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Thread: Intus Astrum (I): The Guardians' First Dissension

  1. #1
    - Névi et du Sancta - Gemini's Avatar
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    Intus Astrum (I): The Guardians' First Dissension

    If you do not have any profiles up, don't post. If you have partial profiles up, go ahead and post, but complete the profiles soon. Any character without a profile cannot post.

    - Storyline: Here

    - No one will have their "Light" or "Dark" powers yet.

    - Remember, the setting will be semi-futuristic, similar to maybe 10 to 20 years into Earth's future.

    Feel free to start, anyone.
    Can we pretend that airplanes
    In the night sky
    Are like shooting stars
    I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)

  2. #2
    - Névi et du Sancta - Gemini's Avatar
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    Re: Intus Astrum (I): The Guardians' First Dissension

    OOC: Short post. Just to get things kicked off.

    -= Mateus =-
    June 20, 999 FB
    @ 13:22

    "My liege," Adviser Dian began, "Baron Vikael has requested an audience in one week's time." He pulled out a sheet of paper, which explained more of the requested meeting. "There is an issue -"

    "I am very well capable of reading, Dian," I said. "Where has my sister disappeared to?"

    "Lady Dirmalyn is visiting a friend. They serve in the military, I believe."

    I tossed the sheet of paper aside, turned my chair, and gazed through the window to the city below. "Dian, summon Heren here immediately. Make haste."

    "Sire." The sound of Dian's footsteps faded after some seconds.

    "The time is nigh," I muttered. "The world must begin anew." Of course, that would mean one thing - I would need to obtain "it", harness its energy, and free the savior from the dark realm.

    A simple task? Nay. If prophecy should hold true, the quest for "it" shall be a grueling one.
    Can we pretend that airplanes
    In the night sky
    Are like shooting stars
    I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)

  3. #3
    The Divine Retributer Nemesis's Avatar
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    Re: Intus Astrum (I): The Guardians' First Dissension


    June 20, 999 FB
    @ 13:30

    It was a quiet early summer morning in the Magarian countryside. I was strolling alone trying to get some thoughts through my head. The life of a commander isn't easy, very little private time to listen to my own thoughts. My time was nearly always barking orders to some new recruits or in a meeting with all the other commanders for the next “war games.”

    So this alone time was always welcome. Though short, because before I knew it the sound of a chopper heading in my direction. I sighed and turned watching it fly overhead before landing some twenty yards away.

    [la]”Corporal Anderson what is the matter?”[/la] I asked as Anderson jumped out of the Chopper running in my direction.

    “It is your mother sir, she requests your immediate presence.”

    I nodded and proceeded to board the chopper. When a Matron Mother requires your presence you make sure you were there five minutes ago the respect they receive is beyond that of any monarch. They are the voices of Cosmos and they tell us what she desires.

    The ride was short and uneventful and it was not long before we landed in my families grounds. I immediately jumped out of the Chopper and ran towards my mother's chambers. Stopping at the door I knocked before the door opened beckoning me in.

    [la]”You asked for me mother?”[/la] I asked

    “Yes it would seem that we have a problem.” She replied rising from her chair.

    [la]”What kind of problem may I ask?”[/la]

    “You recall that your sister Apate was recently sent away on a mission.” I nodded as not to interrupt. “Well I just received word that the plane she was on crashed not long ago. Everyone aboard was all accounted for except one.”

    [la]”Apate?”[/la] I interrupted before biting my tongue

    “Yes Apate.” She replied with a sigh. “We have no idea what has happened to her and no word from the priestesses either and other mothers if our Goddess has her.”

    [la]”This is puzzling, could she have been captured?”[/la]

    “Unlikely, no one knew she was on that flight.” Matron Sighed again “Andreas, I want you to lead a small team to go look for her.”

    I nodded and bowed [la]”If Apate is in the area, I will have her back within a week.”[/la]

    A small smile found its way onto my mothers face. “Thank you my son, don't do anything unnecessary though. I don't want to lose two children in short time.”

    I smiled back with confidence and left the chamber. Determined not to let my mother down and make sure my own sister is safe.

