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Thread: Unknown -AKA Mysterious Figure (spoilers from BbS, Days and Re:Coded)

  1. #1
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Unknown -AKA Mysterious Figure (spoilers from BbS, Days and Re:Coded)

    I know this sounds like a BbS topic, which it mostly is, but I post it here because it revolves around a character that most likely will have a very prominent role in KHIII or another title. This is something big, like meeting Xemnas (Unknown) in the first Final Mix game.

    Okay, so the theory talk here spawned from my visit to youtube and relistening to the song Dark Impetus from BbS; the music that plays during the fight against Unknown. As so often, I was filled with a sensation of epicness and emotion under the influence of music that drove me to think of all these powerful connections to the character. I've often thought about who it really is, but there hasn't been a firm topic on his/her true character as far as I remember. I've had some minor theories without anything too solid to base it on, but when I hit up youtube, the passion just went lolz inside me xD.

    Aaaanyway, once again I will post at the risk of leaving some important factors out as I still have not seen the secret BbS Final Mix ending... That may or may not hold some more answers or hints towards this mystery of a character. Therefor I will base it on everything BUT that trailer, and please post additional FM secret ending spoilers in a spoiler tag should you know something that matches up with the character. Okay, for the theories...

    My mind has crossed many characters, and I've learned never to lave any possibilities out, but's start with what we know. The character fights using ethereal swords and looks the most to be a man, but without certainty. His style is a mix of styles we have seen from other characters. Examples are various Organization XIII characters, including Roxas, Luxord, Marluxia, Xigbar, Xemnas and more. This in itself doesn't suggest too much, other than a strong connection to the Organization. I've seen some theories suggesting it could be Xion due to her forms in the final battles against her in Days, seeing as she used moves from Sora's memories, such as Kurt Zisa attacks and so forth.
    Due to Unknown's appearance and attack types, I do however not think this is the answer. Not impossible, but this character is older and very different, plus Xion was a creation of Vexen and Xemnas based on memories, never existed before in any form as far as we know.

    Now, what I realized today... Was that the name of the song was, again, Dark Impetus. Impetus is something like a force or a power to move something. Dark Force, you could say. The name sounds similar to Dark Impulse, which more or less is the same thing... And that much refers to Terra, combined with the violin solo in said song, which also is a part of Terra's character and theme. So is it another form of Terra? I don't think so either :P. Could be, but there still isn't too much pointing towards it, even though we don't know what Nomura has in store for the KH plot with this character or form of a well known character. However, Terra might still be involved with this character in a deeper way, which is where the points just listed about him comes in. I will get to that soon.

    This brings me to the last of the bigger possibilities in my eyes, and the thing that I am starting to find very likely, for many reasons. I'll list them (again, not including knowledge of the BbSFM ending)

    Xehanort (Yes, one more... ONE MORE xD). These are the reasons I have for the theory;

    -The song, Dark Impetus or Dark Force is within the same line as Forze Del Male, a song that mainly is played during the final battle against Heartless Ansem in the first KH. This ties in with Terra who's body was taken over by Master Xehanort. When he then became the reborn Xehanort, he eventually went and split into a Nobody and Heartless. The Heartless took Xehanort's appearance with the Terra white hair fusion. This is how Terra could tie in with Unknown, if he really is another Xehanort form.

    -His moves are based on famous Organization moves, as previously mentioned. There could be an obscure reason behind this, even though the Org members knew their base moves even before joining rhe Org.

    -In the secret ending for Coded, Yen Sid said one thing that has bugged my mind to no end. I've previously mentioned this as being the only true enigma in the ending, that I did not get. Frankly, I DID have a vague idea of what it partially could be about, but once again, I had nothing to base it on and it seemed kind of far out :P. Anyway, the sentence is "Tell me, Would a single one of you suffice if what you faced was not a single one of him ?".
    So what could this mean? Maybe Mickey and Sora never faced one of him/Xehanort... the real Xehanort. Maybe there was another part of Xehanort, or a sort of real form behind it all that nobody knew about. Master Xehanort was a master of the Darkness and knew much about it. Who knows what he experimented on... Something is up, for certain. Also, why else would he be able to return now that his Heartless and Nobody was destroyed, like Yen Sid said?
    Maybe Unknown was Xehanort, once again in the form of "Unknown". Another version of him, physical form or not, hard to say.

