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Thread: Chrono Night

  1. #1
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
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    Jan 2004

    Chrono Night

    ===Chrono Night===

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    Chrono Night - Square Forums

    There is no time like the present.

    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  2. #2
    Kendo Level Shodan! Makenshi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Re: Chrono Night

    ”Pull back the arrow, and release!” I whispered to myself as I let fly one of my arrows killing a deer instantly. It has been a while since I have found deer to hunt and I couldn’t let the chance go away.

    I pulled out my knife and began to rip the skin of the deer. This routine of hunting and ripping the skin of animals has been going for ages. Since I have left the guild for in search of what is out there. I have never felt peace in my heart.

    If only my brother Trey were here, since at times I feel a sudden loneliness. As I finished grabbing my meat I left the dead carcass for the vultures that awaited for me to leave. If I were to stay any longer the smell of meat would attract the beasts that lurked this mountain and who knows what would happen.

    I headed towards the nearby town to sell my spoils and try to find a place to stay for the night. I went immediately to the peddler and sold the skin of the deer and a piece of the meat, while making sure I keep some of the spoils to myself. With that I went to the inn and decided to rest for the evening. As I went towards my room a strange conversation caught my attention.

    “So you say that the mountains east of here hold the treasure of past civilization,” said one man.
    “Yes, apparently it is the Magi treasure of the past, but who knows if that exists it is just a legend,” said the other.

    I smiled as I overheard the conversation and decided to make towards the mountain in hopes to find something of value.

    "Because I exist, my enemy exits. If there is no self, then there can be no enemy." Yamaoka Tesshu

  3. #3
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! Kazei's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Chrono Night

    Why was it so hard;

    Doing nothing all the time? No-one really understood the effort it takes to just sit and do nothing else for hours at a time. It's harder than it looks, I'll have you know.

    Always, there are cynics. Critics. But Sion knew the truth.
    He was doing the world a great favour in what he did. A greater favour than most seem to realise, and if there is one thing that Sion hated most it was rude, obnoxious, ignorant people. There was nothing worse than having to hear (for what must be the hundreth time) the same phrases;
    "Exercise is good for you!" Sion would say "And so is self-flagulation!"
    "Use it or lose it!" to which his casual retort would be a simple; "from experience?"
    Yup, Sion had it all sussed-out. Nothing got by him.


    Sion woke. His head jerked forward, slowly yet nervously.
    He had been in a field, a large beautiful field, Staggering in it's resplendence.
    Then the cold chill had started. Down his spine it had travelled until it formed into a large glob of blackness upon the tips of his hands...engulfing him.
    It had been terrible. His heaving chest the only evidence of the now deceased mental attack.

    Catching his breath, Sion rose from his sodden sheets. For the third night in a row he had visitied that field and felt the cool hand of the blackness around his body.
    He wondered what it could mean as his brain whirred into life.

    He began his routine for the day.

    Part one; Nothing
    Part two; Nothing
    Part three; Chow down, follwed by seconds; Nothing.
    Part four; Sleep
    Part five; Rinse and repeat.

    He smiled to himself at the thought, the disquiet he had felt from the dream faded away. Sion was callous by nature, for when one does nothing, but nothing, they grow apart from their spirit of social and natural empathy. Sion felt sorry, but not bad about it, he prefered the loner's life and if people had the ability to feel sorry for themselves, what need was it to add his melancholy to theirs?
    Living by his own rules and dictations, that was how he was meant to be.

    However, this was soon to change.

    In the deep recesses of his mind, in his sub-conscious thought, there grew a slow foreboding, a fear of an inevitable event that would change his life forever, maybe even end it, the proof in his night-time struggles.
    His conscious thoughts however, were undisturbed as he lived his life as normal, seemingly without a care in the world.

    Except the thought of a thick, cloying darkness that threatened to swallow him whilst he slept.

  4. #4
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: Chrono Night

    ~ஐ†Schala Zeal†ஐ~

    I will find you...

    Even if I have to search the world over...

    Sometime, somewhere...

    I'm sure...

