Why have you come back here? You shouldnt have come back.
That was the question that they'd all asked us. What madness possessed us to return here, where death was all but guaranteed. I had known my reasons and resolved to see them through, but for the others, I would have preferred that grief or despair might have kept them away. I would have preferred if it had kept her away.
We were alerted by Lillia that Asuka had gone off to this wretched place, no doubt to find a way to save Kyra and bring her back to Nikki. Kai had attempted to stop her, but even that boy and his unique talents were no match for a teleporting psychic. Xiang had volunteered to join us in retrieving the two, but I was able to convince her to stay. I suppose becoming a mentor did have a few uses.
Why have you come back here? You shouldnt have come back. She had said, the little girl of the secret haven within Via Infinito's recesses.
Believe me, circumstances wouldn't allow. I replied in a low grumble I knew only she would hear.
Quickly follow my friend.
Light blanketed us and the walls of Via Infinito melted away. As the light died down, those hideous walls were replaced with the familiar domestic living space I'd been brought to several times in the past. I took in a deep breath and absorbed the facade of peace that surrounded me. This might be my last chance to have it. What lay ahead would be anything but peace.
I was left alone for some time. Eventually, I had had my fill of peace. Curiousity began seeping in and I wandered the room. It was odd that the little girl hadn't appeared. However, as I thought on it, she'd become more tardy each successive visit I'd had. In my last tour, she'd been with Kyra before coming to receive me. Was she changing, as well, and if she was, what exactly was she changing to?
Once I finished my brief surveillance, I thought to inspect the area in more detail. I'd try for the door last, should the girl fail to appear, but there might be more I could learn before that. The furniture that had been placed with childish abandon seemed a bit more organised this time, as though its owner had matured. The dolls that once littered the floor now decorated the bed, though one remained perched on its own chair, possibly to help with reminiscing days gone by. However, the most interesting change was to the pictures. They'd been blank before, then jumbled splashes of colour, finally completed images except for being unsettlingly defaced. Now, they were almost clear. I could see the little girl in them and the faces of whom I assumed had to be her parents. There were other pictures with a maid, I supposed, due to her dress, but of the lot of them, one face remained obscured. It wasn't nearly as much as before, though still easily dismissed as unrecognisable.
Still, I feel like I should know that face. I mouthed to myself aloud before finally picking myself up, resolving to head for the door.
The first thing I noticed was the sounds coming from beyond the door. Apart from when Kyra had been brought here, this place was typically empty except for the little girl. My eyes fixated on what was lying behind the door as I opened it.
Oh, so everyone is here, this time. I mused, closing the door behind me.
Mishka? You've been here before? Cyan asked.
More importantly, it sounds like you've been here more than once. Paine added.
I glanced at both Cyan and then Gideon, Yes, three times by my count. The first time it happened, I was with the two of you.
What are you on about? Gideon expectedly asked.
I explained and reminded Cyan and Gideon of my odd lapse during the battle with the bongo bongo fiend and then those moments where I babbled on about monkeys. The monkeys, they recalled and understood, given they could see it this time. Mentioning the fiend sort of cost me as it'd been some time since then. However, the point still got across, that this place had changed since my first visit and that one of the changes was their presence.
And now that I think about it, there's one more.
What's that?
I went over to one of the pictures hanging in the hall. This one had filled up, as well, but the face that had been blurry was nearly back in focus. I knew this face.
Is that Nikki?
A young Nikki by the looks of it. Nooj added, And isn't that the same little girl that haunts the Via Infinito sitting next to her?
Wait, so does that mean... Rhyse asked.
They're sisters. I responded, having just then received the answer from... Emika...
I didnt know you had a sister, Rhyse said, alerting us to Nikki and her sister's arrival.
As we turned to the two of them ascending the stairs from the lower level, Nikki explained that, Sanikas spell made me forget the first 5 years of my life, I Had no idea.
So all that time you have been following us, you didnt tell us? Gideon questioned, still a bit of a cynical frame of mind given our encounters with the unsent.
Im not really Emi. She would explain.
What do you mean?
As the others spoke with Nikki's little sister, Gideon was occupied elsewhere. I could only guess what he felt. After all, she'd appeared before me even earlier.
I took to going to his side, You sense her, don't you?
My mother. She's here? He asked, though whether he was directing the question to me or simply questioning it, I didn't know.
I decided it best to be with him as he coped with the knowledge that his mother had yet to pass on.
... this place makes people feel happy. I am made purely of positive emotions and memories. Except for the odd scary monster in the closet memory, I am perfectly happy.
