The Legend of FireStorm
Chapter One: Discovery
The night was young, and the sky was perfectly clear. Only a couple of airplanes landing and taking off from the nearby airport could be seen in the nights sky. The countryside was very dark, as there were no lights, except the ones from the nearby town of Gifford, and from a large building on the outskirts of the town, which is from where Dave had just left.
He was driving home from work along a country road, thinking about a strange object that had mysteriously appeared in his garden. He wondered how it came to be in his garden. He hadnt heard anything in the night, as it wasnt there when he went to bed the night before, but was there this morning, not even the farmers nearby had heard or seen anything falling from the sky. Strangely though the emergency services werent concerned about it, when he had called them about it. They had even told him to stop making stories like a child. Typical! Joe, one of the farmers had always said They are always interested about when you are in the wrong, but when you want them for important things they dont want to know.
"What is in that thing? What is it in the first place? I dont know
. What can I do?" he thought to himself, "I know, I'll ask some of the guys at work to bring pickup of some sort. Take it to the University and get the technicians there to look at it, find out what it is. It had better be something valuable and not a worthless, but strange-looking rock." Unbeknown to him, the object would change his life forever.
Two days later, as it wasnt until then when a pickup became available, 3 employees from Daves workplace at FireStorm Industries came around with a Ford pickup truck along with two men from Joes Farm nearby to move the object to Gifford University, which was near to FireStorm Industries. As Dave and the men brought the pickup around to the object, one of the men said that it looked in size more like a suit of armour, but minus the legs, arms and head. Although the object had glowed dark orange originally when Dave had first seen it, now it was a darker colour, more like a dark shade of grey. Strangely though as everyone including Dave helped to move it to the pick-up, it was noted that it wasnt heavy
. in fact it weighed like a large piece of polystyrene.
First the lab guys tried getting chips of the rock, that the object was encased in, so that they could get an idea as to what the object was encased in but every time a lab scientist chipped at the rock, the tool he was using instantly broke.
So, after 3 attempts, 3hrs, 2 destroyed diamond-tipped drills, and a pulverised pneumatic drill, the scientists decided to take an X-Ray of it to see what was inside, and maybe to see what was stopping their attempts at getting inside it and to stop the repairs and replacements bill getting any higher. In the meantime a messenger was sent to FireStorm Industries to tell Dave to come down, to see if they could gather any information about it from him. So, Michael, one of the Admin team was sent to get him. He went to the lift, which would take him to the 3rd floor: Management.
As he got closer to Daves office, Michael thought to himself What is this object that Dave has the Uni looking at? Is it dangerous? And we have it virtually in the centre of Gifford with the town about 15 miles down the road. Dave and everyone else had better be careful. I hope hes in.
Michael walked past the secretaries for the top managers, and the second in command, or the vice president, as he liked to be called. Finally he got to Daves office, overlooking the gardens behind the plant. Dave was the boss of FireStorm Industries, and although the HQ was in London, Dave preferred the quietness of Gifford, as it was only a few miles from his hometown, of Corfe Mullen.
Knocking on the door, Michael opened it and stepped into the office. Unlike the other managers offices, which were luxurious and expensive looking, Daves office was just plain, and only contained the things he needed: a desk, a couple of chairs, a PC, a filing cabinet, and a comfy computer chair for himself. Dave preferred it like this so to give the impression that he was easily approachable, in case anyone had anything bothering them.
Michael could see that Dave was looking out of the window, as though in a dream. He could tell that Dave was thinking about the object. Should I tell him? ...But I have to report to him and take him down to meet the scientists. Questions like these kept going around his head.
Just then, Dave looked around, and seeing Michael looking worried, he asked him Michael? What is the matter? Err
. Michael struggled to speak for a second, and then composing himself he said, I am here to give you my report. Dave gestured to him to continue. Ok, here goes. The scientists have completed their examination on the object, and have been unable to gather any information about the object itself, except that it is made of a very hard substance, unknown to man, harder than diamond. They are doing an X-Ray on it as we speak, and they have requested for you to come down to perhaps shed some more light on it, and to give the go ahead on some more in depth research to be done on it. Dave just stood and in thought, frowned. Why cant they just go ahead and carry out the work? Michael just replied, I guess
. that they need some sort of clearance to spend some more money on it.
Well, ok. If they need me there, then to Gifford University, we will go, said Dave finally, and you will accompany me, seeing as you know your way around the University car parks. So Dave went down to the University with Michael, as he knew the way around the car parks at the Uni.
As Eric, the head scientist at the University was finishing off filling in the papers Dave needed to sign for continuing the research Dave and Michael arrived at the laboratory, now clothed in the white overalls that all the other lab technicians were wearing, as it was a sterile room. While Dave speaking with Eric about what they had found so far, Michael walked over to Jonathan, another researcher, who was nearer to object. Strangely, as Michael got closer to the object, it seemed to start to glow.
