Doubtful. Seriously doubtful. To be honest, they were winning that fight."
    "Thanks for the words of encouragement."

    I turned back around to look for signs of the enemy, scanning for any heat signals. There was nothing that i could see, but as I turned off my heat scanner a wave of bullets roared up behind us, striking Leon the worst while the rest of us managed to jump out of the way.

  2. #12
    Khan of Clan Wolf Mechwarrior21's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    It wasn't looking good for us. These pilots were good, probably even better than us. I slashed at one, but it parried my sword before firing its machine gun at me. Only a combination of luck and quick thinking allowed me to avoid most of the bullets. From the looks of it, any one of them are more than a match for 1 of us.

    "At this rate, we're gonna get our asses kicked."

    "How the hell did these guys get such extensive training? Only someone with knowledge of Elite training could have taught someone to fight this well."

    "Clesis! Look out."

    Just then, a swarm of missiles headed in our direction. Clesis would've received most of the damage if Leon didn't warn him in time. Sarina fired back but missed. I decided that we needed to do something drastic to even have a chance of winning

    "Everyone, Formation S32."

    "We needed to resort to tactical formations huh? Guess we have no choice."

    "Not if we want to win this fight no. Do it."



    "Copy that."

    And with that, Sarina and Leon flew in front of me and Clesis. I drew out my sword as did Clesis. Leon reinforced his SCM with this CE as did Sarina. They dashed towards the enemy formation, bullets and missiles deflecting off the electical shielding. Me and Clesis flew out from behind them and slashed at them. They backed off but was suddenly caught when Sarina and Leon fired at them. One SCM had its arm taken off due to this.

    "Got 'em!!!"

    "Don't celebrate just yet people. They are still a threat till we sink 'em. Now F52." as we charged them.
    I'm like you.....I have no name - Mr. X

  3. #13
    Kendo Level Shodan! Makenshi's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    As we all charged towards the next approaching enemy we were suddenly stopped breaking our formation as a wall of ice appeared before us. Within moments the ice began to form around us.

    “Rei….” I shouted in the mic.

    ”Got it!”

    Instantly, Rei grabbed out beam cannon and with haste fired a stream of fire condened particle at the ice. The result was a torrent of water like a waterfall falling towards the earth. As Rei, got distracted by the ice, our formation slightly broke apart since the remaining three SCM, charged at Clesis hitting him with bullets.

    The barrier casted on Clesis began to wear off as a few bullets penetrated Clesis damaging his legs.

    ”Oh boy, these guys don’t stop!”

    Grabbing his Reveerberated Sword Clesis turned the sword on to sonic mode allowing the sword to twirl quickly like a drill. Clesis quickly extended forth the sword and injected his CE through the blade. The result created a hail storm of ice bullets being emitted from the sword at the enemy. However, Clesis was unaware that the enemy he intended to strike was a person capable of manipulating fire. With a wave of his hand the ice particles turned to steam and the SCM grabbed out his Axe to meet Clesis.

    I grabbed out my pistol and decided to provide cover for Clesis, however as soon as I did that a SCM charged at me launching me several feet back. Turbulence was all I felt as I lost control of my unit briefly.

    As I regained my balance I grabbed out my sword and wiped it at the enemy infused with lightning. The SCM barely dodged my attack cutting a side of its armor exposing the wires. Finding my opportunity I grabbed hold of my gun let lose a few bullets. Instantly the SCM was surrounded by wall of earth and the bullets that I released didn’t penetrate through.

    ”Dammit this is not looking good.” I thought as I noticed Leon fighting with the lightning user enemy SCM. I looked at my gun and noticed I had only a dozen bullets left.

    ”Great and I just threw my sword!” I quickly released a stream of lightning at the SCM in effort to catch the enemy off guard.

    "Because I exist, my enemy exits. If there is no self, then there can be no enemy." Yamaoka Tesshu

  4. #14
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! McLovin's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    i blocked the SCM's attack with my sword, and continued to fight him off with it. CE was no use, not on a fire user anyway.

    "Sarina, how bout we switch dance partners for a bit?"
    "Fine with me."

    I created a mist of ice and water around me and quickly flew over to the SCM Sarina was just fighting, driving my vibrating sword into its chest. My ice attacks were alot more effective against an earth type than fire. Likewise, Sarina was man-handling (so to speak) the fire type.