That statement drew me back into the conversation taking place. My mind focused on the exception mentioned. This Emi had spoken to me of the monsters hiding in the dark once before. The previous time, I'd shut off all the lights in her room to demonstrate there were no monsters only to experience the haunting fright she'd felt then. This place was no haven, either, though it gave the false sense that it was one. That Emi still bore the thoughts of those monsters was enough to tell me this was more of Via Infinito's doing. I couldn't know for sure, but they'd done something to have created this place and so their lasting legacy was represented by the monsters, those same monsters that evoked memories of the unknown cloister and that hideous artifact. However, it was now made worse than that. It must have been Via Infinito's doing to have created this place, but Emi rejected them in the past. She feared them hiding in the dark. Now, though it may be a result of her regaining much of herself, the knowledge that she was less bothered by them troubled me. Could it be that she wasn't so bothered by the monsters anymore? If so, that may have been caused by the merger. With the division between Farplane and Via Infinito weakened, the differences that separated them were becoming less noticed.
If what I thought was true, this Emi needed to be cleansed of its influence. However, more important were the souls she'd been housing inside this place. They were no longer safe here.
But, you have to let them go. I said, interrupting them.
Its okay Mishka, she doesnt trap us here, we stay because we want to. And that was the problem.
But surely you cant rest here,
No I cant, youre right but its better than being stuck in the Via Infinito. Was I already too late?
You cant rest here but its similar to the Farplane, Rhyse guessed aloud, an irritating distraction against my goals.
It was a distraction that caught Sakura, Exactly, in fact its becoming more like the Farplane each day now that the wall have broken down the Farplane is attracted to this place. Emika may be the key in restoring the balance.
I cringed at her words. My efforts were in vain. Instead, the topic moved into finding an exit. Apparently, with Emi's memories now restored, it was time for Nikki to fully accept hers. She needed to open the door to her true life, and so, move on into her present. A room similar to Emi's came into view and Asuka exited from it soon after, followed by Kai. A short discussion about the ramifications of their actions ensued and the fact that our dead friends remained trapped in this alcove within Via Infinito's walls no longer registered on anyone's mind. I decided that if none of them would take notice of the terrible circumstances, I'd have to play along until an opportunity arrived.
Wasnt my idea, Asuka wanted to find something to get Kyra back and came here. Kai complained, only earning him more anger from Nikki.
Please dont be angry I just wanted to get Kyra back, Asuka pleaded with her on Kai's behalf.
I knelt down before the little one. She was in such danger and yet, only others remained on her mind. That was extremely dangerous though, what would have happened if we lost you and Kai.
I She whimpered.
Well now that we found you two lets say we get you home.
I was grateful for Rhyse's suggestion and hoped this would be our chance to get them all to safety. However, Asuka wouldn't leave before retrieving Kyra and the topic once again shifted to bringing her back from wherever it was Sanika had sent her. That's when...
Asuka, she doesnt have the power, and neither do we.
The twins appeared before us much to my horror. They were trapped by Via Infinito, as well. How many had died here since we started our mission? Were they all trapped? How many Al Bhed souls had been lost to this place? I turned to Nooj and remembered when Auron murdered Leblanc in front of my eyes and then took the lives of her goons, as well. Would they all be taken by this place?
Hey Asuka we should go home. Kai finally said, understanding the futility of the little one's quest.
If you are ready I can send you back to the surface. Emi stated beginning the spell.
Ill go with them, and make sure they get back safely, Nikki's friend added, going to them.
Once they were gone, I smelled a familiar scent about the house and turned my gaze to Gideon. This would have been the first he'd seen of his mother like this, in this undead existence. I worried how it might affect him, but as she appeared next to Emi, the two of them only shared a knowing and solemn look before she placed her hands on Emi's shoulders.
Its time. She told her.
But if it stops you will all be in danger. Emi replied, as I braced myself.
My eyes never left her much as Gideon's never left his mother. Even though I didn't know what was coming, my senses knew enough. Emi's presence was becoming more pronounced. She was becoming whole and this place, this facsimile of her former life that had sheltered her and our fallen friends, was coming undone.
Well okay, but stay close to me. She uttered meekly, beginning to absorb the whole of the environment into herself.
The warping arena took its toll on the others and they struggled. As for me, the sickle ensured I would not be affected and I stood my ground, staring at Emi as she made herself into more than the shadow she was. Once the room was gone, I found myself standing at the heart of a tenth cloister. I guessed it had to have been Cloister 90, though we'd escaped on Cloister 88 previously. Had the damage spread so far downward, as well? I took a quick scan of the area and found I was alone. The others had been sent elsewhere.
Emi appeared before me, calling me by name. It took me by surprise, but then I realised she knew who her true sissy was now. Even so, why was she here? If she was back to the Emi she was in life, wouldn't she go to Nikki?
