hmmm random question to what extent do images people find off then next need to be edited so that thy can claim credit for it being thier work???
any hows i was bored enough to look at each on and like or dislike them i guess in my own way
nice colours kinda
lol bat fan ahh punny
I like the silhouettes (also can’t read the bottom may as well not keep it, are the logos meant to be there?)
Can’t read text
Ahh funny only cos of the pic I fail reading the text though that saghsfsfs thing
So dark coulda contrasted the text more to make it stand out? Idk
Kool image I like / hate the dots lol
Kool image too bad I cant really see it all that clear maybe it’s the res,
Kinda kool well like the right don’t mind the left side
Is kool
I like
Not as good as the one on top looks like a post – it y?
Same this was the better of the 3
Same ahhh eyes hurt
This was kool
Kool image
I like
Ahahaha cute
Don’t get it
Is good I guess I like the effect
Not into cars but its pretty not sure on the logo thing at the back ( I don’t know cars so don’t know what it means guess its not ur fault as its their logo)
Kool car I like the effect still don’t know about that logo though
This is nice
Ahahaha cute
I not American
Idk don’t like the font/ texture lol maybe just me
Y does the walk away look pixelated
Ahh blast of green I guess I also fail music.
Idk them not sure on the weird boarder on the top and bottom I like their logo did u make it?
Might appeal more if I knew them or their music , but I do like this layout
This is kool I like the effect of making the text look smokey
Cant see it.. next like avp for the fact you cant see it…
Kool image same as the other did you do the fire?? Y is the logo still there
Cant see it but I do like wat you did with the text also cant see it ahaha I get it
I like this or I just like the while ripped paper thing ( but her face is square :o)
I like this looks sciency :D
This isn’t meant to be simple is it I hate the font… kinda just makes the text look weird..
This is meant to be like that yea if so awesome witty lol
Idk white green seem ok although coulda been more clean on the text
This one I cant read
I like the flying
Ahahaha this is kool reminds me of those images is this a lamp or 2 people kissing just that very right bit I don’t like
Its kool but also disturbing
My eyes ….
oO someone likes boys?
Is the comic like that? Or you cut it meh like the mouth part I guess other bits meh
Pretty :D
Meh dots went too far for me also the choppy text is kool but cant read the text
Ahahaha photo shop blending options ( I just don’t like the image >.<)
This is ok I guess in a faded sorta way
Meh cant help if their username is like that?
I like cept that guys name lol
I like and don’t like its too chrome
This is kool
The tom Clancy bit is hard to read
I like the images did u draw them? Also like the snap shot over each other look
Not as kool at the one above
This one is kinda kool but idk that ubi soft part fades over too much
This one is kool I like cake
I like the layout images not so much
Its ok
Fan of curtains? I like it though, the wall thing just a bit hard to read
This is kool I like cept the pink gun =p
Bit better than the one above but still just hard to read
No no hugs!
Cant see those too small lol
Meh I guess just leave a space between things next time you post mass amounts of stuff… its just hard to see them on their own otherwise.
Its all too crowed but yea