  4. #4
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! Manjifan's Avatar
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    Re: Intus Astrum (I): The Guardians' First Dissension


    June 20, 999 FB

    Sitting down on the hard, dirt packed ground, I let my eyes stay fixed upon the flames of the bonfire. The life a soldier lived was a cold one, a hard one. It was no life, really. Some of the men tried to have families, but it didn’t really work well. Wives would betray their husbands, and husbands their wives. Children of a soldier grew up without a mother or a father. At least, in Palmara, they did.

    I had been stationed here for six years without leave, and the same for every one else in the camp. Many of the men and women here wrote home, but most of them lied in their sappy letters of love and longing. It bored me. Several encounters with bandits had made these soldiers weak. Only one other man here besides myself had seen war, the others had been freshly trained soldiers sent here to hold this section of the border, and to help police the nearby city.

    “Hey,” I heard from behind me, a voice I recognized. “Heren, it is time for our patrol of the city outskirts. Get your sword, and we’ll head out.” The woman talking was nineteen-year-old Sevanna Merose, a pretty, arrogant, brunette who thought herself the greatest swordsman to be alive.

    ”Already, eh?” I asked gruffly, showing my disdain for the child woman as I turned my head towards her. “Well, let’s go.” Grabbing my long bladed, doubled edged sword, I stood up and walked behind the girl. The walk would take a good half-hour, so I got to thinking about swordsman, and the three best in Palmara. As far as I knew, I was ranked third, with a series chance to take number two. But I was always curious as to the point of it. I gained nothing from being best, except the so-called honor. If it gained me land, retirement from the military, and money, maybe I would try, but honor was useless.

    ”Hey Merose, after patrol, you want to have a civil duel?” Asking the girl ahead of me for a civil duel meant we would both walk away alive, but one of us would still be the loser, and for these weird people of Palmara, losing was a horrible occurrence. The girl would be honor-bound to me, and would do as I say for up to a week. I knew she stood no chance against me. But having her be as a slave for a week would be nice.

    “Sure, if you don’t mind losing prestige, Mr. Berserker.” She replied snidely, a cruel grin creeping over her face.

    ”I don’t mind,” I smiled back at her. ”But would you?”

    She sniffed, and turned her head back to facing in front of her. Chuckles came from her while I began to unsheathe my blade. Now that she has agreed to the duel, she can’t back out of it, or her honor will be tarnished. “So, Berserker, you think we’ll get any action on duty this night? I am feeling feisty,” she asked me, looking at the dark sky.

    ”Who knows? From what I overheard this afternoon, a knife fight broke out between two drunkards, and when Dellen and Alisa tried to intervene, both of the drunks turned their knives on our comrades.”

    Sevanna stopped walking, allowing me to catch up with her. She looked me dead in the eye, and asked me, in a very humble tone, “Do you think I am capable of killing someone, Heren?”

    A frail little girl, no matter the arrogance she carried around and spit out constantly. I really do hate females, sometimes. ”Everyone is capable of killing someone. It isn’t that hard, especially for a soldier who has gone through at least some mental training. It is easier the second time, and easier still, the third. After a good ten or so kills, it is just natural to you.”

    She looked towards the ground then, probably thinking furiously. "But no worries, Merose, when the next war breaks out, and it will, soon, you will get to kill plenty of people. It is actually pretty fun, if you disregard them as people, and see them only as enemies.”

    Entering the city limits, I charged my sword with my natural element of Lightning, giving it the effect of electrocuting whomever I cut. Depending on my judgment, the Lightning would kill, maim, or simply stun the person I cut. It was a useful ability for a swordsman. I could charge it to the point where wherever I slash, even if all I hit is the air, a lightning bolt would strike at the tip of the blade.

    The next four hours we would walk around the city, alert for any troublemakers or rabble-rousers hiding on the outskirts, and arrest them for interrogation, or break them up, and send them on their way. A truly boring job, for an experienced warrior like myself. The conversation between Merose and I never got entertaining again, and we did our duty with only small insults thrown back at one another.

    Breaking up a few drunkards, checking the wooden gates and their locks took up most of our nights. One event took place that got Merose excited; a man killed a woman, his wife we presume, right in front of us. Merose acted violently, injuring the man in several areas on his body before I pulled her away to arrest the man.

    That was my job these days. Ending our turn at patrol, Merose and I went back to our camp, and prepared for our civil duel. As I was about to strap on my sword belt, a Royal Messenger appeared on horseback, galloping at full speed, shouting my name. ”Messenger,” I shouted to the man. Turning the horse towards me, the man walked the beast in my direction, handing me a small pouch, which weighed a bit for being so small.