    Schala “Kid” Zeal, Abyss of Dimension
    As I permeated the fabric of reality back home, I looked upon the new realm with great fear and horror. It seemed something out of Zurvan itself, a twisted plane barren but for several installations in the distance. Creatures prowled this area, creatures not of natural design. What had happened to the beauty of Nature’s evolutionary process? What had become of the world I was once born to?

    Scrunching low to the ground, I shut my eyes and placed my hands over my ears to drown out the disturbing wails of those creatures, the din of my heart’s pain, and the wails of my adulterated world. Tears streamed down my cheeks as this tactic failed, the darkness in this chaotic plane penetrating my form and threatening to poison it as it had done to everything else.


    “Nana? Nana, I need you.”

    “You poor child. Are you hurt? Oh, we had best get you inside.” She had said to me.

    It was the first day of my life in the Earth dimension. I had been brought by Chrono Break to it, bearing only my most precious possession, the premature Time Egg that could have allowed me to reunite with my child. I appeared in a dirty alley, to which Nana would believe me to have been left by hoodlums, I would imagine. She took me in, cared for me, and I spent a wonderful four years with her, maturing into a woman of the 21st Century in a nation known as “Japan”. The customs there were rather amusing. Boys seemed to like talking to me about strange things like “pantsu” and “moe” and having me say cute things like “nyan”. There was a tremendous creative culture about them and I indulged in all their many brilliant works. All the while, though, I had a lingering thought in the back of my mind to seek out the boy, Serge, who I remembered had saved me from Lavos by using the Chrono Cross to mend the broken timeline. I think it was this unspoken mission that attracted me to the male crowd and they were very accommodating even if none of them was the boy I needed.

    At last, a sign appeared before me. As I would later discover, the scattered pieces of the Chrono Cross used to free me had been embedded into my chest, covering my heart to maintain itself through my unique attributes. Something had forced me through via the Chrono Break, which Chrono Cross would eventually become with assistance from me and the Time Egg.

    “Are you sure you will be alright, Schala?” Nana told me that day, not wanting to let go of the bag she had packed for me.

    I had to leave them, the new home I came to love. Seven years of being her surrogate daughter had developed her maternal instincts and she worried that I’d find myself in the same position that had brought me to her in the first place.

    “I’ll be fine, Nana. Tell everybody goodbye for me and that I’ll miss them.” I said, hugging her close, “ありがとう, お母さん. いつもありがとう

    I wiped the tears out of my eyes and stood up. No, it wasn’t time for crying. I told Nana I would be alright. I can’t let her down. What has happened to this world is my doing and I needed to be the one to heal it.
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  5. #5
    Kendo Level Shodan! Makenshi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Re: Chrono Night

    I placed 3 dozen arrows in my quiver as I set for the mountain of treasure. Were the relic of the Magi lay wait, or so the legends speak of.

    The hill was not as treacherous to climb as I thought it was. However there was something strange about the mountain. It was a strange feeling that something was watching me, yet not approaching me. I turned around and noticed a shadow in the distance but disappear between the cracks. Upon noticing the shadow I began to move quickly towards the top of the mountain.

    However as I walked closer to the top a weird sensation began to haunt me. I placed my hand on my chest to stop the sensation from consuming me. My breathing became heavy with each step my quiver began to ache on my back. However even with all the pain I continued to move forward.

    Along the way I noticed a beast roaming around. Out of fear and anger I grabbed my bow and released an arrow killing the animal instantly.

    ”Get away that is my treasure.” I hissed as I walked passed the dead body without getting any spoils.

    I grabbed another arrow and placed it on the ready, madness swept my conscious as I crept slowly. Not long afterwards I noticed the shadow walk around dteh bend of the mountain towards the top.

    ”No I will get the treasure first.”

    I quickly ran with speed forgetting the pain I felt and raced towards the figure ahead of me. As I reached the top of the mountain I let fly my arrow at the figure. A loud scream was heard from far and wide. I smiled relief as I knew I was the victor and the first to lay hands on the treasure.

    But to my surprise what lay before me was a corpse of a young girl. Her body lay motionless my arrow protruding from her back. I looked around in horror at what I just did and noticed a crystal ball not far from her. I approached it and picked it up, to my dismay it was a child’s toy. On it the words Magi were inscribed on it. I yelled out in complete shook at what I had just done.

