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Thread: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira

  1. #21
    Exquisivor Valvaris's Avatar
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    Aug 2009

    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira


    “Val... lead” croaked Nikki, as she staggered towards the teleport with the help of some of the others.

    "And you are coming with me." the little girl's voice echoes through the cloister.

    Pyreflies appear all over, around the group of warriors. Everyone felt nervous and began to look around, turning their heads and bodies left and right.

    "Stand guard!" Joseph said.

    A thick portion of the pyreflies began closing in on the warriors, some of the mages began to shriek. Suddenly, the pyreflies all instantly travels to Cyan. They surround her and compress as she tries to shoo them away. The rest tried to help her. "Cyan!" Val was shoving the pyreflies away, too. The pyreflies kept on compressing until Cyan cannot be seen anymore, and finally, they disperse and disappears.

    Val stood there, shocked. The rest, speechless. Cyan wasn't there.

    "Where did she go?" asked one of the mages.

    "Somewhere." a voice appeared from behind the group. They turned around, to find the little girl behind them, "Now, you ALL have to play with me." she smiled.

    "Where did you took her to?" asked Val.

    "She is somewhere in this place. This game is called Hide and Seek." the little girl said, "You know this place is where fiends roam, so find her fast!" she said with loads of excitement, "Begin!" she exclaimed, and disappears into the pyreflies.

    "Let's go""to find Cyan!""And Rikku, too!"
    "Nikki'll catch up soon after she gets healed. We must move on." said Joseph as he walks toward the entrance to Cloister 3.
    "We move on." said Val. The whole group jumped into Cloister 3.

    "We search" says Val, "Thoroughly. Yuki and Joseph, lead half the group and search the left portion of this cloister. The rest, Yuubou and I will take the right." he continued as he gestured to show the others which way they would be going.

    "Why split us""again?"
    "You two have telepathy." said Val, as he noticed how Yuki responded as they arrived to their aid in Cloister 2.
    The twins excitedly said, "You knew""that we had""telepathy! You are""so cool!"
    "Began the search." Val said.
    "Make sure to check for secret rooms." reminded Joseph.

    The group began splitting up.

    "Cyan, Rikku, wait for me! I'm coming!"

    To be continued

  2. #22
    Memento Vivere R.Kyra's Avatar
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    Jul 2006

    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira

    Name: Kyra


    Kyra stopped in mid stride. She didn’t notice she had run past the 2 guards at the entrance to Bevelle.

    She turned around and said, “Sorry, I need to see Baralai, it is very important”

    “You need an escort. The location on the flyer is wrong.” He sighed as if he had explained that same line many times before.

    “Before you leave,” the other guard said, “May I ask you what type of weapon that is? I’ve never seen one like that before.”

    “It’s a Gunblade, part gun, part blade. It’s my personal favourite when it comes to effectively killing my target.”

    “Oh, are they new?” He asked, “Where can I get one”

    Before she spoke again, she remembered where she was. Spira. How did I get here? She thought. Her Gunblade was a gift from President Laguna. It was one of the many things he had found on his travels and he had given it to her before she left for the space station.

    “Its custom made. It’s not from around here.” She had to say something. She didn’t want to have another confusing conversation like she had with Cid.



    I must make it to an escape pod before it’s too late. She thought.

    She was 2 months away from being able to live on earth again. Her dream was almost complete. Why did this happen? Was Rinoa possessed by Edea? Or was it Ultimicea? Damn it I can’t think about that now, I must make it to an escape pod.

    She arrived at the escape pods and there was only one left. She hopped in, pressed the release button and hoped for the best. Once she had already taken off she realised she had forgotten to set the coordinates in order to get back to earth. [color=deepskyblue]Damn it all. Why did I have to miss that last emergency drill? They were never any fun anyway. I was sure if the real thing actually happened I would remember. Damn everything... Damn Squall for ruining my dream. Maybe I can talk to Ellone. [color]

    “Ellone? What’s going on? I need help! ELLONE!?” She focused her power to try and speak to her. She knew she might have been busy. Squall was always her top priority. But there must have been a reason why I could talk to her too.

    “Kyra? Where are you?” Ellone answered.

    “I’m not sure. I forgot to set the coordinates in order to get back to earth-” She tried to explain, but Ellone cut her off.

    “Hold on. I’m very busy now. Time compression is about to start. Try thinking of a place at home. I’m not sure if it’s going to work but try. Okay?” Ellone said before terminating the connection.

    I have to try, She thought. But I haven’t been home in so long, how long should this take? Oh ****...

    There was a blinding light. She wasn’t thinking of home. In fact she wasn’t thinking of anything. She hadn’t been home in almost 2 years. The space station had become her life. Her family was killed in the sorceress war when Adel was in power. She can barely remember their faces now. Ellone was the closest thing she had to family. She grew up with the White SeeDs. She left them when she decided that life wasn’t for her. Ellone had taught her how to communicate with her in case she had ever gotten lost or felt alone. Now of course she was too busy with helping Squall, Kyra was put on the backburner. She felt abandoned. All she wanted to do was get away now. Far far away.


    The escape pod landed. It wasn’t a soft landing, but she seemed to have survived. Her body hurt everywhere. She couldn’t move or even call for help. She felt so tired. She began to drift off. She then began to see figures in front of her, but couldn’t understand what they were saying. She passed out.

    When she awoke, there were people looking at her from above trying to speak to her in a different language.

    “Are you okay?” One of the men said in English.

    Finally, someone who I can understand. She thought. “Yes, I think I’m fine now. Where am I?

    “This is home.” The man said. He seemed very proud when he said that too, as if he had built it himself. “This is where the Al Bhed live. My name is Cid.”

    “Home? Al Bhed? This isn’t home. What are Al Bhed?” She was very confused. This was in the middle of a desert. Her home was Esthar.

    “This is our home. I can see you’re not from around here. Were you in contact with sin?” Cid asked.

