- Full Name: Cidevaj Berel il-Zes Vaimont
  • Alias: Cid Vaimont
- Age: 25
- Date of Birth: November 2, 790 PC
- Star Sign: Scorpio
- Birthplace: Vailon, Valecia (Capital)

- Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

- Aljemai: Dyrestahn

- Gender: Male
- Blood Type: O+
- Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

- Occupation: Interim-Prince of the Valecian Kingdom, Weapons Manufacturer
- Rank: High Marquis, CEO of Valecia Manufacturing Company
- Residence: Vailon, Valecia (Capital)

- Living Kin:
  • Sister: Rae Vaimont - 30 years of age. Queen of the Valecian Kingdom. Head Chairwoman of The Verjian Alliance.
  • Nephew: Dain Vaimont - 4 years of age. Unofficial Prince of the Valecian Kingdom.
- Marital Status: Single