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Thread: Photoshop Tips & Tricks

  1. #1
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    Post Photoshop Tips & Tricks

    I thought it might be a nice idea for us to share any skills we have that are particularily useful, but that don't necessarily merit an entire tutorial of spoonfed step-by-step actions. For example:

    » Enriching Colour Sharpness/Contrast «

    The trick to this, is not to use the Brightness/Contrast tool - which tends to only intensify the differences between dark and light - nor the Colour Balance tool - which can often result in artifical-looking images where a single colour dominates - but instead to use the Selective colour tool. This tool, as the name suggests, allows you to pick the colours you'd like to enrich and those you'd like to subdue. It is also incredibly straightforward to use.

    On selecting the tool, you're presented with a drop-down menu listing several shades (Reds, Greens, Neutrals, etc.) and below this some sliders. Simply select the tone you'd like to alter from the menu, and slide the sliders along until you're pleased with the changes. Not every shade will be relevant, since it may not be present within the image you're working on (e.g. in the example below, modifying blue made little difference). Be wary that a little goes a long way - particularly when editing Neutral tones.

    Here's the result:

    The original, on the left, is rather flat, lacking contrast in hair colour and flesh tones. These have been intensified in the second, sharper image using the Selective Colour tool.

    Please add your own tips/tricks & feel free to ask any questions.
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  2. #2
    Tezcat Dan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: Photoshop Tips & Tricks

    You might want to add it to the list of tutorials: http://www.squareforums.com/showthread.php?t=95109

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