    “You are to report to His Majesty right away.” After relaying his message, the man headed away from the camp at a slow trot. I opened the pouch the messenger had tossed me, I saw several heavy coins, and thought to myself, pre-paid mission. Must be serious.
    Locating Merose, I admired her beauty all over again. Wearing a tight pair of what I assumed was linen pants, and a binding around her breasts, her long hair tied into two tails now, she was a sight to behold. ”Sorry Merose, I have been summoned. Our duel will have to wait.”

    She looked my dead in the eye, her anger soaring high. “Son of a goat-headed *****!” I smiled at her exclamation, but did not wait around for any other flares of anger. I headed towards the town, prepared to buy a flying machine to the capital city.
    It's not just lube, it's love in a tube!

  5. #5
    OMG GET A CUSTOM ALREADY! Manjifan's Avatar
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    May 2008

    Re: Intus Astrum (I): The Guardians' First Dissension


    June 21, 999 FB - Eagros, Palmara


    “Watch where you’re walking, fool!”

    Hearing this, I turned my head in the direction of the shout, noting all details about the owner of the voice. A tall, broad-shouldered man with dark hair, I couldn’t tell if it was black or brown for the distance between the man and I. The sword strapped to the man’s waist had an intricate hilt, detailed with small stones of red and silver. The motorized cycle he was sitting upon was a newer model, made to be a racing vehicle.

    “What do you mean, asshole?” Another voice responded, but I could not locate its origin until he spoke again, “You ran into me, fool!” Seeing the man who spoke in such a mocking tone, I smiled. Heren was back in Eagros, which meant one of two things; he missed my older sister Malta, or the Basileus has a mission for him. I knew that if the man on the cycle said anything else demeaning towards Heren, he would suffer, so I ran towards the two.

    ”Heren,” I exclaimed excitedly. ”Is that really you?”

    Heren looked at me in surprise before a huge grin split his toned face in two. ”ERON!” His voice cracked the air with his intensity, surprising me, and all the other pedestrians. Even a couple of the AI controlled cars had their alarms set off by the boom within his voice. ”Holy ****, Eron, I was not expecting to see you in this part of town! How are you?”

    Reaching out to clasp the hand he stretched my way, I replied moderately, both of us ignoring the cycle riders fuming. ”I am good, very good.” Looking at the dark haired man on the cycle, I chuckled lightly. ”Sir, I suggest you leave now. This man before you is Heren DeLun’e, Royal Swordsman, and Third Greatest Sword Fighter in Palmara.” The look that passed over the mans face was classic.

    ”Now why did you do that, Eron? Now he will think me as arrogant as you!” I might have been offended, but I knew the man before me was kidding due to the grin on his face. ”So, how is your sister?”

    I frowned at his throaty tone, ”She is fine, with a new boyfriend. I would tell you to stay away, knowing that if she saw you, she would betray her manfriend for you, even if you were only here for a night, but it would do no good. If you are here for sex, and only sex, I forbid you from coming near her, my families, or my house.”

    Heren’s mouth had fallen open over the length of my speech, but now he just shook his head and laughed softly. ”Now listen here, Eron, I may not remember how old I am exactly, but I know I am older than you, and for you to forbid me from a woman I like, it just doesn’t work.”

    We started walking westward along the street, following the crowd and the traffic. ”But don’t worry, I am not here just for that. It seems there is a very important mission for me to attend to, and also, once I entered the city limits, Jevva found me right away, and challenged me to a Nex vel Vita duel, the fool. I would let him have the title of Third, but I know for a fact he isn’t strong enough to take on the missions that fall to me.”

    ”Jevva, eh. Haven’t seen him since I repaired his broken body four years ago when he challenged Serrenial to try to take her spot as the Royal Swordsman, and First Greatest.”

    Heren looked at me askew, frowned, and said with a strong undercurrent of disgust, ”Is he suicidal, or just so stupid that even his arrogance hasn’t caught up to it yet?”