Thats strange. Said Michael out loud, and pausing for a moment, looked around towards where Dave and the rest of the scientists were standing. Eric asked, Whats strange? Feeling uneasy, Michael replied Well, for a moment there, Im sure that thing was glowing. But I couldve been seeing things. Then both Dave and Eric started to walk towards the object, which was on a podium in the middle of room, which was partitioned off by a few sheets of Plexiglas. They both continued walking, until the object started to glow again, this time visibly to everyone. Thats not supposed to happen is it? asked Jonathan. No it isnt said Eric.
What was happening? What was this object? As the object glowed more and more, it was plain to see that the shell encasing this...thing was starting to melt off. Eric said to Dave "I think it would be best if we stood away from this thing for health and safety reasons. Back where the consoles are should be back far enough." Dave thought for a second, then agreed, and headed back to a safe distance from the melting mass of...goop.
The rest of the people in the room looked on as the object grew brighter and more stuff was melting off of it. They all wondered what was happening.
Questions were asked like:
"What is happening?"
"Didn't he say that it appeared in his back garden one morning, then where did it come from?"
And one question from someone who was too short to see what was happening:
"What is happening? Someone please tell me, or pick me up so I can see."
Everyone was silent for what seemed like an eternity as the melting stopped......Then as the melting finally stopped and the object grew darker, it could be seen that the object looked like a plate-mail torso, the style the medieval knights wore in battle, but this one was a fiery colour.
Jokingly, Jonathan said "Heh, it looks like the armour from that Marvel Comic Book Hero, Iron Man wears." Looking back at him, Michael replied "The only difference being that there is no helmet, arms or legs...and that Iron Man made his armour. It didn't appear in his back garden."
As Eric was starting to get sort through all the data that the computers had gathered from the object and it's shell, a low metallic sound was heard. Michael and Jonathen looked worriedly at both Dave and Eric, while the metallic sound was getting louder. "It seems to be coming from that plate-mail lookalike thing", said Dave, "what do you think, Eric?" Eric just looked up perplexed, "I don't know. The data I'm getting from the computers says that it is not just a chunk of metal, which you have aptly termed a suit of armour. According to the computers, that thing also has some kind of AI."
Michael just stared, glazing over, "What an Earth did he just say?" Johnathen looked over and said "He says its a computer." Eric nodded his head in agreement, "Yes, but an armoured one." Meanwhile the groan started to slowly speed up, into a type of artificial, metallic voice.
".....I-I-I-I-I-I-I am the armour known as Bzzzzzzzzzkkkkkkkkkttttttt
! State your designation!"
Everyone now looked at Dave, who's garden it was found in, "Why is everyone looking at me?" he asked. "Well," said Eric, "it was found in your garden, and as far as we can tell, that would make you the owner of this piece of equipment, well try to work out the name it called itself afterwards." Sighing, Dave nodded, and slowly turning around, he walked towards the armour, towards the Plexiglas.
I am David Fielding. Head of FireStorm Industries. He said. 5 minutes went past, which felt like an eternity to everyone present. Until at last the armour replied, Designation accepted, David Fielding of FireStorm Industries!
---------- Post added at 06:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:15 PM ----------
Chapter 2
5 weeks later, and very little had happened, much to Daves disappointment. You know, I still cant work out where that armoured
torso came from. He said to Michael one morning, And why it fell into my garden. I had just got the lawn mowed as well. He sighed and shook his head. Has the University gotten anywhere with it?
Ever since the armour asked Dave his identity, the University had been analysing it, and trying to sort out what it was, and what its name was, but to no avail, as it seemed to have gone into some kind of standby mode. Looking back at him, Michael replied Not exactly. They had found out why the armour couldnt give us its name. According to Jonathan, some of its memory circuits had been fried on entry to the Earths atmosphere.
Dave got up from his chair, and walking towards the window, he looked towards the sky. He looked like he was in a daze, staring upwards. Then after what seemed like an age, he turned around, and said, Well, it looks like we will have to give it a name after all. Then thinking a bit he walked towards where his coat was and said, Get your coat, were going to go to the University, and see what we can find out ourselves, besides I want to try something out.
After gaining entry to Laboratory 3, where the armour was being stored and examined, Dave asked Eric, Is the armour still receiving power? Looking puzzled, Eric replied, It has never received power from us. It seems to have its own power supply. Why? What have you in mind? Looking towards the room where the armour was being kept, Dave said, It may sound crazy, and it may not work, but I need to try something. Im going to enter the room where the armour is, and ask it a few things.
Shaking his head, Eric reluctantly allowed him access to the room. Ok. I dont agree with it, but were not getting anywhere with our computers. Besides, it seemed to come alive when you entered this lab. Perhaps you are meant to find this armour, and talk to it. Then unlocking the secure door to the room where the armour was, he went with Dave, just to make sure nothing went wrong, and in case he needed to get him out of the room in an emergency.
