God dammit, so much to update about so many things. E3 is a *****! X_X
Official FFXIV Website
Go, go! New trailer! It looks like Vana'diel x Ivalice x Pulse imo. Like the perfect blend of the 3 worlds and god it's just amazing to look at ><... It's even easier to tell that it's PS3 now, although I have seen it written as that it won't be a PS3 exclusive after all and that it will be released for PC as well. I dunno about that though. We'll hear more about that in the near future, I expect.
But back to the trailer! Orgasmic! Really looks like a revolutionary Online game. It's supposedly an MMORPG and if that's the case, this is just crazy.
But now we know the game takes place in a world called Eorzea. The name sounds fitting based on the impression I got of the kind of world it is.
It seems a lot of the staff that worked on FFXI and other FF games will be returning to work on this game, including Akihiko Yoshida (for instance).
Most notably for some is probably Uematsu... Who - if the reports are correct - will be composing the full soundtrack!! We haven't had a full Uematsu FF OST since FFIX! **** YEEES!
Only sad thing about this is that it seems the FFXI for PS3 reports may have been untrue and simply mistaken for FFXIV before the title was announced. So there probably won't be more for FFXI. In fact, the current updates that are planned (and I dunno if they have been released yet) are probably the last. I hope they don't cut the support soon...
EDIT: Oh yeah, for your viewing pleasure:
You can always count on Amano for great artwork <3
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
Same reaction as I had with XI. Id play it if it weren't for the monthly charges. And even then, you couldn't get anywhere in XI without a party so thats a huge meh. When's XV coming out?
No news about that but it will probably be some years like usual these days. The good thing is that I really doubt the production of FFXIV affects the making of FFXV, so if people are tearing their hair off because XIV is Online, they should just think of it as a treat that won't affect FFXV.
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
The only way they'd make me tear my hair out is if they announced an ffVIII sequal. And that would just be from excitement. Why can't they just make an VIII mmo where you do seed missions instead of something that looks exactly like XI?
Shock! =o
It looks way different >___>
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
Truer words were never spoken.
I've already shared my thoughts about this in the shoutbox. Graphics look nice and all, music sounds good, but unless it can be played online without service fees and/or it fixes all the problems that made FFXI so damn tedious, I'm not really all that interested.
If I remember final fntasy XI was very slow and boring, I don't see how this one is going to be different.
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