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Thread: Final Fantasy VII: Black Ops.

  1. #1
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    Final Fantasy VII: Black Ops.

    » { S e r a f i n a . N i g h t } «

    – 5.47pm October 22nd [v] εуλ 0004
    - Interrogation Room C, Floor 32, Shinra HQ, Sector 0, Midgar
    Conceited prick. Thought Serafina, seething.

    "I must say, when I first received news that Shinra had at long last arrested the elusive Valeria, I was more than a little sceptical." His haughty tone suggested otherwise. It was just one of several traits of his that riled her. His excessive, exaggerated, gestures indicated a brash and overbearing demeanour. Everything about him was contemptible hyperbole, from his hefty size, to the coarse thicket of black hair that protruded from his chin. "So naturally, I had to come see for myself. Three long years you've evaded capture Ms. Night,."

    Shut the fuck up. Though she'd never admit it, much of her rage stemmed from the anger she felt towards herself; anger, that after having run for so long, she still hadn't escaped their confinement. It was the most aggressive form of rage, warped from a mixture of resentment and regret, and underpinned by an overwhelming feeling of disappointment - in herself.

    "You've nowhere left to run." he sneered. The brutal truth burned like an affliction. She was trapped."Must you leer at me like that? It's so... unbecoming."

    Flushed scarlet, wrath intensified inside her, scorching like a furnace. Unable to contain herself, Serafina leapt at her captor. Raising a tight fist, she swung across the the table for his face. A moment later, the futile assault was over, as the pull of her chain restraints jolted her back into her seat. With rabid aggression she wrestled against the shackles, foaming, but it was in vain.

    "Gya haa haa haa!" His laughter served only to fuel her fury. She felt it echo round her body like adrenaline, driving her to scream. But knowing the satisfaction it would grant him, she denied herself this instinct.

    "What do you want with me?" she snarled.
    "You know full well that the punishment for your crimes is death."
    "Then kill me." She rasped, frantic with desperation. "Kill me now you son of a bi--"
    "I'm afraid it's not that simple," he broke in. The gravitas in his tone suggested sincerity for the first time, which troubled Serafina. Noticing, he repressed a smirk and continued, "We have a proposition for you, Ms. Night."
    "I don't make deals with Shinra scum like you Heidegger." She retorted.
    "Oh, I believe you'll think differently once you've heard the conditions of my offer." The head of Shinra's Public Safety department paused to observe her reaction, but Serafina disguised her intrigue with a scowl. "Your talents haven't gone unnoticed. We want you to work with us. That is, I want you to work for me."
    "I would sooner have you tear every limb from my rotting corpse." The very idea repulsed her.
    "Perhaps once you've heard my proposal in full, you'll find it more attractive. Accept the job, and all charges against you will be dropped. You'll have a clean slate. No-one will ever know what you did. Anyone who questions you, will have to answer to Shinra."
    To say she wasn't tempted would be a lie, but arrogance and stubbornness prevented her from showing even a hint of consideration.
    "Not interested."
    "You're making a huge mistake."
    "I SAID NO!" She roared with vitriol.
    "You don't have a choice."
    "There is always a choice, and I will never submit to Shinra. So just kill me."
    "Perhaps this will sway you." He gestured to one of the sentries that had flanked him throughout the interrogation. The guard headed across the room and activated a screen on the adjacent wall. The grainy transmission crackled and hissed. "You'll want to hear this..."

    Eventually a faint voice rippled through the noise.
    "Who are you? What do you want with me? Please, let me go. What have I done? Please."
    Serafina froze. It was a voice she hadn't heard in years. Though weak, and sobbing, it was instantly recognisable.
    "What have you done with her?"
    "She's safe, for now." His voice was was laced with menace.
    "You let her go, this is nothing to do with her."
    "She's free to leave any time... provided you accept my offer."
    "Fucker." She spat.
    "Do we have a deal Ms. Night?"
    "If I say no?"
    "She'll remain in Shinra custody, and who knows what the guards might let slip about why her sister vanished."
    "You will die a painful death."
    "Shall I take that as a yes?" He said, grinning.
    "In that case,"
    "Welcome to the Turks."
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  2. #2
    Exquisivor Valvaris's Avatar
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    Aug 2009

    Re: Final Fantasy VII: Black Ops.