    My attack sent the SCM sprawling back, and as he began to get up I shot the ground below him my plasma rifle, but with Ice bullets. The ground around him froze up, making a slippery surface and hard for him to get up. I laughed as the SCM climbed to his feet only to fall back down, then leaped up into the air and brought my sword down on him. I again put the sword on sonic mode, making an icy drill that drove through his armor, disabling the enemy's SCM. Ghost stepped in and incinerated the remains of the SCM, alittle harsh in my opinion.

    "he was down though."
    "Better not take any chances," was all he said before he turned to do the same thing to Sarina's fallen foe.
    "So.......who's left?" I said cautiously as I looked around for anymore SCM. I didn't remember how many there were, if I had even seen them all, and it definitely felt like more were out there.

  5. #15
    Khan of Clan Wolf Mechwarrior21's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    Dodging a stream of bullets, I drove my sword into the SCM which caused it to explode. I took my cannon out but it seems the enemies started a retreat.

    "Ha, seems they're retreating. Looks like we've won this one."

    I looked at my radar display. Despite no enemies on it, I still have an uneasy feeling. Apparently, Sarina felt the same.

    "Keep a lookout, I have a bad feeling about them suddenly retreating."

    "Guys, got something incoming and it's fast."

    The SCM that appeared in front of us was very strange. It looked like it was based on a devil. I looked at the radar again, thinking that there will others but it was alone. It suddenly pulled out 2 guns from its hip and started shooting. We dodged it and Leon pushed forwards towards it. Which was what the enemy wanted him to do as it combined both guns and suddenly a scythe blade appeared. Leon realised it too late and was slashed in half.

    "Damnit, I'm ejecting." and he bailed out just as his SCM blew up.

    "Damn this guy's fast."

    "Surround it, try to attack together."

    Neither I or Clesis argued. However, this guy was very good. Using his speed, he managed to knock me and Sarina away with his scythe. Clesis took out his sword and clashed with the scythe. The enemy kicked him back and fired his gun even though it was combined. Clesis lost both arms and a leg, resulting in his SCM crashing.

    "This guy's unreal. He's controlling it like his arms and legs."

    "Not the time to admire him Sarina. We need to defeat him now."

    We rushed him, thinking to catch him off guard. However, we were countered and knocked back. Just them, 2 cannons folded forward from the back and fired. I barely dodged it, loosing my left arm and leg. Sarina however, lost both wings and fell from the sky. I now was on my own. I used my sword and speed but the enemy kept up easily, parrying all my attacks. I blindly charged him but he dodged last second and shot my boosters. I felt my SCM falling and impacting the ground. I looked up into the sky and saw him fly away, my team completely defeated by that one pilot.
    I'm like you.....I have no name - Mr. X

  6. #16
    Kendo Level Shodan! Makenshi's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    ”I am going down!” I shouted in the mic as I pressed the button to realse myself from the cockpit. I got launched several feet into the air as I crashed into some of the plants. The thick plants hit hard as I fell hitting my shoulder on the plants. Luckliy I was able to land safely on the ground, all thanks to my Elite training and the powers.

    I grabbed hold of the mic which was still attached to my ears as I shouted in them, ”HQ this is Sarena! HQ!” My voice was clouded by the static from the receiver. I tried once again changing the frequency calling to my comrades but I got no reply.

    ”Either there all dead, or this place is jammed with machines.”

    I grabbed out my spear as I proceeded forward through the tropical forest. As I walked forward I noticed something at the distance. From the distance I couldn’t discipher who it was so taking great care I approached the target. To my surprise it was only Clesis, he lay on the ground taking a drink from his bottle.

    ”Oh…its you.”
    Clesis looked at me startled as he stood up saying, ”Hey cannot you say something like ‘Oh my God its Clesis or Thank Goodness your safe’”

    I stared at him with a blank face as I walked past by him, ”Lets get going,”

    ”Where are you going?”

    ”The only place that has a ride out of here, the military base nearby where those SCM came from. I think there is a frequency jammer there. I plan on destroying it and calling HQ something is not right about these people.”

    ”Are you saying its Arcana.”

    ”They gotta be look at that SCM that annihilated all of us.”
    ”So what do you plan on doing we cannot just break in using force.”
    ”Actually that what I plan on doing?”
    ”Are you nuts! Listen Serena I don’t think your crazy….but this is crazy!!”