    All for a “rumor” I had killed an innocent girl.

    “Kayla is that you?” I heard a voice.

    I grabbed out my arrow out of fear of being caught and killed the girls father and mother. I placed the ball in my pocket and ran quickly from the mountain before the town would send a search party to hunt me down.

    "Because I exist, my enemy exits. If there is no self, then there can be no enemy." Yamaoka Tesshu

  6. #6
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: Chrono Night

    ~†Schala Zeal†ஐ~

    I began walking around the surrounding outskirts to better understand my present location and to find out what l had happened to my home world. From what I had seen, the world had become foul and cold. Every step filled my body with anxiety as if the air itself was poisoned. I knew better of course. This was what had resulted from my attempts at reuniting with my other self. If I was right, none of it worked and Kid was left alone. She probably had something to do with this. That strange dream I had could have played a part. I saw myself, or perhaps her, reaching for something.

    “The Black Omen you returned to thence.” A voice said abruptly.

    “Who’s there?” I asked, nerves affright.

    I hadn’t been in battle in the seven years I lived in Tokyo. I don’t think I was capable of proper defence. Furthermore, I was no longer catalyst to Lavos; I was no longer soul to the Time Devourer. There was a tremendous difference in offensive output now.

    “I must simply laugh.” A new voice, this one much gruffer than before, emanated.

    Turning to it, I saw a figure clad in magnificent golden armour. At first, his whitened hair and stern voice made me think he was benevolent like the various acquaintances of Nana’s. However, the moment I noticed his company, my heart skipped a beat. Crawling up next to him was a horrific creature, a larger and more menacing version of Tokyo’s roaches. I knew it was absurd of me, but from the seven years I spend with Nana, I’d discovered an irrational fear of insects, particularly to beetles and roaches. In that world, the insects were tiny and still they frightened me. This one before me was five times larger than I and even bolstered sinister ruby orbs, a pulsating sack of some sort at its abdomen, and large spines along its head and thorax.

    “If your fate is to be destroyed… I must simply laugh.” The man said.

    “What do you want with me?” I asked, shrinking a bit as the roach took another step forward.

    ‘We must be with our mistress. Mistress will show us the way.’ It spoke, though projecting its thoughts and aspirations directly into my mind rather than attempt normal speech.

    “You must join us, mistress.” The man added aloud, “I, Garai, shall collect you. Together with you, this world can move to the End of Time.”

    “You can’t expect me to help you do that! That will be the destruction of this world!” I screamed.

    “If this world is to be destroyed, so be it! These were the words of my master who delivered me from Perdition.” Garai retorted, revealing his twin Einlanzers.

    ‘We are all in pain, even mistress. Poor broken mistress. Mistress yearns to feel complete again, but she will stay broken in the end!’ The insect continued.

    Garai’s words sounded so familiar, like I had known them somewhere…

    If the world’s gonna be destroyed, then let it be destroyed!

    If history is gonna be changed, then let it bloody well be changed!

    “I’ll show you what Radical Dreamers really dream about!” I screamed, beckoning Masa and Mune to release their powers into me.

    I channeled their power, constructing the energy of strength into chains I could control with my will. At present, they were the simplest tangible essence I could imagine comfortably, simply having to harden and focus the streaming energies rather than truly constructing anything with it. The insect attacked first, which was what I had feared. The sack trembled and its abdomen chopped what appeared to be an egg. Out of it, another smaller roach appeared and another egg dropped and hatched soon after. This was only a few second in passing, but locked on them, I felt as though hours passed with me trapped watching more and more of the horrible things coming into existence. The next part would be worse. Each of the newly hatched roaches launched themselves at me and I was forced to take immediate action. At first, I opted for offensive tactics, but I was hardly honed for such a battle now, even discounting my flinching from terror at just what was attacking me With that in mind, I altered to a defensive strategy, wrapping the chains around me as a rotating shield, my magical aptitude allowing me to hover slightly off the ground to allow the chains full coverage. Each lunging roach was smashed by the chains and the rapid rotation prevented their slimy innards from touching me, as well. For a moment, I admit to feeling safe, but Garai quickly squashed those hopeful thoughts. Einlanzers in hand, he came for me, striking hard and fierce, distorting the chains with my wavering concentration and surging fright. With his second strike, the chains were shattered and I was hurled backward by the residual force alone. Once I was able to open my eyes, he was already upon me and beginning to strike me down with a third swipe of his sword. Defenseless as I was and knowing I was too slow to reach, I felt tears welling in my terrified eyes, my mouth frozen too much to scream like my mind was already doing.

