Re: Via Infinito
How did I let this one slip me?
A lot of good theories here, but I think I favour Ben's and haboo's overall. However, I'd like to expand upon Ben's take that it is the shame of Spira through Yevon by saying it could just be all of the shame suffered by Spira and cast into Via Infinito to be removed from the world. Via Infinito does signify a pathway to infinity or the end, which is basically a purgatory.
I wouldn't say Farplane and Via Infinito are Spira's Heaven and Hell, mostly because Heaven and Hell are just concepts of Christianity, which is only one religion, particularly one that Spira doesn't share. Looking at it, Spira is the spiral of death or a circle of life, something more akin to Buddhism and Hinduism than anything western. In that vein, I feel as though the Farplane is a cycling of life, from it, to it, and so, since all things would normally be recycled back, it should stand to reason that a pure Farplane would bring back everything good and bad from the past. However, several incidents that could easily repeat are avoided. I don't want to use theories to defend theories, but in my opinion, Tidus and Chappu are the recycled forms of Shuyin, with Chappu being the natural form and Tidus being manipulated into being. Both of them evolved to surpass the shortcomings of the original, this leaving Shuyin's remaining pyreflies out of the Farplane. In my opinion, part of that, while I understand he was trapped in Mushroom Rock Road, could be a filtering system for the Farplane, that being Via Infinito. After all, why wasn't Lenne trapped? *Unless Gras got custody of her corpse
* <Inside joke =p
To put it differently, Via Infinito pulls the pyreflies that make up a villain's worst aspects in life and keeps them there while the remainder of the pyreflies are free to be reused by the Farplane to create future generations. This would explain the high concentration of pyreflies in Via Infinito, their malignant nature, and why the worst fiends created down there could mimick the forms of some of the major villains/crimes encountered in X. Mika was responsible for holding Spira under the iron rule of the Yevon faith for a long time. Jyscal was murdered by his own son whose own goals were to destroy the planet with Sin. I don't think I even need to explain Yunalesca and Zaon. I imagine they were the furthest down for their roles in instigating Spira's Age of Sin to begin with.
I should add that I don't believe any true unsent are born down there. After all, pyreflies can recreate memories and none of the "unsents" stay unsent there. Since it takes in all the worst characteristics, there really isn't a firm purpose which is what allows the dead to form themselves as unsents so Via Infinito is only capable of housing fiends, although they are fiends with enough will over the pyreflies around them to mimick the criminals of the past if they so choose.
Trema, on the other hand, jumped down there of his own accord to hide the secrets of Spira. This is no more like the Devil being cast down in Hell than Yu Yevon was a vengeful God. He sought out the opportunity of a powerful dungeon with impossible fiends to challenge pursuers to keep him safe and give him the time needed to destroy the spheres, which he used spherehunting as a front to gather. He is in no way immune to their attacks, either, which could be why he destroys Paragon in the end before engaging the Gullwings.
Lastly, Via Purifico is like haboo stated, it's a huge dungeon. It was created by Yevonite Bevelle to punish traitors and has nothing to do with rehabilitation. Yuna's group was sent there to die. That is all. If Via Purifico, the pathway to purification, was supposed to rehabilitate, they wouldn't have forced them into a moat or locked in a labyrinth, attacked by Evrae Altana, and had Isaaru guard the exit in case they survived that. It was meant to kill them, but as main characters, "haha, sucks to be you, Bevelle." This also falls under Eastern culture as a typical pathway to purifying oneself from failure/crime was an honourable death. Yuna's group was to have died in secret and their memories recorded as being righteous followers of Yevon who fell in the line of duty.
Four years later, I've already extended the Via Infinito role further thanks to the newer games that have been released in that time, which coincidentally reflected well with my old theories, helping to bridge them all together. I'm not sure how soon it will be, but a fanfiction is in the works to explain it. xD There are still some variables, but I'll need to familiarise myself with some of the Final Fantasy games before I can get that sorted. Fortunately for me, those bits don't affect the fanfiction. ^.^
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