    ”I have a skill that I can use with my polearm. I plan on jumping in the sky and releasing energy from my spear to destroy the jammer. From the explosion there will be a massive confusion. You will set a trap of ice that will capture anyone and instantly freezing anyone on contact. At that we will quickly send word to HQ and flee as fast as we can. That should give us good time. Or if things are better then expected we will just take their SCM’s.”

    ”And if you miss and the ice fails”

    ”We run!”
    ”No forget it! I am not doing this, to risky.”

    At that I began to walk away towards the facility,”Well I am off, you can come or stay there.”

    Clesis rolled his eyes at me as he walked behind me. Reckless as it was I knew we had the advantage. The geography of the area gave us the higher ground and an attack from above will help. From below the enemy will not be able to defend properly. I grinned at the thought and moved forward hoping to find my other comrades.

    "Because I exist, my enemy exits. If there is no self, then there can be no enemy." Yamaoka Tesshu

  7. #17
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! McLovin's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    I followed Sarina through the woods towards the enemy base, thinking to myself all the things that could go wrong and imagining my own death.

    "Are you even positive you know where this base is?"
    "No, not entirely. But i have a really, really good feeling its this way."
    "Oh well then, by all means lead on."

    As we were walking, we heard a rustle in the trees nearby. I pulled out my dual swords and backed myself up on Sarina's back, who took a similar defensive position with her spear.

    "Dont worry guys, its just me," we heard, as Leon stepped out of the bushes. "I landed not far from here and was going to try to track you down, but then i heard Clesis's smart mouth."

    Glad I could help. We're going on a suicide, i mean daring attack against the enemy base. Here's the plan:"

    I relayed to Leon Sarina's plan, and worked him in there too. He thought for a minute, then agreed that he'd come.

    "Now if only we had Rei with us.."
    "Nah. If we're lucky, Rei is the only one keeping that demon thing off of us."

    We continued to trek through the woods, and finally reached the enemy based around sundown. It was downhill from us, as Sarina said, and the sun was behind us, so a downhill attack was even more advantageous for us. The base didn't quite seem deserted, but was quiet nonetheless. The hangar door was still open, but we could see no one carrying out the business of running it, let alone running a whole base. The communications jammer gleamed in the fading sunlight on top of the base.

    "Ok Sarina, hit that thing and lets get the hell out of here."

  8. #18
    Khan of Clan Wolf Mechwarrior21's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    "This base seems really quiet," I muttered to myself. After crashing, I tried to get HQ or my squad on comm but nothing but static. I decded to hike to the enemy base rather than look for the others as they would most likely get to here anyways.

    I arrived at a good lookout point on top of a hill and observed the base with my railgun scope. I observed all afternoon but it seems quiet. I was going to wait till night to go in when a gleam of light on the hill across from when I was caught my attention. I looked though my scope to see the others gather there. I smirked and quickly searched my kit for something to signal them with. I grabbed the flashlight and started to shine it in their direction.

    This caught their attention as I stared though the scope. I began clicking the flashlight on and off, communicating to them in morse code.

    "Good to see you guys. Anyone got a plan?" was my message. I watched them as Sarina fumbled to get her flashlight and began transmitting a message back.

    "Yeah. Going to disable jammer with jump ability. Then contact HQ."

    "Hold on. Wanna check out base. Want to infiltrate and search for clues. Then disable jammer." I waited for a couple of minutes then came the reply.

    "Has merit. OK, we meet at base perimeter north side as soon as night comes." and with that, I sat and watched the base, Night should come in an hour or so.
    I'm like you.....I have no name - Mr. X

  9. #19
    Kendo Level Shodan! Makenshi's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    As we waited until night time for the sun to set, there was still little or no activity at the base. It was suspicious and made me curious as to why there was no one about on guard duty.

    As night spread throughout the skies we made our move. Our goal was to infiltrate the base and to find any information that may be useful for HQ and head out by destroying the jammer.

    We sneaked in with ease to the facility. Clesis was able to use decipher the code on the door allowing us access inside.
    ” Do a quick scan of the area.”

    Leon nodded as he began to focus using his CE powers to understand the layout of the land and of any potential enemies.

    “There are barely a dozen soldiers here.”

    ”Why would they make this facility unarmed.”

    ”I don’t know but I have a bad feeling about this.”

    We carefully moved on ahead, Leon acting as scout. It made it deep within the facility until we met a soldier walking around in civilian clothing.

