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Thread: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

  1. #21
    Khan of Clan Wolf Mechwarrior21's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    I looked at the Lightlay, amazed at the extent of the damage. Most likely the crew abandoned ship.

    "Sarina, is there any distress beacons active?"

    "No. In fact, there seems to be quite a bit to jamming going on."

    "Gotta be that demon SCM doing this but I never heard of a single SCM being able to disable a crusier."

    Looking at the wreakage, we began a search patten for any life. It seemed to be a wasted effort. Suddenly my radio flared up.

    ".......nyone out...... Thi...ightlay....... need......."

    "Sarina, where's the signal origin?"

    "Around 15 km away from here. Near the engine exhaust."

    We flew to the origin. As we got closer, I was able to make out several escape pods. Suddenly, a beam passed in front of us forcing us to stop. I looked up to see that demon SCM again. A transmission was directed to us, a young man with white hair appearng on my screen.

    "I wouldn't get any closer. If you get within 2km of the pods, the bombs attached to them would explode and the surviving crews of 57 would die."

    I drew out my sword and cannon. The others did the same.

    "Now now, do you really expect to beat me after what happened on the surface? Oh, I never introduced myself. My name is Cobray Gordan and this SCM is known as Dis Astranagant. A pleasure to meet you though I must say, you Elitists are weaker than I expected," as the SCM bowed.

    "What the hell do you want from us?"

    "I'm afraid that I cannot reveal that," Cobray said. Leon tried to sneak out of his view but he just brought his gun up and aimed at him.

    "I wouldn't move. The proximity sensors are trained to a specific frequency coming from somewhere inside your SCM. And don't bother trying to find them as forcfully removing them will cause your SCM's self destruction system to activate," he explained, combining his guns into the scythe.

    "However, I'm not heartless so here's the deal. If you land a hit on me, I'll disable both the transmitters and the bombs. Better hurry though as I got only an hour to play with you. Try to run away and I'll blow up both your SCMs and the life pods. Do you accept?"

    "Do we have a choice?" I growled at him, beginning our fight.
    I'm like you.....I have no name - Mr. X

  2. #22
    Kendo Level Shodan! Makenshi's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    Ooc: ok lets put some more chaos to this.


    I grabbed out my pistol and began to shot many rounds at the demon SCM, however his speed was to quick as he dodged my attacks like butter. Rei quickly engaged the demon SCM however with each attack the demon SCM made slight blows to Rei. Leon stood back casting spells on Rei to minimize the damage however we were in a deadlock that was in the opponents favor.

    As I turned my SCM to automatic aiming I tried with all my efforts to find the right moment to strike. However instantly my scanner picked up heat signal nearby, I turned towards the signal and noticed the Lightlay engaging with an enormous ship. Both ships were engaged and an SCM battle was occurring between the two groups.

    ”What the hell?”

    Instantly, the escape pod beside me exploded destroying my gun and parts of my armor.

    ”Explosion……get away everyone.”

    Instantly, the “life pods” exploded dealing damage on all of us. Worse of all was Leon his thrusters seized. I quickly shouted in the mic for Leon however it seemed he was unconscious.

    “Life pods? You really think I would fall that low to use human’s as bait. I just wanted to tease you a bit before I reveal my true form.”

    ”True form?”

    But there was no more discussion. Cobray quickly transformed his SCM releasing large amounts of CE.

    ”Dark CE….how the hell is he able to release so much.”

    Instantly, the SCM transformed from a demon SCM to the God of Death. Thorn wings emerged from the SCM. A cape was placed over the SCM covering its chest. Grabbing his scythe Cobray swung the blade releasing energy towards us. Lucky we were able to dodge, however the shockwave hit Leon destroying the major body of Leon but barely missing the cockpit.


    “It seems he is done for, you two are next to feel death.”

    "Because I exist, my enemy exits. If there is no self, then there can be no enemy." Yamaoka Tesshu

  3. #23
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! McLovin's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    I returned to the LightLay at just the right time, it seemed. I reached the scene of the battle just as Leon's SCM blew up. I rescued the cockpick of his SCM and hurled it into the hangar, but Cobray seemed to know where i was at. He appeared out of nowhere in front me, swinging his scythe with strength i had never encountered. I managed to dodge, but only barely. A whirlwind of dark energy flew through the air behind me, heading towards the planet.