    Suddenly, a fragment of the chain rose up, shattering completely after absorbing the final attack, “I can be a second set of eyes and ears for thee. However, one does beg to question, dost thou fight because they exist or doth their existence be because thou fight?” The voice from before mused, releasing new chains form my gauntlets to recreate my shield for me.

    “Who are you?” I asked.

    “Dost thou truly be unaware?” It enquired in return.

    I looked at the gauntlets of the Frozen Flame that housed the spirits Masa and Mune, Melchior’s remnants, “Doreen. You are still with your brothers?”

    “We were reunited by your saviour, Mistress Queen.”

    “… my saviour? Serge?”

    Before Doreen had a chance to answer, the chains were distorted again. This time, the roach mother had collided with the shield itself, stopping its rotation with it s forelimbs while its mandibles began cutting into the links, eating away at them with venom. Garai took a faster approach while I was distracted, dashing through a slightly larger opening between lines.

    “Mistress Queen!” Doreen alerted, but it would be too late.

    The spined shoulder of Garai tore into my waist, the force sending me out of the protective sphere. I had been fortunate enough, though, and Doreen had quickly buffered the attack by looping the chain around the spines. Had she not done so, my torso would have been gored onto Garai’s shoulder rather than suffering the deep puncture wounds that currently bled profusely. Unfortunately, there was little I could do to escape with my injuries so severe and my consciousness was waning.

    “Thank you, Doreen. You did your best, but I am just not strong enough to make use of the opportunity you provided me. I’m sorry. May your next master have the capacity to appreciate your abilities properly.” I murmured, tears flowing from my eyes as I saw Garai closing in. Shutting them, I awaited my end though unconsciousness would be the one to seize me first.

    When I awoke, I was shocked that I had. Part of me wondered if I had been goaded into starting a Black Wind and was currently dead, but the absence of that feeling and my gasp as I jerked from rest told me otherwise. Had those two reconsidered killing me or had their intention been to capture from the start? Or perhaps…

    “So, you’re finally up are you? You must have lost a lot of blood to sleep that long.” A new voice remarked, appearing next to me.

    The moment I felt a presence on my stomach, I leaped from my spot and pressed my back against the nearest wall.

    “Relax, I think your bandages need to be changed again and I made a fresh ointment that should be applied soon.”

    “Who are you? Where am I?” I asked as I started to calm down.

    Walking over to look at my wrappings again, he said, “Right now, you’re in my den here at Starburst Bluffs. No need to worry about monsters or spirits. They are repelled by the light this area exudes. It was the best place to take you to recuperate. Don’t concern yourself with other trivialities.”

    As he undid my old bandages, my skin was hit by a breath of chill air and I shivered a bit before he placed his hand over the area, offering his warmth. When the area accustomed itself to the lower temperature, he began applying the ointment over my wounds which already seemed mostly healed. How long had I been sleeping?

    “Troublesome… You really are a lost cause right now, aren’t you? To think they were so zealous about acquiring you. I guess you’ve been lax since you’ve been gone, huh? My my, this won’t do. Guess you’ve got some more company with you. I’ll try to give you some clue on the world you’ve returned to. Maybe that can help you figure this all out.” He said, finishing the wrappings, “Hah, to think you went to the Darkness Beyond Time and back and are still so useless. It’s a funny existence we reside in.”

    Nana, can I really do this?

    I’ll find you someday, Serge. Until then, it’s “see ya later, mate!” so please wait for me.

    This is what I am… This is how I must be… Ever evolving, ever changing, never complete…
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  7. #7
    Kendo Level Shodan! Makenshi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Re: Chrono Night

    “So mister what brings you here?” A little girl said as I wiped the sweat of my face. I had been traveling endlessly to escape the town and the villagers that were chasing me.