    Nothing was making sense to her. What was Sin? Am I even on the same planet?

    “I come from Esthar; do you know how I can get there from here?” She asked, hoping for an answer.

    Everyone in the room started to look very confused. Looking at each other to see if they knew what Esthar was, or even where.

    “Where in Spira are you from?” Cid asked. He started to sound very concerned. “Were you hit by Sin’s toxin? There is no such thing as Esthar.”

    No Esthar? What happened in the last 4 years? I couldn’t have been THAT far out of the loop could I? She began to think Ellone had something to do with it. She did say something about time compression. She had only read about it from one of Doctor Odine’s studies. Since she only knew of 2 sorceress of that time, she didn’t think it could be possible. Rinoa? A sorceress? Maybe that’s why she was acting all funny on the space station. Everything’s all screwy now anyway, might as well play along until I can get answers another way.
    “Is it possible to stay here until I can figure everything out?” She asked.

    “Sure, why not? The more the merrier right? Welcome Aboard” Said Cid. Everyone nodded.


    “Oh, alright then. He’ll take you to Baralai.” The other guard said.

    “Don’t mind him. He’s always like that. He should really start to look for things for himself.” The escort said. “Here you are Miss. I hope you can help them find Rikku.”

    “I’ll try thanks.” Although that wasn’t exactly what she was looking for, she might as well help because that seemed to be the task at hand.
    She had only known Rikku for a short period of time. Shortly after she had landed in Spira, Rikku had to take off in order to save Yuna from an impending doom. At least that’s what she had called it. She just didn’t make too much of a plan. She just picked up one of their Machina and left. Rikku was a nice girl though. Nothing like anyone from the White SeeDs though. Everything was different here. Almost primitive, as if this was the past.

    “Baralai? I know that briefing was already over, but I’m here about the Rikku Situation.”

    “Do you know anything about the Via Infinito?” He asked.

    “Not really, I’m not from around here. I do know that it is the complete opposite from the Farplane. It feeds off negative energy. I’m sure one of the sorceresses would love to get their hands on this type of power.” She said

    “Sorceress?” Baralai gave her a confused and concerned look. **** did I say that out loud?

    “We can talk about that after I help Rikku okay?” She said quickly changing the subject.

    “Alright,” He said. “Just follow that corridor and in that room you should find the teleport. There are some injured people up there, try asking them where those groups left off. I don’t want anyone travelling alone in there.”

    “Thank you” She said making her way to the Via Infinito. When she got to the room with the teleport, she found many of whom were injured. This wasn’t going to be her average walk in the park. There must be something down there; something big.

    “HEEEEY, that ****ing hurts, you moron, I’ll do it myself.” Someone said quite loudly that caught Kyra’s attention.

    “OWWW. **** me. I can’t go anywhere in this condition. HEEEY, what are you staring at?”

    Is she talking to me? Who does she think she is? “Can you give me any information of what went on down there?” She asked

    “There is this little annoying unsent girl causing a whole bunch of **** down there and it isn’t helping. Now if you don’t mind I need to heal myself before going anywhere.” She said as if she wanted privacy. If anything isn’t helping it’s her attitude.

    This is going to be harder than I thought. What is unsent? Does it mean it wasn’t sent to the Farplane? This is going to be a lot larder then I first thought. That’s why he doesn’t want anyone to go in alone. She thought.

    “Can anyone please tell me what’s going on down there? I’m here to help.” She asked praying that someone was actually out there that could tell her something and didn’t have to pull out this poor girl’s teeth as well as everything else.

    “I can help.” A red headed girl said. “My name is Sakura. That one there is Nikki. She isn’t in the greatest of conditions right now.”

    “I figured that. My name is Kyra. Send my regards to that poor girl over there.” She said giving Nikki a look. “If she was nicer I might actually be able to do something for her. For now, that will have to wait. Can you tell me what went on down there and what I can do to help?

    “There is an unsent girl causing the most trouble and making sure we don’t get past her without a fight.” Sakura explains, “All she wants to do is play, but with this task at hand, all that we want to is find Rikku and get out. The Via Infinito isn’t the smartest place to get lost in. Before this had happened, everyone was split up. The little unsent girl said she wanted to play again, but Nikki wasn’t into those games, so the little girl got angry and summoned something that poisoned her. The group that is down there now could really use your help though. From the looks of your sword, you mean business.”

    “So that little girl can summon fiends? What kind of magical power does she have? Is she some sort of sorceress?” Kyra asked forgetting where she was again.

    “Sorceress? Those are only in books and fairy tales.” She explains, “This girl is unsent. It means she hasn’t really accepted her death yet. Since the time of summoners has passed and no one has the ability to send them to the Farplane, So they wander and sometimes end up in the Via Infinito.”

    Damn it I did it again. This information does help though. Maybe I am in the past now. It looks like I won’t be going back anytime soon either. Damn it, damn it, damn it!

    “Thank you Sakura. Is there any way you can send me down there instead of having to go there alone?” Kyra asks.

    “Yes” Sakura said excitedly, “I can teleport you to the place they last left off. I’m pretty sure it was Cloister 3. Are you ready?”

    Before Kyra answered that question, she turned around and gave a Nikki an X-potion. “This will help. I hope it makes you feel better. The name is Kyra.”

    “Thanks. Maybe we’ll see each other again.” Nikki said. “It is really dangerous down there. That ****ing little girl is ruining everything. I hope they take care of her soon.”

    “I’ll do my best to help.”Kyra turns back around to Sakura. “I’m ready.”

    “Okay, you’ll be there in 2 shakes.” Sakura said and teleported Kyra to Cloister 3.

    To Be Continued
    Last edited by R.Kyra; 11-04-2011 at 09:57 PM.

    Spoiler: Awards 

  3. #23
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
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    Jan 2004

    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira

    “Alright, let her rip!” One of the volunteers called out.

