Kane Lives!
KinSlayer & His Elites
Full of hostiles.......
And not a Star Trek ship in sight.....
At least, not yet anyway.
The year is 2011. The stage....is the Milky Way Galaxy. Earth to be exact. Our main character? A chap, who is known to us as KinSlayer.
He is the owner of a suit of very impressive armour. Where it came from, nobody knows for exact. Even he doesn't know. All he knows is that he found it one day, and it changed his life from that moment on.
Several years have past since he first started using the armour. And surprisingly, he has battled many bad guys with it, so we can say, he has gotten the hang of using it.
Now however, he would like some team members to join him in his trips, especially seeing how he has been given by certain governments, a special aircraft, which can go into space as well.
The aircraft is based on a F22-Raptor, although this one is a lot bigger, as it can hold up to 5 people in the cockpit. (including the pilot) And although he has only been in it once, he already knows that there are almost as many bells and whistles as the armour has.
But, back to the team members. KinSlayer decided that the best team would be people he trusted the most, and who better, than to ask 4 friends who he considered his closest friends. Fast forwarding a few months we find that his friends have now joined him, and armour receiving their own armour's, which have been created from the original armour, using a technique called Prototation. (the making of new prototypes from an original prototype design).
Each of his friends had also taken certain names to call themselves. They are Casshern, Oracle, Deon Rei, and Erin. Each team member also had a certain role within the team. For example, Oracle's role was of a reconnaissance nature, and Erin's role was to help protect her when she was in the field.
Now KinSlayer had been contacted by a secret division of the American Government whose initials were SGC. He had been asked to work for them, as a British division, and join the main team on certain operations. The details about these operations, however was to be withheld from him until he joined them in their mountain complex. We now join our team as they discuss what to do.
The letter about the offer had not long come through to the team, and after each one had read it, Casshern asked, So, let me get this straight....The American government want us to go and help them? What were the initials again? SGC came the reply. Isn't that something to do with that Sci-Fi program, Stargate? Stargate Command or something? Oracle looked at him and said That can't be right. Stargate isn't real. Or at least it wasn't the last time I saw it on TV.
Taking a deep breath....KinSlayer answered I couldn't give you a decent answer to that. All I know is that we have been asked to aid them, and join they flagship team. It doesn't even say who we have to see when we get there. I am guessing it is a General, though, I am with you, Oracle on it not being a real Stargate place. Not saying that it wouldn't be great if it was, mind you.
After a short period of silence, Deon Rei piped up, Well, whatever this is, I'm in. Erin nodded her acceptance of joining in with this request. So, are we all in with this? asked KinSlayer. Looking around at the rest of the team, Casshern answered I think we can safely say that we are with you on this one. Then putting the letter back into it's envelope, KinSlayer said, Well then, I will get into with our contact, and let him know that we will be coming.
A week later saw the team flying in the Raptor to an airport near to the Cheyenne Mountain Range where the supposed secret base was. The team kept saying to each other that it was feeling more and more like the Stargate TV Show. At the airport, they would be greeted by someone they didn't expect to see.
As they landed, and taxied to where they were to park, Oracle said That's strange. I'm sure I just saw someone from the SG-1 team. Looking at her, Casshern replied That can't be right. then, turning to KinSlayer he asked We haven't travelled to another dimension have we? Not that I know of. came the reply.
As the Raptor came to a halt, the team started getting themselves together to disembark the aircraft. Deon Rei pressed the button to open the door to exit the Raptor, and as it opened, the team were astonished to find Dr Daniel Jackson waiting for them on the other side. Hello, and welcome to the Cheyenne Mountain Airstrip. I am... He said, until he was cut off by Oracle saying Daniel Jackson? After saying this she looked straight at KinSlayer as if to ask what was happening. What is going off, Dr Jackson? asked KinSlayer, Yes we know who you are, but where we are from, you are just a fictional character from a very popular TV series about a Stargate. Looking back, Dr Jackson slowly said, I think it would be best if we discussed this inside the base. NID will be getting very suspicious otherwise. You may want to lock your aircraft up too.
At that, Casshern went back to the Raptor and after pressing something on his key-chain, watched as the Raptor's door slowly closed, and with a roar, took off and flew away into the distance. Err... Alex? He said as he looked skyward, Where is our plane going? Turning to Casshern, KinSlayer, replied, Well, according to my armour, it is going into space, to a much bigger ship. Other than that, I couldn't tell you, though it is also telling me that we will be finding out about it soon enough. And as Casshern walked back, past him, he continued in a lower tone of voice, And don't call me Alex while we are wearing our armour.
At that Dr Jackson showed the team towards the vehicle that would take them to the mountain base itself. At the base, the team members stood in awe as it appeared that the Stargate was real. People they remembered seeing on the TV series were there, but this wasn't fictional, it was real. Eventually they were ushered into the General's Office, and to everyone's surprise, no one was there. If you would just wait here, I will get the General for you. Dr Jackson said before leaving them in the room.
Well....This is..... said Casshern as he struggled to comprehend what was happening. If this General is Hammond, then I will believe it fully. Said KinSlayer, Besides, look over here. He motioned towards the window, and as each member came over, gasps of amazement came from their mouths, as through the window, in the main room below, stood the Stargate, as real as real could be.
After about 5mins or so, a voice came from behind them, Welcome to Stargate Command, I am General Hammond. Slowly the team turned around to face the General, and they found that the General looked exactly as he did in the TV series. You wanted to know what was going on, and how we all look familiar? he asked, as the team nodded, he continued, About a month ago, we were made aware of yourselves, up till then, we didn't know anything about yourselves. Not even NID knew about you, then suddenly, the Pentagon told me in minute detail everything about yourselves, including your identities underneath your armour. Now, from what I have been told, you do not know where your Raptor aircraft went, after you left it, correct?
The team looked at each other in amazement, and after a while, KinSlayer spoke up, All I know is that it went towards a large ship orbiting this planet. Other than that, I cannot say anything about it, as I don't know. Acknowledging this, General Hammond replied, From what we can gather, this ship is not of Goa'uld design, but of Starfleet design. Now I know this is a lot to take in, but, if you would join us for a briefing in a few minutes, some things may become clearer.
At this, General Hammond showed the team into the briefing room, and then went back to his office while he waited for whoever was to join them for the briefing. Meanwhile the team look at each other in bewilderment, Did I hear right? Starfleet? asked Deon, It appears so. came the reply from KinSlayer, but....I don't know why. Unless.... he said, looking at Casshern, Unless what? asked Deon with more urgency, No they couldn't have. There is no way that several realities could've merged together....could they? answered Casshern.
Their talking was cut short by people starting to arrive in the briefing room. Looking round they saw more people they recognised, from the Stargate program. Dr Daniel Jackson, and Teal'c being the first to arrive, as KinSlayer motioned to the team to take their seats also. The rest of the team will be here shortly. said Teal'c bowing his head.
About 10mins later, the rest of the team arrived, and sat around the table, along with General Hammond. Now, I believe you all know Dr Jackson, Teal'c, Colonel O'Neill, Major Carter. Said General Hammond, But what they don't know, is who you are, if you wouldn't mind introducing yourselves. The team looked at KinSlayer, as he was the leader, Well, I am known as KinSlayer, a sort of leader to this team, he said, then motioning to each of the team members in turn he continued, This is my 2nd in command, Casshern, then we have Oracle, whose role is in reconnaissance, with the help of Erin, whose role is to help protect Oracle when in the field, and finally we have Deon Rei, and he is our heavy weapons expert, as well as being our assault specialist. Myself, my speciality is long range weaponry, though I can handle myself very well in CQC as well.