    In conjunction with that point, I've often thought that there may be something more to what happened when Master Xehanort's heart migrated from his own body to Terra's. Was not sure if I was even supposed to ponder it or if there really are questions to be answered. I am talking about the pure fact that Master Xehanort's heart left his body. When Sora unlocked his heart with the Keyblade of People's Hearts, he turned into a Heartless and a Nobody. Post-Xehanort turned into a Heartless and a Nobody, but what about Master Xehanort? It is possible that in losing his heart, he also turned into something, if not 2 parts... Adding a total of 1 or 2 more Xehanort's to the list. Of course this is just speculation and might not have to do with what happened. And Unknown doesn't seem to bear signs of being like Master Xehanort either, as he doesn't even have the same move-set.

    So yeah, it's still a big questions and there are possible holes in any theory till we know more about it all. But right now, I am leaning towards it being a Xehanort (and Terra?) related form. Again, some things don't quite match up with the timeline of the events in every game, but there is a chance. It could also be that this incomplete or fully complete form of Xehanort went back in time to test Terra, Ventus and Aqua, as it really just seemed like a test-fight to see if you were strong enough, much like Unknown in the first KH Final Mix was Xehanort testing Sora's strength for himself as part of research.
    Last edited by KoFF; 06-07-2012 at 11:31 AM.

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  2. #2
    THE ADBOT SLAYER! 01habbo's Avatar
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    Well ofcourse it wasn't really him, it as Terranort :P Essentially that is two people mushed into one. So yes they haven't face a single one of him, because he has never been single.

    but yes I could say more but mostly what I want to say is on that awesome ending to FM! But my mind is being a douchbag so I have forgotton how to do spoiler tags,

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  3. #3
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    QuoteOriginally Posted by 01habbo View Post
    Well ofcourse it wasn't really him, it as Terranort :P Essentially that is two people mushed into one. So yes they haven't face a single one of him, because he has never been single.
    So the ending does have relevance >_>... Figures. But regarding Terra Xehanort, that remark would not make sense if that was all there was to it. The comment is the trigger for why Sora and Riku must get their Mark of Mastery. Mickey doesn't get what he is talking about either, exactly because it is meant as a shock twist that nobody gets. There is NO shock in not having met Terra Xehanort as they all already knew him, even if they did not meet him in that form (Mickey and Sora, that is).
    Simplifying things does not work with the grand scale of KH. It's always more epic and twisted than it seems. It's like how you say "Of course he can return when Xehanort and Xemnas are gone, it makes perfect sense". Well, the explanation does, yes, but why exactly does it make sense that he CAN regain his form as Master Xehanort? We do not know anything about this yet... And lol, I just get more bothered with not knowing that FM secret ending, because you could be saying what you are saying because of something that happened in it. Damn! :P

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  4. #4
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    Having seen the FM ending now, I can see there wasn't too much solid basis for a theory incorporating details from said ending. But nontheless, I have since thought of different things, and by now I also have reason to include the ending.

    Still keeping the Xehanort possibility open, but there's more details to take into consideration now. I remembered that Unknown also can use moves from all 3 of the BbS protagonists. This doesn't diminish the Xehanort theory if Master Xehanort taught them these moves or if he knows them by being affiliated with them... Or if we begin drawing in Terra Xehanort into it all. But those are just little details. There are 2 points up for discussion now.

    1. According to wiki, Unknown uses Saïx's body model :S. Could be coincidence, but I find that very interesting. He has always been a mysterious figure (lawl, no reference to the Japanese version of Unknown intended). Through BbS, Days and KHII, we haven't really learned all that much about him. Also, despite being number VII in the Organization, he was still second in command. Why has he been given such a huge role when we know so little about him?
    Perhaps Saïx has something to do with the new castle in A Fragmentary Passage. Maybe he has a huge role in Vol II, as a human. I bet they want to explain how he got his cross scars, just like they explained Xigbar's scars. The more I think about it, it seems possible. Also, seeing as Master Xehanort indicated he had several ways of succeding in his plans through Blank Points (BbS) and Signs of What's Next (Re:Coded), it's quite possible Aqua will discover something about this in BbS Vol II, and how Master Xehanort might be in it with Isa from the beginning.

