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Thread: Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance

  1. #11
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    I'm enticed by the aspect of 3D depth... If any title could get something powerful out of that, it'd be KH... Dive into the deep of darkness 8D! No, but KH just has a lot of depth-related themes.

    And what's this about sudden character switching? From what that quote says, the changes will be more or less random. There's probably a bit more to this than just that. Especially since a lot of story things would require specific characters. Not that they couldn't make cutscenes where the character is the one it needs to be for that particular scene. Dunno, we'll see.
    An interesting idea would be if it's not just Sora and Riku that switch out like this. The trailer makes that a possibility imo. Think about it, one moment you are fighting with Sora against Xemnas, all of a sudden you change to Riku and Xemnas changes into Ansem, the fight carries on etc.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  2. #12
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    the only problem is will I get distracted by the £D and want to touch it and forget there is a heartless after me? lol

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  3. #13
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Oh don't worry about that. You can't possibly get hurt if it's just a dream, right

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  4. #14
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    There's a lot more information here. Seems you were right about Notre Dame.

    Also all trailers from last week's event have now been released to the internet, and in HD too, so voila:

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  5. #15
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Figured the controlls would be different for the characters, but seeing it confirmed makes me more hyped. I love the idea of having to change the way you play completely. Well, he basics will probably still be the same, like in CoM. Sadly, I imagine this same aspect will become a hate-mark for some players.
    And all this about bolding out the game, even more than with BbS o_o... The title sounds like it'll be more and more important to the series and the bonds to KHIII are stronger than they seemed at first sight. But there's still so much to be explained, lol. I hope Nomura doesn't say too much about this, because I'd like to find out why there are so many paradoxes in the game, although I'm sure it all has to do with the whole dreaming thing and... KHIII? It's best to not even start thinking about what this game's plot will be like x_X.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  6. #16
    Armored Avenger Iron Man's Avatar
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    I'll end up getting this one since I'm getting a 3DS.

    Kingdom Hearts in 3D sounds nice.

  7. #17
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    First look at Sora and Riku and their Seal and Bat companions. No, I'm not joking. Still makes no sense how this is after KH2 but they both look younger.

    "Trailer description is finally up. Okay part of the story in KH3D is about "the world buried in sleep" where Sora and Riku perform their mark of mastery. The enemies in the game are Dream Eaters, which are creatures who eat your dreams. The round dog-like thing is indeed a pet companion in the game, and it can be seen floating around Sora and following him around as he performs actions in battle. It's extremely cute, and you can interact with it using the camera function (AR) and the touchpen. At the end of the trailer is apparently a scene from Xehanort's point of view, where he sees Braig talking to him asking him if his memory has returned."
    Game features a cameo by a character from The World Ends with You:

    Neku appears as a guest character in Sora's side of the TGS demo -- though not a playable guest. Both Neku and his rival/friend/frienemy Riku team up with captured dream-monsters this time around rather than fighting alongside licensed characters. Neku's role is more that of the Disney-world guests from previous games. He shows up, reveals that he's caught in a "game," leaving him 43 minutes to win or die. Naturally, he asks Sora to be his partner but ultimately decides the tousle-haired protagonist is "a weird guy" and takes off. Sora follows, riding rails in pursuit of Neku, but quickly encounters a boss battle set in a cul-de-sac of Traverse Town.
    Both sides of the demo (Sora and Riku) are essentially the same, really: A brief story set-up, a few set encounters, and a boss fight. Riku interacts with Quasimoto from The Hunchback of Notre Dame, which is admittedly less interesting than Neku; on the other hand, Riku has a double-jump, which is always great. The demo is just enough to give a feel for what KH3D adds to the series. While the camera is still a hyperactive mess that makes boss battles a pain (all the 3DS's buttons are used, so there's no lock-on system that I could find), everything else about the game feels significantly improved over previous Kingdom Hearts. The action is fluid and smooth, with much more refined combat. Fighting enemies feels less like combo-driven button mashing that locks your hero into canned animations than in previous installments, and your skill set has been improved considerably. Both demo characters possess a standard repertoire of magic skills such as Cura and Blizzaga, which are activated and cycled through as they were in Birth By Sleep, but they also can perform special Dual Link attacks with their partners by pressing Y.

    Dual Link skills are context-sensitive and seem to vary according to your current partners, enemies, and positioning. You can pull off different skills while on the ground or in the air. A key part of these skills seems to be something called (inexplicably) Holy Rope, which are a series of nodes placed around battlefields. Pressing A and X while near one of these Holy Rope points freezes the action and allows you to use the touch screen to draw connections between points on the area map, which then sends Sora or Riku dashing through the air along the prescribed course. Using the Holy Rope paths to intersect foes allows you to pull off standard or special attacks while they're otherwise out of reach.

    The TGS demo of Dream Drop Distance is fairly brief -- about 20 minutes to complete both portions -- but shows a game that looks and plays beautifully. Square hasn't formally announced a U.S. release date for KH3D, but the notion that they wouldn't localize such a sure hit is enough to get a man laughed out of the room. Honestly now.
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  8. #18
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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  9. #19
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    I saw a short gameplay trailer for this yesterday, but this is much better (the quality and angle was really bad in the video).

    WOOO news! They certainly do look younger, yes. Actually, I think they seem to have a middle-mix between their ages and costumes from KH to KHII. Very interesting. And it also looks fresh, not to mention fantastic <3<3.

    I can hardly believe Neku is in the game <3!! I've missed him ;_;. He's looking good. And this is the first time in KH there is something from other franchises than FF and Disney :S. This is in other words opening the doors. NOW GET DAT CAIM IN AND KILL EVERYTHING! Or Nier, lol. Maybe Emil would fit in well... Except I am picking bloody titles right now :S.
    But yes, the door has opened. It will most likely still stay main FF and Disney. Still, I can see additional franchises entering from time to time. I just wonder if they will end up including more than just a few at a time. Not sure how I'd find that, but no reason to think about it yet. Just gonna enjoy Neku for now. Will Joshua be there too then? ó_ò

    Seal and bat companions? o_O... This is a second big leap from the original concept of KH. But kinda cool. It's a dream world after all and they look totally lolable, in the cute way.

    ~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~

  10. #20
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    Well don't get too excited. TWEwY is a Nomura game after all, so it seems unlikely we'll see much else. They're even reluctant to use non-Nomura FF characters, so I wouldn't expect anyone else any time soon, lol.
    Last edited by .A²; 09-15-2011 at 12:00 PM.
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