    "What the hell?"
    "They added a transmitter to our SCM. He can track our every move."
    "I figured as much. Guys, we have to get him to come into the ship. Our SCM will be our downfall."

    Sarina fired a pistol shot that distracted Cobray and broke his attention from me. "You got a plan?"
    "What if Clesis could secretly get into mine or your SCM? We could then use his as a decoy and maybe slip away to the hangar safely. Cobray wont be far behind though, but just far enough for us to get to the hangar and disengage the SCM."

    "Cool, im on it. Sarina, wanna shack up together?"
    "Ugh. If we must..."
    I flew over to Cobray and tried to hit him with my sword. He blocked with the scythe, and swung at me, missing. I plugged the CE into the sword, and made it reverberate faster. When Cobray blocked my next attack, he unknowingly created a smokescreen of ice mist. Undercover, Sarina quickly came over to my SCM. I ejected myself and climbed into her cockpit, although there was little room. Not surprisingly, the interior of the SCM was pink.

    When the mist cleared, Cobray destroyed my SCM, as planned. Sarina, Rei, and I flew to the hangar while he was occupied. It was only a few seconds, but was all we needed. We got inside the hangar and ditched the SCM, taking up positions inside the airlocked hangar. Leon's cockpit was nearby, but i didn't know if he had recovered yet. Cobray busted through the door, creating a vaccum of space that threatened to suck us out. I managed to seal it with my ice CE, but had to reveal myself. Rei and Sarina keep their cover on a nearby catwalk, but I stood with my twin blades in the open against the Demon.

  4. #24
    Khan of Clan Wolf Mechwarrior21's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    "So you can't defeat me in an SCM but you think you have a chance bare-handed? You Elitist are foolish. But it's been a while since I fought without an SCM I'll take you on it," Cobray broadcasted, opening up the hatch and stepping out. Dressed in a flight suit, he jumped down to face Clesis without any weapons.

    "Come on then you Elitists. I know you're friends are hiding somewhere but it's not going to change a thing," Cobray taunted.

    "Like you to say that when you're begging for your life" and with that, Clesis began charging Cobray.

    I looked to Sarina who was across from I was hiding. I signalled what I wanted her to do by hand signals. She simply nodded and began getting a little closer. I held my position and aimed my railgun at Cobray. What was surprising was that Clesis was having a difficult time trying to hit Cobray with his swords. He seems to dodge them just in time.

    "Too slow. Do you really expect to hit me with that?" Cobray questioned. Suddenly, Sarina jumped out and drove her spear at him. Clesis took this moment to thrust both swords at him. Cobray just smiled and block both the spear and swords with his hands, not drawing any blood.

    Using this moment, I fired my railgun at him. He grabbed Sarina's spear and threw her into Clesis, causing them to fall into a pile. In that same second, he whipped around and caught the railgun round with his hands. I was stunned as was the others.

    "Now now. Didn't anyone teach you not to attack an enemy with their backs turned? That's rather rude," he said, crushing the round with one hand. I jumped down and drew my sword. Clesis and Sarina managed to get up and grab their respectable weapons.

    "A 3 on 1 eh? Looks like I need to even the odds a bit," and with that, he released some Dark CE and reformed it into a scythe. He gave it a few swings before taunting us with his hands. I charged in as did the others.
    I'm like you.....I have no name - Mr. X

  5. #25
    Kendo Level Shodan! Makenshi's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    ”Lightning bolt!” I shouted as a stream of lightning began to emit from my hand towards Cobray. Cobray dodged the attack but cam within within striking distance swinging his scythe at me. I was able to block the scythe with my spear however Cobray’s strength was immense as the force of the strike pushed me of balance. Cobray saw his advantage and made an attempt to sweep from below however Clesis began to shoot rounds from his rifle at Cobray halting his attack.

    “Sigh…this is kinda unfair 3 vs 1,” Cobray said, “Well I guess I will have to take out each of you one by one.”

    Cobray set his eyes on me as he released a dark ball of CE towards me. I dodged the attack however to my surprise Cobray was behind me swinging his scythe.