    “Where is the inn?” I said in a rough tone. The girl looked at me frightened, and pointed to the direction of the inn. I quickly walked past by her brushing against her pushing her down. I looked back and saw her fall down, the image of the child that I murdered filled my head as I quickly ran away from her. The local towns people looked at my behavior with curiosity.

    Who was this hunter walking around with filthy clothes?

    I paid to attention to the people as I rushed quickly to the inn. I paid for my loggings and left the inn. It was only a matter of hours before the warriors arrive for my head. I quickly began to walk to the general store and bought some provisions for my journey. And returned back to my room.

    ”At night I will escape!” I thought, ”I will lure the people to this inn.”

    I let out a sigh of relief as I left for the inn, as I entered I gave the shopkeeper an angry stare as I went towards my room. Night didn’t take long to settle in the town. I was nervous, sweating, in panic. However, I still would not refuse to give up.

    A few hours into the night I noticed from the window beacons of torches in the distance. I knew at once I had to make my escape, and make it now. I grabbed my bow and tossed over me a cloak to allow me to slip into the night unnoticed. Opening the window I scaled the walls until I reached the roof and began to run with speed towards the other side of town.

    The other side of town was not guarded well and was perfect for escape. I quickly jumped of the wall and made my way towards the forest. It was night time, and I made every attempt to hide myself in the darkness. Instantly I felt something cold hit my chest. I looked down and noticed an arrow embedded in my chest. I began to cough out blood. My vision became cloudy and I fell down uncouncious.

    "Because I exist, my enemy exits. If there is no self, then there can be no enemy." Yamaoka Tesshu

  8. #8
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: Chrono Night

    ~† Schala Zeal†~

    Our journey down from my companion’s mountainous hideaway was arduous, but not without merit. I learned some valuable information during this time as there wasn’t much else to do whilst descending back into the barren plains.

    “Where had you taken me to, if you don’t mind my asking.” I finally spoke, noting that he had he would ‘give me some clue’ as to our present situation.

    “It’s called Starburst Bluffs, but that’s really all that’s worth mentioning about it besides that it is a haven against the shinigami and phantoms.” He mumbled in a low voice, taking to focusing more on the path ahead.

    “And that’s due to the light it emanates, isn’t that right”

    “Yes, as it’s the only place in this miserable heap of a world that possesses any.”

    “Curious though, when I left this world, the heroes of the day had mended all of its wounds.” I slid a small distance down the side of our path when I saw the smooth patch, “To think that it could come to this.”

    “Unfortunately, they only mended the physical wounds in temporal reality. It was the fault lines that were born during the universe’s creation that needed a specific catalyst to regain stability.

    “I assume you are referring to me and what my actions precipitated?”

    “None other. Your one mistake aggravated the seams of chronology, created pockets of time when they could not have been. What could have been so important?”

    “I had to save them. They, who had come to my time to save me and the world, I couldn’t leave them to die in my place.”

    It was quite unlike me to not have noticed, but just how did this stranger know so much about me? If my visions and dreams had been true and not just Zurvan’s troublesome musings, aeons had passed since my departure. Everyone I had met should have long since been buried and any record of my existence evaporated with them.

    “How do you know so much about me? Are there others like you?”

    “I can’t really be sure, myself. One day, I was just a typical human loitering the streets of one of those dominions you see in the distance. Somehow, I found myself at the base of the bluffs with no memory of how I made it all the way here and flashes of someone who looked just like you on an adventure with several others.”

    “So you were given gaps of history?”

    “Seems about right. It made it a lot harder to remember who I was.” He sighed, lifting me up the last step of the way to help me to flat ground.

    “What’s your name?” I replied, “My name is Schala.”

    “Schala… Funny, I can almost remember someone I knew by that name… It’s probably from the same thing that let me know about you. I’m…” In telling me his own name, he would pause for some time before I understood why it was taking him so long.

    “I’m so sorry.”

    “It’s alright. I told myself when it first happened that if I found you, I could get you to fix all this and get my real memories separated from yours. We should be in Greed soon.”

    “Excuse me?”