    2. It could still be the unknown form of Xehanort I spoke of earlier. Maybe this guy comes from the castle in A Fragmentary Passage or will have great relevance to it. In that sense, he could of course also just be a completely new character, which always has been a big possibility. And to really stretch it and bases a theory on a theory, if the new castle - like pondered in the FM secret ending thread - has some sort of time-travel mechanism, it could explain a theory-point regarding Terra Xehanort or the reborn form of Xehanort somehow swooping into the time period of BbS and challenging the 2 protagonists.

    I'm starting to like both the Xehanort and Saïx theory. Especially the new addition of the Saïx theory is hyping me right now.

    EDIT: Yeaaaaah scratch all of the stuff about the connections to the castle and Isa within it. Realized the castle probably is the one from Castle of Dreams. Not that it rules out all the possibilities of the things I said, but a lot of it is a LOT less likely now, lol. But I still like to think there's a relevance to Isa/Saïx.
    Last edited by KoFF; 05-08-2011 at 03:43 PM.

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  5. #5
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    my thoughts

    I rather want to think this unknown is not someone we seen before. I'd rather it be a new character entirely. My theory starts with a little info of the nobodies. When someone loses their heart and becomes a heartless, if the heart is strong enough the body becomes a nobody everyone knows this but only the really powerful can take a human form. The organization all had human forms but there is no definitive proof that they are the only human form nobodies to ever be born.

    If the creation of a strong human form nobody is constant through the kh universe then it is entirely possible for their to be many other human nobodies that we have not seen. My theory is that this unknown could be one of the first human nobodies to be born.

    As for similarities to other characters, i can only think of a few ways to explain SOME of them. The use of ethereal blades like xemnas can easily be explained by the fact that xemnas was a master over the power of nothingness. the ethereal blades in my opinion are the weapon for those who have mastery over nothingness as he only used the keyblade in his older forms as terra/xehanort.

    His body model is the same as Saix though that may be coincidence mostly. His use of other magics is also only characteristic of xemnas' ability to use other organization members. Being able to use fire wind make copies reverse time to a slight extent. However if you recall Sora can make use of almost all the same magic attributes aside from duplicating self and a few others that may have slipped my mind at the moment. But a nobody can use magic of all sorts if he knew it in his previous form. unless he was able to learn as a nobody.

    Again my theory is that this is possibly the first human form nobody to be created and with an undetermined amount of time for his existence he may be very old or jus born a short while prior to battling him. In BBS when xehanort was talking to terra inside terra's body he said he had several contingencies to help him succeed. I do agree with others that the unknown is in league with xehanort and will be his partner in hk3d or kh3. as to reasons why he would ally himself with xehanort that is still a mystery. but i would rather believe he is a new character entirely and not jus another form of xemnas as xemnas and the ansem heartless have rejoined to become master xehanort. the only thng i can thnk of is that the unknown MAY be master xehanorts discarded body. but xehanort left it bcuz it was gettin weak and frail. And this possibility it is probably non-canon as you most likely fight the unknown before the battle in the keyblade graveyard.

    thats my theory on the unknown. I jus personally would rather see a new character and not another form of someone we already kno about.

  6. #6
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    I've thought of there maybe being other Nobodies in human form as well. Given KH's universe, that's obvious. But you do have a valid point. Allow me to extract something from it.

    If this unknown knows all these moves and if he really was the ORIGINAL Nobody, which I havent thought much about, perhaps there could be some tie to how the other Org members learned THEIR moves, not the other way around - but where does Sora fit into this? Unknown used moves known to some of the trio characters in BbS, but it was still mixed with a lot of unique attacks or moves learned by other Org members, not the heroes.

    I think I already commented on my thoughts about it being a new character somewhere, but to summarize, it could just as easily be a known character as a new character. Something that for instance would point towards it being a new character could be that in every Final Mix, a new huge character was introduced. Could be the same case here, even though Unknown from BbS wasn't a Final Mix character unless you only count the Japanese version that only saw Unknown in Final Mix.
    Another thing is the pure fact that the character is a complete mystery and doesn't yet seem to match any known, specific character only.