    Others detonated the explosive charges we had set up near a hitch in a rocky chasm around the northern area of the desert. The first day was coming to a close, but a few of the volunteers were quite eager on something they had found and wanted to investigate. It felt odd to watch them so focused and determined to seek a discovery, but I had no argument to make. In life, I had been the same way and I still was, only daunted by the fact I could be aiding in heathen activity.

    Even so, of particular interest to me became a few select volunteers. They showed intelligence and promise. From my recent conversations with them, I deduced their education to be of superior prowess, the content of the conversations telling me the higher learning had been self-induced. My eyes scanned them as I worked, darting from one to the next. One, a girl who's purity of thought I had come to admire was having trouble clearing some rubble left following the explosion. Using my gravity gun, I focused it on the looser pieces and lifted them further into previously explored desert sands. She turned to me, wiping some sweat off her forehead before stepping over towards me. We spoke of the regions already explored and swept clean, but the tone in her voice told me she had doubts we were making much progress. I would reassure her, in turn reassuring myself that the tour here in the sands would really be of use, if even just for the sake of hindering further machina development.

    Later on, I would come upon the same heathen boy from before. In his exosuit, he had begun drilling deeper into the widened chasm, taking care not to jar loose any rocks essential to the structural integrity. It was for that purpose that he had chosen to board the suit rather than guide it remotely. However, from the appearance, the suit was malfunctioning and he was having difficulty maintaining a firm position. As the drills swayed slightly, I noticed the sides scrape against a very loose yet very important protrusion in the chasm wall. He would notice it shortly after, shutting down the drills, but too late. The stone crumbled from the prior abuse, giving way for the other broken sediments to begin collapsing in on itself. Again with the gun, I focused it upon the wall and pushed them back as much as the gun's power would allow. Hunter would understand immediately and begin melting and fusing them together with the molten plates of the exosuit's other arms.

    “Thank you for that. My equipment's been acting up.” He said, coming down from the dreadful thing.

    “You should have contacted me sooner. I could have lent you some of my assistance before we nearly had a mess on our hands.” I replied, slightly scolding him though his failure would have been profitable.

    “I know. Sorry. Not used to calling for help in mission.”

    “In mission?” I asked him.

    “I used to roam around Spira to collect intel on what the Yevonites might be planning for us. It keeps us Al Bhed one step ahead since Spira wasn't very welcoming to us after Sin.”

    “I see.”

    Of course Spira wouldn't be welcoming, you urchin. You Al Bhed were the cause and promoters for everything that ailed Spira. This generation had been blinded to it with the revelation of Bevelle's treachery, but I knew better. Despite the corruptions of a mortal regime, the principles behind the Yevon teachings were set by an immortal being, set to teach us the error of our ways, created to be our salvation and to be a warning for generations to come. Finally being rid of Sin should have proven that we had risen above our lust for luxurious machinations. The end of Sin's reign should have come at a time when Spira's people knew to protect the planet rather than destroy it, but instead, the grand scheme was fouled by a mutt-blooded harlot. Her victory ushered in the downfall of the truth and the light, destroyed countless years of hard work and slow but evolving progress.

    “You know, Sin's gone now, but there's still something to think about.” Hunter suddenly spoke, driving me away from my reverie.

    “What do you mean?”

    “Sin came up because of the Machina War, right? Well, I know Yevon's a bunch of bull, but there's gotta be some truth to the stories, right? Maybe Sin really did come out from the machina. I don't know what Rin's plan is, but whatever we achieve this time with the machina, we had better be more careful about it. If Sin came once because of a Machina War, there's no telling what might come up from a second one.” He explained, looking at the setting sun in the distance.

    I was taken aback quite a bit at those words. To think a creature such as himself, of a race that tainted Spira, would make note of the dangers of machina. It had me utterly baffled. I looked upon him without being able to mutter a word, lost in scattering thoughts on what to make of his revelation.

    Finally, calming my swirling emotions, I responded, “From my understanding, it was believed machina was the cause for Sin's wrath. Our Lord, Yu Yevon, believed people had become indulgent in their use, accented by the war. But that was all disproven by Yuna's victory, was it not?”

    “Don't get me wrong. I think we're doing something good here, trying to get things back to the old days before Sin destroyed it all, but there's gotta be a reason it was destroyed before and I don't want all this hard work to just cause another Age of Sin, you know what I mean?”

    “Rin seems to believe we won't. You doubt him?” I answered, hoping he would, though not knowing why.

    Was I actually invested in anything this heathen child had to mention? In the end, he was still a machina hording demon who spread heresy and destruction about him.

    “Rin... hah! Gippal and I know all too well about Rin. Sure, he seems all nice on the outside, but he's a cut-throat business tycoon underneath. You should be careful about him, Iezak. Don't let his pretty words get to you. He's up to something with this mission of his. I'm only in it because it may turn up some good even if he's playing his own agenda.”

    “What good might that be?”

    “Improving the world, of course. You can't honestly say you like Spira the way it is. We come from a world filled with vast cities and healthy natural landscapes. You've been keeping up, right? They say the Macalania Woods are fading. I wonder why? Why now when the woods should be clear of any artificial crap that might screw it up? Why now when Spira should be at its natural height?” He replied.

    “You bring up a good point. What do you think it could be?” I said, actually curious about it myself.

    I had heard the woods were dying, but why? The excavations and new machina technology had been slow if advancing at all. For the moment, Spira should have been overgrown with nature's wonders, but it seemed weaker.

    “I think the oldest Machina Cities maintained them. I don't know how and I can't even say the theory's right, but why take the chance now that we've got the option to research into it?” Hunter exclaimed, raising a fist, “If we could bring back one of those cities, maybe we could even save the woods. After all, if they survived since those days all the way to now, then chances are it was the Age of Sin that caused them to weaken in the first place and the only difference between then and now is no more Machina Cities.”