Put simply, you are an Elite Fight Force then? Asked Colonel O'Neill, to which Casshern replied Pretty much. But....What I think all of us would like to know is....what you want us for.... General Hammond held his hand up for Casshern to stop, and then said, You wanted answers, and I intend to answer them as best I can. Now, first of all, you wanted to know why we looked very familiar, right? to this most of the team nodded, and murmurs of yes and an obviously (from Deon) were heard. Well, Major Carter has been looking into this. Major?
Thank you sir, she said, What we think has happened is that our different temporal realities, along with what seems to be a few others have merged together. Now we haven't detected any temporal anomalies, or distortions in the space time continuum to which could signify why this has happened, which also means that we don't know what damage it could do to each of our realities, or how many realities have combined with this one. Colonel O'Neill's face glazed over as she explained what she had discovered so far. So, you are saying that all of our time lines have combined? asked Oracle. In essence, yes. And we don't know what started it off, how to stop it or even how reverse it. the Major replied.
And what about the ship that the Raptor went too? Asked Casshern. Well, from what we have gathered, said Major Carter as she got up from the table to got to a nearby screen, and producing a satellite image of the ship in question on it, It is a very large spaceship, which isn't of Goa'uld, Asgard, or Tokra design. What it appears to be, from some of the records that came into our computers a few days ago is that it is a ship that was made by something called Starfleet.
Starfleet? No chance. said KinSlayer, You have heard of them? asked General Hammond, They are a officially from a long running science fiction television series and large array of movies back in our reality, the same as you are. If they are real now.....then you have more to worry about than just the Goa'uld. KinSlayer continued. The enemies of Starfleet, or the Federation as they are also called, are many, which of course depends on when in their timeline they have arrived from. Why? Asked Colonel O'Neill, and why should we care? Looking the Colonel straight in the eyes, KinSlayer just said Because, in Star Trek, Earth is the central hub of the Federation. And one particular enemy, known as the Borg, want only one thing. The complete assimilation of our entire galaxy. And trust me, we do not want that.
The entire room when quiet as each side took in the new information, until Erin broke the silence with What do you want us for? General Hammond replied Well, originally we wanted to take you with SG-1 through the Stargate to some of the new destinations that have appeared in out computer database, but now...... At this KinSlayer asked What new destinations? At this Dr Jackson pushed over a sheet of paper KinSlayer, This is a list of some of the addresses. We are calling them new, as they don't appear on either the cartouche on Abydos, or the addresses we got from the Ancients. We were wondering if you recognised any of them. Glancing down the list, KinSlayer said, I don't believe this..... he looked over at his team, these are planets from Star Trek.....These realities really have got screwed up....Especially seeing how it appears that they have randomly generated Stargates at each of them. Then looking back at General Hammond he asked Have you tried contacting the orbiting ship yet? If you haven't, I would highly advise it, as they might have further information as to what has happened.
Kane Lives!
Unscheduled Off world Activation!
The call rang out throughout the base, and through the window, the team saw the Stargate rumble into action, as someone was attempting to get through to the base.
Motioning to the team, General Hammond showed the way to main operations, and then asked the technician Sargent? To which the confused reply came I don't know sir. All our teams are home, and we aren't expecting anything from the Tok'ra.
Deon looked at KinSlayer and asked Tok'ra? Casshern took Deon aside and said The Tok'ra are allies to the Stargate guys. They may sound weird, but trust me, they are on our side.
Meanwhile, as the Stargate connected to the incoming wormhole, the technician said we have an incoming radio signal. After a moment, the General said Open the Iris. As the Iris opened, everyone stood as though stunned from the message that came through. This is Commander Michael Drayfold of the USS Archangel. Is KinSlayer there? Everyone looked immediately at KinSlayer, and General Hammond said, Looks like they are looking for you, son. You can talk to them via the microphone here. Unnerved, KinSlayer slowly stepped forward, and after clearing his voice, said I am KinSlayer. Where are you talking from? Other than your starship.
Sir, I am speaking from your starship orbiting the planet. Now I know this may seem a little confusing, but if you would allow me to transport you here, I will be able to both show you and explain. Said Commander Drayfold. Then General Hammond said, Commander, how do we know that you are not just waiting for KinSlayer and his team to transport aboard before leaving this system? Just then, the radio signal went dead, and the wormhole closed. Colonel O'Neill looked at the General, and said Well, either the decided not to go any further with that, or we are..... He was cut short as both KinSlayer and his team, and Colonel O'Neill and the entire Stargate team, including General Hammond were teleported aboard the Archangel.
Looking around, the Stargate personnel found that they were weaponless, and looking at KinSlayer's team, they also found that their weapons wouldn't activate, save for the blades that some of them carried. Looks like it will be me-lee only.....hope they don't have too many ranged weapons, said Casshern. Ok, now where are we? said Colonel O'Neill, looking around, everyone found that they had been teleported into what looked like a cargo bay. Are we prisoners? asked Oracle, No you are not. came the reply from above them.
Looking upwards, they could see 3 men looking down on them, 2 of them armed, who they determined to be security personnel, and the 3rd one standing in front on them looking like an officer. I am Commander Drayfold, and you are aboard the USS Archangel. I thought it best to beam you all aboard the vessel, so as to confirm to yourselves that we are all on the same side. At that, General Hammond replied, I did not give you permission to bring us aboard your vessel. KinSlayer stepped forwards and asked You said it was my vessel? What do you mean? To this, the Commander replied, You are the Captain of this vessel, as well as the owner of the fighter that you arrived in. You are also required back with your fleet, as we are finding ourselves in between two enemies who are fighting each other. One of the enemies is the Borg, the others.....I do not recognise, but I believe your Stargate friends do.
Both Colonel O'Neill and General Hammond looked at each other, and then the General asked, What do these enemies you don't recognise look like? Then Colonel O'Neill interrupted saying Or better yet, what do their ships look like? Commander Drayford looked at O'Neill and answered him saying The ships look like flying pyramids, but, black in colour. O'Neill just said one word, Anubis. KinSlayer spoke up and asked Who is winning? To which the answer came Anubis Major Carter then said to everyone, Well, it could've been worse. O'Neill just looked at her and said It could? Yes Sir, she said, it could've been the Replicators these Borg were fighting.
Ok.....so we have the Borg fighting Anubis' ships. said KinSlayer, And you are saying that my fleet is in the middle. How is the fleet faring? Commander Drayford replied Well, if you would accompany me to the briefing room, I can show you. After thinking for a bit, KinSlayer replied Ok, but only on the condition that everyone is allowed to come along as well. Nodding to the accompanying security officers, who came down to the lower desk of the cargo bay, they escorted the team to the briefing room, which was near to the bridge of the ship.
On the way up, the Commander explained a bit about the ship, of which will be noted below:
The ship is a very large design of a class named: Archangel, and as it is the first ship of it's class, it is also named the same. It has a crew compliment of 3,500, and can travel up to 1,200 times the speed of light. It carries a squadron of 15 Raptor style fighters, and has an armament capacity of several cluster torpedoes bay, and molten shrapnel blasters which are fired through what can be only described as a heavily modified Gatling Gun, which is capable of firing 5,000 rounds a minute.
In the briefing room, Commander Drayford loaded up on the nearby screen an image of what looked like 3 fleets of ships. What you can see here, are the 3 fleets involved in this battle. The ones in the middle are ours. The ones on the left with the Egyptian sign, belong to Anubis. The ones on the right, with the sign of a green hand belong to be Borg. Now the Borg don't bother us much, as they have been fighting a losing battle with us for the past 8yrs. No matter what ship they send, we blow it up with few casualties. However....with Anubis' ships...we are struggling to hold them. Where both sides have arrived near us, we have retreated from them to see who won the outcome, and then attacked the survivors. So far the Borg have never won a fight with Anubis.
