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Thread: Tomb Raider 2012

  1. #41
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Yes, hence the "over PG12". Maybe I should just be happy the point passed you by
    Last edited by KoFF; 03-07-2013 at 11:58 PM.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  2. #42
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Feb 2004
    Okay, this is just about the least worthwhile offer I have ever seen from SE/TR.

    Guerilla Skin - Kr 5,95
    Aviatrix Skin - Kr 5,95
    Hunter Skin - Kr 5,95

    ^This isn't the offer. This is:

    Tomb Raider Outfit Pack (Includes the above 3 skins) - Kr 19,95

    Really? You don't need to know foreign currency to calculate what the deal is here. Worst part is, I'm going to get the tri-pack anyway xD. It's not much of a difference, but the fact that it is there is funny. I suppose you are are paying for the service of just going through 1 download + transaction rather than 3, but... -.-
    Also, they have now put TR DLC out that is already in the full game, but that you must unlock as you progress. Wtf, you can now buy your way through when it's easy enough to get it all in one playthrough and much more worthwhile earning.
    I have heard there was a Scavenger Hunt app where you'd unlock these prior to the games release, which I suppose makes make sense, and that's why they are putting it out for everyone now, rather than keeping it exclusive forever (because pre-order DLC is almost never exclusive for more than a few weeks or months anyway).

    I just don't understand this weeks DLC... But I'm happily buying the new skins, maps, and a whole new Tomb to raid, woo!

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  3. #43
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    This game is awesome I'm at the mountain village for a second time and it's awesome I love how you get further into the game you unlock more things to do and that makes it easier to get around the island, it's like being less at the mercy of the island if that makes sense?

    I love the bow it's probably my favourite weapon, I love sneaking around and just taking them down one by one, but sometimes that's not possible and you have to go to war with them all which normally ends up with me running to a corner and then picking them off as they catch up. The only problem is I suck at aiming but I understand why there isn't an autolock it would take away the experience of the game.

    ^Made by Tinychikn

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  4. #44
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    It all becomes easier when you get around to mastering dodge and counter.
    Dunno which difficulty you are playing at, but at harder ones, not even that will save you from crowds of gun-carrying enemies shooting at you from a distance, lol. It's also the only weakness the move has. Can't dodge and counter bullets and pellets. It has to be melee attacks.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  5. #45
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    im playing on easy cause im shit at aiming, the climbing axe4 is the most awesome thing ever now I can use it to fight

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  6. #46
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    This is not a good game.
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  7. #47
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    Care to say why? Not saying you cannot dislike it just curious about your reasons

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  8. #48
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    It's boring. The gameplay is clunky and uninspired. The story is non-existent. Lara's a cry baby. The franchise's typically sleek sexuality is totally absent.
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