Well, that was... different. Sakura groaned, her pyreflies collecting together.
Emika, you are nearly whole. I'm so happy for you. Gideon's mother cooed.
I stood horrified as they spoke and would then be joined by Yuki and Yuubou. As they conversed amongst themselves about Emi's accomplishment, I could only watch them. My mind envisioned the claws of Via Infinito tightening their grasp on these innocent souls, but not one of them felt them.
You still can't leave this place? None of you?
That's alright, Mishka. We'll be just fine.
Speak for yourself. I've been down here so long I can't remember what it was like not being a cloud of pyreflies. Sakura joked.
Gideon's mother approached me to say, Even if we had the ability to leave, we wish to stay and protect this little one just as she'd done for us.
You mean it? Emi chirped, coming toward us.
You've been our haven against the darkness of this place. Now that you are becoming whole, we want to help you realise that goal. Once you are complete in mind and spirit, I believe you will be what opens the path back to the Farplane. Then, we can go there together.
The others cheered her on, as well, and it was decided they'd joined their pyreflies with her to give her their strength. I was encharged with her care against the antagonistic forces Via Infinito might employ. I'd lost again. Try as I did, I couldn't save them from her or what influence Via Infinito already had over her and here I was, appointed the very task Via Infinito had entrusted me. It had all gone according to its design.
With nothing more I could do, I decided that, if I kept watch over Emi, my new power could potentially thwart Via Infinito's scheming. To that end, I'd need to keep moving forward. My first priority was to reunite with the others to, at least, ensure myself of their safety. I knelt down before Emi, managing the best sincere expression I could, and suggested we move forward to Cloister 91.
The cloister was far from the cold metal halls and arenas of the past. It wasn't even the seemingly living tunnels we'd encountered when Yuki thought to breach its walls. This place was coated in the same black aura I'd been submerged in through the sickle. It was so immersive that I was given a soothing calm in lieu of the caution I showed as we traveled. It felt odd to carry such conflicting emotions within me, but I reminded myself that only one of them was truly mine.
Mishka, you're worried. Emi suddenly blurted, alarming me as I didn't know what that meant for her.
Of course, I'm worried. We're separated again and this cloister is no ordinary cloister.
It is different now, isn't it? She muttered, showing more maturity than I'd previously seen.
We have to be careful, Emi. There's no telling what may happen to us if we're not and I intend to reunite you with your sister before you head off for the Farplane.
You mean it? She said excitedly.
I nodded, silently glad to have been honest for once. Though my reasoning wasn't as pure, I did fully intend to bring Emi to her sister. It may be the only way to safeguard her from whatever Via Infinito had planned for her. As I watched her prancing about, relieved that I was still her friend, I thought about the lives still hinging on my actions. She was still an innocent little girl. In spite of my fears over what Via Infinito wanted of her, she wasn't a part of it. I needed to save her just as much as the souls now residing within her. I chose to take a moment from proceeding onward to watch her and remind myself of my purpose here. After everything that had happened, it was only too easy to lose sight of it. This little girl who had witnessed so much, had experienced death at such a young age, and yet there she was playing with those red butterflies as if...
Red butterflies?
I quickly went to Emi and pulled in close. When had they appeared? The sickle shook violently in its illusory sheath, begging for me to wield it. I ignored it, but these butterflies were a bad omen. Getting Emi's attention, I had her follow me in search of the exit down to the next cloister. However, the cloister began to grow darker and it wasn't long before the only light came from the blood red glow of those creatures.
Mishka, I'm scared.
Stay close. We only need to find the way into Cloister 92 and we'll be fine. I reassured, though our search was still fruitless.
After some time traversing the blackened area, one low-flying butterfly drew my attention to a faint glow beneath it. Going over to it, I discovered it was still no exit. However, as I pulled the object closer, I would identify it as a Garment Grid.
Why is there a Garment Grid here? I asked aloud, before daring to chance the guess, Could this be Rikku's Garment Grid?
The Undying Storm. I heard Emi mumble.
What was that?
I don't know. She replied in a worried tone, The words just came to me.
That was enough for me to stop holding back. I couldn't pretend to have control over the situation anymore. The longer we remained, the more Emi was exposed to Via Infinito. There wasn't an exit to this cloister and a swarm of crimson butterflies that excited the sickle seemed its only feature. If it wanted me to wield it, it would have its wish. Taking hold of the weapon I unleashed its power upon the butterflies, shredding them all in a single stroke. The tatters of their red wings fluttered to the ground and bathed it in red. And then, from that red, it arrived.
Is that?
The Aeon Valefor. Emi uttered.