    I laughed at this, remembering the first time I saw Heren, eight years ago, challenging Serrenial himself, but at the urging of the Basileus and not his own ambition. ”I am assuming he is just that stupid, Heren. He was there when you fought Serrenial, and laughed like the ass that he is when she wiped the arena floor with your blood. That was a horrid fight, if you ask me. You only got one strike, and it only amounted to a scratch on her arm that she healed herself of.”

    Heren punched me lightly in the shoulder at mention of that memory; his own small amount of pride having tried to forgot that event. ”Eron, I have to hurry up, but will you give Malta my bests, and if she asks, let her know I am staying in the Royal Palace.” He saluted me and got into a parked AI controlled fly-taxi.

    Waving him off as the small, single passenger helicopter flew straight into the sky, I kept going through memories of the past. When I healed him after his fight with Serrenial, I became friends with him while he recuperated. He was harsh, and cold, but highly intelligent, no matter how brash his speech could be. I remember walking into the clinic where I was healing him to see my sister and the bastard himself having sex on the assistant’s desk.

    Realizing I was standing in the middle of the walkway, I apologized to the people who bumped into me for being in their way, and began walking again to my original destination; a sick woman’s home. I had gotten a letter begging me to heal this woman, Grettah Syth, a fifty-seven year old terminal patient. The letter included a check worth over a million dollars, and was signed by the woman’s son.

    Sending the check back to the son with a letter telling him to give it to charity, that I would heal his mother for free, I had searcher her medical files out over the next week. She had been to several medics, doctors, mystics, and even a fool man who called himself a doctor. This so-called doctor was a man who practiced what he called ‘surgery’, where he would actually cut open a persons body. Because his patients rarely died from his actions, and they agreed and signed an informed consent form, the man was allowed to continue on with his barbarian ways.

    When I reached the house where the woman lived, I was given my second shock for that day. The house she lived in was small, and filthy, falling apart at the seams. Walking up to the front door of the nasty-looking house, I smelled freshly baked apple pie. Knocking on the cracked wooden door, I heard shuffling feet from within. A smiling face appeared as the door opened a slight amount.

    “Yes, hello!” The woman’s voice was high pitched and excited.

    ”Hello, Miss Syth?” I asked, and waited for a nod. ”I am Eron, a combat medic here to give you a check over, if you don’t mind.” Smiling at the woman’s happiness even in the face of death, I entered her house as she welcomed me, thanking me many times.
    It's not just lube, it's love in a tube!

  6. #6
    - Névi et du Sancta - Gemini's Avatar
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    Re: Intus Astrum (I): The Guardians' First Dissension

    -= Faris =-
    - Faris's Hangout -
    (Veistenburs, Elmaris)

    June 20, 999 FB
    @ 17:00

    "Is there some big money in it? I could use the Gil," I told the imperial messenger before he opened a sack of cash and a letter. "That'll do nicely." I turned my head to my crew, who had been working on the airship for the last seven hours. "Have a look at this, guys." They dropped their tools and hustled over; my main engineer, Nero, skimmed over the letter.

    The messenger handed over what appeared to be airship passes. "His Majesty has sent an airship to transport you. These are your passes." He glanced at his wristwatch after handing me the passes. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be on my way. My Lord wishes for your presence by morning tomorrow." After a slight head bow, the messenger walked off, disappearing behind the automatic doors.

    "That's a **** load o' cash, Faris," Nero said. "This contract doesn't seem like your normal one, though."

    "Eh?" I snatched the letter from Nero's hands and read over it. "Doesn't have the objective listed. Must be top secret."

    Nero raised a brow. "You're forgettin' somethin'. The contract states that only you can come along." The engineer scoffed. "Sounds a bit fishy."

    I chuckled softly. "Don't worry your little head, Nero," I soothed, tossing the contract and passes on a worktable. "I'll be watching my back."
    Can we pretend that airplanes
    In the night sky
    Are like shooting stars
    I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)

  7. #7
    In Your Dreams James's Avatar
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    Re: Intus Astrum (I): The Guardians' First Dissension

    Zander Onx
    Circus of Wonderment

    Zander was one of the stars of the circus of wonderment , as one of their top gynasts he was always working hard at making sure his showmen ship was at its best. He was currently balencing on a high wire.

    'Its hot up here, thats for sure' he muttered to himself as he took a few steps forward.