As they got close to the armour, it started to light up, and the familiar voice of the armour echoed around the room, Greetings David Fielding. What can I do for you today? Have you come for some information about me, and what you have to do? it said. Looking a little puzzled, Dave, and Eric looked at each other, and then Dave said to the armour, Hello Armour. Yes I have come for some info about where you came from and what you are. And its just Dave.
Well, I am a suit of armour, which, depending on its wearer can be very powerful for good or evil. After a self-diagnosis I have determined that I suffered damage on entry to this planet, which caused some of my memory circuits to become un-recoverable. This included what my last user called me. The armours voice sounded like it was sad, which made no sense, as it was controlled by its own computer system.
Eric stood to the side, and accessing his PDA, he inputted all the information that the armour was giving out and sending it to the main computers outside the examining room they were in. So, what should we called you then? he asked.
How about FireStorm? Seeing as it was brought here after being found. No one else knows about it, and everyone outside will assume that we created it, once they find out about this device. Dave replied.
Just then, a fiery logo appeared on the breastplate of the armour. It looked like a large thunderstorm striking the ground with a bolt of lightning, which caused a large ball of fire to appear. FireStorm accepted. This armour will now be known as FireStorm. The armour replied.
It looks like your idea has been approved, Dave. Perhaps you should be a little less forth-coming with your ideas next time. Said Eric.
Feeling a little sheepish, Dave shrugged his shoulders, and looking back at the armour he asked Ok, FireStorm. Now where did you come from originally? What was your purpose? After a little silence, and an influx of information sent to Erics PDA, almost overloading it, FireStorm replied:
I originally came from a far off planet called Coritor in the Metara Solar System, 1,500 light years from this one. I was created by a group of scientists 300 years ago who were trying to find a way to initially travel to far off planets, such as this one. However they were not able to attempt an off-world experiment, due to a rival empire known as the Yurigale Dictatorship, who attacked the base where I was kept and modified. It came about that I was needed by the scientists to defend them from the soldiers attacking the base.
It was then that I was made ready for war. My first user was a young boy of 20 years of age. His name was Agron. He helped to defend the base from 50 soldiers, before collapsing from exhaustion, since he had not had time to get accustomed to the power that I held. Sadly he got mortally wounded by the 2nd wave of soldiers that attacked the base, and died of his wounds 3 hours later. Fortunately, though there wasnt another wave of attackers afterwards, as they seemed to be afraid of what I was capable of.
After the attackers retreated, the remaining scientists started to train what came to be my 2nd user, a woman named Jópia It wasnt until 5 years later, when she was fully trained, and could withstand all of the power, and could wield all of the weapons I held within me, that the scientists decided for a field test, against the Yurigale Dictatorship. They decided that we were to attack what looked like a nearby listening outpost, which turned out to be an major infantry barracks, to be able to communicate with what was left of the outside world, and to show how strong we were, as we were tired of defending themselves constantly.
It took 20 minutes for Jópia, wearing this armour to wipe out the entire Yurigale army. 50,000 infantry. They never had a chance against our might. It was then that the liberated people of Coritor after celebrating from what we had accomplished against all the odds that they started to fear what we could do. They were afraid that we might turn on them, and wipe them out, so much so as to try to have the scientists disassemble me.
However, Jópia had other ideas. She got the scientists to install rockets into me, and we flew from Coritor to seek out a place where we wouldnt be feared. Sadly, about 6 months into our trek, a stray meteor collided with us. Jópia didnt survive the resulting explosions, and I was locked in the meteor. 290 years I was encased in that rock. Along the way, Jópias remains degraded, and I was forced to incinerate them to provide energy to keep going. The rock eventually melded with me, and slowly found its way to this solar system, and into this planets atmosphere.
The reason why no one had heard my landing in your garden was that as the rock had melded with the armour, a sort of Quantum Singularity barrier surrounded the entire meteor, which was considerably smaller, as it had gone through your atmosphere.
An uneasy silence fell upon the room, as Dave and Eric took all of the information in. So
said Dave, you travelled 1,500 light years because everyone was terrified of you? What has that got to do with me? FireStorm stopped glowing for an instant, It has everything to do with you. The Yurigale Dictatorship is still alive! And once they find that I am here on this planet, they will come here seeking to destroy me, and the entire inhabitants of this planet. I need you, as much as you need me. It said. Dave just looked on stunned where he stood. Errr
he stumbled for words.
Then Eric spoke So let me get this straight! You want Dave here to wear you, and protect the Earth from this Empire, or were all dead
Great!!! Just what we need.
Im afraid so. But by defending this planet you will become a Hero to the Earth, Dave. FireStorm replied. At that, Dave fainted.
After Dave had recovered, and found that what happened wasnt a dream, he slowly decided to train to use the FireStorm armour. And it was good timing that he received the armour as a major disaster was about to take place.