    “You make a good observation, Hunter. Let's work towards this goal while we find the machina needed to create Rin's wonderland.” I suggested, noting that Hunter's theory, while flawed, could make the difference between friend or foe.

    I'd want a helping hand if I was to bring salvation to this pitiful generation. In the meantime, with him working towards my ends, I could work more devils into the intended mission and stunt those heathens from further polluting the world.
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  4. #24
    Khan of Clan Wolf Mechwarrior21's Avatar
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    Oct 2004

    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira


    I lead my group down the left corridor, its path spiraled downwards to another room. There were fiends in the way, but nothing very strong and were quickly brought down. When we reached the cavern, I turned to instruct the group.

    “Alright, just like last time. We search this place for any clues. Anything that may lead us to either Cyan or Rikku. Got it?” I said. The group started to spread out, looking for anything out of the ordinary.

    I began to look on the floor for any indication of activity. Footprints, cuts, anything that is out of place. My search seems fruitless as nothing seems abnormal. I turned to ask the others but I stepped on something that didn’t sound like gravel. I lift my boot to find a piece of metal right underneath where I stepped, partially buried. I knelt down and picked it up. The metal was the tip of a blade, around 3cm long and red in color. I was quite knowledgeable with swords but this wasn’t from any sword that I knew of.

    “Hey Yuki, come over here for a second,” I called out. She jogged to me.

    “What did you find?” she asked. I showed her the metal tip.

    “Do you know where this came from? It doesn’t seem to be from a sword,” I said, holding it out for her to examine. She studied it for a moment.

    “Looks like the tip of a thief blade. Wait a moment. You don’t think that…..,” she started. I smirked a bit.

    “Yeah I do think so. This may be a piece of Rikku’s blade. She may have been down here looking for something. Tell Yuukou and Val that we’ve found something and that we’re heading back to the portal,” I instructed. She nodded and I headed to the entrance of this cavern, hoping for more clues.

    Suddenly, pyreflies began to gather. I instinctively drew my sword. The others turned to look, also seeing the gathering of pyreflies. They took out their respective weapons as well. The pyreflies gathered and formed a fiend. A Great Malboro formed in front of me. My eyes widen at this sudden foe. More pyreflies gathered to form Evil Eyes, around 20 or so. The Malboro effectively trapped us in this cavern.

    “EVERYBODY STAY BACK! STAY…..” was all I managed to say before the Malboro began to inhale a bit. I cursed a bit and tried to jump back. However I was still hit by the Bad Breath, Blinding me. I landed off balance and fell, using my sword to steady me. The others seem occupied with the Evil Eyes. I knew that I didn't bring eye drops with me.

    “Yuki, you better tell Val and the others to get here quickly,” I shouted behind me. With that I faced the Malboro and prepared to attack.
    I'm like you.....I have no name - Mr. X

  5. #25
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira

    As Nikki awoke she immediately thought that people were stupid number one she seemed to have awoken just outside the teleport just leaned against the hard wall, number 2 no one had given her a bed, and number 3 no one had given her a bed! “Oh wait... That’s still two” she thought as she tried to push herself off the floor and started to head back towards the teleport, ”Well if they aint going to give me a bed I’m more useful in there,”. One of the guards hastily grabbed at her arm to stop her from going any further.

    “You’re in no condition” he simply said to her. She roughly pulled her arm off him. And turned around but as she did her legs give way and she felt the hands of the guard catch her. She then stood up holding her head

    “You’re right” a priest then came by and roughly poured some potion into the wound on her arm. “Hey that ****ing hurts you moron, I’ll do it myself!” she exclaimed while snatching the bottle from him and gently rubbing in the potion onto her arm herself.

    “She needs a bed!” squealed a girls voice and Nikki heard more footsteps come over to her and hastily pull her up.

    “Ow! **** me I can’t go anywhere in this condition!” She exclaimed as she was pulled to her feet. She looked over to see a girl with blonde hair staring at her; she had the most extraordinary weapon on her though, so she guessed she was looking for the Rikku mission. “Hey! What are you looking at?!” She exclaimed. She hated people staring at her especially when she was feeling sick to the stomach. She was feeling worse than for wear so really politeness has gone out of the window.

    “Can you give me any information of what went on down there?” replied the girl. Nikki then remembered it was that unsent that caused her this pain and had put her into this situation.

    “I hate that unsent” she thought. “There is this little annoying unsent girl causing a whole bunch of **** down there and it isn’t helping. Now if you don’t mind I need to heal myself before going anywhere.” But at that moment Nikki felt dizzy again and sat down on the floor. “Floor is good for now” she thought. She just held her head in her hands as she hears Sakura’s voice ramble on about the situation. She looked up as the girl spoke to her, announcing herself as Kyra while she handed her what looked like an X-Potion. Nikki smiled at her. “Thanks. Maybe we’ll see each other again.” Nikki said. “It is really dangerous down there. That ****ing little girl is ruining everything. I hope they take care of her soon.” As she saw the girl leave Nikki passed out again on the floor feeling very dizzy and slightly sick, but before she did she heard comrades who had been brought up call out her name in worry.

    There was darkness, complete and utter black, with no light in sight. “Hello?” called out Nikki but there was so reply.

    “Play with me!”

    “Oh **** it’s the girl again!” she thought, she heard a giggle but couldn’t see her.

    “I want to play!” “Come! Play with me!”

    “Hey NIKKSTER lets play a game!” That was definitely Kai.

    “Nikki play with the young girl” that was definitely Kyley’s voice.

    “There’s something odd here” she thought, as more and more voices started to tell her to play, along with the girl’s giggling drove her insane, it got faster and faster until suddenly...