    As for my opinion, I am fine with either outcome. If it is a new character, awesome. Definitely a huge character, and he might not necessaqrily be an ally of Xehanort because of Xehanort's plans of rebirth. The character could have any role. I can better see it being someone on Xehanort's side than Sora's side though, if not simply a neutral character or a character who's importance is to be linked with the KH games coming after the Xehanort Saga ends, an enemy, be it Xehanort's ally or not.
    If the character is someone we know, I expect awesomeness too. It'll still be a major character and I am always open to more epic plot-twists in the Xehanort story or Organization story, if even linked to them at all... But I think he must be linked to either of those in the end.

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  7. #7
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Point VI in this thread

    Just another tiny theory thing. Not much solid, lol, but as directed, go to point VI to find out what the topic of the thread has to do with this thread.

    And since I am at it, why not add some more, ho ho... I can't be bothered to read back in my own posts so I can't remember if I already talked about this >_>. But it could be a form of Eraqus. Here's why;

    Eraqus is defeated by the time you can fight Unknown. If he simply died, we don't know. But he was defeated by the dark powers that awoke in Terra during his fight with Eraqus. Maybe Eraqus did not truly die, just like so many other characters didn't die but instead faded away or were split into 2 people (like Heartless and Nobody). Eraqus's armor was available as a side-boss in BbS Final Mix through the Arena. This leads to the impression that the armor battle of course is simulated and not real, but it was the same case with No Heart in Final Mix as well, and we fought him as one of Xemnas's forms in KHII as well. This doesn't automatically mean there is more to the simulations since it just could be gathered data on how Master Xehanort and Eraqus fought in their armors as Masters of the Keyblade and it's probably not even supposed to be taken as something serious as - again - it's just simulations and extra boss battles. Still, super bosses in KH tend to have some sort of purpose for being there. Of course Nomura could be breaking that impression since there was a Data Riku super boss in Re:Coded as well, and it wasn't related to the plot much as far as I gathered.
    Back on track, if Eraqus is the Unknown, it COULD explain where all the moves come from. While not very plausible, maybe Eraqus taught Master Xehanort a lot of moves that he then later went and taught the Organization. This could trace back all his moves in a way so that it makes pretty good sense. There are however some factors against this, since it's by far most plausible that the individual Organization members knew their moves from personal style before or after becoming Nobodies.
    Anyway, if it were true, it could also mean that the Keyblade carries abilities and powers with it as it actually pretty much looks like is the case. It could be that the Keyblade has its abilities from when it was first forged, or it could be that it brings out the true potential of it's wielders, making the abilities very individual... But we see many abilities available by several characters who wield Keyblades, which - if not simply a matter of gameplay dynamics - could lead one to think the Keyblade brings with it specific abilities and powers as well as some unpredictable ones as well already know. The specific ones could perhaps be like a legacy carried on through each wielder. There's a slim chance the abilities that Terra, Ventus, Aqua, Xehanort, the Organization and Sora wield stem from Eraqus in part.
    But yeah, what kind of Eraqus-being this Unknown would be, I can't predict. Just more loltastic theory talk, lmao.

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  8. #8
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    Aaaand a few other sparks of interest. I'll start with the first thing that I'm not as passionate about (yet) as the one I will mention afterwards

    DiZ. Or Ansem the Wise. We know he was a very strong character who knew a lot and had experimented a lot. It could be that Terra Xehanort was very interesting to him for a reason other than that he was just found after being defeated. Ansem asked his name and repeated it when he got the answer "Xehanort". It is probably just a common reciting of the name he was told, but one may wonder why of all people he found Terra Xehanort so interesting as to pick him up and take him to the castle. But what if he questioned TX to find out who he really was (Terra or Xehanort). I doubt this is it though, I just find it interesting to think thast it could be DiZ who was testing the BbS players as Unknown. It could make sense in some ways, including why he knew so many attacks, since Ansem could have taught some of those moves to his first apprentices (and other staff). But it would also mean he was quite physically capable of doing extra ordinary battles, when he appeared as a Powermind only. And old wise scientist.
    But yeah, just putting it out there...

    Now for what I personally find a bit more interesting and it is also something that really hypes me (like usually when I get at something that really makes sense) but this ties many theories together quite supremely, even though it by no means has to be more likely than a few of the other theories.

    The theory relates muchly to the thing with it potentially being Young Xehanort or a form of his.