    “Man this sucks,” said the civilian soldier as he looked back towards his partner.
    “I know the feeling but a job is a job,” came a voice deep and strong.
    “If they were going to go to war I would have liked to fight with the Commander,” at that moment the civilian raised his hand emitting a ball of fire at the wall. The strength of the flame was weak as it disintegrated apon contact. The other quickly waved his finger as a breeze of air pushed away the ashes.

    Upon hearing those words I quickly charged at the two soldiers with my pistols. Catching them of guard I placed the tip of the barrel on their head saying, ”You better tell me what this “war” is or else I might have to spill some guts.”

    The two guys turned around and faced me. Oddly enough they were still smiling as if a female would let loose.

    “Calm down sis,” the civilian spoke, “You guys must be the intruders from before. Well nice to meet you I am Jake and that’s Marco.”

    ”Shut up and speak about the “war”?”

    “God your from the AAF and you don’t know. There is a war occurring right now between the AAF and Arcana, that’s us. Our commander went to deal with your ship as soon as he took you down.”
    ”What the one with the demon looking SCM?”

    “Yep that’s him. If you guys want a ride back to space. I am sure we can help.”

    ”I don’t get it. Were your enemy and you want to help us out.”

    “Well I am angry at the commander for not sending us out so ill send you guys out to fight him again. Teach him a lesson. That guy……just doesn’t trust our strength and power.”

    ”Speaking of strength and power. How were you able to use CE without in a MEC.”

    “To many questions bro! If you want out ill give you the passage out.”

    Clesis grinned at the man and said,”Fair enough”

    “Good! Now follow Marco he will take you so some of our spare SCM’s. Take that and you will be in space in no time.”

    We followed Marco and Jake as we entered the SCM hanger and to our surprise our four SCM’s were there.

    ”How were you…”

    Jake smiled as he said, “That’s our secret!”

    We had nothing to complain about as we entered our SCM, the OS and everything seemed to be in order but to consider the speed that the SCM was repaired was remarkable.

    ”I guess we can trust them.”

    ”I don’t like them.”

    Clesis began to laugh as he said, ”You don’t like anyone!”

    ” Shut up and let’s go.”

    With that we flew away as Jake was grinning at us along with Marco.

    "Because I exist, my enemy exits. If there is no self, then there can be no enemy." Yamaoka Tesshu

  10. #20
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! McLovin's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    "That was odd. Too odd."
    "Yes it was...im not sure we should trust them.
    "I dont. I have a really bad feeling about those guys, about their commander too."
    "Its a trap. Look"

    As we approached our ship, the damage wreaked on it by the mysterious Arcana commander became clear. The hanger door had been blow off, we could see fires burning inside. The engines had been disabled, the ship was at the mercy of Arcana.

    "No one helps their enemies just to get back at their commander for putting them on guard duty. Too odd."
    "Let it go, we've got more important things to take care of!"
    "No, it doesn't fit. Guys, I've got to go back and get the truth out of those guys. It looks bad from here, but who knows what they could've done to our SCM? It could be worse."
    "You're right, but they've worked so far. We'll board the ship, disengage the SCM, and fight on foot. Deal?"
    "I'll be gone 30 minutes, max. We're still in the planet's orbit, it wont take me long to get there and back. You can hold out 30 minutes without me."
    "No, Clesis! Just let it go."
    "Sorry, i've made up my mind. Good luck." and with that I pulled out of formation and flew back to the planet's surface.

    I made my way back to the base and found Jake and Marco drinking and fooling around in the guard's quarters.

    "So, they came back. Smarter than they look, eh Marco?"
    "Guess so, Jake. Where're your friends at, bud?"
    "Its just me. You can understand my mistrust in you, we're on the brink of war and you not only repair our SCM but send us to fight your commander. Not something soldiers do, not even weekend warriors like yourselves."
    "Your friends are dead! We sent them blindly into a trap. Im surprised you didn't talk them out of walking into it."
    "You underestimate them. You see, once they get on the ship they wont be held back by those SCM, they'll be able to unleash power on your commander like you've never seen. Now, I promised them I'd make this quick, so tell me everything you know about Arcana's plans for war."

    Jake laughed, "And why should we tell you anything? We outnumber you, two to one!"
    I pulled out one of my twin swords and threw it like a tomahawk at Marco, who sat there smiling drinking his drink. The sword penetrated his chest and stuck out of the back of the chair.
    I glared at Jake."Talk."

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