    “AHHHHHHH” exclaimed Nikki sitting up in bed with sweat dripping down her. Her heart pumping fast she could see she was still in the temple. She then laid herself back down onto the soft bed letting herself catch her breath. “Just a dream” she thought, she calmed herself down. She turned over in the bed to see that her bow and arrows were leaning against the wall. “How long had I slept? 1? 2 hours?” Feeling pleasantly healed she sat up and grabbed her bow and arrows and strapped the case to her back and kicked open the door. She then headed to Baralai’s office.

    As Nikki walked she saw Kyley speaking to one of the guards.

    “Sir have you seen a 14 year old boy dripping wet come around here?”

    “Hmm... Oh yeah that kid don’t worry mam we sent him home” He nodded to himself as Nikki approached. “Ah you feeling better?” He asked. Nikki nodded. Kyley turned to face her beaming.

    “Ah Nikki thank goodness, Kai hasn’t come home and I’m getting worried.” Nikki sighed and took in a deep breath. She really didn’t want to have to tell her this, but she had to she was his mother and she had every right to know.

    “Kyley... Kai followed me down to the Via Infinito” She lowered her ashamed to admit it, she had failed to protect him.

    “The Via... Oh no not Kai! Stupid boy! Stupid, stupid, stupid boy!” she turned hastily around to the guards. “You should have stopped him! He’s only 14!”

    “But mam... I sent him home I swear!” he said putting up his hands in defence.

    “Is there a problem?” Nikki heard Baralia’s voice. She turned to see him come over.

    “Ah Praetor please my boy! Please” Kyley was nearly in tears. Nikki turned to face him.

    “Kai her son is only 14, and the little twerp snuck in. He’s now with Mishka and Gippal” Baralai nodded and bent down to Kyley.

    “I promise I will do everything in my power to have your son returned to you unharmed. I shall get into contact with Shinra and he can send a commsphere down to contact Gippal. I am truly sorry about this”

    “Besides Kai can hold his own, as much as I hate to admit it. He’s a pretty good fighter against fiends, and Mishka and Gippal won’t let anything happen to them. I’ll crush them otherwise”

    “BARAILAI!” Echoed a voice across the temple before anyone can do anything there was a sudden burst of speed and Barailai was been held again the wall by a female fighter. Nikki recognised her immediately as Paine, one of the Gullwings. The guards immediately pointed their gun at her, but Barailai seem to give the word for them to lower their guns. “Why didn’t you tell me! Why didn’t you tell me Rikku was missing!” Nikki smiled at her style she immediately had a liking towards her ruthlessness.

    “Paine... Rikku told me to not to tell. She made me promise. But we already have fighters down there looking for her, including Gippal.” Paine lowered him down and off the wall. She crossed her arms.

    “Is someone with Gippal?”

    “Mishka is. She is a strong fighter and seems to keep Gippal focused on what’s important” replied Nikki. Paine nodded at her and turned to Barailai.

    “How did you find out?” he asked.

    “How else?” She said seeming to state it was obvious. “You tell Nooj, Nooj tells Le Blanc, Le Blanc tells everyone in Spira” She paused for a bit. “I just wish you had told me, you know it won’t be long till Yuna finds out, her and Tidus will head straight for Bevelle when they do.” Nikki groaned. She heard that Sir Tidus was a bit of an airhead, she swore she already had too many in her group.

    “But by then hopefully we would have found Rikku,” Said Nikki. “We’ve got another problem though...”

    “The girl... Yes I heard about that.” Said Baralai.

    “She seems to be able to summon fiends at will, so she’s not any normal unsent. Also I think she’s still just a girl and isn’t really aware of the damage she is causing. This just makes her even more dangerous.”

    “I see...” Said Barailai deep in thought.

    “What now?” asked Paine. Nikki smirked.

    “I’m going to head back to my group and keep those twins in order”

    “I’m coming too.” Stated Paine.

    “Thought she would say that” thought Nikki.


    “No Barailai, me and Yuna are the only ones that possible know the Via Infinito the best, if I go I can aid the group” Nikki nodded towards her.

    “Any good at leading?” asked Nikki as they both walked towards the teleport.

    “No I was always the one recording”

    “Well I can tell you now a lot of them are going to turn to you” Paine shook her head.

    “They know you much better” said Paine with a smile, “Via Infinito has changed since I’ve been, I don’t expect to lead, but to aid. I’ll have your back though”

    “... ****ing great...” thought Nikki “Why am I always leader?” she thought as they stepped through the teleport onto cloister 3.

    “Flametounge!” shouted out Paine as they immediate stepped out Nikki could see that Joseph’s group was in trouble, Nikki fired her arrow at the nearest fiend.

    “Good, you’re here” said Joseph to Nikki.

    ^Made by Tinychikn

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  6. #26
    Exquisivor Valvaris's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira


    Valvaris and Yuubou are leading the group down the right path, looking around, and tapping the ground and walls as they go. They couldn't find or see anything down this path. Val frowned, "Nothing again. Not another trap, could it be?"

    At the end of the path, is an empty square-shaped room. Still nothing. Val sighed. He turned around one last time, looking around, hoping some clues would pop out in the room. The brown-colored rocks, still stationary; the room, still quiet. Only slight bickerings are heard by members of the group. Yuubou is just smiling and jumping around the room, muttering, "Empty! Empty! Empty!"

    "There's nothing here. Let's head back." said Val.

    The group began retracing their footsteps back towards the entrance of Cloister 3. Halfway through, Val noticed Yuubou's movements slowed for a moment. Before he could ask what happened, Yuubou exclaimed, "Yuki's in danger!" and began speeding off into the direction of Yuki and Joseph.

    "I'll be rushing there, too. You guys follow suit, but be careful; signal if there's emergency." Val said before leaping away, tailing Yuubou.

