I's Japanese translator?
I's Japanese translator?
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
"So, due to budget cuts, we've decided we don't need you any more."
"LOL GOOD LUCK. No-one else will be able to translate words like Magicite and Thaumaturge."
"Wada-san. Where's that link to Google translate?"
» msn : cosmicdeathray@hotmail.com //
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» psn : Ben2289 //
Spoiler: PSNSpoiler: rEtrO_oSpoiler: etc.
"Hurry to go Arena" love itha gave me a few giggles
^Made by Tinychikn
Spoiler: awards
Spoiler: quotes
Make sure to use those smilies otherwise full blown arguements can start!
Hahaha, wow, I didn't even notice. When did this happen?
Spoiler: Awards
Right around when the update was finished and the game accessible to the public again.
Haven't noticed if they fixed it since though, lol.
EDIT: They haven't :P
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
I think I should feel fortunate I haven't actually started playing this yet. xD
In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches
The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
Chrono Night | Semotus Stella
Fayth 2004年3月2007年8月Flawless 2007年8月2014年3月
Once you do (if you do), give me a heads up. Adding members to the companion list strengthens a team.
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
Zera, please start. I need another companion.
Spoiler: Awards
Would also like Zera to start playing.
At least, once the game starts allowing me to load it up again, and stops putting up the "Failiure to send data link" errors.