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Thread: Dungeon Siege III [Project X]

  1. #1
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Dungeon Siege III [Project X]

    After much Twitter teasing, the cat is now out of the bag. The Square Enix game that will "shock" us is none other than Dungeon Siege III. This alone might not be a big shock, considering the Square Enix ties to Dungeon Siege series creator Gas Powered Games, but there is a twist here. It seems that Gas Powered Games is merely overseeing this project as Obsidian Entertainment is developing the title with Square Enix handling the publishing responsibilities.

    Dungeon Siege III
    is no longer a PC only series, as it will hit PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 along with PC this time. This action RPG will allow players to create a character from a selection of customizable classes and then to venture out into the world of kingdom of Ehb solo or co-op with friends. There are also companions who can be recruited, each with their own unique personalities and combat styles. Obsidian's well-known storytelling talents will be shown in the game, which is touted as having important decisions to make and alliances that the player can form. No date has been given yet, but RPGamer will have more details on this after we get a look at the game at E3.

    RPGamer~ (Got linked by Nijiiro)

    So, this is Project X or..? I don't know much about DS, but I'm aware that this actually is pretty big as it's a very old and popular title. That's how it is in my mind at least, lol. The artwork looks beautiful and it does sound like this could be something really good. And that it's not just for PC increases my chances of getting it. But I certainly want more to base an opinion on. E3 will help with that, I take.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  2. #2
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    Re: Dungeon Siege III [Project X?]

    MEH. I don't care for this. Not until there's video footage anyway. So much for greatest RPG of all time.
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  3. #3
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Re: Dungeon Siege III [Project X?]

    xD. I did smirch when I first saw this. It's not that I'm underestimating the series, but I thought that it'd either be something completely new and revolutionary or an extremely anticipated game in a series or whatever. DS is something I have little to no knowledge of and it seems like more of a PC legend... And I was never into PC gaming ._.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  4. #4
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    Re: Dungeon Siege III [Project X?]

    Pretty much confirmed to be Project X, the twitter account involved now says this:

    huge day today for SE! Announced DS3 w/ Obsidian! I can't wait to play it with you!

    fantastic news isn't it? What other game is similar to it on the PS3 and 360? None! PC well there are a few but we will shine!
    » msn : cosmicdeathray@hotmail.com //
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  5. #5
    Harmonixer Nijiiro's Avatar
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    Re: Dungeon Siege III [Project X]

    I wouldn't call Dungeon Siege the best game of all time, I had fun while playing it, but that was it.
    What i'm looking forward to with Dungeon Siege 3 will be the multiplayer functions, and hopefully are better story then what we have seen so far with the previous installments.

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  6. #6
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    To fill this up with the latest infos

    Announcement Trailer

    Gameplay Trailer

    Comic Con Presentation

    Comic Con Panel

    Some infos from different magazines:

    CD Action

    -Previewer is super-excited, after playing the demo he can't wait to play more of the game. (He was pessimistic before he saw it in action)
    -The only bug in 3 hour-long alpha build was one small blinking texture. The animations are smooth, the engine is beautiful.
    (This is important. Especially for gamers who know Obsidian)
    -There was only one playable character for the demo, there are more however - with different starting locations and different prologues.

    Pc Games

    -PVP modes are apperently planned
    -Looks great on consoles. Even better on PC. (Better Shadows/Textures)
    -The Looks give a great atmosphere
    -The Dialog system and choices aren't laid out in good vs. evil but rather in tradition vs. progressive thinking. (Which leads probably in how the new legion will be structured? My guess)

    -Companions can leave you if they are unhappy. If they are happy you get boni.
    -Classes are balanced to each other in their use to ensure quality teamwork in co-op.
    -There is no information on how many classes.
    -Talents aren't many per class but they are deeply upgradable.

    -The game begins in a burning castle.

    They took inspiration from different titles trying to mix japanese and western games
    Last edited by Dalinku; 02-01-2011 at 01:39 PM.

  7. #7
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Nice, not bad. Looks better than I thought it would, although I was aware I probably should expect something good considering it's title... Not that I ever had personal experience with the series. Do want. Probably. Lol.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  8. #8
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    Interview on CVG


    Was it a conscious effort to get Square Enix's involvement on the narrative? Because they did SupCom, didn't they?

    CT: They have a desire to drive the story agenda, so when we're sitting there looking at how we're going to do production you have to look at how much you're going to put into each bit of the game. You only have so many resources to work with. So what I do is start with gameplay mechanics, I'm guilty of spending disproportionate amounts of the budget on spending mechanics, then I do graphics, then something else and eventually get down to story.

    They take the story and say 'you're going to spend a lot more on the story than you typically would if you were left to your own devices', that's where their core influence operates.

    We've been guilty of spending too much time on story, that's where it's helpful to have Square and Chris' feedback. It's something that has been very important to us on Dungeon Siege, story is important but it can't drive everything. Core game mechanics need to be important for a successful Dungeon Siege game. We need to have controls that work well, the visceral moment to moment gameplay in Dungeon Siege are so important so the controls need to be great.

    It's the opposite thing for us with Dungeon Siege, we're trying to get the core mechanics perfect, but obviously story is still important to us.

    The controls in Dungeon Siege 3 seemed to have been translated onto the controller quite well; can you talk a little about that?

    NC: One of the things that helps is that our project director and I probably play as many games on consoles as on PC. So I looked at Dungeon Siege 1 on PC and thought how can I take that game, Secret of Mana and Legend of Zelda and make that work.

    I knew that was the right direction, the game needed to play like a mix of Dungeon Siege and Dark Alliance, the console beat-em-up hybrid games. That is where I think most of the direction came from, they work really well altogether and that's one of the things I'm happiest about.

    What other console games did you draw influence from?

    NC: I already mentioned Secret of Mana and Legend of Zelda, there's also Devil May Cry, which was a huge influence. The game doesn't play like Devil May Cry but looking at how it deals with certain things... I have tons of reference video from Devil May Cry up that we've been looking at just to see how they handle certain mechanics.

    God of War is obviously big, even Ninja Gaiden, although it's a hardcore action game, the way they handle certain things like blocking that we're trying to bring into the game. There are actually a lot of influences on the game.

  9. #9
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    2 new Screenshots

    -Linear at beginning. Opens up later with a lot of sidequests.

  10. #10
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    Preview Overflow


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