Who will you choose and why?
I hate how Serah runs, so likely Noel. But I don't really like him that much either. Is the Flanbulance an option? =\
Who will you choose and why?
I hate how Serah runs, so likely Noel. But I don't really like him that much either. Is the Flanbulance an option? =\
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Noel!!!!!!!!! He makes a better conversation. Although, I didn't use Serah at all except when Noel died in battle. I do like Serah's weapon(s) though.
One thing I did like was that the battle didn't end when the party leader died. That was a major dislike of FFXIII.
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Not sure. I will probably switch it around from time to time, for variety and interest. Otherwise I imagine me mainly going with whomever I am given as a default leader, similar to the way I played XIII (before post-game).
In the demo I switched around too, but Noel was the default choice and I ended up using him the most.
~And in the Hand was clutched a Crystal~
Probably Serah, recurring character and all. It doesn't matter too much for me though.
Noel I think. It doesn't matter really, they both seemed equally interesting/boring in the demo.
Played through with Noel, will do the same in the English version, just felt like more of a leader
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Serah!I love being the females
^Made by Tinychikn
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Make sure to use those smilies otherwise full blown arguements can start!
I take Serah, too. Her weapon is wonderfully designed and a welcome return of the bows to Final Fantasy. Besides, her outfit is bootilicious! 8D
In The Shadows Beyond The Infinite Reaches
The Beginning: Eternal Love | Chronicles of Exigo: The Fall of Spira
Chrono Night | Semotus Stella
Fayth 2004年3月2007年8月Flawless 2007年8月2014年3月
Haven't switched from Serah all game. I just don't like Noel. I don't feel any sympathy towards him.