How do you do against the remaining Anubis' forces? asked Colonel O'Neill. Not well. Even with the highly technological advantage we have against his forces.....we have been very slowly losing territory against him, with only a few victories. It isn't that we can't beat his ships, as we can blow them out of the sky with minimum ease.....it is just that we have orders to disable them so that we can get information on them. But when we board the ships.....we are swarmed and taken out by some strange soldiers in black. At this, Colonel O'Neill looked back at Major Carter, who then said They are called Kull Warriors. They have a very high resistance to energy and fast moving projectile weapons, which means if we shoot at them with either the staff weapons, or our P90's..... Deon interrupted nothing will harm them. Major Carter continued precisely. Now we have done some research into bypassing the Kull Warriors shields, but so far, we only have a handful of weapons with which to fight against them.
Thinking for a bit, Casshern asked, What about arrows and crossbow bolts? Colonel O'Neill just looked with a stunned expression on his face, Excuse me? Arrows? I am not Robin Hood, and the General is not the Sheriff of Nottingham, and I can't really see Anubis as wicked Prince John, though I wouldn't push it past him. In reply, Casshern said Well, if I remember rightly, before you were able to use a prototype energy weapon to take out the Kull Warriors, you had used a special tranquilliser dart to take one out. Within our armours, he said motioning towards KinSlayer, he said, we have special darts and spinning blades that we could use to take out the Kull Warriors. Major Carter replied, Sir, that might just work. If KinSlayer and his team could join us in missions against the Kull, we might be able to turn the tide of this war in our favour. At this O'Neill asked I don't suppose you could let us use them....spinning.....blade weapons?
They are called Shredders, came his reply. Continuing, KinSlayer said, and I don't know if the technology can be put into a gun. I don't mean the firing part, I mean the ammo magazine. Oracle then spoke up asking Why have our realities combined though? I mean ours, she said motioning to her, KinSlayer, Deon, Casshern, and Erin, SG-1, and Star Trek. Surely one of our main priorities should be what has brought us together, and also finding out if anything else has joined us. Looking at Oracle, Major Carter replied, No matter what happens, we need to make sure the defence of Earth is kept the top priority.
From what I can see here, General Hammond said, the little lady is correct. We can't put all of our resources into making more and more powerful weapons to take out the enemies we know. Now, as much as I would like to see Anubis destroyed for good, and I expect that Commander Drayford would also like to see the end of the Borg, but we also need to find out what brought us all together, and find out how we can each return to our relative timelines.
Thinking for a bit, KinSlayer said, Well, from what I can work out, this all started when I received this armour, so.... Erin interrupted, Then what we need, might be inside your armour, right? KinSlayer nodded in agreement.
Well, for now, our mission objectives are as follows, said General Hammond, KinSlayer, you and your team will join SG-1 on their missions and help them in any way possible, including helping to find more ways to take out both of our current enemies. Commander Drayford? Would you let us know if there are any Stargates on any nearby planets with the gate addresses, so we can return to Earth for supplies, and for me to inform my superiors? In reply, Commander Drayford said I can do better than that. Not only will we give you all of the gate addresses that appeared in our computer systems when our realities combined, I will let KinSlayer have the Raptor for his own, as it is officially his, as is this ship. I will also let you yourselves have a squadron of 6 Raptors for defensive roles, and also for transport between Earth and the planet we will let you have as a command post. While all this information, and what the Commander would let the teams have, was sinking in, a communiqué came from the bridge, to which the Commander excused himself, saying he would find out what was wrong and return as soon as he was able to.
However, the waiting period was short-lived, because as soon as he left, the ArchAngel came under attack from unknown assailants.......
Kane Lives!
KinSlayer & His Elites
Chapter 3
“Red Alert! Battlestations!”
The announcement ran loud throughout the ship, and Commander Drayford sent an officer down to where the teams were, to bring KinSlayer, General Hammond, and Colonel O'Neill to come to the bridge, urgently.
One the way up in the turbolift, General Hammond asked the officer, “Son, what is happening?” To which the reply came. “We are under attack by what we think is one of Anubis' ships, Sir.” “You think?” asked O'Neill, and at that, the turbolift doors opened, and the ship in question came into view.
Now athough the ship in question was a Goa'Uld Ha'tak cruiser, there was something not quite right about it, as it was slightly green. “Is it me, or is that ship.....green?” asked O'Neill. KinSlayer replied, “It's been assimilated, hasn't it?” O'Neill just looked at him and said “Assimi....what?” KinSlayer explained, “When a ship turns green like that, it usually means that it has been assimilated, or taken over by the Borg.”
Continuing, he said, “Now if the Borg have somehow been able to take over that vessel, then we can assume that they have somehow managed to take out the Kull Warriors, assuming there were any on board.” He paused, as the Borg vessel opened fire and sent several rounds of flak cannon shots at the ship, causing a nearby console to explode and send it's unfortunate user to fly across the bridge. “Shields down to 46%!” shouted the engineering officer. O'Neill said “We can't just sit here and have our asses handed to us, doesn't this ship have weapons?”
Commander Drayford replied, “Yes we do, Left-tenant, open fire on the Borg, but remember we need it alive.” O'Neill mouthed to General Hammond “Alive?” as the ArchAngel fired 4 Cluster Torpedoes at the cruiser. The torpedoes each split into 4 parts, giving the cruiser 16 targets to cope with, each one targeting a different part of the vessel. In retaliation, the Ha'tak fired and managed to take out 6 of the torpedoes, though it meant that the remaining 10 torpedoes hit the shields of the cruiser of which caved in the shields completely.
The ArchAngel then targeted its shrapnel blasters on the specific systems that controlled propulsion, weapons, and sensors (both internal and external), after which, Commander Drayford said to both General Hammond and KinSlayer “Ok, the ship is a dead duck. Now its your turn to see what you can get from it, both Goa'uld and Borg.”
15 minutes later the Raptor that had been given KinSlayer's team, and two other Raptors carrying the SG1 team left the ArchAngel and headed for the Ha'tak cruiser. They had to be careful to not get caught in the occasional firing of the ship's blasters, each time the Borg repaired one of the systems of the Ha'tak cruiser.
As they they entered the cruisers hanger, and exited the Raptors, they saw remains of defeated Kull Warriors. Deon noted that there were signs of Borg attempts of assimilation, although it was found that the Kull Warriors were highly resistant to assimilation, probably due to the Goa'uld symbiont inside.
KinSlayer & O'Neill agreed that it was best to team up, and split the combined team up, to explore the vessel. Therefore, the agreed teams were as follows: Daniel Jackson with Casshern, Major Carter with Oracle and Erin, Teal'c with Deon Rei, and KinSlayer with Colonel O'Neill. Each team were then given areas to check. Carter to the engine room, Jackson to the bridge, and finally, Teal'c and KinSlayer to the cargo bay areas, as it was suspected that the Borg Drones would be based there, and there was a high energy rating coming from there.
As they exited the hanger, Casshern told everyone “Guys, just to let you all know, do not attack the Borg drones you see, as if they don't consider us a threat, then they should let us look around without bothering us.” Jackson thought and then said, “You mean, they will just let us walk around? What about patrols? And how do we know when they consider us a threat?”
To this Erin replied “When the Borg consider us a threat, they will try to kill or assimilate us. While we are not considered a threat, we will be left alone and ignored by all the drones, including any patrols.” Just then, as if ordered to demonstrate what they meant, a pair of drones came around the corner, walked towards them, and moving the team out of the way, carried onto their destination.
