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Thread: Graphic Supplier

  1. #1
    Summoner of Mist Rydia's Avatar
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    Jan 2004

    Graphic Supplier

    Since the other thread has been dead for over a year, I figured I'd make a new thread and try to bring this thing to life a bit more.

    How does this work, for those who don't know? Simple. If you want an avatar or signature for the forums, simply post in this thread, and make a request for what you want in your graphic set. Even better, if you want a particular picture in it, please include it in your post. Then someone should come around and make something for you.

  2. #2
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Feb 2004

    Re: Graphic Supplier

    I want a Squall banner. I like it flashy, as some probably know. I'm thinking something with Squall and in the background something like silver flames to express the fires of his Gunblade, the silver of Griever and combined, the mane of Griever (So looking at Griever's mane would be a good idea when designing the flames).
    The picture of Squall himself can easily be anything, but it'd be great if it's a picture of him expressing his solitude.
    I imagine this working well with Squall on the left side of the banner as to enhance the impression of the flames and for space to make a bigger mane.


    I'm not asking you to use anything in this picture for the banner, but I started thinking that what I had in mind actually wasn't too far from what you see in the picture there, just that with our banner size, I want the mane to stretch from Squall to the opposite end, so it's pretty stretched.
    Whatever more you add to the banner is up to you. This is just the basics for an idea.

    Most important; Squall, solitude
    Secondary: The idea described above (With the silver flames/mane as the core point).
    Thirdly: Text. I never really imagine text when thinking about sets but of course they are also part of a great banner. It also means I may not react the desired way as I always forget to keep the text I want in mind, lol.

    An ava? I dunno, I like my Cloud ava, but if you wanna make one, do go ahead, I may end up liking it so much that I'll find it reasonable to switch it out with the current ava :P. Actually, if you make one, I don't see a reason not to just use that as well anyway.

  3. #3
    Tezcat Dan's Avatar
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    Re: Graphic Supplier

    I'll give it a shot at some point this week and will get back to you with my results

    Spoiler: PSN 

  4. #4
    Dragon Alliance Swift Death To Evil's Avatar
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    Nov 2003

    Re: Graphic Supplier

    I'd like a demons souls avatar and banner please!



    with the text in this pic


    also if room have it say: :"Figuring it out, one death at a time"



    Destiny, fate, dreams. These unstoppable ideals are held deep in the heart of man. As long as there are people who seek freedom in this life these things shall not vanish from the earth.


  5. #5
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Feb 2004

    Re: Graphic Supplier

    QuoteOriginally Posted by Tezcat View Post
    I'll give it a shot at some point this week and will get back to you with my results
    You're a brave man, lmao. At least I know I can expect something good.

  6. #6
    In Your Dreams James's Avatar
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    Nov 2004

    Re: Graphic Supplier

    *subcribes to thread*

    I'll see what i can do

  7. #7
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Re: Graphic Supplier

    I hate the evilness of multiple choices x_x

    Tez, while James already provided me with a set - as far as I got - it doesn't mean you're out. Carry on with it if you're working on 1! xD.

    I should perhaps add some more pointers.

    First of all, James's set made me realize the Dissidia Squall could be really awesome for this as well. I can see him working very well.
    Another thing is the particular "flashiness" I'm talking about. I want the silver-effect to be flashy and it may be hard to understand what exactly I mean with that. Flashy doesn't have to mean sparkles and blinding lights. I hate to say it this way but to really explain what I mean, refer to the kind of shininess Mirage would use in many of his sets.
    If it's too hard or can't be done, no worries, but I'm helping out by explaining what I at least had in mind. Just think of how a real silver Griever would shine in the light. Yeah, that kind of realistic, shiny, glimmering and smooth flashiness. Whatever, hope my point comes through xD.

    EDIT: I can see this flashiness in different ways but an EXAMPLE could be this;


    Just to give a better idea... Smooth and flashy.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  8. #8
    Consumed by Hate RavenLord's Avatar
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    Re: Graphic Supplier

    I now this might not be the right place to ask, but can anyone give me a couple of names for programs that i could use to make avatars/signatures as i'd like to make my own or at least try to =) .
    • Mercy is the compassion we feel for someone elses misfortune
    • Mercy compels us to alleviate that emotion
    • Mercy is the child of charity but the sister of justice because both are about the invisible link that exists between people
    • Mercy is spontaneous because misery is involuntary

  9. #9
    In Your Dreams James's Avatar
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    Re: Graphic Supplier

    QuoteOriginally Posted by killafrost View Post
    I now this might not be the right place to ask, but can anyone give me a couple of names for programs that i could use to make avatars/signatures as i'd like to make my own or at least try to =) .
    your right this is the wrong place, next time just make a thread in the creation area. However to answer your question the best programs are photoshop however are very expensive unless you can just get a copy. There is a website which gives a watered down version called sumo paint, just google it. Its no where as good as the real deal but its alright.

  10. #10
    Tezcat Dan's Avatar
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    Sep 2003

    Re: Graphic Supplier

    QuoteOriginally Posted by Jechtsphere View Post
    I'd like a demons souls avatar and banner please!



    with the text in this pic


    also if room have it say: :"Figuring it out, one death at a time"


    This good with you?

    Spoiler: PSN 

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