    “All of the dominions are titled after the representing acolyte at its heart. After you disappeared, the dimensions started twisting into each other and seeping through the pores. The strongest influences severely affected a few and created the acolytes that monitor each of the dominions. A side affect of what changed them was that it exaggerated their pride and ego beyond obsessive and so their dominions are named after them and they are named after their most treasured trait.”

    I put my fingers to my temple,
    “I’m made such a mess.”

    “So? Fix it.” He replied, giving me the first smile and only smile I’d see him share for a long time.

    The next hour was spent navigating Greed and getting a better concept of how the world functioned with these new anomalies settled into the crevices of it. This dominion was aptly named, as I would discover. The streets were littered with thieves and “card sharks” as my companion called them. If they weren’t trying to steal from you directly, they were biding their time or using trickery to gain even the smallest of valuables.

    Amidst the crowds and dimly lit alleys, we would encounter several antagonising forces hiding in wait to add more to their stolen collections. My companion spared no sympathies for them and retaliated with his staff. The fighting attracted more guests and though I did not want to harm these civilians, innocent or otherwise, I was left with no choice. Several began making their way to me and I was forced to release Masa and Mune to aid me. The time I had spent recuperating on the bluffs also rejuvenated them and I was more confident with defending myself against these hoodlums than I had been with the roach and Garai so I wouldn’t require Doreen’s assistance this time.

    Nodding to me, my companion jabbed his staff forward and I commanded one of my chains to take hold of it after it made contact with an enemy. Pulling forward, I had Mune launch him forward as he rolled, staff pinwheeling to strike any enemy in his path. When he landed, I retracted the chain, but in a wipe sweep, flailing it into any recovering enemies trying to move back into the area. Meanwhile, Masa wrapped his chain around my arm and revolved around. Using that arm, I blocked the pipe aimed at my head and whipped the coils outward before extending my fist to my left and had the coils launch forward into the group approaching me. In no time at all, we scared the group off. They had been nothing more than petty thieves and delinquents, not a true enemy.

    However, further travel was cumbersome at its best. I felt a need to keep Masa and Mune out at all times and even that didn’t stunt their advances. Finally, we had just made it past a tightly packed group bickering about someone they were trying to find when one very unpleasant individual began stalking us. Halfway down the next road, he finally came up to us and drew very close to my side.

    “Do you know just how much human skin of your quality is worth?” He said in a low and husky voice that made my entire body quiver.

    Quickly, my companion pulled me behind him and set into a defensive stance with his staff held out. I tried peeking over his shoulder to quench my morbid curiousity of his following actions, but he leaped up abruptly and my protector’s reaction knocked me back onto the floor. The next thing that came was a flash; the stalker had dropped a flash charge that my companion detonated in self-defence.

    “What happened?” I asked, looking up once the light died back down.

    Silence answered me and I found I was slowly being surrounded by other thieves now that they saw my companion was no longer present. Using the chains, I swirled them around and ran the moment they gave me enough space.

    I kept running until I found a slightly better lit space and emptier street. Turning back, I saw my pursuers were gone so I slowed my step and sighed in relief. In the distance, I saw what appeared to be a man. He was lying very still and groaning every so often.

    “Hello? What’s wrong?” I asked, cautious as I neared him.

    When I reached him, I rolled him over to see a broken arrow embedded partially in his chest.

    “Oh no! Doreen, Masa, Mune, do you think any of you can do anything to help him?”

    “His wound is not a mortal one, but it will be difficult to repair.” Masa replied, having examined the man slightly.

    “I would suggest your magics be more suited for this situation, Mistress Queen.” Doreen advised.

    “My magics?” I asked then, unsure of myself.

    I had near no recollection of what my own magical powers were; it had been lifetimes since I’d used them last.

    “Mistress Queen, you have the gift of restoration and life. It is vital to this world’s future that you regain this knowledge.”

    Holding my hands over the man’s wound, I placed one directly upon it, feeling his warm blood and gentle heaving as he lay unconscious. With my other hand, I clasped it over my heart and concentrated on sealing the damage. For a while, nothing happened. I couldn’t even remember how to channel my magical power anymore considering I had spent generations under the thrall of Lavos, standing as just a simple conduit to its grand scheme.

