Apparently the people who made Advent Children are working on Tomb Raider's cutscenes.
Apparently the people who made Advent Children are working on Tomb Raider's cutscenes.
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Spoiler: PSNSpoiler: rEtrO_oSpoiler: etc.
Well that explains the incredible animation from the scans. Even her expression as she falls to the ground and gets pierced is reminiscent of Cloud's expression when he grabs his arm upon Geostigma's bodily effects.
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
I love the new voice actress.
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Spoiler: PSNSpoiler: rEtrO_oSpoiler: etc.
Oh my fucking god... Holy... <3<3<3. That looks fucktastic X____X. For a few seconds near the beginning, I was unsure if this was for a new TR movie or the game. The voice actor sounds like a mix between an American and an English person. Sort of like an American doing English. It's probably just that she sounds so real now, rather than sounding like an adult invulnerable, high class woman. They must have thought careufully about her because they managed to give her voice a new sound that befits her age and the game's mood with much more seriousness and vulnerability while at the same time still feeling like Lara in some strange way. I really think they must have made the right choice. She sounds as real as in a movie.
I'm still amazed with the animation. This hypes me too much bfff... ._.. Really looked like a Hollywood movie kind of scenario though, lol. It's still a bit weird seeing her so human and vulnerable.
The music is also very different this time. I'm glad they are still using her main theme if not a variation of it at least, but the rest sounds much more Silent Hill like.
1:46 Hikari Planet B Remix starts, the camera pans to Dive into the Heart
Last edited by KoFF; 06-03-2011 at 11:47 AM.
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
Never been this impressed by a TR trailer before. It looks really amazing.
It looks like that animated Resident Evil movie when it comes to the visuals.
New pictures and Stage demo.
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Spoiler: PSNSpoiler: rEtrO_oSpoiler: etc.
Thrilling. And another look at the slightly cute global brand director, ho ho.What was the shirt shifting for anyway? Seems like he didn't know why it's bad to wear thin striped shirts on screen. Oh well, not the first time someone does that. But really, fantastic team combination this time. It was weird seeing Square Enix under the Crystal Dynamics logo in physical.
At one point they did that panorama of Lara and it looked like a real wax model. Almost disturbing to watch, but in the good way. They didn't specifically talk much about their visualization for the voive acting in the trailer, but I suppose it kinda came with their explanation about how they wanted to convey her physical emotion and motions.
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
I'm hoping this game will have a world with a scale similar to Skyrim's. Would be a win having such massive landscapes with Tomb Raider worthy exploratory physics, perhaps acquiring a rope in order to reach leveled regions and so on.
I seriously doubt it will be THAT elaborate. I don't think a world that large would make much sense with the genre the new TR game will be. It wouldn't make sense.
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~