I looked at the Lightlay, amazed at the extent of the damage. Most likely the crew abandoned ship.
"Sarina, is there any distress beacons active?"
"No. In fact, there seems to be quite a bit to jamming going on."
"Gotta be that demon SCM doing this but I never heard of a single SCM being able to disable a crusier."
Looking at the wreakage, we began a search patten for any life. It seemed to be a wasted effort. Suddenly my radio flared up.
".......nyone out...... Thi...ightlay....... need......."
"Sarina, where's the signal origin?"
"Around 15 km away from here. Near the engine exhaust."
We flew to the origin. As we got closer, I was able to make out several escape pods. Suddenly, a beam passed in front of us forcing us to stop. I looked up to see that demon SCM again. A transmission was directed to us, a young man with white hair appearng on my screen.
"I wouldn't get any closer. If you get within 2km of the pods, the bombs attached to them would explode and the surviving crews of 57 would die."
I drew out my sword and cannon. The others did the same.
"Now now, do you really expect to beat me after what happened on the surface? Oh, I never introduced myself. My name is Cobray Gordan and this SCM is known as Dis Astranagant. A pleasure to meet you though I must say, you Elitists are weaker than I expected," as the SCM bowed.
"What the hell do you want from us?"
"I'm afraid that I cannot reveal that," Cobray said. Leon tried to sneak out of his view but he just brought his gun up and aimed at him.
"I wouldn't move. The proximity sensors are trained to a specific frequency coming from somewhere inside your SCM. And don't bother trying to find them as forcfully removing them will cause your SCM's self destruction system to activate," he explained, combining his guns into the scythe.
"However, I'm not heartless so here's the deal. If you land a hit on me, I'll disable both the transmitters and the bombs. Better hurry though as I got only an hour to play with you. Try to run away and I'll blow up both your SCMs and the life pods. Do you accept?"
"Do we have a choice?" I growled at him, beginning our fight.