» Class Reservations «
As we finally reach the character creation stage, I'd like to remind everyone that once a class is taken, it's no longer available. With this in mind, it can be helpful to reserve a class in advance of posting a thread/bio for your character, to ensure the one you desire isn't taken by another, potentially mesing up your characters' origins. Therefore, please post the class you'd like for your character here. Those wishing to play multiple roles, won't be allowed to reserve a second or third class till their first character's details are up. Remember to use the template when designing your character.
Please refer to this table to see which classes are available/taken:
[TABLE] - Class - | - Character - | - Member -
Gourmand | - | -
Sage| - | -
Black Mage | Eilmorel Silverkin | Tyra
Dragon Knight| Frvlinze | Valvaris
Knight | Blaise | Denver Augustine
Oracle | | Ben ?|
Paladin | Quistin | Laïna
Musketeer | Wystel | Gemini
Thief | Lisette| Ben
Brawler |Aceso | Nemesis
Summoner | Robin| Light