    “Concentrate mistress.” Mune said.

    “Remember the lives you’ve saved with your love and kindness.” Masa added.

    Thinking back, I tried remembering the time long ago when Chrono was dying and, though still vague, it was enough to release my restorative magics upon him. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open and he immediately flared up, coughing out the residual blood left in his throat.

    “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.”

    Suddenly, he jumped up, grabbing me by the neck and standing himself behind my form. Looking out, I noticed that the angry group from earlier had returned. It was this man they had been trying to find and it didn’t seem they were friends.

    ”One more step, this girl’s blood becomes my escape route!”

    “Why are you doing this?”

    ”I’ve a treasure to find and a mob after my head, trying to stop me from leaving. You figure out the why.”

    And that’s where I found myself, yet again a prisoner of the villain.
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

  9. #9
    Kendo Level Shodan! Makenshi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Re: Chrono Night

    “Put her down son!” One of the villagers said.
    ”I didn’t kill them knowingly!” I shouted as I gripped the girl even stronger, ”All I wanted was the treasure, and I will find it!”
    I lost my senses. The calmness within me had been replaced by a powerful lust for greed. If only my brother would see me now. What would he say? What would our master say?
    Have I sunk so low as a petty thief and criminal.

    ”Are you crazy!” The girl shouted as she tried to flail her arms around.

    “State your terms!”

    ”Safe passage out of here, and if one of you come near me I will kill the girl and those as well.”

    The villagers hesitated but seemed like to be the elder nodded saying, “Agreed. But one thing. If you come back to our territory I cannot guarantee your life will be saved.”
    I looked around and I saw the anxiousness of the villagers to stab her weapons on my back. But my eye caught a person wearing a large brimmed hat. He leaned against a wall hearing the drama unfold. His face by the darkness and from the hat, holding a Silver Bow that was given by my Guild. It was he who shot me.

    Fear that my name would be tainted in the guild I grabbed the girl and ran into the forest.

    ”Where are you taking me?”
    ”Shut up! And follow me.”

    For some reason the girl was looking back at the crowd of people. ”Why are you looking back?” I shouted.

    The girl raised her finger not saying a word. I stopped suddenly as I looked back and noticed a man following us.

    ”Who are you?”
    “I am Schala’s companion and I would like it if you can return her back to me.”
    ”What is it in for me?”
    “Well for starters we are trying to get out of Greed, so if you want come with us but don’t do any funny stuff again.”
    I remained silent for a moment thinking about the terms. My life was on the line and if I were to travel as a group things may be easier.
    ”Fine! I merely used the girl as a tool to get away. But once I am out of greed I am leaving you guys. I have my own worries to take care of.”
    “That is fine with me!”

    "Because I exist, my enemy exits. If there is no self, then there can be no enemy." Yamaoka Tesshu

  10. #10
    終焉をもたらすもの Zerathos986's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: Chrono Night

    ~ஐ†Schala Zeal†ஐ~

    The journey out of Greed was quick, but uncomfortable. Though my senses were beyond dulled, even I could feel that our path was not without voyeurs. Somewhere unseen was a pursuer, its motives unknown but clearly not benevolent. Earlier, after having agreed to stay together until we were out of Greed, my first rescued then assailant began recounting his travels and his quest for a treasure he was not at liberty enough to name before us. He mentioned a “guild” and that another member of his had done the deed of taking an arrow to his back. His current fear was that rumour may spread and tarnish his name, something of at least slight importance to him, though notably less than that of obtaining his treasure.

    “Why would this man do that?” I finally spoke.

    ”Greed... Can’t you tell from where we are? This wretched hole is filled with it” was his response.

    “Is the treasure that…”

    ”You wouldn’t be able to understand. Sometimes, it isn’t even about the actual worth of whatever we’re trying to get, but just to get it. It’s something stuck inside our heads. We have to be the one that has it, noone else!”

    “The poison that is Greed’s dominion.”

    ”Yeah, sure, whatever. Anyway, I have to get it and I need out of this place to do that. From what I’ve been hearing, it’s somewhere on... a mountain.”

    “That isn’t of very significant aid.”