    “Eternal Frost!” Cobray shouted as I was suddenly frozen trapped in ice.

    “One down two more to go.”

    ”You ass!” Clesis said in anger.

    At that moment an explosion occurred from behind us we all stopped to look at what was happening outside. Fighting Cobray made us forget the battle between the AAF and the rebels Arcana.

    Large platoons of battle ships from the AAF had arrived and were engaging the mother ship of the Arcana. However along with the monstrous mothership were several other battle ships that were engaging the AAF ships.

    “Looks like your people have arrived. It seems our leader is a bit….kind to your people I wonder why he hasn’t used the Vendetta yet.”

    ”Enough of this!” Rei said as he grabbed out his sword along with Clesis they both began to assault Cobray.

    "Because I exist, my enemy exits. If there is no self, then there can be no enemy." Yamaoka Tesshu

  6. #26
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! McLovin's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    Rei and I attacked Cobray with everything we had, but never landed a significant hit. He was just to quick. I stepped back a minute, and let Rei keep on while i spawned a puddle of ice on the ground under Cobrays feet, hoping to slip him up. But he just glided over the ground like he wasn't even walking at all.

    Rei was in the heat of it, relentlessly swinging his sword. The more he swung, the more furious, and fire started spilling out of his body and blade. Before long his entire sword was enflamed, and for the first time in the battle, Cobray looked concerned.

    "Now the power of the Elites comes out. I was getting bored." He twirled his scythe over his head, fireballs of Dark CE started shooting out of the whirlwind. He stopped, and his scythe too was covered in a veil of dark ce, it rose from the weapon like steam.

    I had stepped back, and channeled my own ice CE into my carbine rifle. I prepared to take a shot at Cobray while Rei had him distracted, but a large fuel drum hung by a cable from the ceiling just above him. I took my shot at the cable instead, and the drum dropped down between Rei and Cobray. Rei's sword hit it in midair when it was level with his and Cobray's head, and the flames instantly ignited it. Realising what happened he was quick enough to shield himself with his fire CE, but Cobray wasn't. The explosion sent him flying back towards me. I dropped the rifle and began assaulting him with my twin short swords. Cobray was off-guard, but not defenseless. He managed to block the first few attacks, but I finally broke through his defenses, penetrating his skin with my ice cold blades.

    Cold ran through his veins, but just as I started to think he was finished, he swept his sctyhe and cut me down at the knees. I roared in pain and feel to the ground. Cobray stood over me with his scythe, now glowing with CE.

    "Dark is the master of all the Elementare, weak against none. Ice will not keep me chilled for long. However, death will keep you quite cold for sometime."

  7. #27
    Khan of Clan Wolf Mechwarrior21's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    This wasn't looking good. I was the only one standing and I was tired from keeping my CE active. Cobray hasn't even broken a sweat yet. Sarina's not getting out from the ice without help and Clesis couldn't even stand. Leon was probably still out cold but even if he wasn't, the blast he took would've injuired him badly.

    Cobray looked at me lazily and smirked. I charged in and tried to do any damage to him but he just blocked with his scythe.

    "Looks like you're left. If you beg for mercy, I just might not kill you yet," he taunted.

    "Never. I'll never surrender to the likes of you," was my firm reply. he jumped forward with his scythe up, but I jumped back. Landing on the deck, I held my katana parallel to the ground, pointing in Cobray's direction. The flames on the katana extingished itself and my sword arm pulled back into a thrust stance. Cobray looked at me lazily.

    "Hmm. This must be your final move or something. Probably very powerful and no one has ever blocked it. Am I right?" he commented.

    "Yeah. Let's see if you can do anything about it."

    He smirked and stood ready. I took one step forward and ran towards him. He anticipated that part and held his scythe in front of him, ready to parry the blow. But at the last second, I used my CE to create an explosion at my feet. This accelerated me past the speed of sound and the thrust became even more powerful. The dust caused from the explosion obscured his view of the last second as I struck. When the dust settled I was surprised because of 2 things.

    First was that Cobray parried the thrust with his scythe handle even though he couldn't see.

    Second was that he had his right hand through my left shoulder.