    Yuubou's speed is astonishing. Val moved forward by concentrating his energy into his legs, and projecting himself forward with the help of the ground and the wall; but he still could not catch up with Yuubou. As they arrive at the entrance of the path, Val reaches for his waist and pulled out his guns. From their location, they can clearly see a giant Marlboro in front of them. Yuubou dashed towards the Marlboro; but Val stopped at the entrance to the left path. He scanned the place, fearing there might be more ambushes. As his eyes move around the room, it stopped at two silhouettes to the front and one figure on his left. He first set his eyes upon this figure of his left.

    The blonde girl, with a strange looking sword-like weapon hanging by her waist, is running towards the Marlboro, as well.

    "Friend? or Foe?" thought Val. But he knew he does not have much time to worry about that now. He continued forward alongside the girl towards the two silhouette in front of them. As he got closer, Val clearly sees who are they. "Nikki!" Val exclaimed. He was definitely happy to see her unharmed by the ordeal earlier. Nikki was saying something he didn't manage to catch. He was busy figuring out the person standing beside Nikki, "Paine? Why's she here?". Val recognizes Paine as he does follow Rikku's news from time to time. The Gullwings, comprised of Rikku, Lady Summoner Yuna and Paine, how could he not recognize her. He was thrilled to see them, but at the same time worried about Joseph and Yuki. When he arrived, Nikki is already attacking the fiends around the Marlboro, with the help of Paine.

    "I'll help." said the girl with the strange weapon.

    Val nodded and began casting his spells, "I'll focus on the Marlboro." Nikki and Paine both gave a slight nod, preparing their attacks. The other girl were cutting away at fiends near her as well.

    Val concentrated his energy and leaped into the air. After making a flip mid-air, he aimed both his guns at the Marlboro, and a big, bright, red magic circle appears in front of the guns. "Charge-cast: Hohou." Sparkles of flames gathered around the center of the magic circle, while a small flame circle with about 15cm diameter began to form in the middle. A large, red beam is then fired at the Marlboro. When the beam came into contact with the Marlboro, it seemingly got "absorbed" into it, and the Marlboro began glowing red, and parts of it began to burn with mini flames. After a while, its body exploded and a large fire pillar is formed around it, burning it and the Evil Eyes around it. As the fire pillar dissipates, a fairly weakened Marlboro with black, burnt patches on it emerges. The evil eyes around it got reduced to ashes.

    As Val touches down on the ground, he raises his head to watch his teammates take down the huge fiend.

    To be continued...

    New Skills:
    Hohou 火砲 - Fire Cannon (-aga spell for Fire)
    Charge-cast - A skill used by Val to cast ONE spell with BOTH guns. The spell is slightly stronger than when Val casts it with only one gun. Though it exhaust him more than when he cast one spell from each gun.

  7. #27
    Memento Vivere R.Kyra's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira


    “I’m ready”

    The next thing Kyra knew, she was surrounded by a white almost blinding light. She was then transported to Cloister 3. Kyra really didn’t know what to expect. She hadn’t been through this kind of training before. Although she did come from Esthar and had travelled the Esthar planes enough times that she almost knew what was around the next corner, she didn’t quite know what to expect from this.

    What a horrible smell. It smells like death, and dying. What happened in this place?


    Hmm, sounds like trouble already. Better go check it out before I get caught in here alone.

    Kyra started to run over when she noticed another group of people coming her way. One of them looked at her kind of strangely, but had become accustomed to that already. He must be looking at my blade.

    She began to run with them and said “I’ll help”

    He nodded and said "I'll focus on the Marlboro."

    Understanding the current situation, she remembered she had met many of these types of monsters in the past. Her past. The best way to defeat these types of monsters is to not fall under its confusion spell. A few remedies should help. There were also bunches of flying monsters around too. Not knowing exactly what they were called, she took a swing at one. She pulled the trigger on her Gunblade, but it didn’t seem to faze this monster. Damn I missed. Better blind it to see what happens.

    “Cast: Blind!”
    The monster now surrounded with darkness, she took another swing. Haha, I got it this time. It fell to the ground and dispersed into pyreflies. Looks like I’ll have to get used to all of these new things in a hurry.

    She looked up and saw another bunch of flying fiends come towards her. There’s so many...She thought taking another swing at the closest one before it hit her. This one got angry. It was about ready to charge an attack when an arrow hit the fiend before it could hit her.

    She realized who it was. So that one is Nikki but who are these other people I’m working with here? I guess we’ll have more introductions later.

    “Just keep attacking them before they hit you.”
    Nikki explained. “By the way, thanks for the X-potion.”

    “No Problem”
    She said before she took another swing at another monster. This could take some getting used to.

    Kyra began to focus on her speed as well as accuracy. The faster she hit them, they faster they might disappear. The more she focused; she was able to bring down a bunch of them, but not all. When will it end?

    ZZAPP!! Damn I’ve been hit. She turned around and took a swing at the attacker making sure to pull the trigger on the blade. She did this a few more times again. This seems to be working, just have to keep at it.

    She noticed a few more arrows come her way. They hit their target and they were knocked out one at a time. Before she knew it, all that was left was this Malboro. Noticing that the monster was already weakened by the magic that came from the guy with the guns, all she could do was watch.

    There was a more experienced person with kind of grey hair. She kind of reminds me of Squall, but not quite. She has more personality that’s for sure.There was also a warrior with a samurai sword. I don’t see too many of those where I come from. There were two other people over there that looked like twins. Very energetic.

    As the Malboro was brought down, Kyra figured she might as well join the group.

    “Hey, my name is Kyra. I’m here to help.”

    To Be Continued

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  8. #28
    Khan of Clan Wolf Mechwarrior21's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira


    ‘Damn, this is going badly,” I thought. The others were busy with the Evil Eyes, leaving just me against the Great Malboro. My eyes were blinded by the Bad Breath attack and though I could see a bit, everything and everyone was a black blob with no definition. The only reason I knew where the Malboro was is the sound it made.