    - 3.23pm February 4th [v] εуλ 0005
    - Dark Alley, Nibelheim

    "Hand over the weapon, girl."
    "And why should I?"
    "Because you are in no position to bargain."

    I sensed two silhouettes behind me.

    "Pfft. Trapped in an alley, surrounded. What more troubles can you get into, Illuvina?" I thought to myself.

    I looked up to the two men talking to me and asked, "Why do you want Evanovicta so much, huh?"

    "The weapon is an artifact of Shinra. It belongs only to Shinra. You have no right to wield it."
    "That does not explain the effort and energy Shinra is employing to take this weapon back, you know."
    "Could it be... that this weapon is not just a weapon?"
    "You spoke of nonsense."

    One of the guy in front of me dashed forward, and swings his katana at me.

    I brandished my weapon, and as dim as the sunlight from above my head may be, my blade reflected the light into the man's eye. The man avoided the sunlight, and i thrust a kick into his abdomen, sending him backwards.

    The two men behind me rushed up to attack. One went for my head and the other went for my leg. I turned back and took a step backward, while swinging my weapon from the back of my head onto the ground in front of me. I slammed it into the head-attacking man's sword, and pinned in onto the ground, along with the sword of the one attacking my leg.

    I swing my weapon up again, in split second turned the weapon around, and slammed the back of the weapon onto the two men lying on the ground. The last man reached into his coat and threw three knives at me. I swing my weapon to deflect two and sidestepped to avoid the third.

    Just as I was avoiding the knives, the man flashed in front of me and stabs. I parried the attack with the handle of my weapon, and I leaped backwards, keeping distance with the man.

    "How fast!" I thought.

    "You are well-trained, girl."
    "You are not that bad either."
    "But can you match my speed?"

    The man disappeared from his position after speaking. All I see was a silhouette bouncing off the wall to my left side, and I swing my weapon left, parrying another stab from the man. Immediately after the attack, he leaped back onto the wall and launched three more knives at me.

    As I blocked the three knives, I felt a presence behind me. I swing my weapon swiftly, points the end of the handle behind me, over my shoulder, and thrust it backwards. I felt contact with a solid substance. A knife was seen right beside my neck. I turned around and slammed the handle onto the man's back, sending him crashing onto the floor.

    "You may be fast, 'man', but your movements are predictable."

    I walked away from the four men on the ground, towards the exit of the alley.

    "Halt, young girl."
    "Pfft. Another one?"
    "I'm not here to pick a fight with you."

    A shadow walked towards me from the exit of the alley, "I'm Tseng. A member of the Turks."

    "You want Evanovicta?" I touched my weapon, the scythe - Evanovicta.
    "No. I want you."

    I was surprised by the statement.

    "I saw your fight with these men. Your battle prowess is needed in the Turks."
    "And what could I gain from this?"
    "Zennoire Testarossa."

    My eyes widened, "What do you know of my brother?!", I shouted.
    "He had ventured into the organization of Shinra a year and a half ago, as far as I know of. His whereabouts now are unknown, but I assure you that if you join us, you can get more information than if you are alone."

    I stood in silence for a moment.

    "The Turks you say? Fine. If I find out that you are lying, I won't be merciful." I said as I swing my scythe.

    "Shall we leave now?"
    "Where to?"
    "Let me pack up and leave word for my Pa~~"
    "I shall wait for you at the Inn, then."
    "See you then!"

    I walked past Tseng as I exited the alley, and I swear I heard him said weakly,

    "Welcome to the Turks."

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