    'ZANDER!' he heard echo through the circus ring

    'the hell?!' he paniced, woberling from side to side he slipped and dropped. Quikcly grabbing on the rope he could see one of the clowns at the bottom, still calling his name.


    'WHAT!?' Zander shouted as he let go of the rope to be caught by the net.
    'What have I told you, don't panic me when I'm working!'

    'Sorry' the clown mimed a tear

    'What is it?' he said as he jumped from the net to the circus ring floor

    'Dinner is up!' he continued to mine the action of eating


  8. #8
    Darkness Eternal Vash's Avatar
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    Re: Intus Astrum (I): The Guardians' First Dissension


    June 20, 999 FB
    @ 19:00

    "I have you now at long last, my sweet" I thought to myself with a grin as I lined up the target of my rifle's scope. It was fairly easy to determine the perfect place to set up the shot, it was the timing that was frustrating. There was only a small window where the target was going to be in range of the shot, and the waiting is always the one downside of sniping.

    My target was Ali Marthen, a soon to be dead spy who had sold military information to Palamecia. He also wasn't the best spy in the world, since he didn't even realize I was tailing him for the past two days.

    "Alright you little bugger, time to die" I said, my finger resting on the trigger about to fire, when all of a sudden my phone rings. "****ing hell what could it be?!" I swore as I took out my phone from my pocket and was greeting by a gruff voice. "Orders have changed Zero, you are to let the target live and return to base."

    "Are you sure General? He is in my sight as we speak." "Yes Zero, i don't like it any more than you do but the higher ups have determined they they can make use of Marthen. We have a new mission for you. Raisen has been spotted, and your expertise is needed to track him down and find out what he is doing. So return to HQ for further briefing. Over and out."

    "Well it looks like today is your lucky day after all" I muttered to myself, glancing one last time at Ali. "Maybe next time. On to other matters." I packed up my gear and headed to the extraction site where the chopper would be waiting. "Ghend, I will kill you. Just you wait." I thought to myself, clenching my hand into a fist as I headed down the stairs.

  9. #9
    - Névi et du Sancta - Gemini's Avatar
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    Re: Intus Astrum (I): The Guardians' First Dissension

    -= Jun =-
    - Lecture Hall #3 -
    - Veistenburs University -
    (Veistenburs, Elmaris)

    June 20, 999 FB
    @ 17:17

    Welvin, one of my top students, raised his hand. "No assignment over the long break?"

    "Would you like one, Welvin?" I teased. "But no, nothing over the break, so get in all the partying you can." I tossed some papers into a briefcase before closing it. "I'll see you guys in three weeks. Dismissed." Students waved as they walked by; I gave smiles and nods until everyone left. My mobile phone rang. "Doctor Lorrez."

    "Nevir, Doctor," the caller greeted; it was my twins' nanny, Qaila. "Miss Nelrus has arrived to watch the children."

    I grabbed my briefcase before leaving the lecture hall. I took the first door leading outside. "I appreciate what you've done, Qaila. I apologize for the short notice."

    "Don't worry yourself, sir. It's been a pleasure."

    "Ovela should have your check." After dropping my briefcase on the passenger's seat, I turned over the ignition to start my car. "Enjoy your weekend."

    "You too, sir."

    *** *** ***

    - Judge Magistrate Lorrez's Office -
    - Palaciur vu Veistenburs -
    (Veistenburs, Elmaris)

    June 20, 999 FB
    @ 18:11

    There was a knock at the door. The Prime Minister entered. "Good evening."

    I removed a woolen sheet that had covered my Judge armor. It hadn't been worn for over four months. "What can I do for you, Prime Minister?"

    He approached with his hands in his pockets. "How are you holding up, Jun?"

    I knew the questions would come. "About as well as one should expect from this. Especially you, Garin." I wiped some dust from my mythril-platinum bracer. "You needn't ask more concerning it."

    "I know," Garin sighed. "I miss her, too."

    I closed my eyes for a few seconds as images of my wife flooded my mind. After snapping to, I set my bracer on the large wooden desk behind me. "You came here for reasons other than this, I suspect."

    Garin cleared his throat. "We have a situation at Vydrial Fort. Sira's been having issues with with the natives there. I'd like for you to restore some peace."

    An annoyed sigh escaped me. "Very well."
    Can we pretend that airplanes
    In the night sky
    Are like shooting stars
    I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)

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