    I already tried to attack several times, but I keep missing and the Malboro kept hitting me, causing a number of wounds. I knelt down, trying in vain to whip the darkness from my eyes. I heard the Malboro moving closer to me. Suddenly, I heard a flutter of a bow and the sound of an arrow hitting the Malboro. It came from the entrance and I recognized the footfall. I smiled a bit.

    “Good you’re here,” I said to Nikki. I also heard several other footsteps and knew that reinforcements have arrived.

    “Anyone have Eye Drops with them?” I asked. I heard Nikki run to me.

    “Here Joseph,” Nikki said, handing me some Eye Drops. I let the fluid wash the darkness out of my eyes, allowing me to finally see for the first time since the battle began.

    Valvaris and Yuubou were battling the Malboro, along with Paine and a blonde girl. I was a little shocked that Paine was here but she was part of The Gullwings along with Rikku and Lady Yuna so it made some sense that she would come.

    “Charge-cast: Hohou,” Val casted, firing a beam of fire at the Malboro. It absorbed it before erupting into a column of flames, burning some of the nearby fiends away. It died down to reveal a weakened Malboro. I smirked and approached the Malboro. I held my blade at my side, causing a light yellow mist to rise from my blade.

    “This is payback for what you did. Now fear magic!” I shouted, jumping and hitting it, breaking down its resistance.

    “Finish it!” I commanded. I saw Paine take this opportunity to close in with the Malboro, her sword on fire.

    “Flametounge!” as Paine brought her sword down, cutting the Malboro in half and causing it to dissolve back to pyreflies. I looked around to see all the fiends taken care of. I finally took the time to check my wounds. There were several deep ones but nothing too bad. I took an X-potion to heal all my wounds as joined the group. The blond girl joined us as I arrived. I noted the strange blade that she wielded.

    “Hey, my name is Kyra. I’m here to help,” she said. I nodded and everyone introduced themselves to her.

    “Joseph, Yuki said that you may have found a clue,” Yuubou said. I nodded and showed them the blade shard.

    “This might be from Rikku’s thief blades,” I said, giving the shard to Paine for closer examination. “She may have been here are one point. This shard however is a bad sign. I don’t know how many dresspheres she brought down with her but if she broke one this far down, she may be in deep trouble further down. So we need to hurry if there’s a chance to find her alive.”
    I'm like you.....I have no name - Mr. X

  9. #29
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira

    Nikki smirked to herself “Evil Eyes, Magic uses and anyone with long distance techniques aim for them. The rest go for the...” she looked around at the great Marlboro. “JUST TAKE IT ****ING DOWN!”

    “I’ll focus on the Marlboro” Nikki nodded towards him and faced the Evil Eyes, she brought up her arrow and began firing taking down each one quite easily, while keeping her distance and firing she smiled to herself, it was good to see that people were working together. She looked around to see that Kyra was about to be attacked, noticing it was much too far even for her. Nikki ran towards the fiend noticing it charging its attack, and the girl being completely oblivious to what was going on behind her. It almost happened in slow motion and Nikki felt her heartbeat pound as she pulled the arrow back against her cheek and then fired. The fiend let out a cry of pain as it collapsed to the floor with a burst of Pyreflies.

    “Just keep attacking them before they hit you. By the way thanks for the X potion” Nikki said to her while keeping her back protected by firing more arrows at the fiends. High on adrenaline she slew on after another and for once this was one of the easier fights for her.

    “Anyone have eye drops with them?” Nikki noticed Joseph was nearby and seemed to fighting blindly. She mentally sighed in ward to herself but didn’t judge; after all she had forgotten to get antidotes. She ran over to him

    “Here, Joseph” He nodded his thanks to her, as Nikki turned around Kyra seem to be well... Overcome by the fiends once again. Nikki concentrated in on her magic she gracefully pulled out three arrows and lined them up on the bow, “Triple arrow” whispered Nikki and she let go with the magic guiding them towards three targets which instantly fell to the floor and dispersed in Pyreflies. She ran over to Kyra, and once more protected her back. “She should have gone after the big one” she thought to herself as she killed the last of the flying fiends.

    She looked around. Noticing it was only the Great Marlboro left, she thought she could hang back and actually take the opportunity to watch the others in action. It had already been weakened by Valaris earliar. She was very impressed by Joseph’s technique as she watched on. “A hard hitter” she thought. After Paine had finished it everyone began to gather.

    “Hey my name is Kyra, I’m here to help.” Nikki smiled at her, the twins seemed to be very excited to have two new additions join their group, in that they annoyed her immensely by jumping up and down!

    He’s Yuubou and I’m...”

    “Yuki” Nikki smiled at the fact that the girl seemed confused by this.

    “Don’t worry you learn to keep up with them” Both the twins seemed to smile at this.


    “Valvaris,” Nikki noticed his mind was elsewhere, but decided to question that later.

    “And you know who that obviously is” said the twins in unison looking at Paine.

    “Uhhh...” Kyra from what Nikki could see looked blankly at Paine. Nikki.

    “Yep she has no clue,” Paine smiled at that and uncrossed her arms.

    “Paine, nice to meet you.” Nikki chuckled at the twins gobsmacked faces that Kyra didn’t seem to know who Paine was. Nikki then felt a pit in a stomach weren’t they missing someone? She looked around, the three mages had returned to the group along with Sakura so it wasn’t them. Sakura gave a small smile to her as Nikki looked around at her direction. Nikki smiled and nodded back.

    “Joseph, Yuki said that you may had found a clue?” Nikki immediately turned attention towards the conversation.

    “What clue?” she asked.

    “This might have come from Rikku’s thief blades” said Joseph as he passed the tiniest piece of metal Nikki had seen to Paine. Nikki rose an eye brow at that but didn’t question it. “She may have been here are one point. This shard however is a bad sign. I don’t know how many dresspheres she brought down with her but if she broke one this far down, she may be in deep trouble further down. So we need to hurry if there’s a chance to find her alive.” Nikki slapped her forehead and sighed.

