I went into GAME today to buy something (horrible experience - this is why I do all my shopping online, but they were out of stock ;; ), as I was in the stupidly long queue I passed the PC games on promotion. There were two different offers. 2 games for £15 or 2 games for £30. FFXIV, was in the 2 for £15 section, accompanied by games of equal calibre - like an expansion pack for The Sims 2. Yes. An expansion pack - not even a full game - for The Sims 2. The Sims 3 came out a year and a half before FFXIV. Yes, that's The Sims 3. Meanwhile in the 2 games for £30 pile, was Mass Effect 2 (almost a year older than FFXIV) and The Witcher - released in 2007. Oh Square. How the mighty have fallen.