    "That was an impressive move. Would've work on most poeple but not me," he complimented pulling his hand out from my shoulder.

    "Now I'll show you my power," and he held his hand in front of my face. I sensed a sudden increase of power and realized what he was going to do. I tried to jump back and also create a flame shield. Just then he released that power.

    I don't remember what he did but I woke up in pain. He stood over me looking victorious. After all, he beat my team.
    I'm like you.....I have no name - Mr. X

  8. #28
    Kendo Level Shodan! Makenshi's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    “Time to do the final blow,” said Cobray as he walked towards Rei who was struggling to stand up.

    However Cobray suddenly, stopped and began to receive some communications.

    “Yes sir……I am sorry…….Are you sure…….as you wish.”

    Cobray raised his hand and an unknoun shockwave emitted from his hand. The force of ths shockwave was not lethal but caused Clesis, Rei to fall unconscious.

    “Sleep! You gotta love it!” With that Cobray picked up Clesis and Rei surprisingly. Even with the battle he still had strength to pick up two large bodies. He opened up his hatch and tossed the two in the storage. As he turned to me he placed his hand on the ice immediately shattering it. He grabbed hold of me and did the same palcing me in the storage compartment.

    I was not unconscious however my body couldn’t move. As I hatch closed a distress signal came from Leon.

    “Rei….Clesis…..Sarina…….I…am coming…..”

    Inside a brief glimmer of hope shined within me as I realized that Leon was okay. However, the pain of being captured hurt even more.

    Inside the storage I was able to watch the battle unfold. Our forces had lost the battle and were beginning to retreat while the Arcana forces were still pushing the remaining AAF forces back.

    There were many causalities, and the entire space was filled with debris of the battle.

    Suddenly, I went cold and fell from fatigue.

    "Because I exist, my enemy exits. If there is no self, then there can be no enemy." Yamaoka Tesshu

  9. #29
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! McLovin's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    It was dark. I was running. I dont know where or what from. So I stopped.

    Then the light came on. All I could see was....nothing. Just white. The sky was indeterminable from the ground. I sat down. A deep voice boomed from around me. It didn't seem to come from anywhere, but I heard it.

    "Who are you?"
    "Clesis. I think."
    "Why are you here?"
    "I dont even know where HERE is."
    "Where did you come from?"
    "I dont know. I was just here."
    "But you dont know where here is. How do you know you are even here?"
    "I think, therefore I am."
    "You are a fighter. A killer."
    "I fight for justice and freedom."
    "Justice is perceived. Freedom is anarchy."
    "Dont you think I know all this?"
    "Ignorance is bliss."
    "Ignorance is oppression. Knowledge is freedom."
    "Freedom is anarchy."
    "What, are you some kind of broken phonogram?"
    "All I know is, that I know nothing."
    "You know your ancients, dont you?"
    "Truth is light. Ignorance is darkness."
    "All I know is, that I know nothing. Right?"
    "You understand."
    "I dont think I do."
    "The truth shall set you free."
    "Who are you?"
    "I am."

  10. #30
    Khan of Clan Wolf Mechwarrior21's Avatar
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    Re: Crystalis Elementare: The Second Awakening

    I don’t know where I was, but I don’t think I was dead. All I could see was white. It also seems very comforting for a place with no definition.

    “Where am I?” I muttered. Surprisingly there seems to be echoes.

    “Who am I? What am I?” the echoes seem to say. It all seems very weird to me.

    ‘What is this place? Why am I here?’ I thought, looking around. I unconsciously gripped the chain around my neck.

    ‘Mother. Father.’ I thought, rubbing it. Suddenly I could hear voices. It seems rather faint.

    “I don’t want to abandon him Jason,” a female voice sobbed, seemingly crying. I became confused of this.

    “We don’t have a choice. We cannot bring a baby with us where are going. Please Rachel, we must,” a male voice replied. It sounds firm but at the same time very sad at the same time.

    'Who are they? Why can I hear this?' I thought. I felt very warm and comforted by these voices as though I know them.

    “Here, give him this,” the male voice said. There was a jingle sound. It was like something metal being handled.

    “Goodbye my son,” I heard the female voice say. The room seems to grow darker until I saw black.
    I'm like you.....I have no name - Mr. X

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