    “You find the tiniest piece of metal and call that her dressphere MUST be broken?”

    “We all leave tiny shards of metal behinds from our battles, this doesn’t prove anything. All it tells us that Rikku has been fighting and that’s a good sign.” Said Paine as she handed the shard back to him. Nikki looked around now finally realising she had seen Cyan in ages. “But I do agree we have to make haste nether less”

    “Hey where the **** did Cyan go?” Nikki asked she looked around at the others.

    “Cyan she...” began Val but the twins interrupted.

    “All these pyreflies were like!”

    “Whizzing around and”

    “Cyan went poof! And we’re playing”

    “Hide and Seek!” Nikki groaned.

    “Basically the girl took her.” Said Joseph. Nikki paused as she took this in.

    “SHE DID WHAT?!” she thought to herself. She went over to Val and look at him in the eye. “I promise we’ll get her back” Val nodded to her. “Lets go” she said to the rest of the group she led them running though the cloister and jumping down to cloister 4.

    They immediately ran into water flans. “Don’t bother with all of them, just cut down the ones in front, we’ll run to the intersection and then split up again.” Shout Nikki to them. Immediately Nikki could see the Mages aiming lightning spell at them. Nikki ran on dodging water spells, looking back every now and then to see if everyone was keeping up. “Right me Val and the twins will take the left corridor, Paine you lead the rest down the right.” "She has to lead now" thought Nikki with a smirk.

    “And as leader of my group I appoint Joseph as leader.” Nikki heard Paine say as they split up.

    As Nikki predicted they found nothing and as they joined up again the other group had found nothing as well. Nikki groaned she then ran on with the group following down to cloister 5.

    As they all got to cloister 5 the little girl’s voice echoed through the corridors.

    “Mary, Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockle shells, and pretty maids all in a row.” she sang as loads of Pryeflies gathered and revealed her to the group. “Do you know where she is yet?” she innocently asked. Val looked like he was going to attack her but Nikki stepped in front of him.

    “So this is the girl” said Paine, the unsent looked at Paine and smiled.

    “I know you, you and two other girls came and played with my friends. You were mean to them” She said.

    “Where’s Cyan?” said Nikki plainly

    “I can’t tell you! Its part of the game” She smiled, and then vanished is a burst of Pryeflies while giggling. Lord Ochu then appeared. “Play nice” echoed her voice.

    “Everyone! This guy is easy attack with fire based attacks” Nikki exclaimed, Nikki could already see Paine sphere changing into a Black Mage poised for battle.

    ^Made by Tinychikn

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  10. #30
    Exquisivor Valvaris's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo ~ The Fall of Spira


    "Hey my name is Kyra, I'm here to help." said the weird-sword girl.

    The team members are introducing themselves one by one, but Val couldn't pay attention.

    "Another ambush?" he thought, "Is she trying to stall time? That wretched girl."

    He then realizes that it is his turn to introduce himself, "Valvaris".

    A series of conversation ensues regarding Paine and Rikku's dagger shard. When Nikki mentioned Cyan, Val jolted back to reality.

    "Cyan, she..." Val begin, but he got interrupted by the twins, as they go on explaining about how Cyan went missing. But Nikki couldn't capture their words at all. Joseph finally summarized it with a simple sentence.

    Val was all worried about Cyan and Rikku. He felt that the conversation was a waste of time.

    "I promise we’ll get her back" Val nodded.
    "Finally!" He thought.

    They all went through Cloister 4 with haste. But still no signs of anything. They immediately press on towards Cloister 5, where they hear the girl's voice again.

    “Mary, Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockle shells, and pretty maids all in a row.” she sang as loads of Pryeflies gathered and revealed her to the group. “Do you know where she is yet?” she innocently asked. Val looked like he was going to attack her but Nikki stepped in front of him.

    “So this is the girl” said Paine, the unsent looked at Paine and smiled.

    “I know you, you and two other girls came and played with my friends. You were mean to them” She said.

    “Where’s Cyan?” said Nikki plainly

    “I can’t tell you! Its part of the game” She smiled, and then vanished is a burst of Pryeflies while giggling. Lord Ochu then appeared. “Play nice” echoed her voice.

    “Everyone! This guy is easy attack with fire based attacks” Nikki exclaimed, Nikki could already see Paine sphere changing into a Black Mage poised for battle.

    "En Garde," Val said, while he caught a glimpse of Paine changing into her Black Mage dress sphere, "Fire away."

    Paine heeded the signal. She began casting her Firaga while Joseph launches a Mental Break on the Lord Ochu. Nikki repeatedly fires arrows at the fiend's tentacles, obstructing it from successfully attacking the magic casters. Yuki telekinetically moved rocks and boulders, aiming them at the fiend's leg to throw it off balance, while Yuubou is fending off tentacles that manage to break through Nikki's arrow's defenses and are attacking the white mages.

    "I'll combo my attack with yours, Paine."
    "Firaga!" Paine unleashed a large explosion of flame on the Lord Ochu.

    Val immediately aimed both his guns at the fiend and a large, red magic circle appeared in front of him. "Charge-cast: Hodan". A large, red block of rock is then launched at the Lord Ochu, as the fire explosion from Paine's spell took effect, the rock is ignited by the fire of that spell. An even larger explosion happened, absolutely decimating the fiend. As the smoke subsides, pyreflies are seen floating out from the glowing corpse of the fiend.

    "Let's go," Val said as he keeps his guns and walks toward the left of Cloister 5.
    "There's no time to waste." Paine muttered as she walks towards the right. The group split themselves accordingly and followed.

    The search resulted in nothing as well. Several sighs were heard. They all move towards the warp and entered Cloister 6.

    Cloister 6 is as empty as the previous cloisters. They split up to search each and every inch of the cloister. There is still nothing. The group kept pressing on towards Cloister 7.

    To be Continued...

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