“Well.....that was creepy.” Said Jackson. “Now you have seen what they mean, can we start looking around?” asked O'Neill. Jackson just looked at Casshern, and started walking away towards the bridge, and at that, everyone else started making their way towards their assignments.
Although finding the drone patrols startling, Major Carter, Oracle, and Erin made their way to the engine room. Upon getting there, Major Carter said “Ok, now I'm going to check on the power crystals. See what modifications if any, that the Borg have made to them, how about you see if you can log into the computers from here?” Agreeing with her, Oracle said, “Ok. Let me know if you hit any difficulties with the Borg computers.” At that she sent Erin to the door to watch for any possible hostiles.
Jackson & Casshern, however were finding it very hard to locate the bridge, as all the doors around it had been locked down by Borg security codes, which of course made them want to get in even more. Meanwhile, Teal'c and KinSlayer's teams were making their way to the cargo bays. Just as they got into the the first cargo bay, KinSlayer received a communique, “Casshern to KinSlayer, you hear me ok?” Holding his hand up to tell the others to stop, “Go ahead. What's up?” He replied, “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Borg have locked down the entire bridge area. We will be needing some kind of distraction to get by.”
After thinking for a bit, KinSlayer replied, “Ok, I will see what I can do. In the meantime, why don't you see what you can find out from the dead Kull Warriors?” After a reply of “Roger”, Casshern & Jackson made their way back to the hanger where the carcasses were.
Omce in the cargo bays, Teal'c and Deon split off from KinSlayer to check out the lower cargo bays. “Ok. So what are we looking for? All I can see are these.....large....green.....boxes, and some of them have people these.....Borg things in them.” Looking at a nearby drone, KinSlayer said “They are called Borg Alcoves. They are used by the drones to regenerate and repair, as they do not sleep. And what I am looking for is right....” He paused as he came level with the Borg drone in it's alcove, “here!” Just as he said that, he activated the assimilation activators on his wrists and started to re-assimilate the drone.
“Woah! What are you going?” Said O'Neill as he saw the drone's grey coloured skin reverting back to it's original pigment, “I am reclaiming this drone from the Borg Collective, and at the same time providing Jackson with a way into the bridge, AND getting us some very valuable information.” Came the reply.
Just as the re-claimed drone regained his own consciousness, a voice ran out throughout the cargo bays “We are the Borg! You will be assimilated! Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own! Your culture will adapt to service us! Resistance is and always has been....futile.” And just as the voice ended, 4 Borg drone came down the corridor into the cargo bay.
Kane Lives!
Chapter 4
You will be assimilated! We are Borg!
The voice rang out throughout the cargo bays, which made Deon and Teal'c wonder what had gone wrong. They had found more dead Goa'Uld, but no technology worth taking. It appears that the Goa'Uld symbiotes are indeed immune to the Borg. remarked Teal'c, You're right, replied Deon, which makes them more of a threat and less of a species to assimilate into the Borg Collective. Tealc knelt down next to one of the corpses to examine it, and saw the attempts of the Borg nanoprobes, which still looked to be trying to assimilate what it could, then slowly and methodically, he reached in the larvae pouch and retrieved the Goa'Uld symbiote.
What are you doing? asked Deon. Without replying, Teal'c laid out the symbiote on the floor, and after killing it with his zat gun, he examined it for Borg technology. This symbiote could contain elements of Borg technology, which we could use against them. he said. And it could get us attacked by the Borg. replied Deon.
And them they heard the voice of the Borg.....followed by heavy gunfire.
Deon just looked at Teal'c and said, What did I tell you? Grabbing his staff, Teal'c replied, We need to find O'Neill. Nodding in agreement, Deon got his DMR (Designated Machine Rifle) out and headed back to where they left O'Neill and KinSlayer, just in time to see several drones collapse onto the floor, and 6 more enter the bay. Do you require assistance O'Neill? shouted Teal'c. Ya think? came the expected reply.
With a flash, Teal'c his staff to bear against 4 of the nearby drones, flooring 2 of them, whereas the other 2 drone's shields adapted to the staff. At this, Deon fired at the 2 remaining drones filling them with with holes. With the drones disabled, and with no re-enforcements incoming for now, it seemed, Teal'c called out O'Neill! The drones are indeed destroyed. Let us find Major Carter and Daniel Jackson in case they need assistance against the Borg.
Stepping out from the cargo bay they had been trapped in, O'Neill replied, I couldn't agree more, but we have someone to escort. As soon as he said that, KinSlayer came out of the cargo bay along with the liberated Borg drone.
What is that? Asked Deon as the drone walked towards him. I am John Crichton. Do you know if Aeryn and the rest of the crew are OK? he said. Deon just looked at KinSlayer, who replied, If you can remember what their names were, then we can look for them in the ship's computer logs, as well as look in the brig.
Ok campers, said O'Neill, Don't you think it is high time we left this area? Nodding, KinSlayer started walking towards the cargo bay exit. Pausing before exiting the cargo bays, he turned and asked Crichton, Can you handle a gun? After a sarcastic reply of Of course! Deon got out from his armour an assault rifle, and handed it to Crichton.
As he handed it over, he said, Careful with the reload mechanism. All you have to do is eject the magazine, and the gun will regenerate it. As Deon explained this, Crichton looked over the rifle, This is one heck of a weapon. Will it work on these..... Teal'c replied They are called Borg, and only the Tau'ri's projectile weapons are effective on them as they are shielded against most energy weapons.
Just then, as if by command 2 Borg drones came around the corner. We are..... They were cut off with the sound of continuous gunfire, after which they fell down dead. Take that you frelling.....things! said Crichton aggressively, ejecting the spent ammo clip. Then looking back at the others, all of which had stunned expressions on their faces, he said That was for Moya and Pilot.
Still stunned, O'Neill said Well.....Now that you have got that out of your system, can we go now? Nodding, KinSlayer & Deon took the lead back to the hanger, with Crichton in the middle, and O'Neill and Teal'c bringing up the rear.
O'Neill then got out his radio and said Carter, you receiving? To which the reply came, A little busy sir, and at that, gunfire and energy weapon's fire was heard. At this KinSlayer said, Right, O'Neill, take Crichton and Teal'c back to the hanger and secure it in case we need a quick exit. Meet up with Jackson & Casshern. Me and Deon will rescue Carter, Oracle, and Erin. Contact me when you get there. At that, he and Deon marched off towards the engine room.
As O'Neill and Teal'c headed back to the hanger, while trying to avoid Borg patrols, Crichton asked, Why aren't we going with KinSlayer? He could use the extra firepower. To this O'Neill replied, We are heading back to secure our ships, ready for a quick exit. Teal'c added, We are not equipped to take on all of the Borg attacking Major Carter. We would indeed be killed if we assisted KinSlayer. Looking at Teal'c, Crichton replied, And what makes you think that the two we just left are equipped enough?
Stopping, O'Neill looked at Teal'c, then back at Crichton and said, They have special weapons and armour to combat these drones. Teal'c continued, And we do not want our escape to be compromised. Angrily, Crichton answered, But my crew are on this vessel. And I will NOT leave them! With that he turned and started to march away from them. Breathing a sigh, O'Neill said I don't believe this guy. Teal'c? and with that, Teal'c got out his zat, and shot Crichton, making him fall to the floor unconscious. Teal'c then picked Crichton up, threw him over his shoulder, and headed towards the hanger with O'Neill.
Meanwhile, while all of this was going on, Major Carter, Oracle, and Erin were sorting through the logs and records in both the Goa'Uld crystals, and Borg computers. Major, said Oracle, According to the Borg records, they first met the Goa'Uld 6 months ago.....But we didn't know anything about you, or the Borg back then, even with our armours. Looking back at her, Carter replied, I know. Even we didn't know about the Borg, though we had heard rumours about a powerful....empire at war with Anubis, about the same time that the Borg records indicate. Although the crystals also indicate that there was one other being that they had met, although it appears that they think it to be an Ascended one, as he arrived in a flash of white light, and also disappeared in a flash of white light.
