OOC: Short post. Just to get things kicked off.
-= Mateus =-
June 20, 999 FB
@ 13:22
"My liege," Adviser Dian began, "Baron Vikael has requested an audience in one week's time." He pulled out a sheet of paper, which explained more of the requested meeting. "There is an issue -"
"I am very well capable of reading, Dian," I said. "Where has my sister disappeared to?"
"Lady Dirmalyn is visiting a friend. They serve in the military, I believe."
I tossed the sheet of paper aside, turned my chair, and gazed through the window to the city below. "Dian, summon Heren here immediately. Make haste."
"Sire." The sound of Dian's footsteps faded after some seconds.
"The time is nigh," I muttered. "The world must begin anew." Of course, that would mean one thing - I would need to obtain "it", harness its energy, and free the savior from the dark realm.
A simple task? Nay. If prophecy should hold true, the quest for "it" shall be a grueling one.