    ”That’s all you get.”

    “Might I advise that, at this point, you aren’t really too full of options to be picky with your words. We might be of some help.”

    ”No need...”

    And so it was. We would keep traveling towards the city limits, a lurker spying amongst the dark as we two tried to figure out my assailant’s full story while he wanted only to separate from us.

    “Schala! Danger!” My companion suddenly exclaimed, drawing his staff.

    Loosing my chains, I tried to sense the direction our pursuer would unleash his ambush, but discovered a bizarre several locations.

    ”Listen to me very carefully and we might make it out in one piece. DUCK!” The assailant suddenly spoke.

    After we ducked the first volley of arrows, he would continue, “Roll right!”

    Then, “Go left!”

    “Slight hop!”



    After all the arrows had passed harmlessly by, my companion stood at full attention and closed his eyes. Meanwhile, the assailant looked uneasy, scanning the darkness for any signs to lead him to our pursuer.

    “It is the man, isn’t it? The man from your guild who betrays you.”

    With a slight nod, I decided it would be up to me to bring the stalker forward and reveal himself. Focusing on the individual links in my chains, I channeled my will into Masa and Mune allowing them to break the links and scan through each separately. This gave us a wider range of sight, the links of my chains each scouring a different area. Once each had reached their limit, I thought of another strategy, which may bear fruit. Enchanting a few choice words from old runes I still recalled in the recesses of my mind, I bridged the gaps between links, creating a perimeter of pure magic which enveloped our location in a barrier. The strength of the bonds forced the links back together, but this also shrunk the barrier, a barrier that only allowed non-sentient life to filter through. Eventually, the archer was brought forth, his arrows passing harmlessly through my chains and thus offering him no escape.

    “Your powers are returning, Mistress Queen.” Doreen whispered, bringing a small smile to my face.

    “But I’m still far from ready.”I said quietly.

    “Who are you and what did you do to me?” Our pursuer bellowed, pointing his bow at me.

    Immediately, his fellow broke his bowstring with a carefully placed dagger throw. Without his ranged weaponry, our pursuer resorted to using the same type of dagger, but just as he reached, my assailant had drawn his own bow, placing the tip of his arrow against his fellow’s temple.

    “So nice to see you again, Triath.”

    “Would’ve been nicer without the backstabbing.”

    “Ooh, did that hurt your feelings? Sorry. I just wanted that treasure and you know what a nuisance you made of yourself to the townspeople.”

    “Reclaiming what’s mine was no wrong on my part.”

    “Sure, but… what about how you reclaimed i-”

    “What do you want?”

    “Silly Triath. You need a-” With that, he quickly took hold of both the bow and arrow, twisted, and disarmed the man who I now knew as Triath, “better grip on your armaments. Why, anything could happen.”

    Aiming the arrow at him, he suddenly pulled to the left, “Sorry my dear, can’t have witnesses and you look like a screamer”, and loosed the arrow upon me.

    Before I could react, my companion pulled me behind him, taking the shot straight into his chest. He would die in my arms, his chest heaving as he took in ragged breaths until his very last. I repeated the spell I had managed on Triath, putting one hand to my heart while holding the other over his grievous wound, but this time, the magics didn’t channel.

    “I couldn’t save him…”

    “C’mon! We have to go!” Triath said to me, picking me up.

    Apparently, while I had been trying to revive my only company, he had bested his fellow and stolen back his bow, knocking the man out in the process. Coming back for me, he would tell me that he would have left me had I not been left alone. He told me I had saved him before, twice technically as he had used me for a shield in the latter event, but his tone told me otherwise. Two ways of seeing the situation at hand: He could have felt my pain at having failed to save my companion and took pity on me, which forbade him from leaving me. Or, his greed worked in both directions. Not only did he want to own what he sought, he had a specific need not to owe someone else anything, in this case, a life debt to me for having saved him. While I knew he would have guessed this first, I think I prefer the former case to the latter. I wanted to believe there was good in him, in this new world that had no joy or hope.

    I needed to believe it…
    In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches

    The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
    Chrono Night | Semotus Stella

    Fayth 20043–20078
    Flawless 20078–20143

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