Then after a more in depth search, they both found what they were looking for: an entire list of new planets, gate addresses, and also a new star map of the area. As a precaution, it was downloaded into both Carter's laptop, and also Oracle's armour. Unfortunately, for them, right after the download, Erin spotted a lone drone heading towards where they were working, and suspecting the worse, she aimed her rifle at it, and shot it in the head.
The sound of the shot echoed around the corridors, and would've been heard by the rest of the team, if it wasn't for them being attacked by the Borg at that very moment. What are you doing Erin? asked Oracle, with an urgency in her voice, to which Carter replied I am sure that she was just making sure that were not disturbed, and as I can see, it was only one drone. Looking back at Carter, Oracle replied It isn't that there was only one drone....every drone on this ship is connected into a hive or collective. Now we have taken one out, they will consider us a threat, and they will come after us. With fear in her voice, Erin asked Erm....how long do we have left to finish here before the other ones come looking for that dead drone? Oracle replied, we could have a few minutes, we could have a few moments. We might already be out of time. Then as Carter packed her things up, she said Well then, we had better pack up, and head back to the others as quick as we can then.
Their packing was short-lived though, as at that moment, a squad of 4 drones came around the corner, and the Borg's voice was heard, We are the Borg! Lower your weapons and prepare to be assimilated! Resistance is futile! Immediately, Erin changed her rifle's firing setting from single shot, to burst fire, and said Err...guys? I am going to need help here. We have company, and I don't think it is the friendly sort. Getting up, Oracle said to Carter, I think it would be best for us to take all the crystals, as then the Borg will have a harder time keeping us here. Me and Erin will cover you, but please don't take too long, as we need to get back to the others. Nodding in acknowledgement, the Major started on removing all of the power crystals from the engine and computer compartments, and putting them in her rucksack, while Oracle got out her own weapon, and went to help Erin.
Now, when Erin and Oracle had take out the 4 drones, more came around the corner, as it seemed that the Borg knew what Carter was doing with the crystals, and before she could remove the last of the crystals, Oracle called to her, We need your help urgently, as we are starting to get overwhelmed. On returning to the entrance,Carter could see that there was wave after wave of drones coming down the corridor in ever increasing numbers, and with a throw of a grenade, she joined the defence with Oracle and Erin. The grenade blast took out a few more drones, as they started to fire on the team. It was then that the call from Colonel O'Neill came through. But even with KinSlayer and Deon on the way, the task of extracting the last team, would be very hard.......
Kane Lives!
Chapter 5
Nothing is what it appears to be
As Deon & KinSlayer were running down the corridor, with KinSlayer lagging a little behind Deon, gunfire could be heard. Then, as they were about one corridor away, a bright flash of light enveloped KinSlayer.......The next moment KinSlayer found himself face to face with the joker who plagued Captain's Picard, Sisko, and Janeway. The joker known only by a letter: Q
“Greetings Mon Capitan. Are you ready for the fun that you and your team are going to have? It will be great.” he said. KinSlayer just looked at him, and with a serious sounding voice said, “Q? Are you responsible for all these different sci-fi genres merging together?” Holding his hands up, Q replied, “Sad to say...no. Well...not all of it. True there have been multiple realities merging together, and to a point they still are. But! I am helping you by only letting a certain few aspects of each individual timelines “come to the fore” as it were.”
Standing now with his arms crossed, KinSlayer after a while to think, asked “And.....how does that help us? Couldn't you have stopped the Borg from coming in? True I don't mind having both the ability of travelling through the stars via the Stargates, or having the chance to visit Star Trek planets via the same transport, but this war between the Borg and Anubis is a little too much. But if you do decide to help fix things, can I keep my Raptor and the ArchAngel?”
Looking upset and genuinely miserable, Q replied “You are like Picard. No fun at all.......Oh aright. I will see what I can do. But be mindful: Nothing is what it appears to be.” With that Q clicked his fingers, and with another flash of light KinSlayer was teleported exactly where he was before, and exactly the same instance that he left, as he could see Deon still running towards the last corner of the corridor. Looking back, Deon shouted urgently “Come on! What at you waiting for?” Then continuing to run, he shouted back “Sorry, though I saw something.”
As they turned the corner, they could see drone pouring continuously out of the corridor. They could also see the mass of dead drones surrounding the entrance to the engine room, so they suspected that the reconnaissance team was still alive. As Deon was about to jump in front of the oncoming drones, KinSlayer grabbed hold of his arm, “Wait!” he said quietly, “If you go out guns blazing, then our escape will be lost. Wait a moment, get your heavy assault guns ready, and on my say we go out.”
Then KinSlayer got his own wrist-blades ready for combat, and unsheathing a combat shotgun and Deon swapped his DMR for 2 very heavy Gatling guns, with ammo belts hanging down from each gun. “Now, while you hold off the influx of drones, I will go get the team.” he said as they got themselves ready to engage the Borg, “Ready?” then with a nod, both of them came out of the corner just in front of the next wave of drones, who promptly got mown down by Deon.
Meanwhile, Jackson & Casshern were examining the corpses of the Kull Warriors, and they found that, like the normal Goa'Uld, the symbiote protected each Kull Warrior from assimilation, and thus all of the technology that Anubis had put inside each suit of armour could not be stolen by the Borg. Whilst checking one certain body, Jackson asked Casshern “You know your armour?” Casshern replied saying “You think that my armour is like the Kull's? Or the Borg?” Shaking his head, Jackson replied “No, it isn't that, I just want to know more about it. What it is capable of. If it could go up against the Kull....toe-to-toe as it were.” Looking at him, Casshern answered, “Well....the best person to ask would be Alex....er I mean KinSlayer.”
Holding his hand up to pause, Jackson interrupted saying “Sorry. I've notice you don't call each other by your first names, like I do with Sam and Jack. Any reason as to why?” Taking a deep sigh, Casshern answered, “Well... it was decided that we would use these “code names” to help hide out identities, which it was noted would aid us if we were ever captured.” “But, you aren't convinced of that?” said Jackson, trying his best to work out the reasons. “It isn't that. I just can't see why we have to keep doing it around you guys, as you already know who we are.”
Just then, O'Neill & Teal'c came into the hanger with Crichton still unconscious over Teal'c's shoulder. Standing up, Jackson asked “Who's your friend?” O'Neill just replied, “Just some idiot who thinks we should search through all of these.....Borg.....things for his crew.” Then as Teal'c put Crichton down on the floor near the Raptors, he said “He says his name is John Crichton on a ship called....” Casshern interrupted saying “John Crichton of Moya?” Teal'c nodded “Indeed. KinSlayer reckoned it would be best for us to bring John Crichton back to the Raptors while he and Deon went to rescue Major Carter and the two from their team from the engine room, where they are under attack from the Borg.”
Now while the team got the 2 Raptors ready for take-off and erected a perimeter, Deon and KinSlayer were slowly cutting through the drones blocking them from Carters team. Noticing that the amount of drones were lessening, Carter said “I reckon that we should make our move before reinforcements start arriving.” At that, they made their way to the corner of the corridor. They almost opened fire, as just as that moment, KinSlayer came around the corner. “ALEX!” Shouted Erin, “You made me jump. I thought you was another drone about to kill us.” Looking at her, KinSlayer said, “Hello kitty. It's good to see you too.” Then looking around, Carter asked, “Where is Colonel O'Neill and Teal'c?” Answering her, KinSlayer said, “I sent them to look after Crichton and get the Raptors ready for departure, whereas me and Deon came to get you. Now we must get back to him, as he is the only thing holding back the Borg.”