    Nomura has stated that BbS's Unknown will be in KH 3D. In other words, it is probably one of the cloaked figures we saw in the trailers, but there seemed to be quite a few. One that was a surprise reveal was the Riku one that revealed itself to Riku. Could this be the one Unknown or is it one of the others that we already know who are? Or did they even reveal who THAT Unknown was in the trailer. If it's really that Riku, I am questioning some things even more...

    If the Unknown is Riku, could it somehow be related to Xehanort still? Perhaps what Riku sees is not a dream or clone of himself in 3D. Maybe what he is seeing is in fact Xehanort in his days before his Young Xehanort days. In other words, maybe Riku IS Xehanort. If we tie that up with the Riku/Xehanort theory, it draws quite a connection to all the theories within. Perhaps Unknown is some version of Xehanort from the past that has traveled through time or... Okay too farfetched?
    Well I just think that the many things - including Young Xehanort having Riku's voice - makes for some interesting thoughts. It could also further explain what the bond between the 2 is, that's it's not family-related or spirutually related, but in fact a direct representation of Xehanort in his youngest days. I just think there is a big difference from Riku to Young Xehanort that makes it unlikely that Riku would come to look like Xehanort by natural means. But of course, natural = KH = No.
    Merely trying to put strings between the revelation of a Riku-Unknown, his move-set in BbS and the Xehanort bond. I thought it sounded a lot more sensible till I started writing, lol. But I still think it could be a hint at the Riku/Xehanort connection, whatever it means.

    EDIT: Okay, so I just found out I already trode on the RIKU IS XEHANORT ground in hinted thread. It doesn't detract from the point, but it looks dumb that I have a realization I already had in the past. Even my mind is starting to get KH'd, lololol.

    Also, a last little tidbit;

    "everywhere he goes, a few people of the darkness turn up"
    This has been said about Unknown. If we assume that Axel/Lea and Riku are shells that ended up in darkness (like Axel who "died" in KHII), it could explain why they appear in 3D. It completely detracts from the Riku/Xehanort theory *shrugs*. They probably didn't reveal Unknown yet, lol. Young Xehanort would most likely also be one of the creatures brought back darkness then. Or a recollection of what was lost in the Darkness at least.
    Last edited by KoFF; 02-09-2012 at 11:15 AM.

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  9. #9
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    A cut-out of my response to a recent 3D trailer and the events taking place in it (regarding Xehanort speaking to Riku and much more)

    -I'm a little puzzled with the Xehanort/Riku thing here. It sort of looks like the BbS Unknown after all really could be the Young Xehanort we see in 3D. If that is so, maybe there is some relevance to his enigmatic words about being unconscious and wandering while both sleeping and awake. Perhaps the reason why Unknown seems to be able to fade in and out without any portals or darkness involved could suggest that it's because he isn't even there in BbS? Maybe he himself is held captive in this dream world and is a big plot link in the plans of Xehanort and his own revival. But there's not really anything solid about any of it yet. Either way, it seems Unknown has some ties to the dream world regardless if it's Young/old Xehanort or whoever it is...
    Oh, also, Young Xehanort surrounds Sora with cloaked clones near the end of the trailer. 11 copies plus himself. Unknown could copy himself like that o_o... The plot thickens.
    This is more of an add-on to previous theories with some new pointers mixed in. It might still not be the case, but it's worth thinking about.

    Oh, and also... If Unknown from BbS had the moves of many other characters including Organization members, it could be that the gun shots that transformed into cloaked clones in the 3D trailer were Young Xehanort showing even more of his abilities, pointing closer towards him being the BbS Unknown... Unless Xigbar stood around and magically shot a circle of cloaked figures which doesn't quite seem as plausible imo, lol.

    EDIT: Minor change of mind. That circle of clones MAY have been created by Xigbar after all. We see him early in the trailer, standing at Memory's Skyscraper where the circle is generated, so... Still, how Xigbar can do something like that is... Well, yeah. It's more because Young Xehanort is involved with that circle that I find it strange. Will probably make more sense in the game.
    Last edited by KoFF; 02-15-2012 at 06:32 PM.

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  10. #10
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Just to put some closure on this matter, since KH3D was released and all. Answers were given and the Unknown from BbS was none other than:

    Spoiler: Tada 

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