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Thread: 101 Dalmatians

  1. #1
    DefectIVE, Not DefectING Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    101 Dalmatians

    I mentioned 101 Dalmations on my Facebook feed, because I (actually Luca, my dog) is knee-deep in puppy. She currently has 6, but I am almost positive that she's not done.

    Anyway, I was wondering if you all found all 99 puppies in Kingdom Hearts. And why were they put in Treasure Chests?

    Personally, I have never found all 99. I have come very close with 90, but could never find the rascally nine. They are still locked in the Chests somewhere.

    I hope they have food in the chests, or else they will have to rename the movie 92 Dalmatians.
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  2. #2
    « Intermittent Presence » .A²'s Avatar
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    The ones you're missing are probably in Monstro.
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  3. #3
    Khiraxi KoFF's Avatar
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    Or floating high in the air on tiny platforms around Hollow Bastion. There are a few star-shaped platforms hidden away in small elevator path rooms that require you to cast Gravity magic on them to be dropped.

    I had the perfect image for this thread about the consequences of locking the pups up in chests but I can't find it anymore >_>. One word, Atlantica.

    And yeah, got the dalmatians. They are a must to find in every playthrough, lol. I don't think they are terribly hard to find though, although I remember being confused with the floating platforms in my first playthrough. Hunting puppies and Trinity marks in KH <3

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