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Thread: FFXIV in 3D?

  1. #1
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    FFXIV in 3D?

    At the recent E3 gaming expo in Los Angeles, the Japanese based game company was showing off the PC version of the game running in 3D on three monitors. The 3D was powered by NVIDIA's new GeForce 3D. I'm not a fan of 3D and actually felt it distracted by the lush, beautiful environments that Square Enix has created. I was perfectly satisfied with the [yeah idk what, it's cut off here, lol]

    The depth created by the game's graphics felt somewhat flat in 3D. It was like looking at a diorama with little pieces of paper cut out and placed in different places in space. NVIDIA's 3D tech, however, is top notch. The problem is, it's top notch and you have to use 3D glasses.

    Loads of games have incorporated the tech into their games. Capcom has a whole host of PC titles that sport it.

    Square Enix has yet to confirm the 3D version of Final Fantasy XIV and was clear that it was showing a tech demo. However, Final Fantasy XIV producer Hiromichi Tanaka did tell Kotaku, "We are interested in 3D and other approaches to 3D."

    Tanaka did add that players might find 3D glasses "comfortable" and the company was interested in ways for players to enjoy 3D "comfortably" in the future.

    The idea of a wide expansive game such as Final Fantasy XIV is an exciting one. And sure, watching avatars as they make their way through the FFXIV and the landscape comes hurdling towards you was thrilling. The technology is getting there, close to where it needs to be to offer all players a headache-free experience. But, as the FFXIV demo showed, it still has a ways to go.

    That last leap to true 3D will be the biggest.

    Meh. So over this 3D gimmick but it's worth it just for Wada's reaction:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq-hDTCtLxk"]YouTube- FINAL FANTASY XIV "E3 2010 Live Report 2"[/ame]
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  2. #2
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Re: FFXIV in 3D?

    As much as I liked watching their reactions, I honestly wonder how much Wada even planned to look at the screen before coming up with that (potentially) staged reaction.

    Hmm, 3D then. Well, I'm actually not completely clear on wither or not you need 3D TV's to watch proper 3D? If so, I won't have any use of a 3D version, although I imagine it'd be cool, but no money for that, so meh... If it only requires the glasses (although proper glasses can be expensive too), it'd be great.

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  3. #3
    Harmonixer Nijiiro's Avatar
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    Re: FFXIV in 3D?

    QuoteOriginally Posted by King of FF View Post
    As much as I liked watching their reactions, I honestly wonder how much Wada even planned to look at the screen before coming up with that (potentially) staged reaction.

    Hmm, 3D then. Well, I'm actually not completely clear on wither or not you need 3D TV's to watch proper 3D? If so, I won't have any use of a 3D version, although I imagine it'd be cool, but no money for that, so meh... If it only requires the glasses (although proper glasses can be expensive too), it'd be great.
    So far, you need a 3D tv to watch it in 3D, i'm wondering if all the people with a standard flatscreen tv will be able to get a box or something that can be connected to the tv, allowing 3D... But I think that is only wishful thinking, probaly have to invest in a new tv, gah.

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  4. #4
    Armored Avenger Iron Man's Avatar
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    Re: FFXIV in 3D?

    As things are here the 3D televisions will only be something for the really wealthy people as the price is extremly high. I heard it's like 40-50 000kr and that's ALOT.

    Even if I had that much money I wouldn't spend it on some 3D television.

  5. #5
    Harmonixer Nijiiro's Avatar
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    Re: FFXIV in 3D?

    QuoteOriginally Posted by Chippen View Post
    As things are here the 3D televisions will only be something for the really wealthy people as the price is extremly high. I heard it's like 40-50 000kr and that's ALOT.

    Even if I had that much money I wouldn't spend it on some 3D television.
    That much? In DK I seen a Sony 3D tv for around 18.000 kr...
    50.000 kr seems really really pricy!

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  6. #6
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Re: FFXIV in 3D?

    18.000 kr is pricey too. Anyone who invests in a TV that price either has a well payed job, some from of wealthy income (or rich parents?) or no brain. Finally a luxury I most certainly cannot afford even if I neglected buying anything else before it. The TV's will have to go way down before I even think of getting one... Which might be in several years.

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  7. #7
    Playa' Please! Ryan T. Loveless's Avatar
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    Re: FFXIV in 3D?

    Wada's reaction was amazing.

    But aside from that, I'm WAY over that stupid 3D hype. 3D isn't really worth it in my opinion. Too many bugs and glitches.

  8. #8
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    Re: FFXIV in 3D?

    Why Square? Not that I had any intention of buying it anyway but why would they want it in 3D, and for an online game? Oo

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