“What?” said a stunned Carter, “we struggled to take out these ones here.” she pointed at the drones scattered about on the floor, “and he is on his own!?!” Starting to make his way back to the corridor exit, he replied “Yes, and if we want to get off this ship, we need to go. Now!” Then giving Carter some AP ammo for her P90, and giving Oracle and Erin both a more heavier rifle, KinSlayer swapped out his wrist-blade for another combat shotgun, and then they headed back towards Deon.
As they got closer to him, they could tell that he was enjoying himself as they could hear, “You ain't getting past me!” “Oh, you want some too do you?” Then coming around the corner they saw an influx of spent ammo casings, and dead drones, and in the middle of it all stood Deon, with the barrels of the Gatling guns white hot through constant fire.
“DEON! Prepare for departure! We are withdrawing back to the ships!” KinSlayer ordered. Then whilst getting out a Permercrate explosive, and after Carter's team were safely down the corridor, he grabbed Deon and pulled him down the corridor, amidst his protests, after which KinSlayer detonated the explosive, making the entire ship shudder to the power, and reducing the corridor to rubble. “What did you do that for?” asked Deon, “I was enjoying myself.” Pushing him down the last corridor before the hanger, KinSlayer answered, “We need to leave this ship NOW, and no I can't tell you why.”
Just as the team entered the hanger, O'Neill and Teal'c dropped into a defensive stance, just in case they were more drones, but then, on seeing the entire team, lowered their weapons. “You found them.” said Jackson. Kinslayer just nodded, and then asked “What is the status of the Raptors? When can we leave?” Coming out of KinSlayer's own Raptor, he said with a sad tone to his voice, “Only your Raptor can leave. We felt an explosion shudder the ship, which I expect was caused by you, but it also caused a nearby generator explode, damaging the other Raptor beyond repair.” O'Neill added, “We were lucky that your fighter has more armour, otherwise we wouldn't have any way off this infested.......” “Ship?” suggested Jackson.
Oracle asked “Can we all fit on the Raptor?” Looking back at her, Casshern replied, “Fortunately, this one is bigger than the other one. We should be able to get back to the ArchAngel via this one.” Then with a groan, Crichton got up and said, “Well.....What are we waiting for?” At that, KinSlayer and O'Neill made sure that everyone got on board, while watching out of any drones, that had survived the Permercrate explosive, before getting on themselves. Once on board, Casshern got back to his place at the helm, and with a “Gun it” from O'Neill, he fired up the rockets of the Raptor, and they took off from the hanger, and started to head out towards the hanger door.
However. They found that it had been closed since after they had entered the ship. At this, Deon armed the fighter's special missile bomb-bay, and fired what he thought was the most powerful missile that the fighter had. What he didn't realise, was that it was a prototype, which combined the power of Naquada and an element known as Tiberium. As the missile sailed towards its target, both it, and it's vapour trail glowed green. Looking at Deon, KinSlayer asked “What did you just fire?” Then before Deon could reply, the missile hit the hanger doors......
With a massive explosion, 90% of the door disappeared in a green flash, and without waiting around to see what was left, Casshern pushed the Raptor's engine up to full power, and rocketed out of the now exploding ship's hanger bay. Just as they left the hanger, the rest of the ship started to explode in chain reactions from the power of the Naquada. “Did we make it?” asked Jackson, while getting himself off the floor, as the explosions of the Borg vessel had thrown him from his seat. As Casshern slowed the ship back down to a stop he started to turn it around to see what had happened to the ship.
“Deon....” asked KinSlayer, “What did you fire at that door? Not trying to sound like Michael Caine, but you were only supposed to blow the door off.” Looking sheepish, Deon replied, “I just fired the most powerful weapon we had, as I didn't think that the missiles we had would've been powerful enough. Didn't realise that we had something THAT powerful.” Then looking at the schematics for the weapon on the computer screen, Carter said “I don't believe it. Sir, this is weapon is comprised of Naquada and something called Liquid Tiberium.” O'Neill just looked at her and said “And that means.....what exactly?” Coming over to the computer screen, KinSlayer said “Tiberium is a very powerful energy source, and it can be a very deadly poison. Our armours are powered by Tiberium. That would explain the green tinge to the missile and the explosion....but I don't know what the Naquada would do to it.”
After a few more checks, Carter said, “According to this, the combined power of Naquada and Tiberium.....is 10 times more powerful than Naquada alone. Sir.....going off this, we were lucky that we got out of there alive.” At this, both KinSlayer and O'Neill just slowly turned towards Deon, at which he turned towards his console and tried to make out that nothing had happened.
Just as the silence had fallen..... Casshern said “Erm.....guys. I think you should take a look out here.” Walking up towards the front window, Jackson asked “What's up.....Woah!” He was cut short by what he saw....or didn't see. Where there should have been a ship, or at least debris there was nothing. Then Oracle made a startling discovery, “You aren't going to like this. The ArchAngel isn't here.” Looking at her, O'Neill said “What do you mean “it isn't here?” Turning around from her console, she continued “Just that. Neither whatever is left of the Borg ship, or the ArchAngel is there any more. And I don't just mean here in front of us. I have no record of the ArchAngel ever picking us up, or leaving it's dockyard, and it was built 2yrs ago.”
Kane Lives!
Chapter 6
If someone tries to kill you, you just try to kill them right back
So, now where are we?asked O'Neill, looking at Oracle and KinSlayer, to which Oracle said, I don't know. None of the planets and stars match anything in our computers. But I am picking up what appears to be a small ship. Coming over to her desk, KinSlayer asked What kind of ship? Are we close enough for a visual? Shaking her head, she replied, Not yet, we need to be a bit closer. Then looking back to Casshern he said Set a course for that ship. Max speed
With a few beeps the Raptor launched forward to its maximum sub-light speed. As they got closer, the unknown ship started to turn away from them and start flying at speed, but to no avail, as the Raptor was faster as the ship. As they got closer, Oracle said I'm getting a reading on the ship in question... but I think we have changed time again. Looking over to her, O'Neill asked changed time....again? She nodded, Yes. Our first time change was when we met you guys, the second was aboard the ArchAngel and that Borg ship, and this is the third. And that is mainly because this ship looks like that one in the movie and TV series you watched a few weeks ago. she said as she looked at KinSlayer.
KinSlayer looked back out the front window, at the rapidly approaching ship. What do you mean, movie and TV series? Then, as he looked back at her, FireFly? Pointing at the ship, he asked That... is the Serenity? Then where are we? Just then, as they entered communication range of the Serenity they were hailed by it. This is Captain Mal Reynolds of the Serenity. I wanna know why you are chasin' us? You ain't no Peacekeeper vessel, so I 'd be wantin' to know who you are and what you be wantin' with my ship.
Looking around, completely bemused, KinSlayer cleared his voice and replied, Ahem.....I am the Captain of the Raptor. I'm known as KinSlayer. We....erm...appear to be a little lost. We don't recognise this region of space. Perhaps we can.... come to a trade agreement, in return for your help. I can come aboard your vessel, if you will allow. Unarmed, and unaccompanied. What do you say, Captain? After thinking for a moment, Mal asked How'd I know that you ain't just gonna take my ship from under me, or blast us outta the sky? Smiling, KinSlayer replied If we were going to destroy you, we wouldn't be having this conversation. But, like I said, I offer to come aboard your vessel, unarmed and without backup, to explain why we think it would be a good idea that we joined forces. With a nod of approval and an answer of You'd better not try nothin'. The Serenity slowed to allow the Raptor to dock.
As the ships were docking, Erin asked, Why are we docking? Couldn't we just beam over? With out turning around, Casshern answered her saying Although we are about 500yrs ahead of our own time, none of the people here have discovered the ability to teleport. Continuing, Major Carter said, Also, I expect that using our teleporters would unnerve the or frighten the people living in the worlds around us, and I expect that we don't want to draw unnecessary attention to ourselves, just yet, right sir? O'Neill just nodded, as he was still trying to keep up with the tech jargon.
Just then, there was a thump as the two ships docked together. The entire Raptor crew came down to the airlock doors, and as the pressure equalized between the two ships, KinSlayer said to Casshern and O'Neill, Now, after I speak to Mal about our situation, I will suggest that our two crew's meet up. If he accepts, then I will send a communiqué to Casshern, to let you come over. But we are to keep the teleportation technology secret. As the airlock doors opened, KinSlayer said Ok, Casshern, you are in command while I am on Mal's ship, I will call you when I need you. And at that, he went through the door onto Mal's ship. O'Neill turned to Casshern, and asked, Well.....That was a little abrupt.
As KinSlayer entered the hanger of the Serenity he could see all of the crew surrounding him on the different levels of the hanger/cargo bay, all of them with a gun of some sort, be it a sawn-off shot gun, or a handgun. Spreading his arms, to show that he had no weapons, he said As I said, I am unarmed. Please stand down. I come to speak to you in peace. A grey-haired man came towards him, and said to him, Excuse my fellow crew members. Upon seeing your ship coming for us, we thought you were an Alliance Interceptor. But on seeing you standing in front of me now, I can see that you are not. Dropping his arms to his sides, KinSlayer looked directly at the man and said, Shepherd, where I am from, the Alliance doesn't exist. But, I do know that they are the bane of this ship's existence.
Looking around him, he said to the surprised crew, Now I know that all of this will seem very......suspect. Especially seeing how, although I am not from here, I know all of your names, looking at each crew member in turn, he said their names:
A 6ft+ man sporting a beard and holding a hefty rifle, Jayne, a young girl in oil-covered overalls, Kaylee, a very exquisitely dressed woman, Inara, a well dressed young man, Simon, and behind him, his sister River, the woman with the sawn-off shotgun, Zoe, a man with a Hawaiian style shirt, Wash, the Captain, (who looked like he was a sheriff from a Western) Mal, then back to the grey-haired man, Book.
Mal, now spoke up, Now, that is what makin' me wonder. You say you are not from here, and yet here is you knowin' our names. Who is to say that you ain't some Alliance operative tryin' to take us down? Jayne said in reply, I reckon we should just take his ship from him. Looking directly at him, KinSlayer replied, Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you.
What yer mean? We have you here, and as you said, you ain't got no weapons on yer. He said. Shaking his head, KinSlayer replied, I am not the only one on my ship. There are 2 teams of 4 on my ship, of which I am the leader of one of them. Besides, Jayne you are more suited to using Vera, your rifle to take out criminal Mafia bosses like Niche. Shepherd Book now said to KinSlayer, Look son, you can see that we are wary of you, and with all the information you possess about us, although not being from here, you can understand why? What do you want with us? Turning to Book, he replied, I offer a partnership. I need you, as much as you need us, for defence from and Reaver or Alliance ship.
Just then, a man dressed in a Starfleet Captain's uniform stepped out from a doorway, and said Bravo. Now, before your new friends try to exercise their trigger fingers, I think I should tell you something you will find very.....informative. Looking over, Mal said Who the hell are you, and how did you get on my ship? KinSlayer held his hand up, and said, He is called Q. He has been helping me try to understand what is going off. Don't try shooting him, as it won't affect him. With a flash, Q appeared next to Mal, I would listen to KinSlayer. He knows what he is talking about. With another flash, Q appeared next to KinSlayer, Has he suggested the alliance between you two yet? He looked between Mal and KinSlayer, Yes? Well, I would highly advise you take him up on that offer, Captain. You see, there are events that have happened, and that are still happening, that I cannot control. Then looking back at KinSlayer, Q continued, I have noticed that 3 of your friends have appeared on a planet near to here. I would highly recommend that you rescue them, as they seem to be in a little bother.
Just as Q appeared back at the doorway where he stepped out from, KinSlayer said in an urgent voice, What planet, and what trouble are they in? Please, Q. Tell me. With a smile, Q answered, They are on a busy planet of which I do not know the name of, but it appears to be a major trading hub of some sort. But with regards to the trouble they are in, they all seem to have come into the protection....if you can call it that, of a short man in a bowler hat. Other than that, I cannot help you. I will be in touch when you find them. Until then.....farewell KinSlayer. Then with a snigger, he vanished.
Inara spoke up, and said, Do you think he means Badger? Kaylee replied, Well, the only major trading planet near here is Persephone. Looking at Kaylee and Inara, KinSlayer answered, How long will it take us to get there? Wash replied Well, at full burn, it should only take us about 3 days from here. Although you might be able to get there a lot faster than us, seeing how you caught us up when we were going at full burn.
Hey! Since when did this ship stop bein' mine, and become yours? said Mal, in a complaining voice, to which Zoe said in reply, We are only doing what you would do, sir. Lookingunsure about whether she had just pulled rank on him, Mal said Well alright then. We have to go see Badger anyway, so you can be our escort in case things turn gosa.
In the meantime, Casshern and O'Neill, after leaving the airlock, went back to the cargo bay where everyone was gathered. What is happening? Is it really the Serenity? Asked Oracle, at which Casshern nodded saying, It appears so. Jackson now spoke up and asked So......how do you know these guys? Or are they from another TV show in your reality? Chuckling, Casshern answered., It seems that everyone we are meeting are from TV shows.
Teal'c spoke up and said, But it also appears that the worst enemies of the television programmes are indeed coming through. Who are the enemies of this program? Oracle and Casshern looked at each other and then Oracle replied, I think it depends on when we are in the reality of Serenity, as there is a choice of two enemies; namely, The Alliance or the Reavers. Although of the two I would rather we went up against the Alliance.
Looking at her, with a confused expression on his face, O'Neill asked, Why? Apart from the name. Reavers sounds very bloodthirsty......Or is that because they are? Just then, the Raptor's computer system chirruped to signify that there was either a ship on an intercept course, or that they were being hailed. Just after this, Erin came on the comm system saying, Could either Casshern or Oracle come up here, as neither me nor Richard know how to proceed, Thank you.
At this Casshern went up to the cockpit to find out what was happening......
Kane Lives!
KinSlayer & The Elites
Chapter 7
Upon getting to the cockpit, Casshern checked the sensors to see what type of ship was approaching, and to see if it was friend or foe. As it got closer he noticed that it looked similar to themselves, just a lot smaller. At this point, the rest of the crew arrived to see what was happening.
What is it? A friendly ship, or another one who wants our asses for trophies on their mantle-piece? asked O'Neill. In reply, Casshern said I'm not sure. It could be Alliance. Either way we will probably have a fight on our hands. Teal'c answered saying, Then we do indeed need to contact Commander KinSlayer. At this, everyone just looked at him. Er, Teal'c? asked Jackson, you are aware that KinSlayer has a rank or title? In reply, Teal'c just said Indeed.
Just then, Oracle said, I have Serenity on the phone. I have told them about the incoming ship, and I have asked what they advise we do. Apparently it is an Alliance Interceptor, which is also the same type of ship they thought we were. Alex has said that he is coming back now, and that we.... At that he entered the cockpit, and continuing said We are going to say that we are an escort for the Serenity, and that we are also from an Earth Secret Service. Deon then asked, What if they don't believe us? Looking at him, KinSlayer replied Well, if they don't believe us, you get to play with the weapons again....Just don't use that torpedo.
Then, facing the front of the ship, he said in a commanding voice, Open a channel to the Alliance Fighter! and immediately the Alliance Commander appeared on the screen, who promptly said Unknown vessel, you are violating Alliance Space. Identify yourself, or we shall consider you hostile and open fire. Sliding up next to KinSlayer, O'Neill said quietly Friendly sort, ain't he? Stepping forward from O'Neill, KinSlayer cleared his voice, and replied to the Alliance Commander, This is the Earth vessel, Raptor. I am its Commanding Officer. You may call me KinSlayer. We are on official business, escorting this Firefly class transport vessel, and therefore it comes under the protection of the Earth Organisation known only as 007. Although we come in peace, we will not hesitate to defend ourselves, should the need arise.
A stunned silence fell upon both vessels, as the information was processed. After a short time the Alliance Commander asked, Where did you say you were from? There hasn't been any contact with Earth for over 500yrs, so tell me....How can you be from Earth? In reply, KinSlayer said, 007 are a secret Earth Organisation, and yes we are all from Earth, although this is our first visit out here. After muting the channel to speak with his other senior officers, the Alliance Commander came back and asked, Where are you headed to? The answer came, Persephone. Next the Commander said Fine, but to land there, you will need credentials to make sure that you aren't from a criminal gang.
Nodding, KinSlayer stepped towards Oracle, and asked has Serenity sent us any details? Confused, Oracle checked the Incoming Communication logs and found the access details. Upon receiving this, Oracle forwarded it to the Alliance Commander, who recoilled in shock. I...I...I'm sorry Admiral. I meant no disrespect to you or your mission, sir. With a few of the crew chuckling to themselves, KinSlayer replied, That is alright Commander, we don't usually have to show our credentials. It can be a shock to the system. Will you let us continue our mission now? Immediately the Interceptor closed the channel, fully powered its weapons down, and started to back away from the Raptor.
Looking back at everyone, KinSlayer said, Well, I think that went better than any of us could have wanted. O'Neill replied, 007? Why not call yourself James Bond as well, and be done with it? Before KinSlayer could give an answer, an alert started sounding on Casshern's console. That Interceptor is attempting a scan of Serenity and it looks like they are going to try and board them. he said in a worried voice. What? said KinSlayer. So much for it going well. replied O'Neill. Walking over to Deon's console, KinSlayer could see the Interceptor flying closer to Serenity, as though to complete a close scan and board it. Arm up. Load the dual-homing missiles. he ordered, Aim them near the wings of the Interceptor. We want to scare them, not hit them.
Leaving their missile bays, the two missiles streaked across towards the Interceptor, their flaming trails following about 30 yards behind them. A few yards away from their intended target, they split from each other, and detonated on either side of the Interceptor's wings, making the ship visibly shudder with the shock-waves. KinSlayer then ordered Open a channel to that ship! When the Commander came on the screen, KinSlayer said angrily How dare you attempt to board the ship we are escorting! Doing anything to a ship under 007 protection is grounds for immediate termination, so tell me. Why should I let you live? At this Deon armed every weapon with everything aimed at the Interceptor.
Upon seeing the fully armed Raptor with it's claws unfurled, the Commander said My apologies sir. But the ship you are escorting is carrying contraband cargo. New alliance rules dictate that all ships carrying such cargo are to be impounded and their crews held for questioning. Unnerved, KinSlayer answered sternly, The reason that Serenity has that type of cargo is because 3 of our agents are being held against their will, and that cargo is our bargaining chip. Allowing the Commander to absorb this information, he continued, Rescuing these members is only part of our mission, and I will not let anything or anyone get in the way of it's completion, so either you stand down, or prepare for your execution. After a short silence the Commander asked What do you intend to do with the contraband cargo after you get your agents back? . In reply KinSlayer said That is not of your concern, but I assure you, it will not enter into circulation within the population.
After a bit, the Commander said Fine. I will let you go. But only because you could take us out without trying. At that, the Commander closed the channel, turned the Interceptor around, and flew away, leaving the Raptor and Serenity behind. So.....your idea of diplomacy is to threaten everyone and hope that they don't call your bluff? asked Jackson. Turning to him, Deon answered, Who's bluffing? After powering everything down, and sending a message to Serenity, both ships plotted a course to Persephone.
Once they were under way, and nothing could be seen on the sensors, KinSlayer opened a communication channel to the Serenity, Mal, as mentioned to you while I was on your ship, I offer an open invite to you and all your crew to come aboard this ship. We do have certain advanced technologies over here that will enable you to transport without having to dock, or using your shuttles, or even for someone to steer your ship while you are over here. he said. Before Mal could answer, Keylee was heard to say Can we Capt? Huh? Can we? With a sigh Mal said Ok we will go, but only because Kaylee wants to see how that engine of yours ticks. We are all ready for transport. With a nod to Erin, the entire Serenity crew were beamed over to the Raptor, and at the same time, Casshern manoeuvred the ship in front of the Serenity so that a tractor beam could be placed on it for towing purposes.
A few days later, the two ships were above the planet Persephone. While Oracle scanned the surface for the 3 who were missing, the Serenity went down to the surface to speak to their contact Badger. 20 mins later, a communiqué came through from the surface, Err....Kinslayer? We may have a problem down here. Badger is sayin' that Niska is here. Now I don't fancy meetin' up with him, so that he can continue his electrocution. said Mal.
Looking at O'Neill, KinSlayer replied, No worries, we have both the resources and skills needed for an assault on Niska. Just give us a little time to get ready, and we'll join you on the surface. After a short period of silence, Mal said Well....Alright then, just don't be too long, as Badger is getting' fidgety. After closing the channel, KinSlayer assembled everyone in the cargo bay. After everyone had assembled together, KinSlayer said It appears that we will be assaulting the area on Persephone where our friends are, as they are being held by captive by a certain crime lord known as Niska. Now this guy is known for brutal torture....and he enjoys it.
O'Neill interrupted saying You mean he gets a kick out of it? Makes me remember my time with Ba'al......Why haven't them....Alliance guys stopped him? Looking at him, Casshern answered, Something tells me that whatever force the Alliance sent after him, he would be several steps ahead of them, and would probably kill them before they knew it too.
Continuing, KinSlayer said Now, from what Mal has told me, our best bet would be to surprise them by beaming in, and assaulting the place, with myself, Casshern and Deon, taking the lead, as we can deflect most of the bullets with our armour. Flash-bang and smoke grenades are allowed, but no others will be allowed, considering the amount of innocents that could be in the area. Tealc, I don't think you will be able to use your staff, due to lack of space, but, I would advise taking it, just in case. For us in front, we will move in a V formation taking all of the flak sent our way.
After the briefing ended, each member of the teams got themselves ready for the rescue mission. After a search through the computer, each of Kinslayer's team got the ideal weapons and equipment that they would need ready. KinSlayer chose a few rare and prototype weapons, as well as a special dart gun that fitted to his right wrist-blade, which upon being fired successfully at it's target, would instantly transport it's target to the Raptor where Inara and Book were waiting to receive whoever transported aboard.
Before O'Neill's team transported down, he gave KinSlayer's team a zat gun each, just in case they needed to subdue any enemies where it was too risky to fire, seeing how they made no noise when fired. Thanks Colonel, I have always wanted to use one of these. Thanked Casshern, smiling.
After first, beaming O'Neill's team down to the surface, KinSlayer sent his team down, with the words Don't worry. We'll find them and bring them home. But what did Niska have in store for both the rescuers and the hostages?
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